The Huron Expositor, 1987-11-11, Page 66A --u THE HURON' EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 11, 1987 SHEARS'' -HOME RENOVATIONS - Excellent Prices On • Aluminum & Vinyl Siding • Soffit & Fascia • Patio Decks • Roofing & Roof Repairs • Fire & Barbecue Pits• *Custom Design Fencing * New Additions • Roc Rooms • Replacement Windows & Doors • Storms & Shutters • Drywall FREE ESTIMATES Sales. Representative. PAUL D. MARASSE PHONE 345-2355 Long Distance Call Collect RETURN TO HIS ROOTS - Ivy Henderson of Toronto, recently returned to the house in which he was born on July4, 1890, He is shown here with Henry Mero, who along with his wife Dianne and son Mark, reside at the Lot 23, Concession '4 McKillop , Township property, Submitted photo. ranbrook womentake in craft, and hobby show • Cranbrook Correspondent Annual Hobby an Craft how on Saturday MRS. MAC ENGEL November 7 at the 'Etna Community 8$7-6695' Centre„ Clare Veitch and daughter Janet 'Of Lon- don spent the weekend of November 1 with Mr: and Mrs: Patrick Adams and family at Manotik. ,Clare remained until Wednesday. Sharon and Susan Engel, London; visited their grandmother, Mrs. Mac • Engel On Sunday. Margaret Waddell, 1:'ullarton, spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson spent the The McKillop Township Council has en- weekend—wtt-family members. in Totsn�o:—dorsed a-resolutithrpitt before them fly A number' of Cranbrook ladies took'in,the .Hullett Township. • The resolution petitions the • Ausable- Walton turkey:,Bayfield Authority to make required amendments that all member municipalitites and residents an the Bayfield portion of the'Ausable Bayfield Conserva- tion Authority be included and entitled to ap- ply for, and receive, those grants available now' to farmers in the Ausable watershed. ' ., This resolution concerns liquid manure, tanks. There is.a grant available to farmers building them in the Ausable portion of the authority, but,not to those .in the Bayfield portion. JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC •Farm Wiring . 'LTD. .*House Wiring -- !Commercial Wiring , •Pole Line Construction •Hydro Poles • , • "You name it we7/' wire it" • PHONE:. '345-2447 "24 hr, Emergency Service" John Elligsen Electric Ltd. R.R.04, Walton, Ontario,, The November meeting of the-Cranbrook Women's, Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Strickler. Seven members and four visitors answered the roll call "Name a former reeve",' The president, Mrs. Leslie Knight opened the meeting, assisted by Mrs. Donald Perrie, in the absence 'of the secretary, Mrs. Frank Workman. Mrs. Jim Hart gave the finannial report and Mpg John Vanass reported on the district Fall Rally, held in Goderich. Mrs. Leslie Knight gave a report on the Guelph Area Conven- tion held inAtwood. Mrs. Leona Armstrong, present Reeve of Grey Township, was guest speaker and all benefited from her infor- mative talk. She conducted a quiz to which many had not all the . answers. The December meeting is under.the PRO and is to be a Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Vanass, the roll call to be a gift exchange. McKillop Township endorses • Hullett resolution facilities, financial help. This help is 40 per cent of -their costs up to a maximum -of $7,500. The confusion started, back in 1983 'when many Ontario beaches were forced to close, one of which was Grand Bend. The Ministry of Environment wanted to get the beaches back open, so they talked to the 'Ministry of Agriculture and Food about beefing up the OSCEPAP payments to farmers to get bet- ter manure storage. The 'Ministry of En- vironment.gave.a lump slim of money to. the Ministry of. Agriculture and Food, which was to be given only to farmers in water- sheds that affected the beaches that were supper a success Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALf9 887-6677 - This past Wednesday 'the annual turkey.. supper at Duff's United,Church•was a.suc- cess wlren-over-400-people-went theagghin the church basement and over 100 dinners • were made up and picked up over at the manse. -7-1'8-shed-soffie fight on how suc1 8 one- sided arrangement came into existence it must first be clarified that the grant that is available to farmers does not come from the Conservation Authority; all' they provide to Farmers who are repairing or building manure storage facilities is technical help. The money comes from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; and:more specifically from a program they have called OSCEPAP (Ontario soil conservation and environment protection assistance program). This pro- gram gives all Ontario farmers, who are building or improving manure storage W.I. NOTES• • The Family and Consumer Affairs meeting of the Walton Women's Institute is planned for November 18 at theJ'tali. Gladys. Ellsmore of RR 1 Ethel will be the guest speaker and demonstrate Christmas decorations: • . Members are requested to:bring a grand- mother or a guest; could even .be- your neighbour, anyone is welcome. • • ,Solus—able farmers get an ..a7ditional grant to help keep beaches open, while Bayfield farmers have to pay for more of their own storage facilities. ' The council also dealt with building per- mits which were issuedin the amount of $126,500 in the'month of October. • The road superintendent's voucher of $80;433.12 was approved for payment, the road expenditures so far this year amount to $499,588.15. And a general voucher was ap- proved at $303,112.24. - Tile Drainage Loans at $41,800 were debentured. • MCGRATH PLUMBING and HEATING Licensed Gas Fitter SEAFORTH 527-0493 Before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. JEWELLERS for *DIAMONDS *WATCHES *JEWELLERY *FINE CHINA. •ENGRAVING SERVICE Gifts.for every occasion All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 SILLS HOME HARDWARE • DO-IT-YOURSELFERS •CONTRACTORS - Plumbing and Electrical Supplies - For All Your Hardware Needs Hardware Home Painting and Decorating Dublin, Ontario 'Textured Ceilings Airless Spraying Paperhanging Residential/Commercial- industrial Division of 605680 Ont. Inc. •Reasonable rates -Personal service -No Advance paymentsr•- •a .; •Registered Tax Consultant HARRY DENHAAN 527-0557 Expert interior & Exterior Decorating Wallcoverings Benjamin Madre Paints Window. Shades Hildebrand Paint & Paper Allyoune toremem►-r about home comfort is SYSTEMS BY/ AWar INSTALLED BY .L.JrL-1l�Li►�V L ' �rytioryo HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, %HENSAtL 'WOW/ proud to 6e your Lennox Dearer CARNOCHAN ELECTRIC Electrical Construction and Maintenance All Types 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE Gord Carnochan R.R. 2 Seaforth NOK IWO 527-2069 Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD Phone 527-0240 Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE I Jim Rroadfoot 233-7032 SEAFORTH PLUMBING at d HEATING. 90 Main St. ►�'�% BILL ;y d► HOLMAN ',/4410b- 527-0505 Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Form Supplies, Petroleum Supplies, Heating Oils —Seaforth-C-o=op 527-0770 Sun. & Mon,111111 p.m. • Tues., Wed., Thurs. till Midnite Fri. & Sat. Till 1 a,m. -,527-0180 Highway 8 near the stoplights EAT IN OR TAKE OLIT CRONIN CONSTRUCTION *renovations & repairs •additions 'soffit & fascia •siding •roofing •drywall •patio decks JEROME CRONIN (519) 345-2856 Ball & Falconer Funeral Homes Ltd. Offering DIGNiFIED SERVICE AT SOX FUNERAL CHAPEL 47 High St. Seaforth BOB and BETTY1s VARIETY & GIFTS Radio Shack A.S.0 FEATURING 527-1142 Nora' Director: Clarence D. Denomme •MICROWAVE. OVENS * TELEVISIONS • VCR's •STEREOS Your Lottery Ticket Centre OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 AM TILL 11 PM LOW CONTRACTOR PRICES ■ Full Selection Of WINDOWS -Storms -Replacement -New Construction DOORS -Entrance Systems -Mirror & Patio -Alumimum Storms RESCREENING • PLEXIGLASS ALL GLASSWORK SALES SERVICE INSTALLATION Located in Vanastra 482-7869 .DAVID LONGSTAFF Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS and OPHTHALMOLOGIST Prescriptions Filled Promptly REGULAR HOURS: Mnn., Tues., Thurs., Fri 9 - 5:30 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Saturday mornings 9-i2 TUESDAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527.1303 DOMESTIC SERVICE for • APPLIANCES • AIR CONDITIONING • COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Custom BUilt Homes Roofing and Renovations farm Buildings VERBERNE APPLIANCE & AIR CONDITIONING 345-2262 2624101 HOME SHOP PETER FLANAGAN 527`1399 McKILLOP ' MUTUAL I i INSURANCE COMPANY 91 1Tnirr til Souit,. Seaforth Orn 027-0100 __. FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES - AGENTS Durst 327-1455 McNaughton 527-1571 Graeme Craig '887-9381 • Kanter & MacEwan Insuratfcce Brokers Ltd. 524-8376 John- Wise Insurance Brokers Ltd. 482.3401 • SEW AND SAVE CENTRE' LIMITED Sewing Machine Specialists Repairs to all makes *FREE ESTIMATES •ALL WORK GUARANTEED K K N CONSTRUCTION Liquid Manure Tanks Solid Or Slatted SALES Hussgvorna, White, Singer, Eine, Jdnome lots of ' used rrt6'chines Mdsterch'orge - Visa 'Closed Mondays 149 Downie S1'. doors south of Mudsonsj STRATFORD 271.9660' Tops Barn Renovations. House F'ou'n'dati'ons & Finished Floors Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RiBEY DIRECTOR 87 GODERICH ST., SEAFORTH Phone 527-1890 Sincere and t Courteo'u's Service SEAFORTH INSURANCE' BROKER LIMITED 39 Main St.,S Seaforth ' `' •Home •Business •Farfvl *Auto *Sickness & Accident , • nVes menta 527-1610` Bus. 5271242 Res. 517-1942 T.J. DEVEREAUX B.Sc., D.C. Chiropractor , • 77 Main M. Seaforth,Ont. NO1e IWO NEW uoURS:' Mora. 8:30.12 1130.6:00 Tues., Thurs., 8t30-12 3:30.8:30 Wed-, 1Fri., Sot'. 8:30=12