HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-11-18, Page 4'4A -- All relay subject to k)! yOlf [i)llvefl !!C( verification ��" ALL DEPOSITS INSURED WITHIN LIMITS Se v,!!! (loop N? FULL CUT . ROUND S EAK— LB L ORDER YOUR FRESH PORK SIDE RIBS - LB. FRESH TURKE"' CHRISTMAS CHICKEN BREASTS LB. 9 STORE SLICED SIDE • BACON ' LB 2.69 ,CHEESE TRAYS, NO • FOR CHRISTMA Town to advertise for deputy -clerk The Town of Seaforth will advertise for i Deputy Clerk to replace Luanne Phair, ... who finished Friday after five years in the ,town's employ. She takes up the Clerk - Treasurer's position in the Village of •" Hensall. The Deputy Clerk will assist in the •per- formanee of all statutory duties of the Clerk-.Treasurer,attend and record meetings of the council, including the preparation of minutes, and assist in the day-to-day operation of, the municipal office Completion of or enrolment in the AMC- • TO MunicipaLAdminstration Course will Councillors be considered an asset. The job will pay $18,000 to $25,000 depending on experience. "An advertisement will appear in The Ex- positor; The London Free Press and The Toronto Globe and Mail. The deadline for applications •is November 27, and' inter- views will be conducted December 5 by council's Finance and General Govern- ment Committee. CONSIDER COMPENSATION • " Town Council has . approved a recom- mendation from • its Finance and General Government.cominittee that no extra com- pensation be provided to Tom Lemon this ---years forAtie-extra-work-and•duties-he-has- assumed .relate.d to Economic Development. After review.of Mr. Lemon's annual report for the term ended August 1987, it was recommended by. the town ad- ministrator that some type of eompensa- tion be given him for the extra work he has assumed: Committee members felt" Mr. Lemon's contract should not be renegotiated and noted no • funds were budgeted for such an expense in Economic Development. The matter is being refer- red to the. Economic' Development portion of the 1988 budget. BRIEFS. SUPPLY TICKETS Town Council has agreed to. supply each town employee and each member of coup- eil with. one ticket to the Business Improve- ment AssocIation's Christmas Dinner and Dance. • The gesture is being made as council's part in participating in a Christmas party for and staff. The tickets are on sale for $12.50 each. • • JOB EVALUATIONS ' The Town of Seaforth has been advised that according to legislation, all municipalities will be required to develop a pay equity.plan foreach unionized group and each non -unionized , group in the. municipality. Municipalities have two years to complete the plan...• That plan would have to: identify female pre -dominated jobs and male pre- dominated jobs; use, a 'gender -neutral job evaluation system to compare the female jobs to male jobs to determine whether.. -_there_is.equity_pf ta1ue;_identify_the wage gap to be adjusted where there are jobs of equal value; document the findings, post the plan and transmit it to the pay equity commission and make the necessary wage adjustments: Town Adminsitrator Jim Crocker` said he will be attending meetings' on'thePay Equity Plan, but added he'd like to do the plan in house, if at all possible. • "It it proves to• be an insurmountable thing, then we'll try another look at it;" he said. Enquiries of consultants to date set range of. $1,000 for review of the plan to F FIC! ENI Seaforth Town Hall Porch FRIDAY, NOV. 20 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - 4:30 p.m. THANK YOU To the people listed below, and to everyone involved in any way with the Town Hall Project, we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you. General Contractor JIM HOLLAND CONSTRUC ION 527-0717 O ta1A■■Maalai a'a flay■so ya a®ra.e.® --Inc rvLLvrYII 4.0v111IKMc,wr3 Wood Spindles, Special Woodvrork, Doors OESCH W'OOi W Bldg. 101, 3rd Ave., Vanastra YW/tKt r'LLAULP RKING 482-7657 IV MAIM BUN PARTOF THIS PROJECT:—' Excavation - JOHN H *MAIN CONSTRUCTION LTD, 98 Main St., Seaforth 527-1253 Carpentry Slate Roof Installation DEN CHAPMAN LARRYSROOFING Licensed Carpenter 9 527-0228 ._.,_ Walton (OWNERLARRYPOTOCNIK) ..._. _._ 387-973 8 Building Material Glass Work HOFFMEYER'SMILL SEA•I:ORTH LTD. D D GLASS 112 High St., Seaforth 527-0910 1st Ave., Vanastra 4824869 Paint t~ontrete HILDEBRAND PAINT PAPER -- .HY#TEST READY MIX LTD. 15 Main Si., Seaforth 527-1880 420 Bayfield Rd., Clinton 482-3431 Sod 8 Design Assistance Designer Architect Project Supervision Architect Jamet` argil __�i Nick Hill . ChrM.,. � dor - 1 Egmondvdle .. St. John, New Brunswick 66 Victoria St, N., Goderit 524-5313 mayor Alf Rase *Jim Crocker and *toff for their co-operation and guidance •Building tnspocfOt Herman Van Matruh SPECIAL THANKS TO: •tbw'n of Seaforth Works Diipartment •Seaforth• PLUG •Provincial Wrath* of Citizenship odd C'uiture *Heritage Can'a'da' and Term Lemon rSeaforth Heritage Fund •And- to everyone for their patience during eonstructian • $6,000 forfull consulting services. There was some discussion the AMO .(Association of Municipal Officers) could do the plan for around $2,500, but 'that. figure; was not a solid one, and some coun- cillors were worried AMO was not, yet pro- ficient at developing the plans. "I. don't think they (AMO) are experts yet, and I'd hate to be their guineau pig, then have to turn around and do it all over again if they didn't get it right," said Coun- cillor Bob Dinsmore. "I believe it should be left to a profes- sional to do," said Deputy -Reeve Hazel Hildebrand. A decision as to exactly how council will tackle this legislated requiremenbwill be reached at a later date. •• • CLARIFY TITLE Town Clerk Jim Crocker will meet with a representative of the Seaforth Lawnbowling Club to pursue the matter of obtaining a court order to clarify title to the club house property. That after a sub search of the Lawn Bowling Club indicated the deed may not have been transferred to the ;Town of Seaforth in 1891 as the current assessment roll indicates. The bowling club brought _the matter_ .to Sheattenti mnf the_ciert. ADDRESS CONCERNS The Town of Seaforthhas adopted a recommendation from its Town Clerk that the Huron County Planning Department address each of a number of concerns rais- ed by Exeter and Goderich and report on them toall local muncipalities. It was sug- gested Gary Davidson, Huron County's. Director of Planning be invited to attend •the December meeting of council •to pro- vide further information on the matter of - delegation of authority: Jim Crocker said he„had attended a plan- ning workshop in Goderich put on by the Huron County Planning Department, where members of the planning depart- ment spoke on the benefits of delegation of approval authority to the County of Huron. I would agree there are advantages to delegation, however, I would question if - those advantages are enough to outweigh some of the potential disadvantages iden- tified in the concerns expressed by the. Towns of Exeter and Goderich,” he commented. "In my 11' years as clerk, the Town of Seaforth has enjoyed an excellent relation- ship with the Huron' County " Planning Department, and also in that time we have experienced no problems with the current approval process."' Mr. Crocker did however, note he was concerned about the "very real possibility that some decisions^ maybe made for political reasons and not based on planning •• principles." He said he believes enough concerns have been raised by other municipalities that the request by the County of Huron should be delayed until further informa- tion is provided by the County to the local municipalities, EXTENDED DRIVE • The town's Transpprtation and,Environ- ment committee is consulting with the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications (MTC), about accepting dedication of a sub -standard road to'the new health centre and using the muhicipa1 reconstruction program to gradually bring the road to full standards. There was concern there would be, no main road.tenance subsidies if the Town ac- cepted the dedication of a sub -standard The executive committee of the hospital board advised the town's Transportation and Environment Committee the tender to construct the new health centre had been awarded to Smith Construction which also included the northerly extension of Centen- nial Drive approximately 200 feet. The ex- ecutive committee requested the town con- sider accepting the dedication of the road- way prior to construction and asked them to construct the roadway themselves. It . was noted the town's five year projection for capital road projeets•is for reconstruc- tion of deteriorated roads leaving the municipality with no funds for other road work. The tender specifications were for • an 18 inch gravel roadbed which did not in- clude curbs, sidewalks, paving or drainage, but the town noted no MTC Sub- sidies were available for the construction of new roads which would snake a municipal project twice as costly. The town was also unsure of maintenance Sub- sidies if it accepted dedication of a Sub- standard road. FIX STREET The Town of Seaforth is prepared to share with the Township of Tuckersmith any maintenance costs for repairs to George Street South in Eginondviile. That street was used as a detour route during the installation of the stortn.drain in Egmondville. With the increased traffic, including heavy truck traffic, the road sur- • • face has deteriorated. A county engineer has been asked to examine the toad sur- face and give his opinion on the road condition. UNUSED HOLIDAYS The town has agreed to pay John Forrest and Doug Anatett for one week of unused holidays each, with the understanding that in'the future all holidays must be taken by employees. To accomodate all holidays it was suggested Public Works employees schedule their holidays to start earlier in the year. POOR ATTENDANCE The next recreation conference will not be held until 1990, a result of poor atten- dance at this year's event: Only 16 people, including five from the recreation eonutlit- tee itself, attended the event Although members if the town's Recrea- . tion.Committee said they felt the idea of a conference was good, there wasn't enough interest to justify it as an annual t entt0re.' M a• result the cotntnittee decided to host its next conference in three years, then re= evaluate the situation and decide whether or not to tontinne With the conferane'es, and how frequently. OUTDOOR RINK The Seaforth Recreation Eornmfttee has approved in principle the idea ofan out= door skating rink in Victoria Park, but is having trouble tent/hieing Members of town council of its feasibility, • , Members were concerned about the sloping grade of the park and the possible pooling of water on the rink. They were Tura to page 5 • •