The Wingham Times, 1905-01-26, Page 5THE WINGIIAM TIMES JANUARY 26, 19O5
20 to 30 per cent.
The Mark -Down Sale n.)w in progress is not
the usual sort -no hastily prepared excuse to create trade.
It is a clearance of Winter Stocks in preparation for
the coming of next season's goods. Our plans for the
future are such as necessitatea quick riddance of these
desirable goods, no matter at how great a loss to us.
Price is no object now and value is not considered. We
are content to let you -judge --Come.
Men's dark grey and black Rag-
lan and Chesterfield Over-
coats, sizes 35 to 46 chest, reg-
ular prices $7;50, 8.00 9 00.
Cut price sale - $6.00
Men's heavy D.B. frieze Ulsters,
sizes 35 to 46 chest, regular
$7.00, $7.50. Cut price sale $5.00
Mtan's Overcoats, grey stripes,
brown stripes, plain greys
and blacks, all newest styles,
sizes 34 to 44, regular $12 60,
14.00, 16.00. Cut price sale
Youths' Overcoats, Raglan, etc.,
sizes 30 to 34, regular $7.50.
8 60. Out price sale $5.75
Boys' Raglan Overcoats, sizes 22
to 29, regular $5.60,06.00.
Cut price sale - $4.25
Men's tweed suits in all newest
styles, checks and stripes,
sizes 35 to 46 chest, regular
$8 00, 8.50, 9,00. Cut price
sale •- $6.00
. Youths' tweed suits, (3 pieces,)
sizes 27 to 39, regular $4.00.
5.00. Out price sale $3.00
Boy's two-piece suits, (tweed),
sizes 22 to 27, regular prices
$1.75, $2. Cut price sale $1.50
trousers, sins 32 to 46, waist
regular $2.75, 3.00. Out
price sale • - $2.25
Men's tweed pants, all sizes $1.00
Boys' tweed pants, all sizes .39
Boys' Navy Blue Reefers, sizes 22 to 27, regular price $3.00, sale $2.00
Men's nnshrinkable grey wool
shirts and drawers, regular
price 60c. Sale - .39
Men's wool shirts and drawers,
all sizes, regular price $1 00
and 1.25. Sale - .75
Men's box calf lace shoes, all
sizes, regular $3.00 Sale $2.40
Men's dongola lane shoes, all sizes,
regular $2,25 and $2.50. Cut
sale prioe - - $1.75
Men's velour calf shoes, regular
price $4.00. Sale $3.00
Men's nnshrinkable knit top
shirts, regular 1.25. Sale $1.00
Men's fleece -lined top shirts, reg-
ular price 90c and 1.00. Sale .75
Men's 50c and 60c knit shirts .40
Men's 2•bnckle rubbers $1.75
Men's 1 -buckle snag proof rubbers
- - - $1.50
Men's lane snag proof rubbers
Heavy Lumbermen's Sox, regular
$1.00. Sale - .65
Big Bargains in Men's Fur Coats, Fur Caps and Collars.
Wood wanted. Empty Boxes for sale.
What Widoawake
Times Correspondents Communicate --•. Other
Clipped From Our Exchanges.
Miss Elva Pearen of Glenannau, is
visiting at Mr. Hugh MoBarneys' and
other friends in this vioinity.
Mr. Ed. James has returned home
from Revelsroke, B4O., after an absence
of nearly twenty years, to visit his bro-
ther, Win. James, and other friends in
East Wawanosh.
Mr. Jno, Martin shipped a oar load of
lambs last week to Toronto.
We are pleased to know that Mr. Jas.
McGee has almost recovered from his
severe illness and is able to be out again.
.A. Bloated Stomach
Distension and pains from indigestion
are cured gaioiiy by Nerviline. When
you get au attack of stomach trouble
take a stiff dose of Nervitine, which is
perfectly harmless but marvellously
quiok in effecting a lasting care. "I
was once taken ill with stomach trou-
ble," writes Edward R,awell of Roches-
ter. "I was in great pain and distress
but half a teaspoonful of Nerviline fixed
nee up iu a few minutes. I can recom-
mend Nerviliue for Mak headaohe and
cramps and consider it an invaluable
household remedy." Try it yourself.
Price 25 cents.
115010b.In order to reduce our stook and /Gl0
GreatSnap inDiningroorn Ch
stock -taking (Feb. 6th), we will sell Ch $6, $7 and $7.50 per
will of buying an up-to-date
of Diners below cost.
Also a few Upholstered Matra, $7.50 for $t 50
PF at Scand 7c per foot.
clear out a number of lines
1 airs regular
for $5.50. This give you an opportunity-
a regular
See our Moulding for Picture Frames 4c,
Ou Friday evening, Feb. 3rd, a concert
shell be given in the Foresters' h 11 here
when outside and the best local talent
will furnish a interesting
gramme, Pfooeeds are to be partly
given to Sick Children's Hospital and
other philantropio purposes. Let no one
fail to support so worthy a cause. Bills
will supply information, Admission
The annual financial statement of the
Bluevale Presbyterian Ohurch for 1904
has been published and copies were dis-
tributed at the aunual meeting on Fri-
day afternoon last. The total receipts
were $1781.92, male up in part of annual
subsoription3, $623 06; loose collections,
$100 53; epeeial collections for shed,
$676.81; schemes of church, $254.47.
After paying all the expenses there is a
balance on baud of $58 32. In addition
Mr. Arch. Hislop, Reform candidate
for East Huron held a meeting at the
school house near Giennanan on Thurs-
day evening of last week, What the
meeting leaked in numbers it made np
for in enthusiasm, and thaugh it was
Mr. Hislop's seoond meeting for that day
he seemed to be in good form. He spoke
for nearly an hour and a half and in a
clear and forceful way upheld the doings
of the Reform Government for the last
32 years in which they have been at the
helm of affairs in the Province of Oa-
tario. A certain individual in the
audience thought to create a diversion
by raising the Gamey cry, but Mr.
Hislop disposed of it in short order by
giving a summary of the case from be-
ginning to end and showed up that
gentleman in his true light, much to the
discomfiture of the opposition eym-
phathizer. The meeting was brought to
a close with cheers for Mr. Hislop and
Hon. G. W. Ross.
The People's Furniture Store.
Brick residence! 5th house west PHONE
from Hamilton.'s Corner Drug 5
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.
The hog is a machine to make pounds of pork. In raising hogs for
the market, the profit is rapid and healthy growth. Feeding to simply
sustain life makes you no profit. A food that will fatten your hogs in
the shortest time, and, with the least waste, is the profit maker. To get
the most good out of its food, the hog must thoroughly digest and
assimilate it. It is this assimilated food that makes the pounds of pork.
The addition of Clydesdale Stock Food will enable it to do this. It
Creates an appetite for a full ration. Many farmers seem satisfied
to let the hog "root" for itself. There is no better money maker
on the farm if given half a chance. Clydesdale Stock Food will en-
able you to get your hogs to the inarket at least thirty clays sooner;
this is inoney•saved. Mr. A. D. McDonald, Jericho, Ont., says I fed
it to six fattening Bogs as a test and found the hogs that received
Clydesdale Stock Food made a decided gain over those that received
3.'s none." This is "WISE FEEDING." Don't neglect the " RUNTS ",
they Can be made to grow, and be kept growing, by using Clydesdale
Stock Food. It will also keep your hogs in Audi healthy condition as
will enable them to withstand Hog Cholera the greatest menace to hog
• raising. Keep your hogs and pens clean be. using Carboline Antiseptic;
as hogs thrive better when clean. If not satisfied after using, your money
Will be cheerfully refunded by our dealers in your district namely
Wm. Gannett, Wingham.
Andrew & Webster, Lucknow.
M. S. Haldenby, ¶'eeswater.
John Rivers, Gorrie.
Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels.
3. G. Moser, Myth.
p;bove picture of the
alai, 1.,nd fish is the trade -
marl, of Scott's Emulsion,
and is the synonym for
strength and purity. It is sold
in almost all the civilized coun-
tries of the globe.
If the cod fish became extinct
to the above the Missionary Society it would be a world-wide calam-
ratsod $181.48 and the Sunday School, ity, because the oil that comes
$39.56. The church had at the beginning from its liver surpasses all other
'of the year 180 members, with removals fats ill nourishing and life-giving
and additions, the membership at the properties. Thirty years ago
end of the year was 186. The session is
composed of Rev. W. J. West, M. A. ; the proprietors of Scott's Mimi -
orator; Elders -Arthur Murphy, sion found a way of preparing
R abert Maxwell, Geo. Aitchison, James cod liver oil so that everyone can
Elliot, Geo. McDonald, John Bargees take it and get the full value of
Joseph Smith. The managing commit- ; the oil without the objectionable
tee is composed of James Elliot, chair- taste. Scott's Emulsion is the
man; R. N. Daff, James McNaughton, + best thing inthe world for weak,
Alex, MacEwen, Wm. Maxwell, John backward children, thin, delicate
Spence, Robt. Black, F. B. Scott, and people, and all conditions of
John Burgess, See-Treas. wasting and lost strength.
The Evils of Constipation aro •
Well known and the next best thing is
to know a reliable cure. Mrs. W.
Eddies of Stony Mountain, Mao., says:
"Dr. H tmilton's Pills are just the thing.
They go right to work at once. I use
only Dr, Hamilton's Pills." Price 250
per box.
Au Asthmatic's Story Told
Sleepless nights, suffocating sensa-
tions, difficult to even breathe "I can
soarcoly desaribe all I suffered from
asthma" writes Mrs, E. P. Oanyanaugh
of Colborne. "Spasms of ooughing
would come on that made me weak.
Nothing did me auy good until I used
the fragrant healing Oatarrhozone. 1
am delighted to recommend this remedy
which oared me of chronic asthma after
scores of good physicians had given me
up Catarrhozone is better for asthma,
gives quicker relief than any remedy I
know of. My euro is a perfect one."
Try Oatarrhozone, it never fails to cure
asthma. Complete outfit $1.00; trial
size 25o.
Rev. J. B. Richardson, M. A., arch-
deacon of Huron diocese, paid an official
visit to Blyth parish last week.
Mrs. M. L. Sterling and Miss Pauline
Jones of Detroit, are guests at the home
of Mr C. W. Vail.
The new Grand Trunk station at
Blyth is now completed and Mr. C. W.
Vail, the genial and popular agent, is
now in full occupation.
Mr. John J. Kelly, of Detroit, form-
erly of Blyth, has purchased the Union
hotel at Goderich from his brotner-in-
law, Mr. Michael Farr, and will take
possession on or about February lst.
Mr. W. J. Pyle is away on a three
months' business trip to the maritime
provinces. He is travelling in the in-
terests of Tho Wilson-Fyle Clo,, Niagara
The directors of the Blyth public lib-
rary have elected the following officers:
Ohairman, Dr. J. C. Lindsay; secretary;
Mr. A. W. Robinson; treasurer, Mr. D
B. MoKinnon; librarian, Mr. J. S.
Golden; book committee, Rev. J. Holmes,
Mr, Alex. Elder, Mr. James McMurohie,
and the chairman and secretary.
Connell met according to statute on
Jan. 9th. The newly elected members
subscribed to the necessary declaration
and qualification papers and then took
their seats at the board Reeve Camer-
on iu the chair. Minutes of last meet
ing were rend and approved. The offi-
cers for 1904 were appointed for 1905 -
Rich. Anderson and D. B. Murray were
appointed auditors; Wm Bailie was ap-
pointed a member of the Board of Health
for 3 years.
The following accounts were paid: -
W. Moise, repairs to grader $7 50; Mrs.
Campbell, gravel $4 08; A. Kirk, gravel
and damage, $3,66; Election expenses,
$38 00; A. Sproule, caretaker of hail at
Dangannan, $t.50; express on eteotion
papers, 50o; Olerk,distributing Pathmas-
ter Lists, $2 00; J. Bryan, ballots for
railway election, $2,50; St. Helens' Pab-
lie Library grant, $20; Dungannon, do.,
$10; Manchester, do., '$10; Municipal
World, subscriptions, $5,75; Reeve, one
day on Financial Statement, $2.00; J H.
Taylor, salary, $76,
Council adj. to meet on Tuesday, Feb.
14 at 10 o'olook.
W, S. McORos'rls, Clerk.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. James
Knight, 10th con., has been on the sick
list but we hope she will soon be much
John Shiels and wife, of North Dakota,
are visiting relatives and friends here.
It is about 20 years since Mr. Shiels left
for the West and this is his first trip
The new steel Campbell bridge was
paid for at the last meeting of the Coun-
cil, the amount being $569. This sum
was not iucluded in last year's tax rate
as the bridge broke down after rate was
The annual meeting of Silver Centers
cheese factory was held on Saturday,
Jan. 14th, when the annual report was
presented. J. H. Thomson was .elected
Secretary at a salary of $30; Hugh Rich-
mond, Treasurer and Salesman, with a
salary of $60; J. Sperain, E. Collis and
D MoQaarrie were named as Managing
Committee. A. A, Morrison gets 95 per
cwt. kr making and the whey will go
back as usual. Total received for cheese
for season was $13,077.08; cut cheese
$297 52. Total lbs. of cheese made 161,-
803. A balance of $87.83 was reported
in the bank. Patrons received $11,090.-
65; Mr. Morrison for making $1537.13;
hauling cheese $12.75; hauling whey
$3.50; Thos. E. Hammond was the audi-
tor In the battermaking 74o per cwt.
for milk was received by those patroniz-
ing this department.
Send tor treo sample.
60c. and $1.00. A1! druggists.
The annual meeting of the public
library was held on Friday, 13th inst.,
when the following directors wore ap-
pointed for the ensuing year:-Prosi-
dent,Rev. S. M. Whaley; vice-president,
P. Clark; secretary, Thos. Taylor;
treasurer, Wm. E Gordon; Jas. Ramage
W. S. McCrostie, D. Murray, Mrs.
Gordon and Miss McDonald, directors,
and D. M. Clark, librarian. A large in-
crease in the number of books read last
year was reported by the librarian. The
library is well eqnipped and as the fee is
small and ,vithia the reach of almost
everyone, there is no reason why St.
Helens' public library should not be a
flourishing institution and well patron-
ized by the community at large.
A girl has an awful queer look in her
eyes when men talk about building up
their muscles.
No woman needs the ballot to enforce
her rights; she can do it with tears and
a handkerchief.
Established 1879.
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Croce!Ono to et boon to Aathen o.tico
rt:rant.Fa•r. In n long rntnt;.i ,,e t nn•1 ntndard rrnoN'y
for 11 disexaen In,1,;,t d. 11 a ;r n ba•nac the n:r n n• •
drrrd ntron„ ly nnnnrl,lh: la carried over the dlnnanod Nut..:
_ turn or the bronelt al tatero e•'.h rvrry breath. Or:.,g
prolr nr r 1 awl rnnarnt tl atnvnt. Thant of n consnmp•
Me tra ,,,. r, or.u:.•rara l $a chronic bronchitis. std
lined:ate nikf f ,,m cu:gha or I..iWmed conditions of
the thrnnt.
Vopo.rfeselehn to en;d
t:y Ant;;;:ala or trot 1 r.• -
old on re r'',t of pr:ea
A t Cresol• he out.
tit lnrhid +f a vndt,e .[
Crnsolrhntt 1. Sn:ut t,r
free illnst , ed M,rdtlett
i.t:ratIS0 8tltt.4 Co., Ild.,
Aem,tt ^'A Ft ? roes St.,
tlmdrexl, Geta• SMS
Possibly Your Wite
Doesn•t look so young and pretty as
slie used to. If her cheeks are hollow
and pale, if she is tired and nervous she
needs Ferrozone, which is noted for re-
storing the bloom of health to sickly
girls and women. Complexion quickly
becomes rosy, spirits rise, and strength
iucreases daily. Health and vigor will
soon return to your wife or daughter if
Ferrozoue is taken. It's the best tonic
made, and costs 50o at druggists.
A well known and esteepned resident
of Goderich, and a pioneer of Goderich
township, has passed away in the person
of Mr.'Isaac Salkeld. About a year ago
Mr. Salkeld had a stroke, and since then
had been gradually failing ; for the last
few we,eks he was at the home of his
son, Joseph T., in Goderich township,
where he died. A native of Cumber-
land, England,' Mr. Salkeld came to this
country with his parents when 14 years
of age, and after some years residence in
Goderich, took up Me farm in Goderich
township, where he lived 35 years; some
twelve years ago he retired, and came
to town, and at the time of his death
was nearly eighty-one years of age.
Besides his widow, deceased leaves three
sons and four daughters. During his
sixty -fire years of residence in this dis-
trict, Mr. Salkeld witnessed some very
marked changes, and the growth of
Goderich and the community from a
sparsely settled tract to what it now is -
Getting Ready
to Build
Daily the interest increases in our Great Altera-
tion Sale and no wonder, when you can make such
Important savings on just the goods you want.
We must have more room for our Growing
Business and intend to add 3o feet to the building, and in
order to reduce our Stock Quickly and be in shape
for building operation, offer the following noteworthy
list of Bargains.
Special to clear -A few pieces
Wrapperette cloth, double
width, worth 15c, alteration
sale price - - -
10 doz. ladies' imported black
cashmere hose, ribbed or
plain, good value at 353 alter -
tion sale price
All our 121?c wrapperettes, fast
colors to clear at - 30.E
Good strong dollar corsets, altera-
tion sale price - - 79c
$3 50
Far goods, good value at $5.00, to
clear at - - $3.50
Good strong flannellette corset
covers, regular 503 kind, al-
teration sale price - 39e
A few ladies' black cloth jackets
to clear, regular value $8 and
$9, sale price - $6.00
Ladies' ready-to-wear black skirts
latest styles, were $5.00, alter-
ation sale price -
All wool heavy white blankets,
regular $3.75 for - $2.98
Ladies elastic ribbed vests and
drawers. regular value 63c,
sale price 50e
300 mill ends, factory cottons.
You can buy them at a saving
of two cents per. yard.
Fine, blas';, mercerized sateen
underskirts, worth $1.25.
Sale - $1.00
Reflections of a Bachelor.
From the New York Press.
It is a heavy strain on a woman not to
go shopping.
Looking down on people generally is
nothing but looking up to yourself.
It is so expensive being married a man
could pay a bachelor tax of all his income
and be better off.
A. woman gets very suspicious of her
husband when he goes a long time with-
out doing anything that looksrnepicious.
When a girl note as if she were tied to
the end of a comet and tries to look as
if she were only battening her gloves,
most likely she is just become engaged.
People who live in stone houses can
throw glasses.
If a man gets run over by a street car
a woman is never sure that isn't his way
of trying to fort with her.
Grey flannel sheeting, 2 yds wide,
regular value 60c, sale prioe 45c
Heavy union carpet, new pat-
terns. good value at 50c, sale
price - - - 39c
Good strong corsets, well made,
long waist, sale price 33c
A few ladies' grey or fawn jack-
ets, good fitting, up-to-date
style, velvet collar, worth
$4,00, sale - - $2.50
A. line of wrappers to clear, lined
sleeve and waist, full width
with deep frill, regular value
$2.00, sale price - 81.25
Ladies grey or black jackets, new
goods, worth $5.00, sale
price - - $3.75
Ladies' flannellette drawers, well
made, price to clear - 21e
Skirting, wide heavy goods, reg-
.ular price 153, sale price 10c
Ladies' waists nicely made and
lined, regular $1 25 line, sale
price - - 75c
Ladies' fancy mercerized under-
skirts, regular price $2.50,
sale price - •$1.50
$ 1.00
One piece black Venetian dress
• goods, good value at $1.2:1,
sale price - - $1.00
Knitted wool shawls, nice size,
regular price 75c, sale price 50c
Fancy patterns flaked dress goods.
worth $1.25, sale price 69e
Ladies' flannellette night gowns,
regular value $1.00, sale 75c
Your choice of all 121,,,:c prints
while they last only 10e
Fancy French flannel waisting.
regular price 75c, sale price 50c
for Men's Suits and Overcoats Boys' Suits and
Overcoats, Pants, etc., are making them move out
quickly. Your neighbor has saved money buying -
clothing here -so can you. Remember the Clothing
is being sold out at cost price during our Alteration
Please shop in the morning if possible.
H. E. ISARD & Co.
® Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Bight goods at right prices. }
- -- l!mP`
v, VVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv,
J.j ' c The good old-fashioned 1
w 1 j'aple Syrup• kind, that tastes like 1
Maple Syrup. Almost makes you think you are in the 1
t maple bush ; sold by quart or gallon. $1.25 a Gallon
ic We have just received arquantity of Lake
PISA Superior Herring and 'Trout to kegs. The 1
finest fish on the market, fully guaranteed.
► HERRING, $4.00 to $4.75 a
► ROUT, $6.00 to $7.00
Another shipment of our celebrated Tea 3
arrived. Package tea at the same price 1
cannot touch it for strength and flavor
250, o0c unci
40c per 113.