HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-02, Page 8S
Store News.
After our January ale we
have quite a numb of Rem-
nants of differe lines, we
will sell at (half price to clear,
for the balakl of this week.
1 lot Cashmere Hose, 2 pair for 25e
1 lot Corsets, odd sizes, per pr 13e
1 lot Odd Kid Gloves, - `Lae
1 lot odd sizes in Rubbers and
Shoes, for - - 25c•
Come early and get the best
for the 25c.
m kW,
krir Next week we will be
showing New Spring Goods.
—Regular tweeting of Camp Caledonia,
Sons of Scotland, next Monday eveniug.
--The Bijou Comedy Co, advertised
to appear in Wingham for thia week
have cancelled the eugegement. The
company found itnot a paying ventnre
toe late the ezualler theme.
—Farmer's Itietitute tneeting3 will be
held at'Teeswater on Monday, February
Lith at 2 o'clock and S o'u1olk, p tu. The
epeaaers will be W. 1'. Kidd of uiwupe
and G. Barbour, of Crosshill
—We regret to learu thatairs. Ireland,
wife of the popular G. T. R conductor,
Ktecardit e had the misfarroue of ful;iutt
down stairs last week,. She wins badly
shaken np but we hope she will soon be
all tight.
—The sum of $54,000 for harbour im
proveurente at Gttcierich is included in
the estimates submitted to the Howie of
Cuu !lions lest week. Ao(ther 82,000
for Wingham's new post office is includ-
ed its the estimates.
—The annual meeting of the Culross
Mutual fire Insurance Co., was held at
'Ceeswater last week. The receipts tor
the yen. ending Deo. 31st, 1004, were
Si 1,740pp�''51; expenditure, $11,70,5 3.t; loss-
es, $0,575.75. The Company's assets are
valued at $07,518 53. Their liabilities
amouut to $1,070.00.
—Last week's Brussels Post throws
this bouquet : —"The Wiugharu Toms
has recently entered the 34th year of its
publication awl under the utauageuieut
of H. B. Elliott is making noticeable
progress Oue of the best evidenet s of its
appreciation is the large advertising
patronage, The Post wishes the TInee
continued prosperity,"
—The ice harvest is now in order.
Valentines—real nice ones—See them
At Cooper's Book Store. '
—The regular zweeting of the Town
Council will be held on Monday evening
—Mr. James Donaldson, of Elma
township has been elected Warden of
Perth county.
—Several sleigh -loads from Wingham
Will go to Bluevale on Friday evening.
A good concert is expected.
—Mr. Alex. Orr, of the Hotel Bruns -
'wick has been again laid aside with his
.old trouble—inflammatory rheumatism.
—The professional card of Dr. R. C.
Redmond appears elsewbore. The
-doctor will have bis office with Dr. J. S.
—The Tunes is in receipt of an invita-
tion to attend the "At Home" of the
Huron Old Boys Association at Toronto,
on February rJth.
—Mr. Robt. Knox, of Teeswater, a
former resident of Wingham, is opening
a jewellery store in the stand vacated by
Mr. W. G. Patterson.
--The regular monthly meeting of
Wingham L. O. L, No. 704, will be held
on Friday evening of this week. A full
attendance of the members is desired,
—The annual meeting of the Canadian
Association of Fairs and Exhibitions
will be held in Toronto on Tuesday,
'Wednesday and Thursday, February
14th, 15tH and 16th.
—Owing to the breakage of some part
of the engine, at Biuevale, the Tuesday
evening train from Palmerston did not
arrive at Wingham until about 2 o'oleek
Wednesday morning,
—The T1Urs is pleased to learn that
Mr. D. McKinley, who has been con-
fined to his bed for some weeks is again
able to be up. We hope to hear of his
early complete recovery.
ese ••••••••••••••••••••••••
A ••
• •After ••
• ••
, Holiday ••
• Sale •
s• •
• Bargain •
•• D ay1F7. •
• ••
• Saturda•y, February 4 •
• Monday, February 6 •
•46 Tuesday. February 7 w
de •
40. "4 ~•
• •
• •
,• Th•e biggest bargains •
• of a busy not.
�; See large bills for prices.
• 'ti 4*
2 •
it COOPER 81 CO11.
+'•••••••••'• •••••••••
The i'lctien, left Weak, Noverles+t and re
Prey to !seamy Uiseitans.
Lit grippe, or iefierinze, which sweeps
over (.)tnatlaevery winter, is Probe bit;
the too' 1 treacherous disease known to
medrea1 sctenee. The attack may last
only a few nays, hut the dcrtrlle poison
its the hlood re eius• You are left with
hardly rtrent: th enough to wally Your
lcugs, your chert, )•oar heart and nerves
are p"rznauontly weakenr•ci, rind you trill
a violin to dortrily pneumonia, twelve))
iris, consumption, rheumatism, or rank•
inlz kidney' trtnrblas Ur. \N ill ia011'
Pink Pills never tell to cure the dieatit•
roti+: titter effect' of la grippe beerier -re
they purify the hl tort and sv. et p ate rev its
poisonous genas. Every dors~ parkas
now, warn!, rieh blood which brute'
health and heeling to r -veru pert
of the bony, This is proved, in 15 cast
of Miss Dorsina Langlois, of Sr 'Termite,
Quo„ who says: "I had a se ere attach
of la grippe, 1 ha after aflee s of which
left tem l'aekt+tl with psi tie it vet parr
id Inv hativ. My an to
failed me , 1 had se' erg seadaohes, was
c ut jmrt to colas Nei .1 le least exposure,
and grew so weak tint I was Mal WO to
work at zny traria as dressmaker I
tried several Medicines without tht
slightest success until a rtrne clerk art
t•in.d the to take Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills. I acted upon his advice and the
pills rapidly end completely curer, me
My strength roturned, the headaches and
crnrih disappeltred, and I aur again en•
j-trtng my old -rime health 1 ant satin•
lied that it'suintrers from 1a grippe will
use Dr \\'illiame' Pink Pills they will
speedily recover from those after a•fl'e't
wlnoh un,kes the lives of eo many people
a burden,,,
Dr. Willierus' Pink Pah., cure all the
common itilrneuts due to weak and
,canary bleed. scull aN ariasniia, 11e11d-
arhe". sideaohis, indigestion, neuralgia,
rhenmarism, aeration. nervouwneru. t_'en
ernd wea'xnets and the apeciat ailments
that grossing girls and worsen do not
to cornp'etely
like to talk about even to their doctors
When Animals Go Bad. But only the eennins pith- can do this
An animal trainer says that "uo man and yon sl)" old see that the full mine
liviug knows all about animals or "Dr. Williams'PinkPula for Pale
more than a very little about them. Pt:ople," is printed on the wrapprn
Some who are dead thought they' aground earl) box, If you cannot not the
knew. That is the reason the are direct toe pith from druggist tine
Y direct. the Dr Williams'\'VIvledirine
dead. Only those who realize their 0,s , Broekvllle Out., and they will he
ignorance and supplement it with un- mnilt•d, ;;0 ctuts a box or eix boxes fur
tiring watchfulness last long at this $2 50.
queer business that I'm in,
"Sooner or later Most animals of the -
eat kind become utterly intractable
and remain so. 'Going bad' is the
professional term for this. Barely do
they return'' to their old amenable THE SELFISH COUPLE.
ways. Henceforth they are of no use
to the
r relegated
r r elfo me s and are .
exhibition cages, for any man entering
the cage of a lion or tiger that has
gone bad is instantly attacked. This
is one of the terrors of the trade.
Symptoms of the change of heart are
apparent enough sometimes, particu-
larly in animals which are growing old.
Occasionally, however, some young
beast, formerly as obedient as you
could wish, will turn murderous with-
out cause or warning. If her trainer
gets out alive he is lucky. It he ever
enters her cage again he's a fool."—
The Noisy Birds of the Night.
All the night birds are noisy. They
cannot consort with one another in
happy companies, as do the -warblers
and thrushes and finelles, and sing and
whisper, but must call loudly and long
to one another in the darkness. Ou
coasts where petrels and certain other
night hunting sea birds abound, all
day sitting on their eggs or hiding in
burrows, you will ]tear no sound from
morning till night, but after dark the
air is filled with shrill cries. The loud,
reiterated calling of the southern.
clnu'k-will's-widow and of its northern
cousin is familiar. A whippoorwill
will sound its ery several hundred
times in succession without a pause.
Owls !root or utter a harsh sort of
laughter, rarely pleasant to listen to,
and night heruus and bitterns squawk
and boom. Sweet songs occasionally
heard in the darkness are those of
wakeful day birds, as the nightingale
or our own oven bird.—Ernest Ingersoll
in Harper's Maga'riue.
Right Living and Good Looks.
Today our great cities show propor-
tionately a higher average of dress and
general striving after personal attrac-
tiveness among both men and women
than the great cities of any other coun-
Success depends in the largest meas-
ore upon hcaltO and the personal im-
pression one makes upon his fellow
men, and properly to develop and to
maintain the "points" that make for
personal attractiveness is to develop
and maintain health.
For example, how many men and
women stop drinking and overeat-
ing because fat is fatal to good looks?
The struggle to keep looking young is
a struggle to keep in perfect health.
And what a blessing that is to the
present and all future generations!
The price of good looks is right 1h•-
ing. and the reward of right living is
health -
husbands and Wives Who Refuse to
Mingle In Society.
Selfishness is the bane of all life.
It cannot enter into life—individual,
family or social—without cursing it.
Therefore if any married pair find
themselves' inclined to confine them-
selves to one another's society, indis-
posed to go abroad and mingle with
the life around them, disturbed and ir-
ritated by the collection of friends in
their own dwelling or in any way mov-
ed to regard their social duties as dis-
agreeable, let them be alarmed at once.
It is a bad symptom—an essentially
morbid symptom. They should insti-
tute means at once for removing this
feeling, and they can only .remove it by
persistently going into society, persist-
ently gathering it into their own dwell-
ing and persistently endeavoring to
learn to love and feel an interest in all
with 'whom they meet. Tho process of
regeneration will not be a tedious one,
for the rewards of social life are im-
The heart enlarges quickly with the
practice of hospitality. The sympathies
run and take root from point to point,
each root throwing up leaves and bear-
ing flowers and fruit like strawberry
vines if they are only allowed to ILo
It is only sympathies and strawber-
ries that are cultivated in hills which
do otherwise. The human face is a
thing which should be ab'e to bring
the heart into blossom with a moment's
shining, and will be such with you if
you will meet it properly.
The penalties of family isolation will
not, unhappily, fall entirely upon your-
selves. They will be visited with
double force upon your children. Chil- Janova road, which the horse had elect-
dren reared in the home with few or cd to take. House for sale, 10 rooms, soft andhardwater,
no associations will grow up either
boorish or sensitively timid.
It is a cruel wrong to children to rear
them without bringing them into con- near Bologna, thero is a memorial tab -
tinned contact with polite social life. let iu the Municipal theater to the mein -
The ordeal through which children ory of a famous robber chieftain named
thus reared are obliged to pass in gain- 1'assatore. The reason why the die-
ing the ease and assurance which will iter is the home of his memorial is
make them at home elsewhere than un- that in it was performed his most fa-
der the paternal roof is one of the mous exploit. In September, 1554,
severest, while those who arcconstant- while one of I'tossini's operas was be -
1 l f d i the' resenee of all the
What It Cont One W,rtnen I►! Peomo
of Mod µnal Comfort.
Mary Moliepeace sat down lu her fa-
vorite chair let iter own wont and
threw her !lead back, with a long sigh,
"No words eau tell !low glad I ant
that I've made my last visit for the
summer," site said. "Now I sllnll have
WIC peace, not to mention pleasure."
"My dear!" said her mother reproach-
"I mean it," returner! !tory. "Of
course 1 like change of svelte, but 1
am tired et adapting toy whole life to
others, as I am expected to do as a
welcome guest."
"My dear!" said her mother again,
"Think how kind everybody has been
to you."
"They meant to be—they were kind,"
Diary said wearily, "yet I feel as if I
had barely eseuped with my life, and
you will admit that is not just the
right kind of after feeling.
"Let tee tell yon, mother," Diary
coutiuued. "At the Fosters' I changed
my Hours for rising, for retiring and
for eating my meals. At the Lanes' I
changed father's politics—for of course
I haveu't any of my own—to please
Mr. Lane, and I had all I could do to
keep from changing my religion to
please Mrs. Lane.
"At the Jenkins' I changed all my
views about what constitutes diversion
to salt the family in general. At the
Pages' I entirely changed my point of
view coucerning music and books. And
at the Nevins', where I was ill, I
changed my doctor and took stuff
which I felt Sure would poison me just
to please them.
"I ate cheese, which I abhor, and
gave up fruit, which I like, at the
risks'. I slept with closed windows at
Great-aunt MarIa's because she is
afraid of a breath of air, and I drank
twenty-one pints of hot water the four
days I was at Cousin Thomas' to 'flush
my system.'
"No," said Vary in a firm voice. "I
pay uo more visits for months to come.
Home keeping youth may have homely
wits, but if • I go about much more 1
shall not have any wits at all."—
Youth's Companion. •
Incident That Given an Insight
Into Itussinn Character.
A few years ago I was taking a
couutry walk in Kovno. The road lay
through a dense forest, and the day
was oppressively hot. I arrived at last
at a crossroad and sat down under the
shade of the trees to rest. A. signpost
pointed its two arms down the con-
verging roads. On one of them was in-
scribed "14 versts to Janova," on the
other "17 versts to Shadowa." Present-
ly the creaking of wheels and the slow
"clop, clop" of a horse's hoofs on the
road behind roused me. A cart piled
high with tinware was coming down
the road, with the driver perched on
the top'of the load.
"Good day, brother," I called out as
the cart, with its sorry horse, came
abreast of me. The man returned my
salute, and the horse, glad of any ex-
cuse to rest his weary legs, came to a
standstill in the middle of the road.
1 "Which way are you going?" I asked.
"To Janova. There is a market there
"But there is -also a market In Sha-
dowa," I answered, "and it is a more
important place than Janova."
! . "So it is, so it is," the driver replied,
with perfect indifference.
"What have you for sale?"
"Plenty of good tinware, as you can
see, brother. I have worked for six
weeks to make this cartload."
"Well, good luck to you and your
tinware," I said, pulling and eating the
berries within reach. "Will you take it
to Janova or Shadowa?"
The man picked up the bit of cord
which served as reins and prepared to
go on.
"I shall leave that to my horse," he
answered callously. •
The lumbering wagon moved off and
filially passed out of sight down the
he ``Bee Hive" Bi'gE1evei
It means that THIS STORE don't put on a " Drag Sale " to clear out its surplus;
of Winter Stock, but a Quick, Sharp, Big Eleven -Days' Sale with prices that.
will do the work in the time specified by the heading of this bill.
We're too busy getting ready for this Big Eleven to quote articles and
Price quotations don't mean much on paper, anyway. " It's when you change
money for our values" that you smile with satisfaction at the consideration
Store has for your dollarsllitand cents.
'This .
Everything in our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Jackets, Groceries.
and Shoes goes into this Big Eleven!
It will pay you to corse to -day, to -morrow, and every day.
the Bee Hide
Phone 96.
a.r — —
The Feeler Co..
Sore Throat and Coughs
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat
irritations is found in
Crosolene Antiseptic Tablets
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith
the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice.
. 10o. All Druggists 400
PrrEn.—In Wingham, on the 27th ult., the
o e h n Piper ;adaughter.
wife fbtpe Pp r,
Duxcnx.—In Wingham, on the 20th ult., the
wife of Jaynes Duncan ; a daughter.
Err,torT.—In Turnberry on the 40th tilt„the
wife of Alfred Elliott: a daughter.
1d CBUasEx.—In East Wawanosh, on Satur•
day, January 28th, 1005, Margaret T. Beecroft,
belo ved wife of Joseph McBurney, aged 87
years and 8 months.
Mallrxsox—In Grey, on Jan. 24th, Jno. Mc-
Kinnon, aged 0.1 years.
ErraoTr—In Kinloss Tp., on January 25th(,
beloved wife of Robert Elliott, aged 95 years
and 25 days., c
RANSOM.—In Lower Wingham, on Feb. 1st,
1005, William Ransom.
A1V1uiN.—in Turnberry, of Jan. 31st, 1805,
William B. D. Aitken, aged s0 years and 6
•t'onghs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Orosolene
tablets. ten cents nor box. All druggists
D11. BORT. O. REDMOND, 1,1. C.S. (Eng)
L. R.C.P.(Lon e!,)
Office, with Dr. Chishohn.
We intend enlarging our store and increasing our
1 stock in many lines, in the coming Spring. To com-
plete our arrangements we will clear out some lines i'
of FURNITURE 'at reduced prices for the next GO
days. As our landlord bas promised to remodel our
store early in the Seting, we are looking forward to �•
C having one of the best Furniture Stores in the county.
i Wb will do our par t to keep the best and most up-to-
date stock and attend to the' wants of the public
3 Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. WINGHAM.
2 Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON' COAL,
which leas no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
full stock of
(Dressed or Undressed)/
Night calla at Button Block, or resi-
dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St.
or third house west of school on John
street. Shop opposite Macdonald block.
storm windows, and screen doors, good stable,
;M1•oeres land, 16 fruit trees, very low taxes, a
Memorial to a Robber.
comfortable home. ,Cheap, aptly to,
In the little town of Forlim o oli R. uele% tile, Oi
p p Bluevnle, out.
t ^• r rmC II le
y accustomed to a soc al life from z_Ia pe o p
their youth are educated in all its local beauty and fashion, Passatore
forms and graces without knowing it.,
and his band "held up” the audience
Great multitudes of men and women and robbed them of all their valuables
all over the country are now living se- to the last penny.
eluded from social contact simply from
their sensitive Consciousness of igno-
rance of the forms of graceful inter-
They feel that they cannot break
through their reserve. There is, doubt-
less, much that is isorbid in this feel -
An Ingenious Printer. ing, and yet it 13 mainly natural. From
It requires a great deal of ingenuity all this mortlflcation and this deprive -
to become ti successful printer. /Wye tion every soul might have been saved
with printing presses and ambition to by education in a home where social
develop into great printers should re- life was properly lived. It is cruel to
member this and exercise their 'Wen- deny to children the opportunity not
five qualities at every opportunity. only to become accustomed from their
A story Is told of a Prague printer first consciousness to the forms of so -
'who got himself out of tt very disagree- clety, but to enjoy its influence upon
able dilemma by the use of his ingen- their developing life.
IOUs mind- He was once called upon to society is food to children. Contact
print a report of the board of trade of -with other minds is the means by
his$ native eity>in the two languages of which they, are educated, and the dif-
the country, German and Czech, and forehce in families of children 'will
the representatives of each national•
ity strenuously desired that theft
tongue should occupy the drat of tht
parallel columns on each page: The
wary printer got out of •hes dilemma
show at once to the accustomed eye the
different Social Character of their par-
ents. but I halve no space to follow
this subject further„ anti I leave It
with you
Perfectly Congenial.
Naggsby—when a man and his wife
think the same thoughts simultaneous-
ly it is a sign that they are exceedingly
congenial. 'R aggsby-' So? Well, then,
my wife and I are congenial all right,•
for the other night when she said that
she wondered why I'd ever been such a
fool as to marry her I had been sitting
there in Silence for half an hour won-
dering over the sumo identical thing,--
Baltimore American. -
Sieved the Trouble.
She—They say that the best flus -
bands Tire al'l'ays thoughtful in little
things. Are yon that way, Mr„ Smith?
smith—No. I don't have to be. Mf
wife always calls my attention to them
befote I have a chance to think. --,De-
troit Free Press.
Ply ConstantVse.
"Vs, she's it 'roman of few Verde"
lvit1. the eardest wish that "And, mercy, how frayed she keeps
by printing one column upside down # you will consider it and profit by the them looking!"—Cleveland Plain teal -
throughout the book and arranging that' n y'ou.--"Tim'
titles ac`cor'dingly', so that each hut{ othyr T1teomb'al betters" In Bouton "��
gouge lead A front colurtin on every f lo.„,.
stiggestiotis T bare giveltai5vd ft* only a tnoiiian a Mirka tilt
page• ,:6,• <,,
everisttng dine. -J. M. Barrie. . -
103 acres, adjoining Wingham • seventyfive
acres under cultivation. Good house; new
barn. Splendid opportunity Exceptional
bargain. Address(
To clear up the estate of the late James Wil-
son, the undersigned executors offer for sale
the south part of lot 85, on the 14 concession of
East Wawanosh, about 831 miles from Wing -
ham, containing 87 acres. On the premises
there aro n good bank barn, 40x50 feet with
straw sited and roothouso 01x20; a good orchard
limestone quarry and lime kiln, and 20 acres of
hgod hardwood and hemlock bush. The farm
as been all under grass for a number of years
and is well wntered. To the right man this
property is a moneymaker and must be sold at
once. Price and terms on application to
. ROBERT CURRIE, box 189, Winghain or
GAMIN WILSON, on boundary line 8
miles west of Wingham, box 42, Wingham.
to enter for a term in any department of
our excellent school. The
For the Winter Terrn bow open 'We have
a staff of '20 teachers, and can offer advan-
tages not to be found in a small, unimttort-
ant Scheid.
Write for particulars and arrange to
start at once.
W.11. SHAW, cipAl.
Li' Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "14 •
A. iWcLean0.
t Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 04. Mill, No. 44.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
February at the Winter Resorts
The most popular month of the year.
For Winter pleasure or health travel,
California,Mexico or Florida offer attrac-
tions difficult to find in any other, part of
the world. Delightful, restful, health
restoring climate; luxurious hotels.
Round trip tourist tickets to all South-
ern Resorts are on sale daily.
Those who cannot take advantage of
the above resorts should spend a few
days t,r Weeks at " Near -by Winter Re-
sorts," St. Catharines Mineral Springs,
Mount Clemens Mineral Baths and Pres-
ton Springs,all situated on Grand Trunk.
Ask your Agents for full information, or
address 3. D. McDonald, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto.
Tor tickets call on
L. HAROLD, Agent,'Wingham.
Canadian .West
Grain Crop.
Wheat - - 410.000 000 bushels
Oats • • -
Barley - -
10,000,000 "
110,000,000 10811019
1 n 1101805 acres.
.co , 4
The estimated value of wheat alone 18 $11,250,-
41; 50,-
Ov'r 100,000,000 Acres
,Good Land Yet for Settlement.
And hundreds of miles of tele Railways wilily
built there in 1005.
Above i1gties from Winnipeg 1! ree Frees. •
Tickets hod fell partieulats from your near-
est Canadian Pacific Agent.
ito. POSTER. Asst, Clem, !'Acer. Agent
A Famous School
Young Man, Young Woman
There is abundant room for you in
the higher and more responsible posi-
tions of life. YOU ARE NEEDED.
Get a business or shorthand training
and march upwards, Enter our (
school this month if possible.
Write for free catalogue.
at the Wingham Salt Works.
We are prepared to pay the highest
cash price for 6,0()0 ords of wood (cord -
word or short, hard or soft) to be deliv-
ered c our workti in Wingham.
Gray, Yung & *Mg Ct.