HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-26, Page 88 . 1 PERSONAL. We shall he glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you ALEXr have visitors or purpose going away yourself, Nilliiiii p in and toll us or se a ..-M+.. affo t. (Imp u a nota to that THE WD GHAM TIDES JANUARY Tiis week and nxI for 190E Mrs. J, 33. Swarts was visiting in To- ronto for ti fpyv days. Mr, John G. Moser, rzf Blyth was in Wingbam on Tuesday, 1)r, T. Chisholm, M. P. was home ,,,., - •^ from Ottawa for li few clays duripg the C -Tarin SalemTHEN INVENTORS Jackets and Coats 25 Jackets, new Fall and Winter styles, in .Kersey and Broadcloth, black and colors, our regular $5 up to $15-14, off, $5 ones for $3.75. x+10 for $7.50. $15 for x;11.00. Our No. 1 lot of Children's Coats -see them, About thirty warm Winter Garments, Hall Price. Fur Coats Five 535.00 Astrachan for - - Two 30.00 ll , One 35.00 Electric Seal for - Three 50.00 Lamb Colts at - - Ten Sable Ruffs, worth $12 to 15,75, at Five Sable Ruff,. worth 10 00, for - Other Ruffs and Furs to clear at bargain prices. Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums Exceptionally low prices prevail. Remnants of Wool, Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry Carpet at i, off. Regular lengths and enough for rooms, of Tapeiatry, Wools and ; Brussels. Regular 750 for 550; 1,00 for 75o; 1.25 for 95c. 4 -yards -wide Linoleum, English make- Regular 2.00 for 1.50; 2.50 for 1.00 per yard. 2 -yards -wide Linoleum -30c for 8e; 75c for 57c yd. i • $27.50 23.50 26.25 40.50 10.50 7.60 Tailored Skirts 50 Tailored Skirts, in Black, Oxford and Tweeds. All sizes. $4.00 values up to 0.00, for - $3.75 4 Grey, A s New Idea Paper Patterns, 1100 each Gloves, Etc. A special lot, made up of $1, 1.25 and 1.50, pair Silt Kid Gloves, white and colors, per pair - 190 Ladies' and Childs' Gloves, - 250 up to 50c Gloves of many kinds. 13 dozen assorted sizes Hose, Children's, Men's and Ladies', reg. 25o to 40e, for, per pair - 23c Bargains in laces. 1 lot at 5c a yd. Curtains and Curtain Materials Odd pairs in a great variety of styles- half price. All our stock of Curtains, regular $1 up to $5 at ? i off. $1 ones for 75o. $1.25 ones for 05c. Dress Goods and. Silks One lot of Black, 7 pieces, in Cheviots, new effects, ran„ing in prices from 1.00 to 1.25, for 75o. 10 pieces Mannish Suitings, 34 -in., 1 50 values for :1.10. Plain and Novelty Goods, one lot 50c and 600 valves for 38c. 875 Remnants of Waist, Skirt and Dress Lengths, selling now for cash at HALF the regular price. A GENERAL REDUCTION for the Pre -Inventory Sale on all goods in the Silk and Dress Goods Dept. All Silk Remnants at HALF price. All our stock of the celebrated Crams Prints, new patterns, regular 12no valves for 10c. Grey and White Flannellette Blankets, regular 1.00 for 75c. 1.25 ones for 95c. All rine Wool Blankets 14 off. 3 00 for 3.75. 4.50 for 3.25. All our stook of Flannellettes and Wrapperettes at ?:k off. 10c qualities for 8c. 12eMc for 10c. i5c for 12'!cc, White Goods Sale Muslin 'Underwear, 1 i off. 1.00 for 75c. 1.25 for 0Sc, 1.50 for 1.20. Including Night Gowns and Skirts. White Waistings, Madras Vestings, mercerized stripes and fignres, at special prices. Many marked to close out quickly at =; price, 25c for 12ic. 40c for 20c. Table Linens -Our large stock at 14 off. 30c for 38c. G0c for 45c. 75c for 57o. 1.00 for 73c. 1.25 for 05c. Too Much to Print The great quantities of goods prepared for the sale have made it impossible to even mention a great many lines For instance, there are some extraordinary values in Embroideries -1 lot for Sc and 100 ; Ribbons, Trimmings, Belts' Collars, Ladies' Underwear, Corsets -1 lot of Corsets for 25c, Lot No. 2 for 38c, Lot No. 3 for 50c. to Don't miss the good things. Come early and get first choice. The actual values and sale prices advertised may be depended upon to the penny. Remember, positively no goods charged only at regular prices. If not paid at the time when ordered we will charge you full price. Cash and Trade Only. .Alex. Ritchie Wingham's Up- to -Date Store alni,.61j1z Ligtaaa6.,:is.rtrh ao,ottIMENII PROPERTY FOR SALE„ }louse for :.ale, 10 rooms, ::oft andhard water, storm windows, and screen doors, good staple. ,U acres land. 15 fruit trees, very low tax,--, a ' comfortable home. Cheap, apply to, R. N. DCFF. Bluevale, ( Int .44,4 •••••••••• 444 • 44 44 444 •• • Winter tveniq •Games 4 • % 'wr s w 4 Sherlock Holmes - 30c 4 Pit - - - 500 4 Bourse - - - 450e • Trix - - 50c • Flinch - - - 50c • Parcheesi - - 250 • Crokinole - $1 to $1,50 Lost Heir, • 100 to 250 • Authors, 10c to 2550 • Snap 5c to 100 t� Also many other games :• at lowest prices. °•. avb w l• Hockey Sticks , 100 t0 75c, • • Hockey Pucks Ise to 25o. . Sleighs and Sleds 2; 256 to $I.25, Ale 4 COOPER 8(00. • ♦ 4 4 • • • 4 •♦ 4 • A • ♦ • 4 ♦ 4 • 4 • e 4 w 4 •4 4 • ,w A • • ♦ • • -Dr. Macdonald, ex-M,P,, Was one of • the lipeaters at the trotaination in. Fast • I leant in the interest of Walter Scott, the • Liberal candidate, MINOR LOCALS. --In December 350,700 acres of free grant lands were taken up in the West. -Mr. J. B. Ritchie, an old resident of Kincardine, dropped dead on the street. -This is the time of year to renew your subscription to the Trios. -The Trains office is headquarters for wedding stationery, invitation cards and visiting cards. -When renewing your subscription to the Trails you will receive a cops of our holiday number. -A break in the heating apparatus at the school gave the scholars a holiday for a couple of days this week. --Our former townsman, Mr. H. O. Bell, has been elected a member of the Fort Frances Connell for this year. -The Young Ladies Fortnightly Club will meet at the home of Miss W. Alba Chisholm, on Tuesday evening, January 31st. --Messrs. Walker Bros, & Button in- tend enlarging their furniture store this sprung and aro now giving bargains in all lines of furniture. -If you are looking for bargains, see Alex. Ritchie's large advt. lit another column of this issue. The quarter Off sale is now going on. --Wroxeter and Winghafa curlers play a game in the Western Ontario Tankard competition in the rink Here 1 this (Thursday) afternoou. The 'tvin- hers of this game are to play with Bette. 444• ••••... tai1i- 1 just R eels; Mist; Se&si Gray left last week for North Dakota, where she intends resi.l- iug in future. Mr. Stewart Hood, of Devil's Lake, North Dakota, a former member of the Trams staff was renewing old acquaint- ances in town during the past week. Piper McDonald and Misa Mabel Mc- Donald assisted at a Scottish concert in Sauila° Centre, Mioh., on Wednesday evening of this week. Mr, and Mrs. Tyndall of Wingham, who came down to attend the funeral of the former's oonsiu, Mrs. V. M. Diehl of the 5th concession of Stanley, spout Monday night with Mrs. Tyndall's uncle, Mr. A. Giun.-Clinton News - Record, CHURCH NOTES. Service will bo held in Zetland sohool house this (Thursday) evening at 7;30 o'clock. Rev. Win. Lowe will give his lecture on 'Ireland and thelrish," in Luoknow, on Thursday evening, Feb. 2nd, in aid of St. Peter's Church. Mise W. Alba Chisholin will sing some Irish songs. • - Last Sunday being the anniversary of the King's ascension, there was special -11 service in St. Paul's church in the even - .1 lug. The Rector preached a sermon suitable for the occasion. The rite of Confirmation will be ad- miuistered in St, Paul's church some time in March. Candidates will attend confirmation class every Wednesday evening at 8:30 sharp. Rev. J. N. McLean, B. A., preached to a good sized audience in the Baptist church ou Sunday night, on the first of a series of sermons ou four great words of the Bible, "God, Man, Sin and Re- demption." Next Sunday night he preaches on "Man." Rev. Dr. Gundy conducted successful services on the Tiverton cir9uit on Sun- day in the interests of the missionary work. The pulpit of the Wingham Methodist Church was acceptably filled in the morning by Mr. K. J. Beaton, and is the evening by Rev. Mr. Jones of Belgrave. The annual congregational meeting of the Wingham Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday eveniug of next week and not Thursday, as was an- nounced in last week's Tiints. The annual reports are being printed and will be ready for distribution before the even- ing of theaunual meetign. Sore Throat and Coughs ▪ A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throat irritationsfsfoundin Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewith the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 3 1Oc. All Druggists 400 -The farm belonging to the estate of the late James Wilson, of East Wawa - nosh is offered for sale. See advt. in another column for particulars. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, No. 25, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. Members are requested to attend. --Farmers would do well to remember the auction sale of farm stock and imple- at Mr. Robt. Taylor's, half mile east of Whitechurch on Tuesday of next week. Mr. 3. Purvis is the auctioneer. --Soon be the first of February and no delayed trains thus far this winter. What a difference from lath winter. May the pleasant winter weather con- tinue is the wish of all, -Mr. dames MeK. Stewart, a promi- nent lawyer of Kinoarhine, died on Mon- day after an illness of over a year. De- ceased was boric in Kincardine Tp. 53 ;years ago. •Coughs, Colds. hoarseness, Ind other throe ailments ate quickly' relieved by bresolene tablets. ten cents ver hex. All druggists -Mr. W. It. Clayton of Listowel has been in Wing]iam for the past couple of weeks in the interests of the local ooun- cil of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, As a result of Mr. Clayton's Visit, the membership of the Order in Wingham has been materially increased. -The appeal in the case of the Town. ship of Turnberry vs, the town of Wing• haul comes up for hearing at Toronto this week. The matter in dispute is the tiesesoinent of the electric lighting plant, Sotne-tiionthe ago Judge Doyle gave a decision to the effect that the plant 1 e- ing niunicipel ptpperty was 4itenipt from taxation. r .. _...__ TOM SHERIDAN. The Handsome, Witty and Spoiled Son of Richard Ilrinaley. :tit the east corner of Bolton street (now 81 PiccadWy) there flourished when the nineteenth century was still young a club devoted to dandyism, di- ners de luxe and high play, or, to speak cynically, the ruin of mind, body and estate. It was called Water's. Its presiding genius, or "perpetual presi- dent," was Beau Brummel, famous for his cravats, his quarrel with the prince regent and his phenomenal good luck at the then fashionable game of ma* cao. One evening he found the gam• ing table so full that there MIS 110. room for him, but seated there was a friend of his whom he knew to be toe poor to play for the extravagant stakes affected by the habitues and who prob- ably would not have been there at All put for the rosy influence of a good dinner with plenty of wine. ' ,After a Word or two the friends changed places, and before long lirummel rose the richer by £1,500, This - sum he faithfully shared with his friend, say- ing, "There, Tom, go home and give yobs wife and brats a supper and play no more." The action was kindly and the e xb Jule good, and, though the words lacked Somewhat respect, the pill Was Nell gilded. Tom was the handsomer Vitt?. spoiled son of Richard Brinsiey} Sheridan. Of Tom it has been said' that be Was endotved with all the Wit Of his father, all the charm of his Inotlu or and the good looks of both. F'a'Fi0 men Seetn to have been more univeraid. Iy iIkO , and when George Colmtltt :Wrote,. "1 love and esteem Tom Shed, Tian heartily and wish eucce2S to art Scheme in which he is interested; t Ito Only expressed a general Sentiment. A few specimens of Tom's Wit havel been preserve& bion is butter than a reply to his foolishly indulge t fa. tiler whop remonstrating With hLM tot some imprudetice. The father ended by saying, "Why, Torn, ray fathat *Mild never have permitted 1'ni to d such a thing," whereupon Tenn replied In a tone of assumed indigiration,';Siy, would yea dream or ceinpftrtis yO10 fiktitet to' lbsitie7" T e "Bee Hive" Big l3leven° IT COMMENCES TO "' DAY, W -.T DQ S IT MEAN? OiliMIm i r ii 1111011lt n C Means that THIS STORE don't put on a " Drag Sale tt to clear out its surplus. of Winter Stock, but a Quick, Sharp, Big Eleven -Days' Sale with prices that will do the work in the time specified by the heading of this bill. We're too busy getting ready for this - Big Eleven to quote articles and prices.. Price quotations don't mean much on paper, anyway. " It's when you change your • money for our values " that you smile with satisfaction at the consideration This Store has for your dollars and cents. KEEP THIS IN MIND Everything in our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Jackets, Groceries = and Shoes goes into this Big Eleven ! • It will pay you to come to -day, to -morrow, and every day. IT PAYS TO DEAL AT The dee Ilive --- The Keeler Go. Phone 96, NEWS NOTES The Province will collect at least $45,000 in succession dues on the estate of the late Henry Cawthra. The property of the Dominion Brass Works ;was sold at Port Colborne to Mc- Dowell, Stocker & Co. of Chicago. George Fisher of Flesherton was killed on the railway nearMarkdale. He drove on the track mistaking it for the road. The death occurred at Cainsville, near Brantford last night of Rev, Peter Ger. man, a pioneer Methodist minister, aged 87 years. It is announced that the G. T. R. have placed a contract with the Dominion Iron & Steel Company for the delivery of 25,000 tons of steel rails. Mr. C,E.McPherson, Passenger Agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway, pre- dicts that in ten years the United States will;uy Canadian wheat for home con- sumption. isolitly. JO0 RTO\ -In Morris, on January 23rd, the wife of Mr. Richard Johnston; a son. M..urrnr:as -In Morris, on January loth, the wife of Mr. W. H. Maunders; a daughter. DIED mecneszo eAie-In Einloss, on January- 13th, James Mculeneghan, aged 76 years and 6 months. LAtDtAw.-In Morris, on January 13th, Mrs. Robert Laidlaw, aged 60 years. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS,WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. FARM FOR SALE„ 103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; seventytive sores under cultivation. Good house ; new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, Wingham. 'SOWS FOR SALE.. The undersigned has for sale a number of thoroughbred Large English Berkshire Sows, from three to six months old, some of which have been already bred. Also a pair of young boars for sale. I alsohavefor service, a young boar, which was a prize winner at Toronto. P. GIBBONS Marnoch P. 0. 'FARM FOR SALE/" To clear u the este . of the ate James Wil- son, the undersigned :eecu rs offer for sale the south part of lot , o se 14 concession of East Wawnnesh, abo t'miles from Wing - ham res. 87 t eontainin • On the premises there are a good ban barn, 40x60 feet with straw shed and roothouse 10x20; a good orchard - limestone quarry and lino kiln, and 20 acres of ll..00d hardwood and hemlock bush. The farm has been all raider grass for a number of years and is well watered, To the right lien this property is a moneymaker and must be sold at once. Price and terms on application to ROBERT CURRIE, box 184, Wingham or CGAVIN WILSON, on boundary line 0 miles west of Wiugham, box 42, Wingham. IIto enter for a term in any department of our excellent schoOL The or NOT TOO LATE 011' Toltoraro. Per the Winter Term now open we heves a stair of 20 teachers and eau offer Ativan• toes not to be fo0ntl inn entail, tiaifnport- dat seltOol. Write for f 5i ticttlars And Arrange to start at onto. Address Uir. fit. 83/40, Principal. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "ANNAA AA AAAA A,gAAAAAAAM • IENLAR INC 1' We intend enlarging our store and increasing our stock in many lines, in the coming Spring. , To com- plete our arrangements we will clear out some lines of FURNITURE at reduced prices for the next 60 days. As our landlord has promised to re model our store early in the Spring, we are looking forward to having one of the best Furniture Stores in the county. WE) will do our part to keep the best and most up-to- date stock and attend to the wants of' the public promptly. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, WINGHAM, NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV VVVVVYVWVYY'WVYWVVYVV.. ••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦4444•••+♦•••♦•o•••••♦•••• • • • COAL COAL COAL. • ♦ ♦; • 4 O • • fu 1 atoel of LUMBE HUES., LATH 4• • (Dressed or Undresse • • Barrels, ♦ Cedar Posts, Etc, • We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has 210 equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, alwa n hand. • O"' Highest Price paid for all kinds of Lugs. 'lift w;• • •• 4Afil AN McLean.t • • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 04. Mill, No. 44. •••••••••••4•••4••••♦•'••• •••••••.4••4.4••4••••••4•• • • maximatteed February at the Winter Resorts The most popular month of the year. For Winter pleasure or health travel, California,Mexico or Florida offer attrac= tions difficult to find in any other part of the world. Delightful, restful, health restoring climate; luxurious hotels. Round trip tourist tickets to all South- ern Resorts are on sale daily. Those who cannot take advantage of the above resorts should spend a few days or weeks at " Near -by Winter Re- sorts," St. Catharines Mineral Springs, Mount Clemens Mineral Baths and Pres- ton Springs,all situated on Grand Trunk. .Ask your Agents for full information, or address J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. For tickets call on L. HAROLD, Agent,wingham. CANADIAN -PACIFIC amour School CENTRAL $TRATFORD. ONT. There is abundant room for you in the higher and more responsible posi- tions of life. YOU ARE NEEDED. Get a business or shorthand training and march upwards. Enter our school this month if possible. Write for free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. AGI OSS �. CN,pWOOD WANTED? Without Ghat* at the Wingham Salt Works;., In comfortable Tourist Sleepers, Fully equipped with bedding, cooking range, oto. Porters in charge. First and aeeond.olass passengers. Moderate berth chargee. bats leave Toronto 1.45 p.imp.) T'needays and Satur• days, and North Say on connecting traits Sundays and Thursdays. Tickets And pall pnrtieulnra from your near. est Canadian Patlfle Agent T ti n : VosTER, Asst. t7en1• freer. Agent We are prepared to pay the highest'. cash price for 5,000 cords of wood (cord. Word or short, hard or soft) to be deliv- ered at our works in Winghafrt. Gray, Young & Spalding Cr,