HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-26, Page 66
Sunlight Soap is a well made Soap
The making of soap is no longer a chance mixture of m'scellane-
ons fats, I:•:7ert chemists carefully watch and tint every atop in the
making of
Slainlig.t o
The fits awl oils must be p'rfeetly pure and at every stage of the
process the. soap must conte nit to Sunlight staut:ar 1. That is why it
cleanses your clothes perfectly, makes your blankets soft and fluffy,
does not destroy your most dainty linens or injure your hands.
Sunlight Soa:; trashes equally well in hard or soft water. Your
dealer i; authorized to return the purcaa.0 money if you are not
The Sunlight Maids are he oughgtheir Ywashing by noon -that's
Kernels frrn the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
The estimates submitted to the House
of Commons amount to 6S,064,257.70, a
decrease of $.0,0115,631 S5, as compared
'with last year,
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back. rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infinnnatjon,
gravel, Enigirt's disease mid
diseases arising from t, r•;ag action of the
kidneys and bIui der,
Charles C4 old, one of the old pioneers
of Huron Tp., died on Friday, Jaunrtn:v,
,12th, at the age of 75 years.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's'
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sore cure which should always be
kept in the house.
Mr. Andrew McPherson of Teeswater
has purchased Mr. John McKague's 100
acre farm, a mile and a quarter west of
Teeswater. The price paid is $0,500 and
Mr. McPherson is to take possession the
first of April.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens
the water and disinfects. 38
The difficulty between Dr. Armstrong
and the Howick Tp. Council bas been
settled by the Council agreeing to pay
him $150, and also the case between
G. W. Mapleloft and the Council for
$25. This is much wiser than settling
it in the courts.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated, Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
The oldest man in Bruce Tp., if not
in Brace Co., is Donald McGillivray -
"Tailor Donald," as he is best known to
old residents on the 12th con. He has
completed his one hundredth year of
life and is only now beginning to suffer
from the pangs of illness. aaY
Another of the old pioneers of Elma
has passed away, we refer to the death
of Mr. Charles Buchanan, Atwood, on
Friday, Jan. 13th. Deceased was well
known in those parts, once living on the
farm now owned by Thomas Hymer on
the boundary, removing to Atwood some
twenty years ago.
r. good brain food.
2. l ucites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth,
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
7. helps the secretion of the kidneys.
8. Prevents calculus concretions.
9. Obviates indigestion,
to, A preventative against diseases of the
it. Restores all nervous energy and re-
vives the natural forces.
22 H•rbdrd int,. Toronto, Oat.
THE W1NGl1AMI `PINES rJAN(T.Aill' 6, 1905
Mr. Thomns. Melroat', a resident of
Edna township Entice 1853, died on the
23rd of December last at Peebles, Scot-
land, aged 8.1 years Mr. Melrose spent
the last three years of his life with his
people its Scotland, living with a wid-
owed tinter, Hrs. Robs. Rankin,at
whose place be died, and his remains
weri laid a way to rest among his own
people in Scotland.
Mrs. Timothy Cronin died after a
lingering i lae, s on Tuesday,Jan. 10, at
at the home of her daughter Mrs. T.
Hedger in Detroit. She leaves to
mourn her loss a loving husband, two
daughters and three sons, Mrs. Hedger,
Mrs, Osbofne, Messrs. George and
�,r�ward (;ronin of Detroit pini RiObard ,
d the 2nd con. of Culross.
As a spring medicine Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
in the
weary feeling so prevalent
Tho peculiar cough which indicates
croup, is generally well known to the
mothers of croupy children. No time
should be lost in the treatment of it, and
for this purpose no medicine has received
more universal approval than Chamber-
laip's Cough Remedy. For sale by A. I.
McCall & Co.
The snccessicn duties branch of the
Ontario Treasury collected $458,000 dur-
ing the past year. There is some $4,-
000 in access of what was anticipated.
The total amount is $78,000 over the
total of previous years. The largest
collection was that of Al20,000 from the
estate of the late Alexander Fraser of
Ottawa, which amounted in Ontario to
over $2,500,000,
Seaforth will not bey the plant of the
Seaforth Electric Light and Power Co.
The by-law which provided for the pay-
ment of $10.000 for the plant has been
found defective, and the town fathers
now consent to judgment in favor of
the petition of the rate-
payers, Geo. T. Tnrnll and Geo.
Murillo, setting aside the by-law.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Miss Elizabeth Mary Devereux, young-
est daughter of Mr. John Devereu z, sr.,
was married on Wednesday morning of
last week in St. James' church, Seaforth
to Mr. John McDonald, of Walton. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father Corcoran, assisted by Rev. Father
Nortbgraves and was witnessed by a
large number of the friends of the bride
and groom.
For O". r Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its
value is inealoulable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Laxa-Liver Pills areThe ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
'According to the Leamington News,
Essex County, in two days, in that town
$21,500.00 was paid for tobacco, and
nine loads offered were refused. The
amount marks one of the largest pay-
ments made in this short time, for the
offering of products of the field, and
goes to prove that cultivation of tobacco
in that part promises to be one of the
The following graceful lie comes from
an enterprising Montana newspaper:-
" A farmer in Gallitan county raised
1,000 bushels of popcorn and stored it
in his barn. The barn caught fire, the
corn began to pop and filled a ten acre
field. An old horse in they neighboring
pasture had defective eyesight, saw the
corn, thought it was snow and laid down
and froze to death.
Dislocated Her Shoulder.
Mrs. Johanna Soderbam, of Fergus
Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her
shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back
in place as soon as possible, but it was
quite sore and pained her very much.
Her son mentioned that he had seen
Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised
for sprains and soreness and she asked
him to bey her a bottle of it, which he
did. It quickly relieved her and enabled
her to sleep which she had not done far
several days. For sale by A. I, McCall
& Co.
Stomach Troubles,
Thin-B!eoded, Tire U
6rvons, Unhappy
"I was sick, broken down, no
Strength, couldn't sleepy
No appetite.
Gave me Energy, Force, Vim,
Comfort, Made file well. '
Because Ferrozone gives instant
effect and steadily builds up new flesh
it is used by thousands in poor health.
No other tonic in the world is like
Ferrozone. No other medicine accom-
plishes such marvelous results.
It's wondersul merit in building up
and strengthening is acknowledged by
every physician.
It makes yon feel better at once like
Mrs. Charles Benny, of Coloyne, Out.
"I was sick.
"I was broken down and had no
strength, couldn't eat. I was sleepless.
"My nerves were irritable, T was
thin -blooded and continually unhappy.
"I tried Ferrozone,
"It gave we new energy,
It brought me comfort,
made me well." 1
To get new vital energy, renewed
youth, use Ferrozone. It makes the
blood rich and red, fortifies the system
with reserve strength, puts new life into
all that use it. Greatest tonin and re
builder known, 50o. per box or sib
for $2.50, at all medicine dealers, or Pol-
son & Co., Hartford Conn., U.S A., and
Kingston, Ont.
force, vim.
strength -it
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Peart, Wheeler street, Lueknow was the
scene of a very pretty wedding on
Thursday evening, Jan. 12th, when their
daughter Miss Emily Peart, was united
in marriage to Mr.John G. Murdoch,h, of`
the firm of J. G. Murdoch & Co., dry
goods merchants of that village. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
R. W. Millyard, assisted by the Rev. D.
Mc1errol, B. A., of the Presbyterian
A disordered stomach may cause no Church, in the presence of the immediate
end of trouble. When th'e stomach fails friends of the contracting parties,
to perform its functions the bowels lee- t
come deranged, the liver and kidneys
congested, causing numerous diseases, T11EY 104OW IT,
the most fatal of which was painless and 1 Thousands of people throughout the
therefore the more to be dreaded. The country know that ordinary remedies
The Culross Agricultural Society held
their annual meeting at Teeswater. The
attendance was small, The of vers
elected for this year are as follows; --
President, W. H. Jarvis; lst vice Pres.,
W, J. Kirkland; 2nd vice Pres.,
Hardie; Directors, J. W. Ballagb, Wm.
Moffatt, W. Thornton. W. 3. Arkell, V.
Ritthiger, Wm. McDonald, A. H. Mc -
Kaput, John E. Scott, Walter Howe,
Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs. J. J. Hiscox; audi-
tors, Geo. 5. howler, Alex. McKague;
John Pargnaharson, Sec. Treas. Mr,
W. f1, Jarviswas the delegate appointed
to attend the meeting of the hairs' A.
aaciatlon to be held in 'Taranto in
important thing is to restore the etomaoh
and liver to a healthy condition, and for
this purpose no better preparation can be
used than Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. For sale by A. I. McCall
& Co.
Rural free delivery of the mails has
bean so extended in the United States
that the service now costs about $13,000,-
000 annually, and approximotely 12,000,-
000 people received the benefit of its
facilities. Up to October 2st, 27,138
petitions for new routes pending. These
increased facilities contribnte to the
general increase in the receipts of the
Post -Office Department by promoting a
larger use of the mails.
The marriage of Miss Sadie Hooey to
Mr. Dane, a prosperous young farmer of
Howick,took place athigh noon on Wed-
nesday, 11th inst., at the hdme of the
bride's mother in Mildmay. The cere-
mony was performed by• Rev. W. E.
Stafford in the presence of only the im-
mediate friends of the contracting part-
ies. The happy young couple left on
the afternoon train for Gorrie, near
which village Mr. Dane's farm is situ-
ated. Their many friends wish Mr. and
Mrs. Dane a pleasant voyage over the
matrimonial sea.
As a convalescent food
Mr. Wyman N. Thomas, Ompah, Ad-
dington Co., Ont., writes: -"My wife
had congestion of the lungs along with
other troubles, and became very weak
and ran down. By the use of Dr.
Chase's Nerve food she was made as
strong and well as ever. Of course I
had a doctor, but she was weak, and it
was Dr. Chase's Nerve Food that built
her up."
for piles -ointments' suppositories and
appliances will not cure.
The best of them only bring passing
Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is a tablet
taken internally that removes the cause
of piles, hence the cure 18 permanent.
Every package sold carries a guarantee
with it.
It is perfectly harmless to the most
delicate constitution. A month's treat-
ment in each package. Sold at $1,00.
At any drug store, or the Wilson•Fyle
Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
The Mitchell Recorder has been sold
by Mr. Chas. F. Race to Mr. R. H. Davy,
of at. Marys, formerly of the Recorder
staff. Mr, Davy is a good printer and
should be able to make a success of the
paper. The sale means the cutting aloof
from Perth journalism of Mr. T.H. Race,
for many years the editor of the Recorder.
The latter is at present in England on a
Government mission in connection with
'immigration, and will likely receive a
regular position under the Government.
Mr. Chas. 3?. Race, it is understood, will
in a few weeks leave for Edmonton,
'A Cough that
Hangs -On
is one to be afraid of -there
is danger in it. You can
cure it quickly with Shi-
loh's Consumption Cure.
the Lung Tonic. Your
money back 0 it doesn't
cute you.
25 cts.. 50 cts. and $1.00
lkti•. Snot s'eotr, of Aub oro, ptiskeel
then ugh n trying experienen recently.
He was u•tn, t ills: app!.) trees uud Id!,.
breaking ln• Ire- below the thigh joint.
He was hair n mile from tiny house, and
it was a bitten+• colts day. Not coming
home at dusk, leis sister went to bunt
for bus with a lantern. After ptuoh de-
lay a suitable rig was on hauct to take
him borne, aid owing to the absence of
the doctnr, the limb wee not set until
the next morning. Considering the
ciruernstnnefs, Mr. Scott in doing ns well
as eau be expected.
Mr, and Mrs, Wei. C1i r'n, of Toronto
celebrated their golden wedding, having
been married on January 10th, 1855, in
'Williams township, Middlesr•i county,
Mr. Clark was born in Inverness, Sc'ot-
land, and name to Canada in 1812. He
first saw Toronto on May 24th, 1830, and
vividly recalls the popular patriotic
demonstration the marked that day.
Mrs Clark (nee Mary Allen) was born
near Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Clack were
pioneers in Sarnia township; tl.ey
are respectively in there 74th stud 70th
The hand of death on Thursday, .Tan.
1211i, removed au old and highly esteem-
ed resident of Ripley, when Mrs. Nim -
mo, beloved wife of the Into William
Nimnto, passed over to the great beyond
at the residence of her son, Mr. Thos.
Nimmo, 12'h con. Huron, at the age of
68 years. Thirty years ago the deceased
came to Huron with her late husband
and settled on a farm on the 12th cou.
For some tune the deceased has been in
poor health, and of late she has been
growing weaker until death came as a
happy release from pain and suffering.
Mr Joseph Izzard, of Goderich town-
ship, firmly believes that the Poultry
Station has done a good deal of good
to develop the poultry business, -
and exemplifies his belief by bring-
ing to town some chickens, of which he
has every reason to be proud. The other
day he sold to Mr. Scruton 11 chickens
that dressed 70 lbs, and sold two others
to a private party, one of which weigh-
ed 714 lbs and the other 8 lbs. They
were Rocks, and for chickens not spe-
cially fed, equal anything, yet men-
tioned in these columns. .
.paaalaaaarsaaaaaaaaaaBaa> u
Suffered ForANumber w
of Years From W
4 . iiiiii
M! That is what Mrs. Mary Parks, iii
Cooper, Ont., says, and there are W
thousands of others who can say to
• the same thing.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This preparation is intended especially
for coughs, colds. croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases over a
large part of the civilized world. The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works; of the aggravating and persistent
coughs it has cured; of severe colds that
have yielded promptly to its soothing ef-
fects, and of the dangerous attacks of
croup it has cored, often saving the life
of the child. The extensive use of it for
whooping cough, has shown that it robs
that disease of all dangerous results. It
is especially prized by mothers ,because
it contains nothing injurious and there
is not the least danger in giving it even
to babies. It always cures and cures
quickly. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co.
ITS di
A! cured her, and will cure any- ea
M one and everyone troubled with n!
TDyspepsia. Mrs. Parks writes as W
T follows:- re
st "I suffered for a number of years w
Tfrom Dyspepsia, and tried many reme- W
dies but without any relief until, on
!1! the advice of a friend, I started to use
Burdock Blood Bitters. .After using W
• one bottle I was pleased to find that I N'
T was relieved of the dreadful _pains I
Bred. I give all pie
enffpraise to B.B.B.B..B for T the benefit Ihave received, and I hope W
mi an sufferers from Dyspepsia will try
this wonderful remedy. 21 they do I 1
# am sure that they will have the same
,gi experience that I have had." y.,
Iy1 TH$ T. MII,n17RN Co., Ignan$D, to
Toronto, Ont., I
Ettileee loiiI:EEie.eE:a"'•E.'t :isc eiritctce
What is a woman? Only one of na-
ture's agreeable blunders.- • Bnlwer.
A beautiful woman is the only tyrant
man is not authorized to resist. -Victor
Unhappy is the the man to whom his
own mother has not made all other
mothers venerable. -Richter.
The best thing I know of is a fnst
rate wife, and the next best thing is a
second rate -one. -Josh Billings.
A beautiful woman is a practical
poem, planting tenderness, hope and
'eloquence in all whom she approaches. -
They govern the world, these sweet
voiced women, because beauty and
harmony are the index of a larger faot
than wisdon,- -0. W. Holmes.
A good book and a good woman are
excellent things for those who know
how to appreciate their value. There
are men, however, who judge of both
by the beauty of the covering. -Dr.
The act passed some years ago un-
der which tho government bore one-
fifth of the cost up to $500 of establish-
ing cold -storage warehouses expires in
March. The Ontario Fruit Growers'
Association have decided to ask the gov-
ernment to extend the time for another
five years, and also to give the same aid
to the establishment o$ central fruit -
shipping stations. It has also been de-
cided to take steps to fortn local fruit
growers', associations throughout the
The annual meeting of the membeis
of the Hay Township Mutual Fire In-
surance Company was held in the town
hall at Zurich last week. A large
number of the members were present.
The directors elected for the year are: S
Sberritt, Jac. Kellerman and Geo.
Douglas, the two former being reelected.
From tho director's report we take the
following: Total amount of losses dur•
ing the year, $4021.60; total receipts,
$11,488.25; total expenditures, $5,536.04,
thus leaving' the handsome balance of
$5,003.16 in the banks to the credit of
the company.
Mooney's Crackers are as
easy to digest as pure milk,
and as nutritious ai home-
made bread. Let the little
follc's supper be
' Cream Sodas
and see how sound they sleep
and how plump and rosy
they grow.
Air -tight
packages 13 '
them to your
table as crisp
and inviting
as if fresh
from the
161644:4. sl S. al,.� _,'a 715411 :IIi.I��dtt11„1,li.4III
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, woniert and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a, combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fame .rremedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est i- m' dy -vith a long and successful record, to
c•"rr; 'n•llgest!on, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
.,o' ..tlpation, Jensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• oi' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
ratism, sour stomach, bowel and liver cern-
,- .•-'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
>..' i-Iwn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•
f .ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con tent benefit from a regular use of Ripans
l'.ebules. Your drt ggist sells them. The five-
cVnt packet is en , ;h for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle ho cents, contains a supply
for a year.
:7.,allulluJ:c7lllll l I a'SatilblieLa, ... 4,11u,
Keep them
in the '-house.
illiS Take one when you feel bil-
bus or dizzy. They act di-
rectlyon heIiver.Lo aisM°
mntY our moustache or beard.
abeautafu brown or richblack' Use i<1rfY MB,or DSUOe1sr8 ort s L.a&iLl Ma MUM, I. Y.,
ED&^ «b$aT/iae ocaS8avosapaos 0®•®tseo
ui:V,il,Il w1111J.tii I 1 14.11111 ilSMiLid:.,JlaiiiiIAat I.7.:161 a •
4. a.
4, •1•.
3� The TI IEE will receive subscriptions at the following. 4.:
4. rates : 4..
* Times to January 1st, 1906 $1.00 ,
H Times and Daily Globe 4,50
Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.30
Times and Daily World ' 3.10
4. Times and Toronto Daily News.., 1.90 +-
Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 ,+-
* Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85 � .
w Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 0..
• Times and Weekly Globe . 1.65 0.
• • Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 r 5 • •
• Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 o
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• •• Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1.50 ••
• Times and London. Free Press (weekly) 1.80 •
• Times and London Advertiser• (weekly) 1.60 •
• Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 •w
• •.
•• Times and World Wide 1,85
r•, Times and Northern Messenger. 1.25 •
• Times and Farmers' Advocate `2.35 w
'We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
• to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine.
. Times•, and Farming World r 1,60 4,
Times and Presbyterian 2.25 +
+ Times and Westminster 2.25 � .
Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.354.
4. Times and Youths' Companion 2.75 .
.'1t. Times and Impressions (a business montnly) 1.80 '1'
� -
When premiums are given with any of the above *.
papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- . .
* ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. * .
4. The rates are as low es we can make them, and meas! •4
1• a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see
• what you want in' the list, enquire at the office ; we can i
give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine, w
NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any of the weekly pub- w,
• llcations in the above list will be sent to new subscribers :
from now to ist of January, i gob, for the price quoted -
the remainder of this year is thrown in free.
These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re-
mittances by pasta .tote, post office or express money
order, addressing--
'sessssstitoiooiMSSesese se *so•resesesse *iio**i000ii
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