HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-09-02, Page 5.141,pAiro, ,4tr • THE HURON 'EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 2, 1987 — 5A All -candidates , from page 3A ' ment that is meaningful and up to date, We haven't seen it." PC RON CHRISTIE, PC candidate Ron Christie mentioned again, as he has throughout his cam- paign, his land set aside for conserva- tion. "It's a populace common sense issue, no matter' what color button you have on." SCOTTISH VISITORS - Residents of Queensway Nursing Horne in Hensall were taken on an imaginative journey to Scotland Fri- day during •the August International Day. Nelson Howe, with bagpipes, arid Rob Cameron, holding a photograph of Bonnie Queensway Queensway Nursing home residents had a full week this week. Last Tuesday Rev. Van Essen led the wor- % ship service, the type the residents love with lots of singing. Rev. Van Essen is also an ex- cellent pianist. Everyone enjoyed the service. Wednesday was an exciting day for residents as Jack Riddell, MPP and Provin- cial Agriculture Minister lunched with them. Residents appreciated him finding time, in hiepbusy schedule to Visit them. It stimulated some interesting discussions on politics. They are looking forward to having the polling station in their Activity Room September 10. Thursday morning Resident Council was held. The major project for this winter will be compiling a recipe book. • Prince Charlie, carried residents across the moors to Scotland through the use of music, dress and stories. After their visit residents enjoyed Scottish scones made by the bakingclub. Mcllwraith photo. celebrates Scottish day The monthly Birthday Party took place in the afternoon. Birthday greetings went to Laura Justice, Irene Heaman, Edna McLellan, and Jeanette McDonald. Residents enjoyed an excellent program. Jason, Angela and Michelle Erb played several piano selections. Amy Zwart and Tina Dayman sang duets, Chris and Megan Donahue also sang beautifully. Friday was the Big Day - International Day featuring Scotland. The Baking Club met in the .morning and baked Scotch Scones, dozens of them. These were served in the afternoon at the program. Thanks goes to Nelson Howe for coming in and play- • ing several Scottish tines on his Bagpipes. • Thanks also to Rob Cameron who visited dressed as a true Scotsman. He brought many Scottish artifacts for residents to browse through. There were also an assort- ment of tartans on display, provided by Cathy Bell. Queensway's own talented Lorne Johnston sang "Roamin in the Cloamin". & thank you is due to Robert Oesch who so generously loaned his microphone and amplifyer. It made the pro- gram so much more enjoyable for everyone. Sunday was a beautiful day made sunnier by the appearance of approximately 30 Men- nonite Sunday School children aged 4-12 years old. The childrenegave a lovely pro- gram cOMPOSed of 'their Sunday School Songs. Afterwards the Queensway Choir sang some favorite hymns for the children. Queensway would like to express its sym- pathy to the family of the late Ruby Dickens, who passed away Thursday, August 21. Caldwell records perfect score at shoot Kippen Correspondent MRS. ARGARET HOGGARTH .262-6942 Congratulations to Lyle Kinsman on his marriage to Julie Habkirk on Saturday, August 29 at First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth. Julie is the daughter of Jane and Leslie Habkirk of Seaforth and Lyle is the son of Bob and Frances Kinsman who mov- ed from the hoe farm to live in London. Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Kinsman will live on the farrii at RR 2 Kippen. A warm welcome is extended to Julie as a newcomer to the Kip - pen community. GUN CLUB NEWS Thirty-five shooters turned out for the Kippen Gun Club meet last Tuesday, August 25, Congratulations to Jamie Caldwell on a perfect score of 50. Lloyd Verner, Bert IViahaffy, Jack Mills and Glen Mogk all scored 25. Well done. Jody Mosurinjohn,,,Don Glazier, Brad Mann, and "Sailor" all scored 24 points. Roy Lamport, Dwight Mork Paul Lamb, Har- rison Schock, Fred Bralt and Gord Glazier marked up 23. points. Roger Haines, Jim Cocker, ken Whethani, Brent Dawe, Grant McGregor, Ed Steegstra, Bob Baker and Uwe Wisch scored 22. Al Kyle score 21. B. Mitchell - 19, Jirn Drehrnann andNeil Voskamp - 18 points, D. Long and W. Dalrymple both with 17 points and Bob Caldwell marked up 15. UNITED CHURCH NEWS Brucefield and Kippen congregations met in Kippen on Sunday, August 30. Chrystal Jones presided at the organ. Rev. Lorne Keay's sermon was entitled "Words, Thoughts, and the Art of Living", based on readings from Paul's letter to the 'Ephesians. Next Sunday, September 6, Kippen- con- gregation will meet at 10 a.m. Kippen United Church Women will meet September 8. Speaker will be a guest from Friendship House of Goderich. The roll call will be a donation of food, clothing or money for Friendship House. Hostesses will be Helen McLean and Verda Sinclair. Tom Travers passes registry examination with 'mark of 91 Hensall Correspondent SUSAN HARTIvIAN 262-2449 Don and.Jean Travers, Hensall, received news that their son Tom Pt -vers hes passed his Registry Examination with a mark of 91 pereent. Tom is now a fully qualified' Radia- tion Therapy Technolegist and is currently employed in Dothan, Alabama. Don and Jean Travers also traVelled recently to Mobile, Alabama to attend Tom% graduation from Mobile infirmary Medical Center School of Radiation,Therapy Technology. He graduated on June 5. The Village of Hensel; would like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Melanie, Michael, Lisa and Gina. The Graham family has taken up tesidence on King St. W. after moving from London. Sim Roobol is a patient at SL Joseph's Hospital in London after undergoing ab- dornirml surgery. OUR ELEVATORS ARE READY TO RECEIVE YOUR 1987'. WHITE BEAN CROP cAmpo:44, ELEVATORS, RFL1DUE3LiN: 0 As for health care, Christie said )shat We "have one .of the best health care systems and we sometimes take that for granted. We're interested in maintaining it–fine tuning • When asked about abortions, Christie. stated flatly that the people must "try to adhere to the law. We basically must ac- cept the existing law and try to make that law more uniform," MAPLEWOOD MANOR Seaforth .527-1440 Mrs. Fran Hook, ft,N, Let our • Administrator ANDSERVICES•FEATURES' help you .enjoy' an independent retirement lifestyle • All meals, snacks • Laundry, housekeeping • 24 -Hour 'Staff on Duty • Long term; short term, • Companionship,.security •• Private 4 -piece bath • RN on ditty vacation & convalesce nt care. GERI FASHIONS OF LONDON WILL PRESENT 'CLOTHING FOR EASY CARE .AND EASY DRESSING". TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER .15 1 - 4 P.M. AT MAPLEWOOD MANOR FASHION SHOW AT 2 P.M. 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