HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-02-02, Page 4TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon, The copy for changes mint be left not later them Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Weduesday of each week. - . ESTABT,ISFIED IST2 TIMES. B. B. ELLIOTT. AND PROPItI =Olt - - THURSDAY, FEB. 2. 1903. _ , [ CONSERVATIVES VICTORIOUS. Will Have Over Forty Majority in - New House. -Many of the Pro- minent tjberals Defeated. The most complete viutory of Provin- cial politics was wou by Mr. J. P. Whit - nay aud the Conservative party on Wed- nesday of last week. There will be meny explanations of the overthrow of °uteri° Liberalism. The election returns indicate that the dissatisfaction of the electors with the tpolicy of the party was uot sectional aud was not due to the personal unpopular- ity of candidates, Many of the best men in the public lite of the Province went down to defeat last Wednesday as Lib- erals. The temperauee vote was thrown directly against the party because the Liberal convention had not gone far enough in the directiou of temperance reform. When the liquor dreier, the distiller aud the prohibitiou worker go to the polls to vote the slime ticket it is rather probable that the party they are voting agaiust will he beaten. The cry that it was time for a change had also a very great influence upon that portioa of the electorate which does sot take its politics seriously. andthiuks the affairs of Outario will be j ost as well administered by one party as by the other. The feeling is there and must be given its weight in estimating the causes of the overthrow of the Government. Lastly, there must have been very many stalwart Liberals out of sympathy with the party, chiefly, no Coubt, be- cause of the purity -at -election issue. When North Oxford stays Conservative despite the wooing of au admirable Liberal candidate, there is no questiou at all about the defection of mauy Lib- eral voters. The Liberals defeated were among the leaders of the party. Five members of the Cabinet go down -Hon. F. R. Latchford, Attorney -General; Hon. W. A. Charlton, Commissioner of Public Works; Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture; Hon. J. M. Gibson and Hon. F. A. E. Evanturel, Minister with- out portfolio. The list of members elected for the different ridings is given ` LIBERALS ELECTED. I BRANT, N., 3. II. Frsirer ..... BRUOE, S., Dr It E Clap?) . BRUCE, (1. Major Hugh Clark • CARDWELL, B A. Little ' CARLE TON' G. N. Kidd • DITFFER1N, Dr. L"wie DUNDAS, J. P. Wnitney, ...... IbITRILAAL E., J. J. Preston.... - DURHAM, \V., J. IL Devitt !ELGIN, E , 0 A Brewer I ELGIN, W., F. G. MacDiarmid I ESSEX, N., Dr. 1 0. Reaurne I FOR WILLIAM awl LAKE OP THE WOODS, Dr. Smartie. FRON PENA°, 3 S. Gallagher GRENVILLE, Howard Kergusill GREY, 0 , 13 Lucas ....... GREY, S., Dr. Jamievon..... HALTON. Dr. A. W. Nixuu HAMILTON-, W , J. S. Heudrie HAMILTON, E , H. Oarscallen HASTINGS, W., IL /3 Morrison._ HASTINGS, N..J. W. P;arze HURON, W., D. I1u1Lcs HURON, S , H Either KENT, E.. P. H. Bewyer L eeIBTON, E., Hugh Montgomery LA MBTON, W , W. J Flamm LANARK, N. C. Poeeton „ LANARK, S , 0.1 Matheson . LEEDS, J. B Dareavil LENN'OX. T. G. Oarscalleu LINCOLN, Dr. Jessop. LONDON. Adam Beek ..... , MANITOULIN, R R Gemey MIDDLESEX. N., C 0. Horlains. • MIDDLESEX, E , Geo. W. Neeley MUSKOKA, A. A Mahaffy B, 0 Lamarche NIPIASING W., 0 Anbin NORFOLK, S. Arthnr C. Pratt . NO1112HUMBERLAN'D, E, Dr. Willoughby • .......... • • • ONTARIO, N., W. 11. Hoyle ONTARIO, S ,Chas Calder OXFORD, S., D Sutherland PARRY SOUND, J. Galva PERTH, N , John Torrance. PER PFI, S • N MOOteith PETERBORO', W., T. E. Brad- burn RENFREW, S , T. W. AVGarry.. RENFREW-, N , E A. Dunlop SIMCOE. W., Jas. Duff SIRCOE, 0 , A.' B. Thomps.on STORMONT, Goa. Kerr TORONTO, W , Thos. Crawford TOROY.120, E , Dr. R. A. Pyne TORONTO, N., Dr. Beattie Nesbitt TORONTO, S , J. J. Foy..... VICTORIA, E, J. H. Carnegie VICTORIA.. W., S. J Fox WATERLOO, N., H. J. Lackner WA.TERLOO, S., Geo. Pattinson WELLAND, M. Fraser WELLINGTON, S., J. P. Downey WELLINGTON, E, Major J. J. Craig . WELLINGTON, W., Jas. Tucker YORK, E , A. YORK, W , J. W. St. John 1,400 Lennox 268 BRANT. S., T. H. Preston 152 BROCKVILLE, Hon. G. P. Gra- ham 169 BRUCE, N., C. M. Bowman 54 ESSEX. S., J. A. Auld •• • 220 GLENGARRY, John A. M'Millan 300 GREY, N., Hon. A. G. MacKay.. 278 HALDIMAND, Jacob Kohler 527 HASTINGS, E., E. W. Rathburn (Ind.) 200 HURON, E., Arch. Hislop 142 KENT, W., A. B. M'Coig 214 KINGSTON, E J. B. Pense 17 MIDDLESEX, W., Hon. Geo. W Ross ... 113 MON CK,I1Ori: ..R.. haseonrt , , , 75 NORFOLK, N., Lieut. -Col. Atkin - Bon 350 NORTHUMBERLAND, W., Sam. Clarke 206 OTTAWA. Geo. S. May 229 " D J. M'Dougal 378 "OXFORD, N., LienteCol. Munro550 PT. ARTHUR and RAINY RIVER W. H. Kennedy 27 PEEL, John Smith 34 PETERBORO', E., W. Anderson 217 PRESCOTT, L B. Lahrosse 400 PRINCE EDWARD, Dr. M. Car- rie. -"_ . . - ...... 7 RUSSELL,Deinai- ..eRacine 1,049 SAULT STE. MARIE, C. N. Smith 125 SIMCOE, E , J. B Tudhope 300 WENTWORTH, 5., Daniel Reid . 221 WENTWORTH, N., R. A. Thomp • son. - ........ . 30 CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. Maj, ADDINGTON, W I. Paull. 500 ALGOMA. W. R. Smyth. 140 ge 05 94 228 300 400 500 100 131, 140 800 318 350 1,100 422 424 538 400 430 15 420 510 241 708 891 1010 65 765 560 400 TILE WEST HURON. Following are the figures in the West Huron elections:- Govertion, Cameron Holmes 79 94 78 56 86 88 460 480 20 No. 1 W. Skiming's house 73 2 Vjtleau's store 02 3 Towu Hall 65 4 J. Moser's house 70 5 Phillips' shop , 59 6 Curry's shop 77 7 Deuuis Neville's. „„ 64 Majority for Holmes CLINTON. No. 1 Town Hall... 66 58 2 Case's evaporator99 64 8 Rnmball'a shop 60 62 4 Stephenson's shop55 60 280 Majority for Cameron 36 BLYTH, No, 1 Iudustry Hall 54 Campbell's office, „ 54 108 Majority for Cameron 21 WINGILUL. No, 1 Dr. Ford's office34 67 2 Gat:meted office 31 57 140 3 Town Hall.... 39 77 03e 4 T.Iel. Ross's wareroom 70 129 200 4C0 174 830 18 Majority for Holmes 156 ASIIFIELD. 244 45 41. .*1 WINGITAh TIMES, FEBRUARY 2, 1905. TVIINBERItr, 03 60 50 232 266 Majori'y for Bowman. , 34 No- 1 49 90 No. 2 01 74 No. ..... , 53 122 No. 4 , 70 115 No. 5 . 90 78 o6 53 74 No. 1 ...... 02 1"1"; No, 2, - . . 71 No. 3 „ . 08 No, 4 . 51 382 Majority for Bowman RECANTLTL ANION. Hislop I3owmau Brussels, majority 29 Grey, 115 Morris, 0 Hallett, 45 McKillop, 60 Turnberry Wroxeter g".3 Hoe tele ig - • - mrPmp, rTiflf,,qTrIfelti•rma,R!."1/rmyR•?•;;;;,, op.....;(;;;;ri•r. • 101,4ammu Winter Sale SEASONABLE GOODS. - BIC CUT IN PRICES. Our Big Clearing Sale will be continued during the month of February. Take 19 advantage of this opportunity and secure as many of these bargains as you can. Only goods mentioned in this advertisement will be sold at reduced prices. But all these 553 71 'goods must go, and as quickly as possible. TERMS, CASH OR TRADE. . . . . . . A discount of 25 per cent. off all goods advertised. 34 171 87 347 205 Majority for Hislop 142 leo n OWE. Mr. Sam Haines, of Clear Water, Manitoba,is spending a few days around hero. Mr. Evans and Miss Lottie Haines are home from their holidays, accompanied . by their cousin, Miss Jeanie Blaine, of Hamilton. A number from around here spent a very pleasant evening at Mr. James Durnites, St. Helens. 700 260 N o.1 Dungannon 52 2 School House No. 939 & 257 3 hoc' House No. 5, 39 741 375 4 Port Albert 32 320 5 School House No. 284 50 Robt. McIntosh's72 7 Mrs. MoRae's house 77 395 Majority for Cameron.- . 50 1,240 700 1,442 400 523 25 3,230 2,869 1,403 3,057 763 361 400 200 491 85 224 325 YORK,- N , T. H. 'NOTES. Wingham gave a large Tory majority. Well one Wingham -for Dudley Holmes. Wait four years. Then the Liberals will win. It was a "mountain slide" for the Conservatives. Now let us have four years free from political contests. The Conservative procession oa Wed- nesday night did not materalize. East Wawanosh is the banner Town - hip in West Heron for Liberalism. West Huron holds its record as being one of the closest ridings in Outario. W est Huron generally stays true to Liberalism, but by very narrow majori- ties. East Huron is true to Liberalism ancl. has a worthy representative- in Mr. Arch. Hislop. Many Wingham Liberals voted for the home man and helped to increase the Conservative; majority. The Liberals can well afforcl to let the Conservatives rejoice. Thirty-two years in opposition is a long time. Of the nine newspaper men who went to the polls, eight were successful - Liberals, T. H. Preston, of South Brant; J. A. Anld, South Essex; E. J. B. Pease, Kingston; Hon. G. P. Graham, Brock- ville; C. N. Smith, Sault Ste. Marie. Coneervat Ives - Hngh Clark, South Bruce; F. H. Bower, East Kent; J. Downey, South Welliugtou. H. J. Petty piece, Liberal, was defeated in East Lambton. COLBORNE. No. 1 Beumiller 89 2 Saltford , ..... 45 3 Smith's Hill 71 4 Leeburu 47 -- 262 Majority for Cameron54, WEST WAWANOSH No, 1 Dungannon 60 2 Auburn., 39 3 Towu Hall 27 4 Sr.. Helens.... 76 6 Patron Hall 45 Carlyle'e Conrteone Side. In the "Retrospects" of Professor William Knight of the University of St. Andrews are some interesting anec- dotes. Among these is a bit from a let- ter by Dr. Maclagan, who attended e years: "My personal experience of Car- Majoiity 511 Thomas Carlyle during Carlyle's last for Hislop -.185 MORRIS. No. 1 53 No. 2 69 No. 3 42 No. 4 54 No. 5 51 No. 6 . 64 73 78 62 67 30 14 21 345 57 39 67 35 108 68 57 66 38 35 247 264 Majority for Holmes 17 EAST WAWANOSH. No. 1 School House No. 10 72 2 School House No. 13 72 3 School House No. 9 55 4 Jas. Dow's, con. 10. 60 259 Majority for Cameron76 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. No. 1 Orauge Hall, con. 4. 39 84 2 Jno, S. Holmes'40 55 5 W. Sinclair's 46 65 125 204 Majority for Holmes 79 HULLETT. No. 5 School House No. 5. 27 32 6 Londesboro 66 31 . 7 School House No9, 52 32 135 95 Majority for Cameron,... 40 RECAPITULATION. Goderich _ 460 Clinton . .. : . 280 108 174 395 41 65 38 32 183 Wingham. Ashfield. Colborne ...... West Wawanosh , . 247 East Wawanosh 259 Goderich Township 125 Hallett 136 2,433 2,430 Mejority for Cameron5 Owing to the mistake of the returning officer in No 7. Hallett, in failing to in- sert the figures of the vote in his returns, the returning officer was obliged to de- clare Mr. Holmes elected by 15. 480 244 87 330 345 198 264 183 204 95 l▪ ea 111 :NW Mr. Joseph Chatnney is Wettriug broad smile these days. Why? It's a boy. Miss Annie Naylor is spending a few - days in Wingham. DRUGGING CHILDREN. . The mother who gives her little one "soothing" stuff when it cries surely doee not realize that she is simply drug- ging it into temporary insensibility with a poisonous opiate. But that is just what she is doing. All the so-called "soothing" mediciues contain poisonous opiates; they are all harmful- some of them dangerous, and should never be given to children. Baby', Own Tablets are sold under a positive guarantee, no • opiate, or harmful drng. The tablets • speedily cure all stomach troubles,consei • patious, diarrhoea, and simple fevers; ' they break up colds, preveut croup, saie the pain of teethiug; aud give healthy, natural sleep. Wheu little ones are cross, peevish and ailing, give them Baby's Own Tablets, and you will find ' there's a smile in every dose. You can get the Tablets from any medicine deal- er or by mail at 25 cents a box by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. EAST HURON. Following are the official returns an - 1 nonnced by Returning Officer Strachan ion Tuesday for East Riding of Huron :- Baussees. Hislop Bowman No. 1 36 No. 2 56 No. 3 41 54 58 26 150 Majority for Hislop29 1 GREY No. 1 49 No. 2 59 No. 3 83 No. 4 . 77 No. 5 .. .... 84 No. 6 77 No. 7 82 Lyle was this: He was the most courte- ous man I ever met. Never once did • that old man fail to rise up to receive For coughs, colds, bronchitis, - me nor allow me to leave his mein asthma, weak throats, weak - without walking to the door With the lungs, consumption, take Odle he had strength to do so. After Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. death all the ruggedness and the Wrin- , Ides disappeared from his face. But Cherry for the beard it .vvas like that of a wo• Majority for • man, so delicate and beautifully mold- [ ea it was." No. 1 No. 2 Protect the Back. No.8 Always keep a bottle of it, in ' People are more likely to catch cold No4. the house. We have been in the back than they are generally saying this for 60 years, and • aware of, aud if neglected It may prove Pectoral 333 Hialop..., 6 HOLLETT. so have the doctors.. a serious matter. The back, especially Mtjority for ,• lava used Ayers Cherry Pectoral in nay between the shoulders, should always Wail) for 40 /ears. It Is the beet medicine ,• be kept ion covered, and never lean No. 1 in the, world, know, for all throat alit lung . troublex.. With your back against laything that No. 2.. ri. estetee., .64foritit . .1. c. cc. IS CO ... eN er 8 w No. 4 . - !Au sraesiots• for Teeet'lL meilc t direet draft, and when 'warming It by the fire do riot continue to keep the Mss. J. K. Noaceosi,Winhatn, main. Id. NI • it ith the back in a No 3... The Lungs 1 k expOsed to the heat after it hag Majority for beeitne comfortably warm. 'To do so , nebilitatiag. • 1 /. %To. Italy Siet1411 IS ti*Ofiltoi I ary. haturn with Ayres Rejoritr for 49 81 32 60 231 Hislop.... 45 96 . • . • 1. 95 .....-- 57 59 307 Hislop.... 60 WROXETER. 66 Iii$101)... 22 --1111'--"- [ BLUEXALE (Intended for last week.) Mise Fanny Paterson of, Wingham, was a visitor with relatives here last week. Mies Jessie Fraser of Turnberry, was renewing old acquaintances in Bluevale last week. Miss Annie Oliver, who has been visit- ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess, returned on Monday to Toron- to. Mrs. Paul Powell and Miss Belle Powell of Turnberry spent Friday with Mrs. George McDonald. Misses Maggie and Verde Jeryman, of Toronto are holidaying at their home near Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Lewis returned last week from visiting relatives at Mitchell. Miss Mabel Oliver is visiting her uncle, Mr. Joseph Burgess at Woodstpck. Mr. Malcolm, who has been suffering from sore eyes is much improved. Mr. Philip Thomas, jr., of Minto, Man- itoba, and son of Mr. Philip Thomas of Bluevale was married to a London young lady or ]'ednesday of last week. Mr. and MrsThomas spent a few days here before returning to the West. Mrs. McLean and Miss Maggie Mo- tel Lean, who have spent some time with Mrs. McLean's sister, Mrs. J. Johnston, have returned to their home in Wing - ham. Among those who attended the nom- ination at Brnssels last Wednesday were: -John Musgrove, James Orr, Richard Gilkinson, James Curtain, R. N. Duff. Mr Arch. Hislop, Liberal candidate, held a meeting in the Foresters' Hall last Thursday. The meeting was well attended and the crowd enthusiastic. Mrs. M, H. Elliott and children of Wingham are visiting her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Mason. ▪ :11 • 1 • 66 22 34 35 67 56 46 326 47 45 58 45 47 85 327 Miss Aitkin of Eadie's Congregation itt Turnberry, spent a few days last week with Mrs, (Rev.) West. 64 46 24 52 186 30 47 86 84 247 44 *ental xruierolt. The trouble with the most of us is that we do not know how to make up our minds, and often the fact Is that 'we have not given our minds to the thought that requires us to determine about it. Why is it the sun shines and sheds its warmth through one glass, but accomplishes nothing? Change the form of the glass through which it cornea, let us make It convex, and first yon will see the smoke, then the spark and then the flanle.-Rev., T. y. Me• brat 1111n1 Men's, Youths' and Boys' UNDERWEAR Pare ell -wool unshrinkable and wool fleece. Men's, Youths' and Boys' STYLISH OVERCOATS j All sizes. Quality, style and fit fully guaranteed. $10.00 worth of seasonable go FURS Coats, Capaiines, Collarettes. Capes, Rees, /e'toles, Scarfs, Muff, Boas, etc. -WOMEN'S CLOVES Cashmere Gloves Lined Cash m ere Gloves Ringwood Glows All -wool Mitts Wool Shawls Woo Blaul -te, TWar ps Shei,ngand Tog Men's Wool -Lined Mitts Waterproof Mitts and Gloves Calf, Hogg and Mnleskin Mitts and Gloves A11 new goods. Men's, Youths' and Boys' READY-TO-WEAR SUITS Well tailored, neat fitting, stylish new goods. s for only $7.50 WRAPPERS, SKIRTS Sateen, Lustre and Wrapperette Shirt Waists. 1 Night Robes. Drawers. WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Only the 50c, 75c and $1.00 goods at the special prices for four weeks. $8.00 Cash or Trade will buy $8.00 worth of goods. FELT SHOES Women's Felt Shoes, Slippers, • Wool lined Shoes and Slippers. - • . . • Misses' and Children's Felt and Cloth Slippers All, sizes. All new goods. Wool tweed Caps, Fur trimmed Caps, ' Boys' wool tweed Caps, Caps all sizes. MEN'S CAPS • You wouldn't refuse $5.00 worth of goods for $3.'75, would you ? Men's, Youths' and Boys' heavy Rubbers and Sox, Overshoes, Leggings, Long Boots, Felt Boots, Shoe Packs. A few LadiesCloth Coats, Travellers' Samples, at just half price. Fancy Candies -15c box Creams for 10c. 25c box for 150. 850 box for 20o. Fresh goods. II; tug ;1:312 121 A saving of 25c on every $'s worth of goods is worth 2bc to you 11 were just through stock -taking. All short ends and broken lots are put on sale IA as Remnants at a big reduction in prices. fig Su: "The Big Store," JNO. 86 JAS. HI KERR WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 4ruiteattiskilfg'eg-gedgeineeieleeleleeiesecie....e.. eten.ee_ --eakm==eteeereeeseeeecereeereeeenNel Convincing. tgE.30: ?Atonal -Are you sure that you belong in this school district? Prospective Pupil -Say, if you're look - .g tor Z bet I'll give you odds of 2 to 1,, C J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANOE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. CANADIAN ORDER • WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Live Stock Illtarkete. The run of cattle offering at the West- ern Cattle Market this morning was not heavy, but there was plenty of most kinds to supply all requirements ln the case of medium and inferior cattle trade was a little slow, but for those of best qnality there was an active demand Everything was pretty well cleared up, however, by the close of the day, and prices generally are quoted about steady Hogs scored another sharp advance, and sheep and lambs were firm The run amounted to 54 cars, and included 700 cattle, 725 sheep and lambs, 750 hogs 71 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 50 $5 00 Light 2 75 3 00 Bulls 3 25 4 25 do., light 2 75 3 00 Feeders - light, 800 pounds and up- wards3 25 2 50 2 50 3 75 2 40 Stockers 900 lbs Butchers'- Choice 3 90 3 25 300 Medium 4 00 3 25 Picked 3 76 4 25 4 40 Brno -111;h 2 25 1 25 3 00 1 75 Milk cows 50 00 30 00 8 00 Light stock bulls Hogs - Best 5 05 Lights..... . . ....... 5 05 0 00 I Sheep - Export 3 75 4 10 Bucks.... ..... 3 50 3 75 Culls • 200 3 00 Spring Lambe 4 75 5 40 •Calves, each ...... 2 00 10 00 VVINGHAn MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Feb. 2nd, 1905 FlOtt.t. per 100 lbs.... .. „ 2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat 1 00 to 1 02 Spring Wheat ...... 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, • .. 0 30 to 0 80 Barley ...• ... . -. 0 38 to 0 42 Peas 0 56 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 10 to 0 12 Geese, 0 09 to 0 09 Ducks, per lb 0 08 to 0 08 Chickens, per pair • 0 40 to 0 75 13utter . . . 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord • 2 50 to 3 60 Ho per ton- . . ... 6 00 to 6 60 Potatoes, per bushel0 35 to 0 40' Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Lard ....... 0 18 to 0 13 Dried Apples per Ib , 0 OS to 0 OS 0 00 to 0 00 We Hoge, per bWt. 8 00 to 5 10 Cainp National, No. 139 JJOLD their regular meetings on the 2nd, and 4th Friday in each month, in Odd - fellows' Hall. All visitors welcome. R. BUNNELL, C. C. In H. CRoWDER, Clerk. fpgggfg fgtgfgfgt PHOTOS! g We gnarantee our work, i n SLYLE, FINISH AND PERMANENCY . The latest styles of Mo ants ;; Armstrong & Co's Studio ZNiiimMgigi g; always on hand. DR. OVEN;, of London, SURGE -N, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISE-SES EYE, EAR, NOSE ANI THROAT. Visite Wi gham monthly. Glasses properly 11 ted. Nasal Catarrh and Dean ss treated. Wingham Office -In McKibbon's Drug Store. London Office -221 il.een's ave. Hours: 11 to 8 p.m. Next visit to Winmam, Monday, Jan. 2nd. Grit and Tory get the same rates when insuring in COSENS' Agency. All kinds of Loan, Real Estate and Insurance business • transacted. ABNER COSENS, WINGHAM. STANDARD Headquarters ,TELEPHONE SETS FOR SALE FOR ALL KINDS OF ollfectiollery Choice lines of Newport. Crown and G. B.......... BONBONS and CHOCOLATES Fresh, up -t� -date, Navel Florida and Mexican ORANGES AND LEMONS Heinz's Pickles and Canned Goods a specialty. OYSTERS in bulk, or serve1 in any style you wish. Pipes. Tobaccos, Cigars. ELMER MOORE. Opposite Presbyterian Chureh, $5.00 PER SET. Slightly used but in good order. APPLY TO SALES DEPARTMENT 178 Mountain street Montreal, Que. or to any Looal Manager of The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA,