HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-02, Page 5TEE 11r1,NGIIAltl vas FEBRUARY j. i:lpf t ktrvvvyvvvyVvvvvvyvvyvvvvvvv Vvv,vvvvvvvwYVYYVVi Wsevvvv . nig BLUE MONT STORE NEWS IINEWS FROIVI OUR NEIGHBORS For " Thin. 12 BIG BARGAINS At Growder's. Getting ready for Stock -Taking. All Odd Suits, Coats, Pants, Shoes, etc., must be cleared out, regardless of cost. Now is the time to get some genuine bargains. $6.50 ►teen's Suits $4,50 9 only Men's Navy Blue Serge Snits, sizes 35 to 44, regular prices $0.00 and 6.60. Sale - - $4,50 $9.00 Suits $6.00 11 only Men's Odd Tweed Suits, sizes 34 to 44, regular • prices $$.00, 8.50 and 9.00. Sale - $0.00 $5.00 Boys' Suits $3.00 13 only Boys' 3 -piece Tweed Suits, sizes 28 to 33. regular prices $4,00 to $5.00, Sale.price - $3.00 Big Snap in Boys' Two -Piece Suits 29 only Boys' 2 piece Tweed Suits, sizes 21 to 28, regular , prices $1,76, 2.00 and 2.60. Sale prioe - $1,25 $14.00 Overcoats $10.00 9 only Men's Heavy Black and Fancy Overcoats, right -up- to-date and grade for this season's trade, bat they are broken sizes, so we put a price on them to move them out. Reg $13, $14 $16, sizes in the lot 34 to 44. Sale $10,00 $8.50 Overcoats $6.50 14 only Men's Overcoats, sizes 35 to 46 chest, all newest styles; regular prices 8.50 and 10 00. Sale price $6.50 $5 50 Overcoats $4.00 16 only Boys' Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28, reg $5 and $6. Sale $4.00 $3,75 Trousers $2.00 . • 21 pairs Meu's Odd Pants, sizes 32 to 44 waist, Eaglish whipcord, grey, slightly,soiled, regular $3.75. Sale $2.00 C • • 60c Pants 39c. 29 pairs Boys' Knicker Pants, food tweeds, regular prices 00e, sizes 22 to 33. Sale price - .39 65c Underwear 39c, 64 pieces Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, in wool, un - shrinkable and fleece lined, reg. 50o and 65c each. Sale .39 .71 1 1 } EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR HEARERS. What Widoawalt:e xtenia Tunes Correspondents Communicate -- Other Clipped From Our Fz changes. JA1IIESTO \VN. Everyone should go to Blnevale on Friday evening. For particulars of programme see bills, or Bluevale item. A good time for all. People have settled down to ordinary life after election. It was a surprise to all. 13LUEVALE. The concert on Friday evening will be the event of the wiater. Among those taking part are Messrs. Cline, Hill and Wightmau from Wiugham; Miss Mc- Guire and Miss MoNaughtou,' from Brussels; the orchestra and many other pieces of interest. Everyone else is going -don't miss it, Ln Gitppo Coming Again The doctors believe another epidemic of Grippe is here, and already many are snferiug• The medical men are not afraid of Grippe since Oatarrhozone was introduced, and claims that no one will ever catch this disease who inhales the fragrant healing vapor of Catarrhozone a few times daily. Catarrhozone kills the Grippe germ and prevents it spreading through the system. "Last winter I had au attack of Grippe" writes 0. P. Mac- kinnon of St. John's. "I bought Oa- tarrhozone and got relief in short time. I found Catarrhozone better than any- thing else and was cured by using it." Catarrhozone prevents and cures Grippe colds and catarrh. Two mouths treat- ment $1.00; trial size 25o. WHITECf3IIItCH Miss Nellie Troy, who for the past three years has beeu teaching in S. S. No. 5, Walpole, near Hagersville, has resigned her position in order to attend tue Normal School. Miss Troy held a warm place in the affection of the pupils, and before leaviug she was preseuted b y them with a beautiful gold chain, and an address expressive of their apprecia- tion of the deep interest she had taken iin their welfare. AUBURN. s The annual meeting of Knox Church Iwas neld on Monday evening of last week. Reports wore all very satisfac- tory. Ordinary revenue, $601 85; mis- sions, $152; Sunday school, $27.31; paid on new church in 1902, $800, and in 1904, $2200. The membership at date is 131. The total cost of the new church / with furnishings is in the neighborhood of $5800, of this $3761 has been paid and about $1000 is promised during 1905. The congregation voted their minister a month's holidays. Rev. Mr. Small is planning to spend the month of July in Manitoba and the west. ' Heavy Rubbers $1.50 i Men's Heavy Rubbers, one and two buckle, also lace and D suag proof, regular $2.00 and 2.26. Sale - $1.50 G 6 Big Snaps in Men's Fur Coats, also•Fur Caps and Collars. 1 C R. H. Co.1 Wood wanted. Empty Boxes for sale. 1: YVVVVVVVVVWW VVVVVVVWVW VVVVVVVVVVWVV VVVVVVVWWY 3.00 Shoes 2.40 Gents' Box Calf Shoes, sizes 6 to 11, reg. 2.75, 3.03. Sale $2,40 Dininroom Ghairs. Our Special Sale of Diningrooni Chairs was a grand success. To meet the demand we were obliged to plane more chairs in stock, Persons who were disappointed will now have au opportunity of having their order filled. L. A. BALL . CO. The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING nri6lc residence; 5th house west P110 N E T CA1 CARPEPELINOLUDI from Hamiltons Corner Drag51 Store, where night calls will OILCLOTH receive prompt. attention. FEEDING PROFITS t.t Quick returns and profits are 'what the fanner wants in feeding steers. These can be obtained in the steer that can be properly prepared for the market at an early age. 1One who does this is "A 'WISE PBBDER." In ordinary feeding tite haste in getting on a full feed is often disastrous to large and early gains. The addition of C1yde.dale Stock Teed to the ordinary feed puts the stomach in such shape as to allow it to digest and assimilate a large quantity of food. It is tiree assimilation of this extra feed that makes the profit. A point overlooked bymany.feeders, is the condition of hide and hair. The soft, flexible skint and velvety hair, is always associated by the experienced feeder with gaining capacity. It is a certain indication of ari active digestion and assimilation of food. The outer skin has a direct relation to the stomach and intestine; 1. Clydesdale Stock Food will give as oft pliable skin and velvety hair. Mr. Walter Wesley of rine Orchard, Ont., says: "Your Stock Rood gives a smooth glossy coat, perfect digestion and extra gain over and above that gained from ordinary feeding, and ata profit." The extra fine, £Wish and early maturity got by feeding Clydesdale Stock Food enables a man to get top market prices. Your money will be cheer- fully' refunded by our dealer if you cannot feed it at a profit, Clydesdale Stock Food Can be purchased in your district from the following dealers: Wm. Gannett, Winghetut, Andeas'v,& Webster, Lueknow. 11x. S.'i<iatdenby, Teeilwbt0r. • John Rivers, Gerrie, Wilton & Turnbull, Brtinsels. J. G. Moser, Myth. WA -VD Mrs ,112 L. Sterinu returned to her home in Detroit on Thursdity. Miss Grace Penhate left last Thnmsdny for her home in Medicine fiat, Assini- bola, artnr a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. D. D. Crittenden. Mr. Isaac Skinner. of Alexsule r, )1Tmit ilia, so int a few d ova of phi peat week visiting hie brother-in-law, Mr. Philip Willows. Among those in this neighborhood who were recently appointee jeati ae of the peace aro Mr. Hsieh Megaarrie, of Blyth, and Mr, R. C. Mt3G)wau, of East Wawanosh. Mr -and Mra. Wn. Mem mourn the loss of their youngest son, Francis J., who did from oanvulsiotls Sendai, forenoon, Jan. 22 e1. Ter little f°3itow had u']t enj spat the bast of health for SDII19 thus ptat, bet OIL Slltl'ity nmorn- ing he apolarel mite,;] hatter attd brighter, when erinvnlsious snide/11y set in, ending with death. It's When You Have Toothache That the power of Narvilinll makes itself felt. Auy aching, tooth can be re• relieved in a few moments by tilling the cavity with batting soaked iu Nerviline. A good plan is to rub the game with Nerviiiue also. There is'l'e a single remedy that hss nae-fot]rth the petn- relieving power of Nerviline. Nerviline kills the pain outright and prevents it from returning. You can't beat Nervi line far tootheehtt or nenraigia•; it's the best pain pure made. Price 25c. Every Woman In Poor Health Has an awful struggle, Lots to do, all kinds of worry, must contend with lose of sleep, poor appetite and tired nerves. .Her only desire is for more strength and better health. This is exactly what comes from using Ferro - zone, the greatest tonic sickly women can possibly, use. Ferrozone makes the blood tingle and grow red, the cheeks grow rosy, the eyes bright. Ferrozone invig- orates the body, developes new strength and makes life worth living. Ferrozone is the sort of tonic that builds up, it gives one a reserve of nerve force that estab- lishes such healthy conditions that sink - nese is unkuown. Let every women use Ferrozone. Price 30c. EAST WAWANOSH Mr. Geo. M. Robertson, of the 13th concession, is preparing to erect a driv- ing shed in the Spring, Wesley Patterson le making ready to build a large straw shed on a cement foundation. Mrs. Nicholson has returned home again and is much improved in health. Mr. J. T. Currie returned to Gods - rich this week in connection with the County Council. Miss Maggie Robertson of Wingham spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Harry McGee. Mr. Samuel Burchill has gone to To- community. rents) this week with a load of cattle, fast in good health and while assisting W.ALTON. The annual meeting of Duff's church took place ou the night of Jan. 19th, with the pastor, Rev. A. MacNab, M. A, ithe c All L n the reports were p satisfactory. There was a net gain in the membership, being now 168. The current expeuees were all met, and a balance remained in the treasury. $174 were contributed for Missions and benevolent purposes. The congregation is to be congratulated ou their prosper- ity. The Ladies' Aid Society, and tite Young Peoples' Socioty have shown con- siderable vigor daring the year. They have met liabilities remaining from last year, paid about $100 in improving the Manse property, expended money for Missionary purposes, and have well ou for $70 of a balance laid up for improve- ments to be carried out in the Spring. Both these organizations are deserving of high praise for what they have done is a prophecy of what they will yet do. The position of this congregation has been improving year by year, and there is good reaeou to expect still further progress the present year. The retiring Managers, namely, Andrew Johnston, John Smillie and James A. Moore wore re-elected. Thos McFadzean was re- elected Secretary, and Miss Mary Smillie, Treasurer. GREY. Donald and Miss Bello McTaggart, who were visiting relatives and friends in Elgin and Middlesex Counties for the past month, arrived Home last week after an enjoyable stay. Bridge contracts have been let by Grey Council to the Mitchell 0o. for bridges at Crauhook and White's in the Northern part of the township, at $1664.50 for eaoh of them, Cement flooring is to be tried on them. A third railing will be put on the Botz bridge, 2 on the wing walls of King's bridge and 2 on the wing walls at the two bridges to be built, These will cost about $110 but are a matter of necessity in ensuring safety to the travelling public. The new bridges will be pushed ahead as soon ns the abut. manta can be got ready for the super- structures. Other contracts will follow later. The sad news ou Tueslay morning Jan, 24th, that Jno. McKinnon, 5th eon. was dead came a8 a groat shock to the ST. HELENS. ' A number of the young people met in the hall on Friday evening, 20th inst., and organized a Literary Society. The following were elected for office: Presi. dent, J. Brown; vine -president, Miss .Than Todd; secretary, Miss Lillian J. Olark; treasurer, Colin McDonald; coml. Milers, Mies Margaret Rutherford, E. S. Miller, Willie McCrostie and Frank Todd. It was decided that the fee should be twenty-five cents for adults, and ten cents for children under twelve years of age. The first meeting was held on Jaunary 27th, after which the meetings will be held semimonthly, Thie is a good move on the part of the young people and deserves every eneourage. ▪ meat and patronage that Can be givon tO make the Society n decided success, and thud prove a moral and educational stimulus, not only to those 'directly coir. caned but to the community At large. Established x.S79. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis ' Cough, Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria t Crtinotana i3 a boon o Act. t hmht ao ('h* sen sr to n i..) ratabti.hM and ntnnYlat,t rnme.'.r , forth,. ,1.....1n 1 t 1 It emys bruntxn Um air r. n• , deruinit h . i 1i ta rrr:el nva t he d:>:cta,d cur. fines or the to.. Val t,) s. h c, ty t.tt•.,th, giving-, pr.lnn.ednnlrntt.t,nti,:talent. Thos4o(aeof)llinl,• MC tough n+ y, .,r a+t r+ fr au t ltrnnie hrin.ht ,and homed! ria r,1:ef hum cv.ybs ur;o.:.ttned eotttiitionp Of de throat. V'tl •••t r nlrr;n itt tint] by Ilrlyf;,:•Ig fir grid, 1a. pail on r(.1trlr'.e. A 11.1 th 1, • +' o.1. At Im tad r tattle cf l'r, nuh tm t1.a1. Send for fe.o tilottrat, d 1.1:::,t.u�hn Aga bh, tit S Ft. a;111119 0., Montreal, Cuhada, spa abies Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why babies are fat. If your baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle . Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds their little nerves and cushions them. When they are scrawny tilos e nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul- sion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for free sample. Be cure that this picture to the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott 4. &awne Chemists Toronto, Ont. 50e. and $1.00 All Druggists in driving a pig in his yard took a weak spell and fell to the ground and before he could be got to the house was dead Deceased was ie Brussels the day before aurl was as cheerful as usual. It was a very sudden call. Mr. McKinnon was born in Rothshire, Scotland, in 18.0 and came to Canada when 10 years of nge locating at Paris where leo lived ;or a few years before moving to the town- ship of T.ickersmith, Huron Co. In 1870 he took a trip to Culora to and on his retnru two years latter married Miss Bridget Ward, of Tuckersmith, wbo survives him. They made their hone at EemondviIle tar three years and theu Mr. McKinnon went to California. Re- turning I]e engaged iu farming in life• ]iillon townab.ip for 13 years before moving to Grey township where he lute been a well kuown resident for the past 18 years. Every Chad's Health Demands The use of a laxative occasionally. For a mild, safe and certain relief use Dr. Hriulilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Speorally suited to children. Let your children rat+ only Dr. Handl- ton's Pills. Price 250. O ;surd's THE LEADING STORE Isa's • • 3 CULROSt . On the evening of Jett. 24th a com- pany of relations and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Donald of the 4th con. to enjoy a social evening. Seeing that there was to be a eight of enjoyment, Mr. and Mrs. Me. Donald envinood their hospitality by iuvitiug a number of the near -by neigh- bors, and all spent a delightful time until ou towards morning. A pleasing feature of the evening, and to the host, a most snrprisiug one, came after lunch was served. At this time Mr. McDon- ald was iudaced to take a seat in the centre of the room, and by the reading of the following address he was preseut- ed with a beautiful upholstered easy chair. Dear Mr. McDonald: -We have taken advantage of your well known hospital- ity and friendship to assemble here this evening to enjoy a few hours 1.11 your company, having always found you a good neighbor and most sympathyetie friend. By way of expressing in a small measure our appreciation of your kind - nese and hospitality we asi: yon to accept this Easy Chair, not because of its intrinsic value, but as as a token of our friendship. That you may be long spared to enjoy it is our sincere wish. Signed On behalf of your friends, Mary Crowe Leah McCormick Mr. McDonald who was taken alto- gether by surprise thanked his friends most heartily a 1pressing his high admira- tion of the splendid gift, and his appro- ciation of the good feeling that prompted 155 giving. Alteration Sale Still Growing. 'Our Great Alteration Sale is growing larger every day. Reduced prices in all departments are making the goods move out quickly. .If you have riot already availed yourself of these money -saving chances, come now and see what one dollar will do for you at this • great sale. Goods and prices exactly as represented. We are bound to make February the Greatest Stock -Reduction Sale month in the history of this store. Please note the fallowing reduced prices : Women's Wear. Flanneliette Night Gowns, well made and trimmed; $1 00 quality for 75e; $1.26 quality for 81.00; $2.00 line for $1.50 Binek Mercerized Underskirts, with deep frills. Regular $1 25 line for $1; $1 60 line for $1.23; $2 liue for - 1.50 10 dpz. Black Cashmere Hose, plain or black, good value at 85c; sale price - - - - .25 Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Wuiets. $1 25 for $1.00; $1,50 for $1.25; $2 fine lustre for $1 50; $2.50 fancy figured for 2.00 Ladies' Fur Cltpe to clear $2 75 haps for $2; $3 C tps for $2 25; $1 Cepa t'or $3; $5 Oaps for - • - - 3.50 Heavy Skirting, fancy figured, regular price 15c, now .10 6 pieces extra heavy pink or blue Flenuellette, very wide, the 12;ree quality, sale price, now, per yard - - .10 10 pieces plaiu pink or blue Flannellette, good value at 1Oc, .08 Selling out foots and Shoas AT COST PRICE. Ladies' Jaelie s at great reductions! $5 Coatsfor $3 30; $8 00, 8 50 and 000 Coats for - - - . 0.00 Bargains in Corsets. Regular 40: lines for 33o; 50c tape girdle fur 39o: 65o lines for 50o; $1.00 lines for - .79 Fancy French Flannel Waistinga, 75c goods for - .50 Girls' Carrel's Hair Wool Tams, regular 50c kind for .35 Bargains in Men's Wear. Men's well made Suits, worth $0 00, sale price - $4.00 Men's heavy reefers, tweed Lined, worth, $4.50 sale price 3.00 Men's fancy tweed Suits, worth $9 00, our sale price 7.00 Boy's plain or napp cloth Reefers, high collars, worth $2.50 to clear - - - - - - - - - 1.50 Men's heavy Overcoats, latest styles, regular $10. sale price 7.50 Boys' Brownie Suits. nicely made, worth $2.00, sale price 1.50 Boy's heavy Overooats, good value at 85.00, to clear 3.50 Men's good, strong Pants, fancy stripe, worth $2,50, sale„ 1.95 Boy's 3 piece Suits, new patterns, worth $5,00, for - 3.75 Men's Iined kid gloves, worth 750, to clear at - - .50 And many other special bargains which we have not room to quote here. Fresh Groceries at Special Cut Prices. Bring along your Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, etc.; we pay the highest prices. February Values Without Profit I. 13. ISARD & Co. . Opposite Bank of Hamilton. Right Roods at right prices. ,1.,Y,,, V'VVVv e'YYYYYVYVYTYYVVVVVY Pe Pe r. i. ROYAL GROCERY c leSyrupThe good old-fashioned • kind, that tastes like It Maple Syrup. Almost make:; you think you are in the maple bush ; sold by quart or gallon. $1.25 a Gallon. I.r.r i� We have just received a quantity of Lake - ► Superior Herring and Trout in kegs. The finest fish on the market, fully guaranteed. a.H E rl� t iv G, - $4.00 to $4.75 ► TROUT, E E 110.► i I 1 TrVVVIIIIMIFYTTVVVVVVIFYYVTIT 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4i No•rICE-I have arranged With the Dominion Hank to manage my business and all owing me on totes or mortgages. can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember yea need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have dote business With mo and swish you all over prosperity. $6.00 to $7.00 /A Another shipment of our celebrated Tea ,C"� Package g - tc.�1 . t same price 1 aac.lcabe r b 1 the; st � e cannot touch it fur strength and flavor. 25c, 300 and 40o per 1b. i; it AT ►Air GRIFFIN'S. Rom Mc1Nroo. AiAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAYiiIiAAAA 4 r 4 1 1 4 .4 w 4 4 44 1 1 A I