HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-09-23, Page 8. _ MICROWAVE MADNESS SALE ALL '87 MICROWAVES PRICED TO CLEAR *ALL PURCHASES INCLUDE COOKBOOK — COOKING CLASS — WARRANTY SERVICE Deluxe Compact Microwave Oven Sale $279.95 plus fox Reg, 459.95 Mid Size Microwave Oven Sale .39995 plus tax Reg. 559.95 _ ... _ r, Microwave Top ofth6 Line Microwa e Convection Oven Convection Oven Sale • Safe 95 .M.Wk 74Z,, ,77.7 MaFa,447, • 8A THE HURON ,EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 23,, 1987 wAre,FAIFF-14,1,0447., visrnNie CAMPER CLUB - Members of the Wild Woods' Wheelei'S, a campei• club out of West Branch, Michigan' toured Seaforth at the beginning of this week. On, Monday they were in- -• troduced to the sport of lawribowling: Alio on (Vlonday their'preSi- dent, Bill Bennett presented Seaforth's Recreation Director Marty Guest talks of exchange trip St. Columban Correspondent MRS. CECILIA RYAN • 345-200 .• Members of the Hibbert United Church •Wcimert, shared an interesting evening when their guest; Tracy. Schrader, described her experiences as pne. of a group of students who visited the Northern Indian Community of Weagamow Lake; pn exchange. • Also, members were able to examine. the Various hand, crafted articles which Tracy had brought back with her from this reinote 'villa e. T ac was introduced and thanked by Joan Daynard, who along with 'Sandra Kemp, had prepared the program. Other highlights included a sing song led by Mary F. Dow, the unison reading' of "An Abdriginal Charter of. Rights" and piano duets by Kip, and Joan Daynard. • In the business section, chaired by Mary F. Dow, several notes of thanks were read by the secretary, Helen Fell, and plans were • discussed for corning Autumn events. The evening closed with a social half hourk prepared and served by'Ada Pethick, 401 and Nancy. Dearing. PlEOPLE • Ken and Leone Passmore, Aylmer, visited Sunday with John and Roberta,Templeman and " Carrah Templernan was a weekend guest of, Kelly Clarke. • SPORTS NEWS ' -The. South Hibbert Old Tymers .League held' pla offs tliis._,ypri§.1sidaattheal. • aff a WMS studies India Bedard. • crest:. Members of the Wheelers are: Bill and 'Shirley Bennett, with •a framed and autographed Wild Woods Wheelers • Cecil and. Doris (secretary) Hyde, •Vern and Jeanine Clemens, Chuck (wagon master) and Virginia Sapp, Bob and Joyce Sher - row and Howard and Jean McCauley. McIlwraith photo. .These games wi contjnue next un ay with, Goulds- and Fullarton playing at 10. a.m., Roy's Boys and Chistlehurst playing at 12noon and the winners from these two games meeting at 2'p.m. • , , The winner of. that game will play Staffa team at 4 p.m.; Come out and support the local teams. • St John • ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC • Ltd. Farm • Residential .0. Comniercial POLE LINE 'CONSTRUCTION - R.R. No, 1 WALTON - 345-2447 AEINVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE Goderich 519-524-2773 1-800-265-5503 BEST RATES 3/4% ) Short Tbrm I Year G.1.C. 5 Year G.I.C. - All Deposits INSURED Within Limits SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT • Friday, September 25 7:30 p.m. Students are asked to be at the school by 7:00 p.m. NESBIT ELECTRIC LTD..,Kirkton 229-8222 L SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS •Industriar *Farm •Residential •Pole Line Construction •Sales and Service •-•Bucket Truck Service •Hydro Pol• es !Electric Motor Repairs VRewiliding For Service Call 229-8222 AFTER 6 P.M. CALL TOM RAPSON 527-1643 11995 plus tax plus tax Reg, 869.95 Reg. 979.95 Over 85 Microwave Ovens in Stock Starting from 195.00 - sUbiect to prior sale We Selvite What We Sell DRYSII ALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario CLOSED MONDAYS OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES" Bob's Barber Sholi WILL BE CLOSED SEPT. 2.5 & 26 DUE TO SON'S WEDDING • Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Nell • Dud Jim 527-1737 . 527-0828 527-0775 ATTENTION CROMARTY AREA RESIDENTS The Huron Expositor is looking for someone to be the ,Clopyy.ly 4corremir-w derdt, *Orfiatheir the -Sala! news, -of -Cromarty and area. Give it a try! Give Heather a call at 527-0240. Staffa Correspondent MRS. JOBNTEMPLEMAN 34,2346. HaZel Harburn presided • for the September meeting of the Marian Ritchie Women's- Missionary Society (WMS) and opened with a reading. The scriptures were from Proverbs and COrinthians and the Meditation and prayer were taken by Roberta Templeman. Thir- teen people answered the roll call: „ . The study book on India was taken by Agnes ',mond who gave the viewpoints of several Indian leadenregarclint ty. Edna Stoneman conducted a °quiz. Ruth -. Laing 'reported on the fall rally of the Maitland Presbyterial which she and Helen Parsons; Muriel Stott, Agnes. Lamond.and , Edna Stonerhan attended last Monday after - :noon in Wingham. The speaker, Barbara Woodruff, spoke on herimpressions of the peOple . of RusSia, the country which the WMS will study next year. • Betty Lou Norris presided for the business when plans to cater for a . wedding were discussed and an October 6 invitation to Mit- chell was 'accepted. The speaker on that oc- casion will be a former Cromarty resident. • Mrs.Norris also had the 'topic. Dublin 4-H club makes booklet Dublin Correspondent MRS. DON MACRAE 345-2842 or 345-2140 Jenny.Staples reports that their 4-H Club isstarting to • make anew booklet. This booklet will be on Ontario Fruits and . Vegetables. Their assignment is to make families aware of the vitamins, fibre and iron in our snacks. Remember until your next meeting -you are what you eat. . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, Niagara Falls, :has been visiting with Mrs. MilIte Evans. I am sorry to report that Jean Dill has been moved to Seaforth Hospital from Strat- ford Hospital for further therapy. Don and I, Frank and Sylvia Felling, spent a few days last week camping on Georgian Bay and attended the Plowing Match which was a big success in Meaford. We spent Sunday with our family. Sharon and David Pelling and Mark and Jennifer and friends, who live in Meaford. FCC increases its interest rates There will be an increase in the interest rates charged by Farm Credit Corporation (FCC) on new loans approved after September 13, 1987. _ The new FCC rates reflect current com- mercial lending rates. Mr. Wise noted FCC assuwes a greater risk by lending to *farmer's tritb dannot 4get lo4ns front com- mercial lenaers, and it dbes do at a cost that is comparable tolhe rates charged by com- mercial lenders. The interest rate charged for five-year fixed interest term loans is now 12.00 per cent, compared with the earlier rate of 11.50 e35-2-4 Agfarns te,` 5-fouse Bed & Brea kfa,F. I jam aad gwat Tatterson 2.O.o1125 151g) 5274(140 Seaford+, onterrio /114 A simpie answer to your complex investment decision. You're looking for the best investment opportunity for your savings. And you're not finding it easy. • But here's a simple choice based on the facts. Over the past 19 years, Industrial Growth Fund has achieved total gronth of over 2400% (with dividends reinvested). In fact, for nearly two decades, it has chalked up an average an- nual compound rate of return of 1837%. consistently, Thanks to the conservative but growth -oriented Money management strategy of Mackenzie Financial Corporation.. You can't go wrong selecting the best. And, in our view, that's Industrial Growth Fund. For a full 'package of information, including specific comparisons, with other investments, return the coupon below or call. Industrial Growth. Fund MN MI at Os miss NI WO Fs • No ism, 01 um • D Looking both ways. to manage your money. FIPlease send me more information on Industrial Growth Fund and its 2400% growth reeord. • NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CITY PROV. CODE pRoN!.„; (trowe) All figures to NIarch 31, 1901 with dividends reinvested. 10 -year totel growth 2471.st%. ohe yesti return 25.12%. An ether made nth by ftre50ectOs. Dominion Securities Pool Ft. Mato 14/ Waterloo St. S., Stratford NSA 484 can coiled 273-09110 4 per cent. Loans under the Shared Risk'Mor- tgage Program have increased to 11.75 per cent, up from 11.25 per cent, while 10 -year fixed -term loans are now at 12.25 per cent, compared with the previous 11.75 per cent. Loans with terms of 15 or more years are now at 12.25 per cent, ap from 13 per cent. -FCC' also offers the Commodity -based Loan (CBI.,) with an interest rate as low as six per cent to its current borrowers who had a loan with the Corporation before February 26, 1986, and who are experiencing cash flow deficiencies. Under this program, the capital of 'the loan is linked to the variation in the price o one or two commodities produced on the farm. Qualifying borrowers can choose t fully or partially index their loan. Under the full indexation option, farmers pay an interst rate of six ,per• cent. The new rate for the partially -indexed option under the program is 9.125 per cent up from 8.875 per cent. The cap that limits the amount borrowers would pay if they opted out of the program has been raised to 14.25 per cent from 13.75 per cent, FCC is authorized to lend' up to $401 million under the Commodity -based Loa Program during the 1987-88 fiscal year, Bet ween April, 1 and August 31, 541 borrower had opted for a CM. and the Corporatio had approved $93.4 million under thi program. Ciderfest • from page 1 • old fashioned cote slaw, biscuits, almonds oranges and raisins. Quench your thirs with eider and coffee and finish with a temp ting fruit pastry, as pies once were tailed. Come early to enjoy the now traditiona events of Ciderfest. Cider pressing ntunerOus displays and demonstrations some new ones such as weaving, chair can ing and a saw milt See a miniature tracto display. The official opening of the new Inter pretive Centre is at 1 inn. This is a chance t find out what is new and different at the Va Egmond Reserve. Come join in a celebra tion, an anniversary and enjoy "Days o 1837" at the Ciderfest. Vanastra . lrn1Page7 follows:Adult Only Swim, Monday t Wednesday and Friday 12 1:15 p.m. an Wednesday 8 - p.M. Open Recreation Swi (for everyone) Monday, Tuesday an Thursday, 8:30 - 9:30 pin., Wednesday 6 7:30 p.M., Friday Flan Night 7 - 8 p.rn Saturday and Sunday 3 4:30 p.m. an Pettily Only Swim on Sundays 2 - 3 p.rlo. • Most of theSe programs Will commend 'the Week Of September 91, 1987 and run te weeks (unless -otherwise stated). The std at the Centre extends an invitation t anyone interested to drop in any time • view the ire facility: If you have any que tions regarding the fall program or reaui a brochure please call 482-3544. BERG Sales - Service installation • Free Estimates • Barn Cleaners • Stabling Bunk Fbedets Donald G. Ives R.R. 2 !Myth Bruatbit 887.9024 •