HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-02, Page 6'
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Household utensil,: can be made to look as good as new bv washing in a
middy solution or Sunlight Soap. They will shine and ;:;litter !has helping to
make the home bright and inviting.
Sunlight Soap means leis than half the 1 zbor requir:,1 in washing with cow:
mon soap -and makes everything, spotlessly clean.
Sunlight Soap is made of pure oils aw.1 fit,, contain, n ing....,I12nt injurious
to the bands or clothing.
Sunlight Soap Washes the Clothes IT7tAfe an,!..7.ron't Ivinre :he .4-7:vas
. .
Kernels from the Sancti!
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Mr. Shea, near Fergus, recently sold a
gentler weighing 23 lbs. to a New York
dealer; the gander brought $10.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back. rheum-
atism. diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from -wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
Alexander Martin, for murdering his
infant son, near Toronto last August
-was sentenced to be hanged on March 10.
For Stomach Trouble.
"I have taken a great many different
medicines for stomach trouble and con-
stipation." says Mrs. S. Geiger, of
Dunkerton, Iowa, "but never had as I
good results from any as from Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets." For
sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The Huron House of Refuge has a6
inmates on its roll; the largest number
in years.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by pail:dal and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantuin, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure curewhich should always be
kept in the house.
There are now 4 towns in Bruce county
namely, Walkerton, Wiarton. Kincar-
dine and Southampton. In Grey there
are 3 towns, Owen Sound, Durham and
For Oyer Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's.SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, • allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhma. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty•five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Clinton lost one of its oldest as well as
one of its moat highly esteemed resi•
dents on Saturday by the demise of Mrs.
Shippley, widow Of the late John Ship-
ley, at the age of 72 years. Her death
was not unexpected as she had been in
an unconscious condition for several
days the result of an apopletic stroke,
which occured while visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thomas Gibbings.
&Minister ate Gospel Recommends
"For earoral years I have been In eery poor
health. La t Fall I was advised by Rev. J. S. Allen,
of Murray Harbor. PJ. 1, tO try 'Oxygenator,'
Before trying it 1 had uo faith hi it, but last Octo.
belt I berm its use and ran truly say that befoul
agog 4404 jot I had wonder:idly improved in my
general heaitli. Since then I bave used several
litgo, as a result have never spent such a healthy
Winter or:Trim'', as I did this year. 'Oxygenator'
for Throat rouble, Catarrh, Vitrifying tit0 Mood,
and or ikiilditig up the :System, I believe is not
equalled to -day by any other remedy.
Several of my congregation bave alma need it
with blessed results. I take great interest in
' Oxygenator,' having given jnes of 51 away, and
lattitsay it to A WONDEltPuL ISaMEDY.
In Privyd to my eyes, • Oxygenator' bee done
thein More good than the Oculists or the treatment
I received in the Hospital.
Fro e:ara,The. 5 think lb peerless, for pains In
the chest, lungs or tide, indeed anywhere. if
work» wonders'
EV. A. D. MerEOD,
Mount Stewart, P.E.I
e•r dais by.
• *2 him bOrel St. a Toronto
Some ono has well said that "your
home paper never loees iaterest in you."
This. possibly you have never given e
pessing thought. No matter whether
you like the newspaper man or he likes
you, if lie is true to his profession and
publishes a paper fpr the people, he el -
lows no personal matters or petty spites
to interfere with his work of news oath.
ering. De may meet you as stranger,
yet along with his best ami dearest
friends ehroniele your success aud ytmr
sorrows wherever 3 04 may be. Those
who weak] forget you, hot for your ho.me
paper are ever and anon remiuded of
your existence by some item itt the vil-
lage paper where you spent your boy•
hood days. Others may deceive and de-
fraud you, but your home paper paver
forgets you. Possibly you do not de-
serve it, but a newspaper on the right
lines has 1.o pets, and should it at any
time say things that cause your fur to
turn the wroug wits, study a moment
and see if it has not at swims times said
nice things of which you fail to givo it
sratalsm noenaiciNft.
As a spring mealtime Burdock 13lood
Bitten s ilas uo equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away flint tired,
weary feeling so prevalent iu the spring.
I Ilover. Give him plenty of rope; but Dou't attempt to monopolize your
bring him up with a short jerk once iu a
while, just to let him know how firm a
hold you have of the other end.
Don't gush over him. Too much
sweetness cloys the appetite, Always
let him go from you hungry to come
Don't be cold. If you have a lover
worth loving and you love him, don't Don't visit you sweothentt oftener
be afraid nor ashamed to let him know than three timcs a week. Give her a
that you love him ; but don't slop over chance to miss you. ,
i him.
I Don't flirt with other men. Most
, men look on a flirt in much the same
i You Take Ilo Chances.
Died at St. Pani, Minn., January 17th,
Mrs. Christena Mallough. widow of the
late Jos. Mallough, Wheatfield, N. D,
only sister of Mrs. Norman Matheson,
Lacknow. Deceased was in her Oend
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
end irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
A quiet wedding took place on the
evening of the 1Sth inst.. at the Ashfield
parsonage, Lucknow, when Mr. Norman
Shackleton, of Ashfield was -united in
marriage to Miss Lizzie Finlay, of Luck -
now, the Rev. W. A. Smith officiatiug.
Tendency of the TIIIIP4
The tendency of medical science is to-
ward preventive measures. The best
thought of the world is befog given co
the subject. It is easier and better to
prevent than to cure. It has been fully
demonstrated that pneumonia,one of the
most dangerous' diseases that medial
men have to contend with, can be pre-
vented by the use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always
results from a cold or from an attack of
influenza (grtpi, and it has been observed
that this remedy counteracts any tend-
ency of thesediseases toward pneumonia.
This has been fully proven iu many
thousands of cases in which this remedy
has been used during the great preval-
ence of colds and grip in recent years,
and can be relied upon with implicit con-
fidence. Pneumonia often results from
a slight cold when no danger is appre-
hended until it is suddenly discovered
that there is fever and difficulty in
breathing and pains in the chest, then it
is announced that the patient has pneu.
monia. Be on the safe side and take
Chamberlain's Cough remedy as soon as
the cold is contracted. It always cures.
For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The Postmaster -General, finding that
there has recently been a large increase
in the number of ojectionsable post-
cards send through the post, has issued
a warning that the penalty is fine or
Awful Paipilation
lEzzy, F611 Weak
You have a weak heart and poor
Netves--instent death may
Overtake you!
With weak heart and exhausted norm.
you aro living izt the very shadow oi
Think what it would mean to your
family if you were taken ((pithy 1
Yon calet afford to ink it any longer
Get Ferrozone 81 otine and make your
heart strong nod well.
Ferrnzone has helped a man to
live a loue, useful life, and will do like
wise for yon
Mrs. R J. Brooks. of Berlin, sTys:
"1'1y nerves were weak and I was ir.
citable and cross.
"My heart palpitated like au engine
and everything faded away.
-I was subject to dizziuess and faiut
"After using Ferrozone I gained
strength. My appetite improved. I
slept well. The heart trouble disk).
"Ferrozone made ins well."
You will never know what real gond
healtk means until you take Perrozone
It gives strength. endurance and energy
to every organ of the body; try Ferro
zone. finc per box or six for $2 50, at all
dealers in medicine, or Polson & Co ,
Hartford, Conn., U.S.A., and Kingston.
sweetest and most blessed gift of Goa to
mortals and that it should he kept pure
and white, free from lust and avarice
and sordid ambition; for the god of love
is a jealous god and gives to drink of the
blessed wine of his rich vintage of happi-
ness only to those who worship at his
shrine trnly and unselfishly.
Don't attempt to buy her love with
costly presents, theaters, flowers, hon
The scratch of a pin may cause the
loss of a limb or even death when blood
A. I. McCall & Co.. guarantee every poisoning results from the injury. All
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reny dy danger of this may be avoided, however,
and will refund the money to anyone by promptly applying Chamberlain's
t who is not satisfied after using two- Pain Balm. It is an antiseptics awl un-
equalled as a quick healing liniment for
cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by
A. I. McCall & Co.
i thirds of the contents. This is the
1 best remedy in the world for la gripne,
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
i cough and is pleasant and Fee to take.
f It 5revents any tendency of a cold to re -
suit in pneumonia.
i -
1 way that a baby does a rattle -box -
sometbing to be played with and then
i discarded. A fool is the only man who
1 will knowingly marry a flirt.
Don't quarrel. Quarrels are said to
I be love's condiments; but trnu love has
.1 no more need of a condiment than has a
1 piece of lemon -pie of salt and pepper.
Don't attempt to measure the love of
your lover by the depth of his pocket-
book, especially if he happens to be a they lOr e'
• Don't forget to make a treaty of peace
i man whose only asset is a moderate sal- 1
I with your sweetheart's small brother or
Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -is strongly sister. A little candy and a few dimes
recommended by the medical profession as . judiciously bestowed will win you an
a safeguard against, infectious diseases. „,,, ally whose value is out of all proportion
bons, eto. You wish her to love you,
not your pocketbook.
Don't be stingy. Give freely what.
yeti have to give, and no more; and if
she is the right kind of girl she will un•
derstaud and appreciate you all the bet-
Don't think that you own the girl the
moment you become engaged to her.
"There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and
the lip." Besides moderns girl do not
like to be "owned," even by the men
„The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 23
The salaries of Walkerten's municipal
officers for 1905 are as follows: Trea-
surer $300, clerk $250, assessor $150, col-
lector $120, caretaker of waterworks,
$300, caretaker of cemetery, $325, in-
spector of streets, 025, auditors, $16
each. The appropriation for street ex-
penditure has been cut down to $100.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
snedicin Th c C i
Headache, Bd. ousness, and Dyspepsia I
Without griping, purging or sickening.
I to size. The lover may well tremble for
ary. An extravrgant wife hangs like a i his cause who has not won the friend.
millstone around a man's neck, The ship of the small brother or sister.
' sensible man knows this, and will cut . Don't be jealous of another man's at -
loose before it is too late. tentions to your sweetheart. If she en -
Don't advertise your love to the whole conrages them unduly she is unworthy
I world. It is sufficient to convince the of you. Drop her! If he gets no en -
i man most concerned.
! Don't measure your ]over with a tail- indigestion and Headache
: or's yardstick. It is the man in the Mr. Duncan McPherson, Content,
' clothes, and not the clothes on the man, Alta.. writes -"I was for many years
with •g ea ac e,
I that you are to marry. anti derived no relief from the many
' Don't idealize your lover. He prob- remedies I used. A friend advised the
I ably is neither better or worse than a i use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills,
1million other men; and your loving him and after taking four boxes, the result is
that I am once more in the full enjoy -
I will not make an angel of hitn, went of the blessing of good health.
I Don't forget that modesty at all times
and in all places is love's most sacred couragement from her, you have nothing
crosvn, Don't tarnish that crown. to fear. Rejoice! If other men find
Don't imagiQe, becouse your lover tells your sweetheart attractive, it is a cam -
you that you are the most beautiful pliment to your good taste. Be glad!
thing in the world, that he is telling you Don't,forget to tell your sweetheart at
the truth. Love is blind, and never least a dozen times every time you see
more blind than when estimating the her that you love her. A woman is
charms of his beloved. never tired of hearing the words "I love
Don't expect your lover to be a saint. I yon" from the lips she loves.
Few men are. Don't when attending a social gath.
Don't let your love blind you to all .ering stick to the side of your beloved
the rest of the world. When in love all the time. Give other men a chance
you need to see what you are doing even to talk io her, and yourself a chance to
more clearly than when you aro not in
love. talk to other girls. Return to her often;
and thus show her the strength of a love
Don'S love where reason cannot join that will constantly draw you back to
hands with the heart. , her side.
Don't marry a man to reform him.
Reform him before marrying; and be Don't, when you call to see your
sure that the reform goes clear down to sweetheart, and her father and mother
the everlasting bed -rock. A girl is a persist in sitting up with you, act as if
fool who thinks that a man will do for their company bored you. You may
her after marriage what he cannot or
wish them buried seven miles under the
will not do before. When a bird is in a it Eczema
cage, who longer fears its wings? 5 •
Finally, don't forget that love is the "My daughter was afflicted with ec-
zema from when she was three weeks
ey ure onSt pation, Sick , _ _
oThe annual meeting of the McKillop
Mntaal Fire Insurance Co, was held last
week. During the year, 713 new policies
have been issued, covering property to
the amount of $1,172,100. The premium
notes for the year amounted to $40,774.-
50. The gross amount of premium
notes held by the comgany at the end of
the year was $119,855.10. At the close
of the year there were 2,211 policies in
fob°, covering property to the amount
of $3,477,30.
is one of the changers of child-
hood, lt must be cured quick-
ly and permanently. Shiloh's
Consumption Cure. the Lung
Tonic, is pleasant to *take and
cures thoroughly. Your money
hack, 0 it doesn't.
25 cts.. 50 cts. and $1.00
old. Her entire face and head were
raw, and she was in awful distress.
When doctors failed we began the nee
of Dr. Chase's Ointment which has
entirely cured her and she has never had
the least symptom of the trouble since."
-Mr. Patrick Sullivan, Welland Ave.,
St. Catharines, Ont.
dead sea; but don't let them know it.
Treat them with the most deferential
politeness, as if they were the only father
and mother in the universe -and trust
to your sweetheart,
Don't be one of those knowing men
who think they understand womankind.
Only Omniscience can comprehend
woman. You knoW just abont ad much
abent V -u( iiWnetilP211't 88 ,you. do r),nt
W11151 iivi 155.1111: will be peXt,
Del'r Iry it, it. ittiorolittlid IIIr. . Love her
anti 1 /Ralik CI ni 111,(1. Sill4 is 110 yaw.-
1)555•5. exp.ut your sweetheart Is nn
nine 1. Shen:55555; 552551 if she Na:0Sllp
VI'tlla 15, hlroiretln.r too good for
'Don't .51 11 in i w II ls n
forin 0 nit thee. '1 -ova 1.,110 eta
then the sale lino bones ,
times pilot b..arit it el Milli 1,,
homely ray,: 311Ci (.1111VVIS,
(.10,111 Si:v(111,41 to a woman •
nothitat besides beauty
Finally , don't f»in a hurry to r
Loki( long and wed before 30u
lietiveli alone kisowe in what 11 d
waters you :lin flu' vours-11 etre 'og.
. . . . .
By the time Miss L. L. Hanson,.
Waterside, N. B., had taken
Three Boxes of MILBURN'S
She Was Completely Cured.
She writes us as follows
"Gentlemen. -I feel it my duty to ex-
press to von the benefit I have derived
from Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.
• A year no last spring I began to have
heart failure. At first I would have to
stop working, and lie down for a while,
I then got so bad that I had to give up
altogether and go to bed. I had several
doctors to attend me, but they did me
no good. I got no relief until urged by
a friend to try Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills. I sent to the store for a
box, and by the time I had taken three-
quarters of it I began to get relief, and
by the time I had taken threw boxes
I was completely cured. I fool very
grateful to your medicine for what it
has done for me. -Miss L. L. Haksott,
Waterside, N.D."
Price 50 cent.: per box, or S for 51.25.
All Dealers or
Toronto, Ont.
A Dangerous Cargo.
Lime is one of the most dangerous of
cargoes for a vessel to carry. When
it catches fire, as it frequently does, in
spite of the greatest precautions
against the admission of water into
the hold, it is almost impossible to ex-
tinguish it. The only method that ev-
er avails is to stop every crack with
soap, so that no air can reach the lime.
Sometimes this will stop the fire, but
often these fires will burn for weeks,
till the vessel sinks beneath the water,
a mass of charred embers holding to-
gether. When a vessel with a cargo of
lime once catches fire it is sure death
to go beloisa Not long ago a schooner
with a cargo of this commodity caught
fire and was sealed up as tightly as
possible. The crew was composed of
the captain and his two sons. One day
the latter went to sleep on the deck,
and their father imprudently entered
his cabin, shutting the door behind.
him. When they awakened and found
their father missing they, supposing
that he had fallen overboard, sailed the
ship for home, quite unconscious that
they were bearing the body of their
father with them.
Writing and Dictation.
The modern method of letter 'writing
composition through the agency of the
stenographer is having a peculiar ef-
fect upon the popular use of the lava
guage. It must be evident to even the
noncritical observer that carelessness
and diffuseness of expression have be-
come a feature and a fault of corre•
spondence, from the reproach of .which
it was quite free in the earlier days,
when pen and ink were directly em-
ployed by the individual to the end of
giving form and coherence to his idea.
Probably when dictation under the
present system becomes more of a fit -
ed habit and institution the human
mind will become so accustomed to it
that it will operate more rapidly and
as accurately with such assistance as
under the old plan in which the writer
only dictated to himself. Yet to him
with whom pen and ink have always
been potent solvents of thought the
change involved in dictation must
bring with it a serious embarrassment
in the matter of adequately denoting
one's thoughts.
aro children that get the
right food to eat -whole-
some, nutritious food -easily
digested food.
• Perfection
Cream Sodas
ate splendid food for grow-
ing children. Made of Cana-
da!s finest wheat, cream and
butter -they are
more nourishing
than bread, and
easier to digest.
Always crisp and
appetizing in the
moisture -proof
packages. At
ail viscera
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam. , remedy. They are a clepenc:able, hon-
est ,-.-tmedy .vith a on and successful record, to
'e.agestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
aensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• -o;' _Ilion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
Aatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn-
.- e..ts. They stregthen weak stomachs; build up
:1-,wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe.:.
Ad sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
eon tznt benefit from a regular use of Ripans
'..e.ibides. Your dri ggist sells them. The five-
rncent packet is en • 2;h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottlk io cents, contains a supply
for a year.
ll ir enewer_,
Makes the hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy.
1 Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores
color to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. u7-1.1.V.Trtolmtr1•c°'
• Times
• Times
s •
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following
Times to January 1st, 106tes:
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and Northern Messenger. 1.25
and Farmers' Advocate 2.35
We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
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what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can
give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine,
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