The Wingham Times, 1905-02-09, Page 1THS WIN VOL XXXIY,--NO. 1722. WE STILL HAVE A, FINE COLLECTION OF You'll Make No Mistake If you leave your order for. Clothing with us. We'll be pleased to show you some nice lines of goods for Suits and Overcoals and feel certain that we will be able to satisfy the most fas- tidious taste in the natter of dress, Gents' Furnishings In this department you will find our stock complete, and up-to-date. - Great variety, fine quality, and very rea- sonable in price. A pleasure to show goods. Hoinuth Bros. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by il'aAsss Paw -enema No. 23 Victoria street. Winitbam, Oat. No witdiesses required. DOMINION BARK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold. on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ---Interest atllowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Jane and 81st Deoember each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. N, Venetone. 8oiibitor. a BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Rosea° Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,846.57. .1'rseittant-- HON Wm, Gossett. iVLoa-lareaidbnt sad 4. !t'., GienerAl manager trio surer Asaiettut den. MAAager—H. M. Warman DIR191bW00,13 Oaten BeodOeagendrle, Geo. nthefr, Cates A. i Isispebtor-8 Wiileon, 8.0114 013 ;BANSa lutenist allowed eta ctepoatte or RC.00. And tip- watrda and added to arsaoipal on Sial MAT and Istreetther each vett. *vestal Repbbtts also resew/ at enrrent mase of letterset, W. CO*ItiDDVLD, Ag ut. MM ND:DIO tlki'Ibt$sill*, t `otiailore. TO CHOOSE FROM, NOTWITH- STANDING THE O H R IS T MA S RUSE, a R. A1 Hutchison I SELL REAL ESTATE No matter where it is 1 I have for sale now some fine town property which for location and convenience cannot be excelled. It makes no difference whether you want a $50 00 building lot or a $10,000.00 farm, or any other kind of Real Estate, I want to hear from you. :rust the property you want may be on my list. I am rot only in a position to most advantageously serve the man who wants to buy a home or a farm, but 1 ani in too best possible position to servo the man who Wants to make a profitable investment. C. 4. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business •Transfer Agent, V ,e sroe-ts Brooit. • WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. The Easter Ho)l idtay. Lent begins this ear on tine 8th of March, and ends o the 22nd of April. Easter will be ou t. e 23rd of April. The last possible date t at Easter may occur is April 25th, and i is only at lona pari - ads that Easter fal s as late as tbat. In 1886, Easter came n April 26th, and it will not again fall upon that ,tato until 1942. Easter has not fallen nn April 23rd sines 1848, atm. after this year will not fall on that (lei e until MJ1G. House for Sale —Lot No. 4, on South side Maple St., on ' esy terms of pay- ment. Apniv rn It. VAttsanx ?, Solicitor for estate of W. T.A. Fishleigh, deceased. No Amgama+tion. In a recent despjtch from Brantford to the .elail andJim ire it was stated p e that, according to . report the Massey - Harris Company and the Deering Harvester Comp4oy 'were likely to amalgamate. It spears that the state - meet was altoge was based on es The Massey -Har intention of am Deering concern. cher unfounded, and jroaeous information. s Company has no Ig*amating with the NOT.OE--A11 accounts due me inert be settled at once either by cash or note as I am going on the road soon. Settle- ment may be made with Jas. G. Stewart at Alex. Young'f store. THOS. ARMSTRONG. Celebrated Her" : The lady referred • item, from the Pres , aunt of Mr. Abner ' mother of Mr. Jo 88th Birthday. o in the following on Progress, is an osens, and grand - .n Tilt, of Wing- ' ham:—"A very pie sant gathering was held on Tuesday, J nnary 17th at the home of Mrs. J. Lit le, Blair, in honor of her mother, Mr . Wm. 'Tilt's 88th birthday. Mrs. Til was born in Hamp- shire, England,1817 emigrated to Canada with het father, M . 0. Cosens and fam- ily in 1832, was ma'ried to the late Wm. Tilt in 1834, lived 3.a Heron county for three years, then eJternod to Waterloo tp., 2 miles north air Preston Cantil 1839, when they remove 1 to Blair where Mrs Tilt has resided coSnugly since. Sh is is remarkable lay of her age, her mental faetdtieH as bright as a young person, and is able o relate in a vary his- totical manner t e hardships of the earlier settlers of aterloo County, and is able to read au diabetes the modern gnestions of the d .y. Among the guests present were her :hildren, Mr. J. Tilt and Mr. N. Tilt, l 'con, Mrs. J. Bechtel, of Waterloo, Mte S. Ohluaan, Guelph, G. A. Tilt, of 231 it and Mre. F. W. Cornell, of 1 rest(, also Mrs, lir. Car. ria Guelph, ' ate. , Gne p . art d rs 0. W. Cosens, of Paisley, neiees, Mrer, B. M, Walton, of Waterloo and fre, Homer 'Watson, boa, granddattyaters. A1 I TIiVI S. WINGIIA1I. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1905, , Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers A O. P. R. J• H. Scott, and Al w Property ansfers. Through the agenc of C. 3. Maguire, real estate agent, r, T. H, Ross has sold the south halt his lot on Jose - Chine street to Mr W. F. VanStone, and Mrs, Groves ha sold her house and lot on Viotoria et et to Dor. John T. Carter, of Elyth. Mr. Carter ha= al- ready moved to W sham. Valentines—real a es --See them at Cooper's Book Resigned is Position. Mr, Jas: McGui , who has been for many years the Io !agent for the Cana- dian Express Co, s tendered his resig- nation. A petitio , largely signed by the business men the Wingham, has been sent to the ad offio of the Com- pany, asking the. Mr. F. Paterson be appointed to the vacant position, Mr. Paterson would t take a good official and the Tams would be very much. pleased to hear of his anointment. For violins, guitars, mandolins and small goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's MUSIC store. Pringle & Groves are payiny the high- est Dash prices for sheep skins, hides and tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap - man's old stand, Wingham. Purchase Newspaper. Mr. John G. Hastings, a former mem- ber of the TIMES staff, who established the ThamesviIle ar about a year ago, has sold his business to Mr. W. J. A. McGregor, a son of Mr. Duncan McGre- gor, of this town. Mr. Hastings has been forced to move West owing to fail- ing health. The Thamesville Star is a bright, newsy aper and hes a good ad- vertising patr nage. Mr. McGregor is a good workm and bas spent several months in the Advertiser office at Lon- don and. has tl best wishes of the TIMES for every sums in bis business, Men's, youth' end boy's snits and iovercoats, sold rad distributed to all parts of the con ry, and still the selling continues at the rear winter freeze out sale now going o itt A. R. SMITH'S. New County Bridges, At Goderich last week, Mr. Chas. Barber of this own:was awarded the contraot for bui' Ing the concrete abut- ments for three f the new bridges to be built in Huron c laxity during the com- ing summer. lay. Barber's contracts include the bride south of Ambnrley, one south of Lur now on the nine mile river, and the pee at Morris bank on the boundary be ween Morris and Turn - berry, Mr. Bar ler also has the contract for building the abutments for the new bridge on the gravel road south of Wingham. Thr contract for the steel work on the fir t three bridges named above has beet awarded to a Sarnia firm. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, , 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. ! Glasses supplied. NorioE—I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me and wish you all eters prosperity. RowT. MoINnoo. Burns An iversary. Piper McDonald d Miss Mabel Mc- Donald attended th Earns anniversary concert in Senile Centre, Mich., on January 25th, and he Republican news- paper in reporting he event says: --He followed folloed by iper Macdonald and daughter, the lett dancing the High- land fling in cost me, accompanied by her father on the igpipes. These two people more than contributed t,o their sliare of the prog m, and were easily second favorites t none with the audi- ence in their selec ions on the bagpipes and most excellen dancing. The toast, "Scotland's Bair " by Dr, J. W. Scott, was treated in all he breadth that the toast implied. H referred to Burns as one whose fame as so universal that it could receive no es tension; that he was the great master o' language, exponent of universal brath.rhood, and true type of manhood. TI e Speaker carefully weighted the pet i i the light of history and intelligent er titian, and his con• elusions were a hi h tribute to the great Seotchman.. The recitation, "Bairniee Cuddle Doon," yen by Mrs. (Dr.) S. W. Scott, was m t excellently rendered and fatorabljr rec Food by the audience. Dr. Scott rotate to above is a eon 4n law of Mr. Thos. Vilaon ief this town, and both he and h wife are well-known to many of our re ars. theme. auder Shaw, of alkertou; J, J, Dre and A. H. Mc- Donald. of Guelph pr visiouat directors el the Walkerton 4 oknnw Railway, seek authority to bk1d three branch lines, (1) Front Han .ver to Durban), thanes to a point on t e T. G. and E Railway between Fle berton and Dun- dalk; (2) From. Luok ow to Winghaw; (3) From Tseewater 3 Kincardine. eEEnPtAs--Jost arriv:d--: car load of Muskoka Beauties. New Assess The first aesesawe Aot of 1904 will bo ma as the changes are mo will find a good deal o the work eorreotly. assessment made in been wiped out, and a °owe tax substituted f titans changes the whi the • Assessment Act, fol tax is based upou the v there will be a strong e classes of the COW smut assessment neon realty self alone, but for the down as low as pose tax. •o. E KING. ent Law. nurser the now e this year, and drastic assessors trouble in doiug arsenal proporty rnter years has business and ta- r it. Thie prac- le complexion of as the business clue of the realty, art made by all y to have a low not only for it- urpose of getting bio the busigess Good general servant) ga rrs wanted. Apply to Mss. R. II. Cree.fcfer, Frances street. Wingham at H crriston. Oa 'Wednesday Iast Wingham Hockey Club went to Harrister to play an exhi- bition game with the teem of that town. Owing to injuries to sone of our boys at Luekuow, two juniors were substituted, but Wsugbatu wou by.. score of 4 to 2. Mr, H. C. Kat acted as referee. The gania mai i(11 with a ru ;1 , and after fif- teen =taws flxrristus scored, but soon Wingham',vatted, awl ,vere placed one ahead by (hallway befe e time was up, the firer. null eudiug 2 to 1. Harrieton carate on to win iu the Coad half, but in ten minutes Gallow y made it 3 to 1. Then Ilarriston got a pretty one past MootaNand Wilson, id things looked elms, but .Elliott was ggat to the woe- { Bion and made the seta 4 to 2 on a pass from McGillivray. 'he Wingham line- up:—Goal, Moore; Po t, Wilson; cover point, Johnston; fora ards, Galloway, McGillivray, Elliott a d Conway. On Friday Iast with, rat the services of Wilson and Harringto . , the locals took on the Mt. Forest ortheru League team, but in weight a d speed looked to have the boys in green and white beaten a mile; but looks do n t count in hockey and Winglsam made a runaway game of it in the fastest and cl anest hockey ever put up on local ice, a • i won by a score of 8 to 8. There was o rough work and only one player, Eliit, n as put off for interfering in the draw -off, Referee Theobald of Mt. For.st was a fair and impartial referee. ount Forest looked sure winners, but i about six minutes they were down 2 t • 0, Elliott and Flem- ing scoring, and after five minutes Fleming scoring a •ain, and at half time thgscore was 4 .0 2. Galloway then took a hand in, p , tting in a few nice' ones, with the r:=ultt as above 'stated, Galloway, Elliot and Fleming did the scoring while Jo • nston and Moore de- fended the nets. Up to date Wi sham has won seven games, and lost •ne—at Lucknow; the locals have eco :d 61 goals, and have been scored on 2 times. They have two shut -outs to the credit; two games had only 2 goals neo :d, and they won by 10 to 3 at Listowel COUGHS, COLDS Why let them liner ? ? OUR Laxative Gold Tablets Will break np any cold. 25c a box. Every box guaranteed. Por sale only by Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST. YV1:I,NGRAU. Nextdoer to Past 003.C6. tharloadoiriori Anniversary an Anniversary sel with the Wingbaia be held on Sunday, Dr. Gandy will p and the pastor, Re in the evening. 0 20th, au entertain Thos. J. Scott, Soo resident of Wingh program, assisted entertainment, vices iu connection Baptiet Church win ebruary loth. Rev. each sa tho morning J. N. McLean, B. A. the Mouday evening, nt will be held, when ish vocalist, a former will take part in the y local talent. WANrEn—Choice roll butt • Oo. Try our horse and cattle o, : , calf meat, and poultry meat for .: results - Oro. E. KINti. Big Snap in Bedroom Suites. We were successful in seouri • a big snap ors 10 oak suits from • o Union factory, at a clean-out pr' e, Regular $28 suite for only $20 an• 22. Remem- ber, there are only 1 ; . ey won't last long, so come early • nd get the snap. These snits are soli • oak, golden nuisn. 4 drawers in case of dresser, nicely carv- ed and fitted with a British plate mirror, shaped and bevelled, 22x28. Come and see them anyway; they will be ou sale Saturday morning, Don't miss them! SAL¢Lou Biros n BUTTON. New Market Veighmaster. At the meeting of . ;he Town Council on Monday evening change was made in connection with ,he market weigh scales in which Mr.. I. H. Bowman was appointed weighmasaar. This arrauge- meut should prove satisfactory as Mr. Bowman's place of tnsiaess is conven- ient to • the scales. The Toms was of the opinion, and we said so at the Lime, that Chief Vannorm n, With his other duties, could not .ive the scales the proper attention. Ne are pleased that the Council has .nada the change and farmers and o.bere will have uo delay in having theta produce weighed. Chief Vanuorman w 11 still have charge of the station scales. It's wonderful how we do it bn we do. Only 3 men's Canadian Raco. s Coats left, prices are $45.00, $50.00 , nd $55 00 worth $50,00, $,65.00 a t d 5.00. Also only 1 Russian Calf . .: t left, worth $25 00 for ;$20.00. i argains in men's Tailored Overcoats --piles of them—Re- gend Brand. A. R. Smelt, Chisholm Block, Old Restden Leaving. Mr. and Mrs. D. tewart, who have been residents of W ngham for upwards of 30 years leave ith the members of thoir family for their new home in Los Angles, Cal fornia, on Friday morning of this T.eek. Mr, Stewart will be much miss- d in Wingham by a ,ds. When coming e was for a number in the mercantile e years has been k. He was one of s of the Wingham rch and for some er of the Board of tewart and family .nges and new faces and they have our my years of happi- large circle of fries to this town first of years engaged business and of la dealing in live sto the active membe Presbyterian Oh years was a mem Managers. Mr. will find many c in their new horn best wishes for m nese and prosperi $Z A YEAR IN ADVANCE TOWN QQ1UNC1L. The February re ting of the Town Council was held . Monday evening, Mayor Bell bele in the chair, and Councillors Bennet cheer, Stewart and VanStone present. Minutes of previps meetings read and adopted. A cornmanioatic n was read from Messrs. McKay ea. Mahon, solioitore, Woodstock, with r ferenoe to the pro- posed Woodstock a d Lake Huron Rail. way. Filed. The Finance Com sittee recommended the payment of the atrllowing accounts: Dominion Express ar, , $ 40 J. B. Fergusou, reg. B's, Ws D's 16 00 W. Guest, salary ... _ , . 18 75 J. B. Ferguson, sale and post- age. 00 ent, .. Band 203 Electric Light depar room lights .. . Electric Light depart • ent,streeta and hall .. . ... ... .. . . .... 769 29 : A. Sanderson, snow p .wing 20 88 ; A Young, supplies 16 55 : Wm.Holmes, repairs . 5 60 J. Bugg & Son, suppl• s... 1 85 Victoria Hospital, tre:ttnent for L. Kargia, 5' days .. . ,, . . ws14 25 m Mrs. Watson, sornbbi • n fireen's room, etc 2 25 V. Vannorman, salar for Janu- ary . 42 00 Wm Gannett, pallin: booth, Ou- tario election ..... .... . ..... . 4 00 On motiou of Conn:. Greer and Stew- art, the report of he Finance Com- mitee was adopted. The Executive C, mmittee presented a report, defining th duties of the chief constable. Under he new regulation the chief is chargewith the enforce - meat of the town b -laws; the collection of poll tax, dog to nd town license fees; he is also se • tss' Y inspector, care- taker of the town all, and of the water- works pumps and pump -hoose. It is his duty to test t • e pumps and report re- pairs needed to the chairman of the waterworks co • mittee. He is also bread inspector, t x collector, and weigh - master at the G. 1 . R. and 0. P. R. scales; Captain •f the Fire Company, etc On motion of ea nus. Greer and Van - Stone, the report • as adopted, and a by- law ordered to be drafted in accordance with same, On motion of Coons. Stewart apd Beunett, By -Lar. No, 526, 1905, was passed, appointing Mr, J. H. Bowman weighmaster of thio town scales, his re. =aeration to be . wo-thirds of the fees collected by him. On motion of :oons. V anstone and Greer, By -Law Nr .327, 1905, was passed appointing town o. !icials as per resolu- tion of last meetin ; of council. On motion of Conus. Stewart and Greer, By -Law. No. 525, 1905, was passed, authorize vg the Mayor and Treasurer to bori.w money from the Dominion Bank to meet current ex- penditure. Moved by Coons. VanStone and Ben- nett, that the fee Par the opera hall for political addresses )e 92.00, to be paid in advance, the engagement to date from 416th•3••F•I••F+3••£-+••ie•Fe+•ee4 ++ You who have n it bought, put on your j specks after yon eNsmioe clothing else- '1. where, and see wh: • A. R. Smith sells so + much clothing witl only two hands, at + Ohisholm block. Canadian Pr ss Association. The annual nie ing of the Canadian Press Association as held at Toronto on Thursday and Fr ay of last week. The meeting was ver largely attended and many subjects of nterest to publishers of weekly papers ere discussed. These meetings are p oving of more interest every year and t e Association is now a great benefit to he country publisher. The usual bang t was held on Thursday evening and spe rhes of interest to the craft were doliv red by Prof. Goldwin Smith, H. P. G rdtner, D. Creighton, P. D. Ross, Hu Clark, M.P P., J. S. Williams and 3. '-s. Macdonald. Officers were elected as : Follows;—President, A. McNee, Record,- Windsor; 1st Vice Pres- ident,A. H. U. 0. lquhoun, News, Toron- to; 2nd Vice president, J. T. Clark, Star, Toronto; Seoy...reas., J. R. Bone, Star, Toronto; Assista it Secy., A. E. Bradwin, Executive Committee Che Globe, Toronto; Th(AiMercury, Ren - II, The Record, Sher- illiams, The Belle. nd F. H. Dobbin, bone'. The annual old in May or June In the above list of d the names of two esere. A. E. I3radwin r, Bone is a brother Standard Blyth. -S. F. BtoKay, W. E. Smallfield, frees; L. S. Chane brooks, Qae., D. tin, Oollingwood, The Review, Pete excursion will be to Newfoundland. ofh.cers will be for old Wingbamites,. and J. R. Bone, tai' ear townbsna , Mr. 'Ram. Bone. Messrs. W,1rt, It orison, Goderich Sig, nal; 'W. Mitchell Goderich Star; A. I3radwin, 13ilrth Standard, and. II. B. raliott, Wingba Times were present from Huron co ay, + + + 1 NEW SUPPLY Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription Medical Discovery DU -Jo The new Kidney Pill for Rheumatism. PE -RU -NA A LMcCaIl &Co. LIMITED. _ Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, - ONT .19 the time the fee is t aid; and for the use of the opera hall f. r receiving election returns the fee be 1$5.00, also payable in advance, and the- engagement to date from the time the fee is paid, In no case shall any poli-ieat party have the hall for more than roe day or one night in suoceseion.—Cairieit. Mr. J. A. Morro,,, auditor, addressed the council in reference to the auditing of the accounts of he elentrio light de- partment. He wa .tart to go thoroughly into the accounts s . as to he able to pre- sent an accurate statement Tho mem- bers of the coanril thatorht the accounts should be properi; r one into, and that will be done. Mr. A. Dt.image, the newly appointed assessor aopsare, before the council. There were some .4iauges in t ere Avsesa- ment Aet, the ass Bement of the front street properties b 'ng* wade on x differ- ent basis than for Orly. fie wished to confer with the cot ucil in regard to his duties under the w act. After some forth riuformal .1iieussion the connoil adjoin d. Celebrated Mrs. Brnwetr, 37 H. B. Elliott were day, to be present given in honor of i! 3rd Birthday. as .tirowett and Mrs. it Brussels on Tues - t the birthday party rs. Deadman of Dele- ware, who is now 1n her 83rd year, and is spending the wtgter with her son, Mr. G. A. Deadman. Che old I tdf is still hale and hearty and received many hearty congratultcions and a number of handsome presen_s. Mrs. Elliott is an ex -pupil of Mrs. lteeadnian in music, hav- ing spent her gir400d days itt Deleware. 4.4-44+++4.44.1-1-44++..e++4-1-144-44 + Wingham's Leading Shoe Store You'll hit the mark •,1#• + Yes, you'll hit the mark exactly if you'll take + advantage of this Great Shoe Opportunity You can buy Men's and 'Women's $3.oa Shoes for $3.00 any day—but you can't buy them for $2.25 any day. You can buy Men's, Women's, Boys' and Misses' $2.00 Shoes for $2.00 any day—but you can't buy them for $1.50 any day. To-Da.y You Can buy Shoes at these reduced prices. Prices are cut in the same proportion on our entire Shoe stock. Men's, Wo- men's and Children's Shoes --all are discounted. + The RLeo..son Why, it's plain. We want to close out the re- f. mainder of our Fall and Winter stock, and get ready for Spring and Summer business. We want the Mooney --- we don't want the Shoes. You mnst act quickly—for these bargains won't last long. + + + + W. J. GREER Slhoer to the People. + + 444.4.14.+44.44.+944+4.144-044.+4.4. rte+++•4-+4•44+++++4++•,f•