HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-09-16, Page 1616A — THE •HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 16, •1987"-^-" OPEN REC E'PT 10 N FOR Brenda Cooper and Michael Meidinger on Saturday, ,Sept. 19 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Seaforth EIGHT THIRTY P.M. SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Commencement Exercises FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 7:30 P.M. DISCStevens JOCKEY SERVICE �� r. I Uk kyr Country Gold. & Rock'nr Roll= 5C0"POEkAS-WAP12E5�NE W-bAE EN-OI6f-MUSIGGODD-HGEORPf D MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARTIES ETC 10 yrf. o purlonco 'No miloogo chord& • BRUSSELS '887.6159' • DAYTIME or EVENINGS CHIPPERS CHICKE FORMERLY DIXiE LEE Everything. Is The Same Except The Name ROAST BEEF DINNER 9 PIECE ECONO BOX. 9 Pieces Of Delicious Chicken 3.95 6.99. SUBS 1.99 THIS WEEK ONLY 527-0220 Se. STARTS FRI. AT THE :.STEVE MARTIN DARYI, HANNAH Pe K T EATRE •• • • • • • • • • • • • • NE GODERICH• • 524.7811 • • GAMIC GENIUS 1*• • It's easily Steve Martin's best picture and firmly establishes him as • an authentic comic genius"• • George Elrgo,CU.STV,THE MnnNINGPROOKM1 • • • "Stunningly beautiful... • ' sun -dappled .. ...nti- y• its a sun -da led romantic corned . • PARENTAL' • GUIDANCE i • • • FRi. & SAT. 7 & 9 SUN. - THURS. 7:30 TUES. `2.50 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Seaforth Agricultural Society 142ND ANNUAL SEAFORTH FALL FAIR September 24 & 25 SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 Seaforth & District Community Centres CHICKEN & QUEEN OF THE BARBECUE FAIR DANCE BARBECUE & - 7:30 P.M. Take-out Available Dante & Barbecue 510.00 • Barbecue &'.0G - Chlldren (12 & under) 53.50 - Dante only S5.01)14;01 • Tickets Available from 529.1300 Queen Competition 7:30 P.M. Crowning Queen 9 P.M. DANCING 9 - 1 A,M Music by BEACHWOOD Free Bicycle Draw THURSDAY SEPT. 24 6:00 P.M. Exhibits open 8:00 P.M. Official Opening by 1987 Queen of the Fair 8:30 P.M. Variety ShoW Giant Pumpkin Contest Log Sawing Contest Food Available on the GroDnds FRIDAY SEPT. 25 11 00 A.M. Parade leaves Optimist Park 12:00 P.M. Judging of SWine 12:45 P.M. Judging LI ht and Heavy Horses 12:60 12:45 P.M. Pedal Pull Registration 12:45 P.M, Oraw for Pedal` Pull Contestants 1:00 P.M. Pedal Pull 1:00 P.M. Judging Beef, Dalry and Sheep 1:00 P.M. Stan Jackson Memorial Registered; Hereford Show 1:00 P.M. Huron Perth Jersey Parish Show 1:00 P.M. Junior Fele for 4-H, Jr. Farmers and Institutes 4:00 P.M. Bicycle Draw 4:30 P.M. Penny Sale Draw SUNDAY, SEPT. 27 Annual Country Style crunch Tuckersmith Township Garage All You Can Eat 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults 54.00 Childr"en 52,00 Por information Contact: Neil D01'mage Sharon. Flahagan Doreen Strong President Secretary Treasurer President Home Craft 527.1196 345,2406 527.0876 Fairmount Amusentents I'n operation at ALL TIMES ADMISSION Adults 53.00 per day. High School Students 51.00 per day Elementary & Preschool Free BUCK &` DOE Mary Jo Ryan and John Nelson FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 Port Elgin Casino 9.1' 5.00 Per Person Eating Disorders ANOREXIA & BULIMIA DR. K. BERG --at—the Town—Hal•1—in—Clinton— Wed., Sept. 23 at 7:30 p.m. We invite you to be present for the annual meeting of the Huron - Perth Centres for Children and Youth and the Huron -Perth Cen- tres Fund, which followsthe above presentation. Dr. Berg is a clinical psychologist at. the University of Western On- tario who also maintains a private practice in London. Dr. Berg is widely known as a specialist in the research and treatment of eating disorders. For further„information call Clint ton 482-3931 or Stratford 273-S373. HAPPY 25th MOM and DAD Bruno and Jo ce Braecker Love, John. & Karen, Trace & Michelle QUEEN'S_ "..w A ,,, ,SEAFORTH w THURSr. - FRI. - SAT. Party with Us And 'White Widow' THIS THURS. NITE (SEPTEMBER 17) Gin's -Nita --Out- Prizes - Surprises Fun - Specials Council defers decision on.. seeking approval authority municipality currently, but with the pro- vince and as a result projects often are bog- . ged down waiting for a provincial decision. "This (delegation) would bring the deet- . ' sion one step cldser to the•municipallty,” he said. Delegation would not take any authori- ty from the local municipality, he added. Mi-. Johnston, however, said he felt the planning and development department could be putting the county in the position of. possible conflict with one of its member Municipalities, In his opinion, the county is not in that position at present since the onus of final approval is at the provincial level. ' Mr. Davidson argued, however', that the situation of possible conflict already exists. under the current system since the provin- cial, government usually goes along with` county recommendations on such planning functions. An elaborate system, of checks and balances, however, usually allows the municipality' to say no to a development If it does not want it, he said, "Problems occur, however, when .the municipality and county have given ap, proval to development and the ministry is dragging its heels." • Exeter Reeve Bill Micklesaid that since • the planning and development department is involvedin the drafting procedure for such functions asbylaws, delegation of ap- proval authority to the county would very likely place it in a position of conflict. Mr. Davidson again argued that the poten- tial for this scenario already exists under the current system and that delegation would not increasethe risk of that happen- ing. "If a local municipality does not ap- prove a bylaw, there is no bylaw," he said. Mr. Johnston supported Mr. Mickle's sug- gestion that council defer action on :the recommendation until members of council have had more time to study the detailed report. He also suggested that Mr. Davidson or a representative speak to each of the local councils on the report during thedefer- ral period. Council will again consider the recom- mendation at its regular October meeting. Revenues Action has been deferred by Boron County Council on a recommendation that it ask the .provincial government to delegate' the ap- proval for certain planning functions to - county council. The recommendation was made at coun- cil's regular September session during a report presented by its planning and development committee. However, fears expressed by some members. of council that such action could have serious ramifica- tions prompted deferral of the issue until all. members of council have had time to review 'a detailed submission on delegation —pr-epared by the planning and development department, In the report presented by the committee, council was told that the Planning Act allows delegation by the provincial govern- ment of some planning functions to county council. The report recommended council ask for formal delegation of: , Approval authority for plans of subdivision; approval authority for plans of condominium; approval authority for part lot control bylaws; ap- proval authority for road closings' pursuant to specific 'sections of the Planning Act and review of zoning bylaws as Per the minister's interest, including official plan conformity; minister's zoning orders and provincial policy. • Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston was the first to raise concern over the committee's recommendation and said he feared Huron County is trying to assume control of all planning. "I would like to know why you feel the county would be able. to de a job better than the ideal municipalities," he asked county planning ,director Gary Davidson. - Mr: Davidson replied that the finalap- proval authority does not rest with the Happy 25th Anniversary ANN . & FERG KELLY Love; Anne Marie & Steve, Mike, Cathy & Mary Margaret Happy 19th Birthday ROBERT GLANVILLE • from page 3 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation: Campaign Chairman was Barney Goldsmith and his successor for the 1988 compaign will be Chuck Rowland, 'a super- visor with the Huron County Board of Education. Two Heart to' Heart programs are scheduled for the Fall. These programs, to be held at the Wingham and Clinton hospitals, are designed to benefit those peo- ple and their spouses who have had a recent heart attack or heart surgery. Further information can be obtained by contacting Sandra Shantz at Wingham Hospital and Barb Guse at Clinton Hospital. From Mom, Dad, Barb, Paul & Kathy SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FAIR OANC-E -and CHICKEN BARBEQUE ®n Scattulyday, Siat+eirrob_ter 19e 1987 JUDGING & CROWNING OF FAIR QUEEN Seaforth & District Community Centres MUSiC BY BEECHWOOD Dancing 9 - 1 Barbeque 6 - 7:30 . Dunce & BBQ - '10.00 Children (12 & Under) - '3.50 BBQ - '7.00 Dance Only -.'5.00 TAKE OUTS AVAILABLE -- Phone: 527-1390- SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB FiFTH ANNUAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1987 AT SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES FESTIVITIES START AT 8:00 PM with 1 AM MUSIC BY THE MOONLIGHTERS ADMISSION $6. per person Proceeds to community projects OKTOBERFEST FOODS sauerkraut & sausage Age of majority required ENGAGEMENT Catherine Groot, and the late Adrian Groot once Robert & Rose Robinson are please:1 to announce the engagement of thtir children, Jeannette & Stott. The exchange of wedding vows will be on September 14, 1987 at ATF Saints Roman Catholic Church, Strathroy, Ontario of 2:30 p.m. BRODHAGEN CHAMBER Or COMMERCE FISH FRY Fri., Septi 18th BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 5:00 p.m'. - et:00 p.n. Adults '7.00 Children '3.50