The Huron Expositor, 1987-10-21, Page 7WANNA ' APPLE - Jeff Barry made his' rounds of the post office on 'Saturday sell- ing , apples to raise money for local Boy ,= k� Scout troops. This year the Boy Scouts �. . made $370 profit: -While this' is an. increase BEAVERS.have'started up in Seaforth again this year The group, for boys aged 5 to 7 over last year, better weather mai have in- .held their second,meeting at. St. James school last week. Here they pick off their new . uteased-their-profits.-Corbett-photo,-----•---leader_.Art-M.cblaughtnn in a games:isia:d hall. Corbett photo: Cranbrook hunting group bags seven moose Cranbrook Correspondent MRS.MACENGEL . 887-6645, The monthly meeting of Knox Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary . Society was held at the home of Mrs. Jim Hart on October 14 with Mrs: Leslie Knight as leader. The theme of the devotionswas "Thanksgiving" and Yvonne read "One day is not enough": , Mrs. Murray Huether gave a very in- teresting talk on her trip to Spain and Por- tugal. She showed a map and also. passed around many beautiful pictures which add- ed to enjoyment: She, was thanked by the • • President; -Mrs: Jack 'Knight and -presented with a gift on behalf of the. group. During the business a donation was voted to Ewart College. The Presbyterial visitor, Mrs. McAllister of Auburn spoke briefly. Eleven members and two visitors were present: - The hunting group that, Jim Minielly, Wilfred and Lorne Strickler were in, bagged seven moose on a trip to the Atikokan area. Mrs. Mac Engel spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and family, Stratford. INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK' The Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed in Knok Presbyterian Church on October 4. The John Vanass family visited the Van Baekel' farnily'of Innerkip on Sunday. .•; Mr, and Mrs.. Archie, Crawford, Shelburne, . visited Don and Mrs. Cotton. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler and Mrs. Mac Engel visited Mrs. Margaret Waddell at Fullerton. Mrs. Mac ,Engel visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Keys, Seaforth, and accompanied them to the London Art Gallery-. Exhibition of 102 paintings of Clark McDougall. They also went to the Art Gallery St. Thomas - Elgin, where they viewed 40 more, of his paintings. Mrs, Engel and Mrs. Keys are cousins of the artist who died in 1980 of a brain tumor at the age of 59.. Maxine Hart is 1N1 guest speaker Walton Correspondent MRS. BETTY McCALL 887-6677 The Walton I unit' meeting was held at the home of Gloria Wilbee, Wednesday evening with..guests Maxine Hard and her mother Mrs. Edighoffer of Mitchell present. Worship service was led by. Leona McDonald opening with the Thanksgiving Theme.. Hymns were accompanied by pianist Marion Godkin. Leona read a meditation on, Thanks. Scripture was read by Dorothy Sholdice followed by Audrey Hackwell led- in prayer. The offering was received and dedicated. Audrey . read a poem "Thankful heart" followed by a reading on Thanksgiving by Leona, closing this portion of the meeting. Gloria Wilbee introduced the guest speaker, Maxine Hart who had attended the Waterloo Conference in July when the U.C.W. celebrated their 25th anniversary; bringing much informative news from the Conference and played part of a tape when Lois Wilson was speaking on the story of the United Church Women. Marie McGavin conducted the business opening with a verse, "Autumn Song" then thanked Gloria for the use of her home and to those that helped decorate the church auditorium for Thanksgiving Sundays Ser- vice. Minutes were read by Audrey Hackwell, the roll call was well answered on a verse including "Thanks". Doreen Hackwell gave the treasurer's report. Marie gave .out. coming events Burns Bazaar, Oct. 21, Harvest Bonanza at Blyth United Church, Oct. 21-24. Five from this unit of- fered to help clean kitchen, Oct. 29. Plans were made . for the turkey smorgasborg, With more help requested on the Tuesday to -prepare vegetables. Tickets were available or can be purchased at the door, supper starts at 4:30 p.m. The next executive meeting is set for November 9. Next month is Copper Contest for Walton I unit. Marie closed with a reading "Slow me down, Lord", followed by Lord's Prayer in unison. Grace was sung then Dorothy Sholdice, Melva Fraser and Della Achilles, Hearst and May Haight, Kenora have returned to their homes after a two week viSit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rally Achilles. , Several members of the family had Thanksgiving on Sunday at the Achilles Home. A reminder the noon luncheon at the hall this Wednesday starts about 11:30 a.m. The Institute meeting on International Affairs is called for 8i 15 p.m. the same day. Audrey Hackwell served lunch assisted by the hostess. WALTON II UNIT Walton 11 unit was held Wednesday, Oc- tober 14 at the home of Katharine Baan. Devotions on Thanksgiving was Ied by Vera McDonald and Margaret Craig. Karen Hoegy pre'"sided for the business, announc- ing a number of coming events. The next board meeting to be at the home of Paul and Dianne McCallum. The turkey supper was discussed with tickets given out. Anyone wishing to volunteer visiting for the Palliative Care or Town and Country Homemakers are to get in touch with Rev. Bonnie Larnble. The next meeting is at Maxine HB'sten, SPORTS CLUB BINGO , The third bingo sponsored by the Walton Area Sports Club was held in the Brussels Legion➢ Friday evening with the following winners: First game went to ROSS Duncan, Second game to Martha Logan, third game was split by Marlene White and Gene Mar- euccib, fourth game was split again by Carolyn Somerville and Karen Hoe ' The first special game of $75 was%on by 1'an1 Clark. The fifth regular game of 0 went to Mrs. Huisser, sixth game to Bonnie Ritter, seventh t0 Marilyn McDonald, eighth to Joey Boyd. The second special game of $75: was won by Len King, ninth special game to Pearl McCallum, tenth game was split with Doug Kirkby and Donna King, eleventh' was split with Alice Searle, Edith Warwick, twelfth game was won four ways by Fran McClin- chey, Mary Bradshaw, Mrs. Huisser and Bush Whittard. • Tonight's admission ticket drawn of $5 was won by Anne Ryan, last week's ticket of $10 was Edna Prior. Share the Wealth of $46 was split with Barbara Turbitt and Alice Searle., The fifty-fifty draw of $23 was won by Wayne Lowe. The thirteenth regular game was split by Iva Reihl and Maxine Marks, fourteenth game went to Joan Pletth. The Jackpot of $150 was won by Mary Lowe. There is still time to come and join in on the fun with another bigo at the same place this Friday night, doors open at seven, games start at eight. ABOUT PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Craig attended the funeral of their brother-in-law AUTO PARTS A SUPPUES FULL UNE OF AUTO - PARTS. & ACCESSORIES for all makes of cars & trucks [FSSEAFORTH 11 527-1707ISHER UPPLY I t OODERiCH STE. 527-1670 146, Located m nowint a Motors Building; and Uncle Steven Faitz at Stoney Creek on Wednesday. Mr.and Mrs. Harvey McClue and their daughter, Carolyn Johns enjoyed a 3 day motor trip to Merrickville, the place where the McClure's ancestors first settled, they went by the way of Peterboro, stopping at Smith Falls and Renfrew, returning home through the Algonquin Park. John and Kim Thamer, Tony Thamer and friend Laurel all of London spent the recent Thanksgiving Sunday with the former's mother, Ruth Thamer. SHEA'S NOME RENOVATIONS Excellent Prices On • Aluminum & Vinyl Siding •Soffit & Fascia •Patio Docks *Roofing 8. Roof Repairs !Fire & Barbecue Pits •Custom Design Fencing • New Additions • Rec Rooms • Replacement Windows b Doors • Storms & Shutters • Drywati FREE ESTIMATES Solos Representative: PAUL D. MARASSE "PHONE 345-2355 Long Distance Call Collect THE HURON EXPOSITOR, .00TOBER .21, 1987 — 7A ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC •Farm Wiring LTD. el -louse Wiring •Colrlmercial,'Wiring •Pole Line Construction *Hydro Poles "You name it well wire it" PHONE=: 345-2447 "24 hr. Emergency Service Jo'hn.Elligsen Electric Ltd. R.R. #4, Walton, Ontario. 1987 TOWN OF SEAFORTH N�tC-E- •PARKING FALL STREET SWEEPING *SNOW REMOVAL 1. To facilitate FALL STREET SWEEPING AND SNOW. REMOVAL, residents. are reminded 'that By -Law No. 952 as amended prohibits parking on the streets of -this Municipality between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Notice is hereby given that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damage caused to parked .vehicles.as the result of snow removal operation. 2. As per By -Law No. 26 for 1978, residents are reminded that it is an offense to deposit snow, ice or debris from private property onto Town Streets or Sidewalks. - Hal Claus -. Chief of Police WINTER STORAGE From Only 199Pe5r month plus prep. charges Let us provide you with storage for your motorcycle or ATV, or boat this winter • Complete winterize ing before going into storage. • Complete clean up and prep in the spring • All work done by the pro's of Hully Gully DON'T DELAY Nutty Gutty , 4� Now Open Mondays H oris tits. VARNA (510) 262.8318 Gtaharn Fiber Glass tfsutation/tsotant iT ISWIL 2'x8'x1" SM Blue 2'X8'X11" SM Blue 2x6'x2" SM Blue $t4'.. ma,-osraraN AAA, arso,6 LOnn{loos. '0 ren10ne'1 •-•' .4y,A yn,a7 ,h Titansett siormg- S'1 9999 Astro 1r1.1418 619699 Completely assembled and neatly to ,ns1a11 Available'1 wh,te and brown IatRooticeic. CILUX QUALITY PAINTS AT MOFFATT & POWELL INTERIOR SUPER LATEX FLAT Ea n to asn'v s<•ubbat4''e wale, cleanW Ava+latfe .0 1152 colours f1I9rg9 INTERIOR SUPER LATEX sew. LOSS Easy .n aon+r n•9t51q sc,ubbable ware, clew 'te Ava,table .r ,152 cn=rn:r5 x22:99 C 1 L Ovran;ees that .1 ,'o', ate no. CRUX product the lug, aero*a'se G. re w • he reru^ded CILUX NATURAL WHITES o -' n -,s.,, Jnr+„ sn .roe. CIL • Larwv lareSx20.99' Latex ern -Gloss •22.99 ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS FROM ALLAN 'ea's•.+•.rq s ate• r^5 add 01`*en4,0I' A ,n .khat re see.5n 0 cods Ava'adte " ww..+e a'sd do tc 10 ^7' O - .:59.4'5 IV to 60 srtor.t,< ,•69.9'5 Up to 0 "r'^e< Ws Os Un to 80 n.. es '76.95 Up to 90 •^ones 81.95 Up '0 100 ,n.',es '97.95 ctcr�+y A-12: 15" Fiber Glass Insulation. 100 sq. ft R-20:15" Fiber Glass Insulation. 55 to it R40: 23" Fiber Glass Insulation. 84 O sq ft • WE DELIVEq. DbESN'7 Cost MUCH. C 0 's WELCOME Spring -Loaded 3P Doet Set One 3 two 7 lengths, wfilfe or brown no 10595 Reg sty 75 sf2.s9 Aluminum and Vinyl Door Sweep 3'0 no 10530 Reg s4 15 ea x3.3'9 9luminurn and Vinyl Threshold no 10190 3'0 'Reg s4 55 ea x3:59 No 10075 Permaftek Door Set brown and white Reg' x12 95 10:39 PRICES IN EFFECT UNTiL SAT., OCTOBER 81, 1907 Durable 8conomlcal oanei su tabic for fences siding garag'e's etc .._.. __ ...-. t8� 7 Yards To terve Yate' taODERICH, EMl TEF MITCHELL LONDO • • STRATHRO•Yi WATFORD, TILLSONDURG • NAMES Rb. 11V (HWY 83} HIGHWAY 8 (JUST EASV OF) M