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The Huron Expositor, 1987-11-11, Page 8
8A — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 11, 1987 „._Disciplin'e---problern442---beLaddresserJ�.._� In the last two weeks the Seaforth ing with the team were overlapping into his • Williamson, adding they didn't want to keep Centenaires have lost a coach and gained a personal life and he thought it was time to . pumping money into the team if the players new one, as ex -head coach Doug Anstett quit get out. He said he likes coaching, but for couldn't make it to practices and games on the team, and Graham Nesbitt agreed to now thought it was the best thing to do. • time. The executive found nobody wanted help fill the gap. "If I stepped down it might shock them in- the team to fold. Mr. Anstett gave the news to the team ex- ' to doing something. Or they could find so- "I think things are goingto geta whole lot meone who could motivate them or put up better," he said. ecutive following the severe beating the with it," he said. ,team took in Brussels on October 28 when The executive also asked who the players they lost in The ex -coach said it was Mr. Anstett told the. team executive he would like for a coach. Among several of the sickening to the way adidn't think the team should fold; and said names high on the list was that of Graham • and addednthe watchplathe way the sre team to actedcare he wishes the team luck. Nesbitt. Mr. Nesbitt was approached and After Mr. Anstett's departure assistant agreed to help out. Because he came into the whether the team won or lost coach Marty Bedard was left with all the season late Mr. Nesbitt will not be able to But it was not ..a single bad game that coaching duties. But, because of other com- give a full commitment of his time, because dr -o -v Mr__Anstett_to_resign._He_feltshere_mitments-he-will-not-be.able-tomakeit teall__ of_other_demands,—but- ill—share-the— has been a discipline problem on"the team the games.' So a replacement had •to be coaching duties with Mr. Bedard. far a long time, and for the team to carry on found,- The executive met with the team A fairly new resident of Seaforth, having the way they were was not fair to the team, Wednesday night after practice. come here two years ago, Mr, Nesbitt, who the executive, or the fans. - "We went in there to see if they wanted.to is the arena manager has seen most of the Mr. Anstett said the problems he was hav- play' hockey," said executive president Ron Turn to page 14 • Queens annihilate C. • . ommer•cial 9 - QUEENS 9 - COMMERCIAL 1 to Sandi Fremlin. Sandra Wilson, has great - WINTHROP 2 - ROY use two minutes into the first half of the Irrepressible Cathey Monk showed great ability as she travelled up the ice to provide • J a pair of goals. Her aggressors were Heidi ' game and Chuck Dow was in the right place Elliott and Glenda Howson. An isolated shot at the right time to blast one by the opposing p came from Sharon Whitefield to end the goalie. The teatottling technique came from e e stick handling and inspirational ball control as she remarkably gobbles up four points. She inherits her goals from Brenda Empy, v v Audrey Sniuth-andrumors-haveit.the-goalie ,seor. at_an.-_eveu_.ha1t_ dozen. The Perth _ John _Hamilton a d th ' _- li b ALS 1 iUROu-PERT N,c.S.S,B. 41111I0R' GOYS .FIRST TOP RUNNERS - St. Patrick's School in D'tiblin captured the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board's Junior Cross Country Running championship held recently at Benmiller. Members of the award-winning team are, from left, Darrel Cronin (sixth), Scott Vosper (seventh), Patrick Cook (second), Riley Brennan (27th), Bill Ryan (26th) and Adam Roser (20th). Mcllwraith photo. Norah Eckert,put her two cents worth in. ladies had agonizing chances but were lack- 1 e o sir own gof st ha g g Dearing. With 51 seconds left in the first half ing a little allegretto. Steve Knight televised a tempestuous shot Next Week: November 11/87 -..9 p.m. into the. net, Our Neil Mitchell switched - Queens vs Parr Line, 9:50 p.m. - Perth vs Jr. channels and teletyped - up 'his own Farmers and 10:40 p.m. . Winthrop vs technology with a fancy shot to the net. It's a Another outstanding performer was Jean Haggitt leaving her insignia in the net for three points, assisted by Janice Vivan, Teresa Finlayson -and Marg Henderson. For ' the Commercial a superb goal was ac- complished by Janice Carins as she and Bev Shea were a twosome all the way down the ice. A great achievement which made their night. . WINTHROP-6 - JR. FARMERS 0 • Deb Murray is in the spotlight for Win- throp this week and inexpressible describes her performance as she scores three goals.' Immense credit goes to Susan Hulley who set her up three times: Finally these sisters team together and Norah Eckert achieves the point as, the adopted one, Betty Boops, delivers the important .pass. Donna Arts was very hospitable with a hullabaloo after scoring a haughty goal. Those Jr, Farmers have great spunk and create havoc on the ice. Hooray for those Farmers. PARR LINE 6 - PERTH 0 Joan Henderson .was top scorer for Parr Line with four goals. Consideration goes out CHILDRENS TAP. DANCING BEGINS SATURDAY, NOV. 14 at the . Seaforth 8. District High School with INSTRUCTOR, PAM NESBITT 4 to 7 years - 9 - 10 a.m. 8 years and up - 10 - 11 a -m.. REGISTRATION FEE For the 8 week program is 30.00 per child. Family of 3 or more will receive a discount of 10.00 TO REGISTER • Come to the Recreation Office located in the Arena or cal( 527-0882 Commercial. MEN'S BROOMBALL GRADS2-RATS1 These two teams battled back and. forth, until finally the Grads took the lead. Rick Archambaltwas a knockout this game as he twice slides the ball along the .ice 'and slithering past the goalie. Jim McLagan, Adrian Wydeven and Mike Vandenheuvel were his managers. For the Rats, Richard Verberne is like. a new image on the ice. The majority of the team have waited for his true talent -to appear' and now it's here. Thanks goes to Randy Wilson for the pass. Let's give.Eddy an_AH! Now he has to buy a new BROOM. DUMPERS 9 - RAIDERS 0 - It's like a repeat for the Dumpers asthey seem. stuck on the number nine. Brad Finlayson you are a lucky person this even- ing scoring a,hat trick, thanks to Bill Daie who set up the passes. Tem .Burke, a familiar face, still has the knack of scoring two totally awesome goals with a toast going out to Gord Henderson. Dale Kennedy took a toe hold and snuck -one by the goalie. The theme play came from Dennis Murray. Frank Flanagan drilled a shot from two feet in front of the opposing goalie and scored, Gord Dick had a breathtaking shot after he paused and looked for an. open corner to score. Poor Mike Regier was up and down rolling all over making saves, nevertheless the odd one got by. There's always next week Raiders! AUTO PARTS R SUPPLIES FULL LINE OF AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES for all makes of cars & trucks (FISHER SUPPLY, SEAFORTH /527-1707 11 GOOERICH ST. E. 527-1670 �� scaled m nowum,e Motors Bunotnq Water WetI DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil Dur1 Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 MEMORIES �� � AND RE�EtV$ $ Qi1F1CN�' OUpq N CkEDE1S*11114 E $R1Nr'TNISCAR©g* Faj$QACKAGE CNptISSMAs OF cOMP�rictuoeo "•d o� � 1 .PHpTOSN lam/. se O'er 1 , -- 17 Full Colour Professional Quality Portraits $9M95 ON DELIVERY $2.00 SITTING FEE PEA PERSON PACKAGE OFFER 3 - 5x7' 2.3i/2x5' 12 - WALLET SIZE' • •APPAOX.MEASUREMENTS Poses Our Selection. Additional portraits at reasonable prices with complete package. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. FAMILIES WELCOME ONE -OFFER PER FAMILY THURS. NOV.RI. IV 12 13 spm 10 am-bpm lbarri- _.. SAT. 14 lOarn-4:36pm 43 -MAIN Si., SEAF'OR'TH blessing Brian McGavin and Brad Campbell were on the ice at the time of these goals. MUSTANGS 1- RUSTLERS O A good clean game to watch, unfortunate- ly the Mustangs came into the lead having only 6 minutes remaining in the second half. Ted Keller, a loner on this goal, blasted it from- the blue line to find he . injured som p t scored somebody's ankle in the rocess bu nonetheless. Many changes were'surpassed by the Red Rustlers who never got a break. PARR LINE 1- KNIGHTS 2 Mark Schoeal sure had the Knights fooled for an instant as he swathed a path down the ice -to score a sweltering goal. Great passing from Wayne Pollock and Paul Gibbings. This man should be a Marathon runner as he swaggered repeatedly on down the ice to score, Lawrence Vink was credited for this showing. Without this person there would be no class, right? Joe Dorssers followed through like a pendulum and ticked the ball straight into the- net. -His pass came from Paul Nyenthuis and Doug Eidt. Next Week: November 12, 1987 — 7:30 p.m. - Egmondville vs Winthrop, 8:20 p.m. Parr Line vs• Chiselhurst, 9:10 p.m. - Red Rustlers vs Grads, 10 p.m. - Mustangs vs Raiders, 10:50 p.m. - Knights vs Royals. Dumpers sit out. Novice hockey - The Seaforth Novice hockey team played their first scheduled game against Blyth on ,Thursday and came out on top, The first period saw both teams playing hard and fast with neither team getting on the scoreboard. Mark Van Doostarted things off for Seaforth in the second period with assists going to Charles Robertson and Pat Grid- zak. Less than two minutes later Mark Van High bowlers Taum Bannon upset the high bowlers by knocking down a 138 to take high single in YBC bowling with Kevin Barry on his heels with a 136. High girls went to Carrie Bannon at 100 and Heather McMillan with a 96. High Doubles had Kevin McDonald hitting 260 while Kevin Barry got a 239.•High girls was still Carrie with 183 and Heather at 159. High averages are Kevin McDonald with a 110 and Kevin Barry at 107. Girls averages are Carrie,Bannon with a 95 and Heather McMillan at 82., Standings are Bulldogs 25, Snowballs 22, • California Cuties 15, Bluejays 12, and Star - fighters 8. High Sunday bowlers are Bantams Noelle Thompson 118, Joe Kenny 115, Juniors season opener in Clinton on Friday night. On the Bantam team are Jeff Weber, -Monica-Ryan-177;--Robbie-Holmes-163-and- - -- The -first goal of the,game was -scored -by- Jason Patterson,Jeff Gemmell,.- lay.Mur- Paul McLiwain, assisted by Ray Murray. ray, Mike Murray, Jason Horan, Paul Other goals went to Mark Smale and Kevin McLlwain, Kevin McLlwain, Jason McLiwain each with two, and James Wiibee Schoonderwoerd, Jason McNichol, Brent and Ray Murray with one goal each. van denAkker, Michael Boven, Karsten Assisting on the goals were Jason Carroll, Ted Sills, Brad Schroeder, Jamie Schoonderwoerd with five, and Mike Mur- Wiibee, Jasen Muir, Doug Campbell and ray Ted. Sills, Kevin McLlwain, Karsten Mark Smaie. ee game. back and torth The Pee Wee" hockey -'team travelled to 'Palmerston for an exhibition game. The game was back and forth on the ice and also on the scoreboard. Great team work saw Seaforth come home with their first win with the score 8-6 in their favor. Goals went to Brian Little, Mike Coyne, Ken Hildebrand, Rob VandenHengel, Brian Melady, Kalen Carroll and Jason Beutten- miller. Assists 'went 'to Ken Hildebrand, Steve Hicknell and Jonathan Hugill. All the lads played 'a hardgame. On November. 7 the. Pee Wees were at home to Milverton. In the first period —Seaforth wasthinking-body-not-pack--and-- --- Milverton scored the first two goals. The se- cond period was a little faster and Seaforth got on the scoreboard. They came within one of Milverton: In the third period the boys travelled up and down the ice' playing some real hockey. Good passing and good checks were made. Seaforth tied Milverton with a score of 4-4. Scoring for Seaforth were Brian Melady; Derek Gridzak, Kalen Carroll and Steve Papple. Assists went to Paul Dolmage with two and one each to Mike Coyne and Ken Hildebrand. Atom Its hit ice like pros The first game for the Atom 11 was held at Zurich on October 30. The boys looked. like pros as they hit the ice. The. first goal,was scored at the 2:51 mark of the first period by Colin Devereaux. The next three goals were scored in the second period by Steve VandenHengel with two and one by Brad. Moore. Assists went to Jason Murray and Harold Hugill. Great defense held. Zurich away until the third period when they finally slipped one past Chad Lamont at the 11:40 mark. The score ended 4-1 for Seaforth. The first regular scheduled game saw the boys travel to Brussels to play Elma Logan on Saturday. The boys started off a little slower but still held their opponents. Once they were ahead three goals and Elma Logan decided that was enough and'carne back and tied the game with three fast goals. This made Seaforth and their fans im- mensely nervous. The boysdecided then to get back to playing hockey and got another three goals and held Elma Logan. The final score was 8-5. Goals were scored by Matt Vock (2), Jeff Ryan (2), Steve VandenHengel (3) and Brad •Moore with one. Assists . went to Mike Vock and Colin Devereaux. Great work and effort was seen by each player on the team. Way to work boys, it's nice to keep the fans interested in the game. team plays to 6-1, 6-0 wins Dooren scored again, this time unassisted. Seaforth was on a roll and two more goals were scored. The third goal was netted by Chris•Marion follo ed by another scored by Shaun Anstett fro rr a pass by Chris Marion. • Aftei!iservitig°t'GVccg3gootri iplYig 15diiMties Blyth fought back and s red two minutes before the end of the period. The third period saw Seaforth keen for a big win. Mark Van Dooren scored the fifth upset ' in YBC juniors as well as Robin Scarrow at 441. High seniors were Janet at 393 and Richard with a 587. High averages, are bantams Chandra Stolar 92, Joe Kenny 102; Juniors Tracie Carter 135, Robin Scarrow 140 and seniors Janet McBeath 135 and Richard Love 216. Sunday standings are now No Name 19, Strike Force 15, Haying fun 14, Strikers 13, Eagles 12, and Spare it up 12. Most improved bowlers for October are goal, to get his well deserved hat trick, with help from Pat Gridzak. Shaun Anstett flip- ped one more in to make the final score 6-1 for Seaforth. Credit goes to Seaforth goaltenders Joahu Dietz who played an ex- celfdiEgame.7 - ° ' • On Saturday, November 7, the Seaforth Novice team travelled to Mitchell to play their second league game. Playing a few ex. Turn to page 14 • bowling Craig Harris who improved his average 29 points and Heather McMillan who improved hers 5 points on the Wednesday league. On the Sunday mixed the most improved • bantams were Tyana Stolar at 17 points and Joe Kenny 3. Juniors were Sheri Struthers at a whopping 42 points and Tom Hunt at 30. Seniors Were Sue Kuzmich at 26 points while Richard Love improved his average I3 noin`tc Bantams defeat Clinton 7-1 The Seaforth Bantam hockey team Carroll, Ray Murray, Paul McLlwain and outscored the Clinton Bantams 7-1 in their Mike Boven,- with one each. Seniors Janet McBeath 139 and Richard Love 229. High triples were Bantams Noelle with a 230, Joe with a 320, Monica at 412 for the Tigers overpower Lucan BY GEORGE LOVE The Seaforth Tigers overpowered Lucan 36.12in Men's Intertown Bowling League a tion at the Starlight Lanes in Seaforth on Saturday. Murray Bennewis led the Seaforth attack with. games of 263, 325, 257, 358 and 243 for a league leading high five of 1,446. Neil Heuer - man also had a big day with games of 271 246,x208, 316 and 278 for 1,319. George Love had high games of 262, 285 1,162. Mike Meidinger 247, 238 1,095. Roger Edwards 253, 226, 232 - 1,077 and Erich Matzold 243, 298 -1,061. Top bowler for Lucan was Don Watt with 229,240,226,228 and 254 for 1,177 pins. Roger Bennewies 251, 285 = 1,108 and Ray Hands with 223, 220, 291-1,102 also bowled well for Lucan. The final total pins read Seaforth 7,150 Lucan 6,209. Next week, the schedule shows Seaforth at Mitchell, November 21 New Hamburg at Seaforth, November 28 Zurich at Seaforth and December 5 Clinton at Seaforth. Tiger averages after nine weeks are Mur- ray Bennewies 255, George Love 228, Jack Fuller 228, Neil Beuerman 225, Erich Mat - wild 224, Mike Meidinger 219 and Roger Ed- wards 209. Atoms defeat Parkhill The Seaforth Atoms defeated Parkhill in a close checking 2-1 game Saturday. Scoring for Seaforth were Mike Devereaux from Justin Rodney and Dean Finnigan and Mike Hugill with the winning goal from Mike Devereaux and Jason Henderson. Seaforth travelled to Exeter on Sunday and defeated Exeter 4-1 in a fast paced game.Scoring for Seaforth`Were Mike Watt, Joe Murray, Steve McInally and Mike Weber.Assists went to Melee Moylan and Joe Murray.Scoring for Exeter was Steve Cook from Glen Hines and Matt Godbolt. Battle brewing amidst bowlers BY STEVE OOSTERBOSCH quished first place standings to The Sw- Ac particularly voracious battle is brewing fingers by losing all three gams to them. between Team Three and The Expos of As of November 5 the standings are as Thursday night bowling fame. follows: Swingers -51 pts, Highballrs-29 pts, This heated competition erupted on Oe- Wingers -27 pts, Team Three -21 pts, tober 22 when the Expos won two of three Expos -21 pts and Misfits -11 pts, Since the sboth.teams have earned nine i st game Neil totalled who hree games. a games over Team Three and tied thein in Ku ousts and remain tied for fourth lade, bowled233and a to J 804 for three 4 male kudos to Joanne Knights who the standin first points November 5 The Highballers relin- threeed a esecond 5g7me, and recovered a game total of 557. RECREATION PREVIEW by Marty, Bedard ate. Seaforth book club to form CHILDREN'S TAP DANCE with instruc- Public School. tor Pam Nesbitt will begin on Saturday, The Seaforth Library will be starting a November 14, 1987 and will take place at the 1300K CLUB for adults. The first meeting. Seaforth and District High School. The pro- will be Thursday, November 19 from 12 to 1 gram will last for eight weeks. Children 4 to p.m. At this meeting, you will discuss what 7 years of age will go from 9 to 1b a:rrl. and book the group would like to read. children 8 and up will dance from 10 to 11 Everybody reads the same book, then you a,m. Registration fee will be $30 per child return to a group to discuss. it. Bring your with a family discount of $10 when three or own lunch, coffee will be supplied. For more more register in, a family): To register - information on the Book Club please call drop into the Recreation Office located at Trudy Broome at the Library 527-1430. the Arena or call 527-0882, or on the first The Seaforth and District, Ringette morning of class. Association will be hosting a COACHES Saturday,N r 21 at the were tLadt s: PeggySHUFFLEBOARD 449,Rika winners ean CLINIC eat rth and Dict Community Centre. If Bakel 342Mary olean, 322. Mn: Charlie you are interested in taking this clinic Perkins 534, Theo Van Bakel 450, Stan Hillen please call Deb Rau at 5271301 after 4 p.m. 453. The Order of the Eastern Star will be NOTE: NO SHUFFILEBOAHD TODAY. hosting a BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE on Shuffleboard will continue next Wednesday, Saturday, December 5 at 10 a.rn. in the 1:30`to 4 p.m. I Masonic Lodge which is located b'elowCa'rd- The Seaforth Horticultural Society will be no Hall. hosting their POTLIfiCK.SUPPER and AN- Come out and support the local commune- Nt)AL MEETING on Wednesday, ty Organizations and pick up some November 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Seaforth Christmas goodies.