HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-08-26, Page 16" 4 ' 141 V' ;4.4 oVritiOntMetn 4,- 6'11:11;,1,1 EXTRA SPECIALS .AT Effective "Till Sat., Aug. 29 PilliBIACKK)E•N THIGHS. FT oilIC KEN DRUMSTICKS L. 1 STORE PACKED MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS WIENERS LB. ig CANADA GRADE 'A' SEMI BONELESS SHORT RIB ROAST . LB, STORE MADE FAMILY PACK SAUSAGE CANADA GRADE A BEEF BONELESS BLADE ROAST CANADA FDEAIIB STEAK L COLESLAW, POTATO, MACARONI FRESH SALADS L. MAPLE LEAF BAKED STORE SLICED COOKED HAM LB, REGULAR FAMILY PAK • GROUND BEEF LB LEAN - LB. Arr"- - "- •••••-;-• • ^).--,II * \,..elg'itlic2 )7:1 ,',.,i` P.ft, , ,,,, - , , ,T„ ii, - 7 - ' • - ,•-\ '11 _ j: ' •-.-- ( ,t) 1 ,,t- .:, ,tt A ti ki- i fs,ji ., • ' ••'' ' 1 •-•' li .. ft 6, h C11.2,P'f MCV.tige '$*.irs) 16A - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 26, 1987 WEDPINGS, • Effective Thursday, Friday, Saturday - While Supplies Last ' OLD FASHIONED ' A WIDE VARIETY OF CANADIAN & IMPORTED • , IjODDS "GOMM Donna Lynne Dodds, and Ronald Neil Godkin were married Saturday, August 22, 1987 at Cavan United: Church, Winthrop by the Reverend J.G. Vanslyke. The bride is the daughter of Don and Maja Dodds of RR 1 Seaforth and the groom is the son •of •" Lavern and Marion Godkin of RR 1 Walton. Maid of honor was Robin Richardson of Flesherton, friend 'of the bride and bridesmaids were Joan Dodds of RR 1 Seaforth, Sister of the bride and Donna , Godkin of RR I Walton, sister of the groom. Junior bridesmaid was Sharon Godkin ' of " RR 1 Walton, sister of the groom, Best man was Bruce Godkin of Stoney Creek, brother - of the groom and guests were ushered by Paul Docidsof RR 1 Seaforth, brother of the bride and Gary Godkin_ of RR 1 Walton, brother of the groom, Junior usher was Kevin East of Wawa, cousin of the groom.' Follwoing a reception at -the Seaforth arid District:Community Centres the couple took a honeymoon trip to British Columbia, They Will reside in London., Frank Phillips phota. HUYNH-PERRIE Dr. Truc-Chi Huynh and Dr. William Allan Perrie • were married at Oaklands Presbyterian Church, Laurel, Maryland by the Reverend Paul Anderson on Sunday, Ju- ly 12, 1987. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ad Mrs. VI Huu Huynh of Laurel, Maryland and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Perdu, ofBrussels, On- tario. Matron of honor was Truc-Nuong Brown and -bridesmaids were Teresa • Phelps and Maryanne Perrie. Flower girl was Frances Phelps. Best man was Robert .Styer and guests were ushered by Jeffrey Brown and Andrew Perrie. Following the weddding service guests from Maryland, Maine, New york, Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, 'Mississiprii, Alabama and Ontario were received at 'the Chine D'Lite restaurant, The bridal couple thenleft for a honeymoon trip .to London and Paris. Preceeding the marriage, an Friday, July 10, a' traditional' Vietnamese betrothal ceremony was held at -the borne of the bride's 'sister, Mrs. Bill Phelps, in Laurel. • Four trays of fruits, cookies, teas and li- quors Wrapped in red cellophane papers. represepeted gifts the Perries were giving the H,uynhs for . this ceremony. Gifts were shared afterwards amongst all family members. It was a very beautiful wedding. EUSEPI-FINLAYSON 'Marion Theresa Eusepi and James Wesley Finlayson were united in marriage in a • double ring ceremony on Saturday, June 27, 2987 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin. Father Carrigan performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Robert and Ruth Duffy of RFLI Dublin and the groom is the son of Arthur and Mary Finlayson of Seaforth. The bride was attended by her three sisters. Matron of honor was Cathy Blileyof Seaforth and bridesmaids were Barbara Van Roessel of Staffa and Eileen Duffy of Dublin: Junior bridesmaid was Melissa Eusepi, daughter of the bride. Best man was Dale Kennedy of Seaforth, friend of the groom. Guests were ushered by Gary Bennett of Seaforth, friend of the groom and Brad Firdayson of Dublin, brother of the groom. Readers were Angela Duffy and 'Diane Gilliland. Soloists were Jayne and Lucille Delaney of Dublin. A reception' followed at the Seaforth, • and District Coinmunity Centres. Master .of Ceremonies was Gerd Dick of Egmondville. Following the wedding dinner a slide presentation of Marion and JIM was shown - by Bill Uhler, brother-in-law'of the.groom. The couple went to the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania for their honeymoon and are presently residing in Dublin.,Snyder Studio photograph. I BIRTHS • CRONIN - Gary and Ann (Janrnaat) are • thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their second child, Jamie Gary. A little brother for Brent. Jamie arrive at 3:37 ash. on Wednesday, August 12, 1987 at Seaforth Community Hospital, Weighing 8 lbs., 11 ozs. LAYCOX - Royce and•Patty are very proud to annouce the birth of their third daughter, Melissa Dawn, born August 14, 1987, weighing ?lbs., 11 ozs. Melissa is the fifth granddaughter for Dolly and Earl Laycox of , Varna. • NESBITT Chris and Tracee are proud to announce the birth of their first child Melissa Jeanne on August 10, 1987, weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. Prciud grandparents are Harry and Mabel Nesbitt. Calvin and Marlis are thrilled to an- nounce the arrival of their first child Jen- nifer Marlise on August 3, 1987. Happy grandparents are Clifford and Eileen Aikens and 'first time grandparents are Wanda and Owen Fleming. Another great- granddaughter for Melinda Eickmeyer of Tavistock. • PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith and girls of Mountainview, • California have returned home after visiting with Marie's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. , • ••.**• Doug and Bonnie Holcomb and family of Grand Prairie, Alberta visited with her mother Susan Bennewies for the past two weeks. Grandson Brian Wilds, his wife Lyn- da and their family also visited for a day on Tuesday. ••*.• Mrs. David Davidson of Listowel visited her sister Mrs. Art Wright last week. She also visited her brother-in-law Art Wright at Clinton Public Hospital. Douglas Wright flew home on Friday due to the seious illness of his father Art Wright. .44** Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davidson of Kit- chener and Mr. and Mrs Murray Davison and Catherine of Windsor visited with their aunt Mrs. Art Wright a Seaforth. They also visited their 'uncle Art Wright at Clinton • Hospital. w •*••• , Mr..and Mrs. Stanley Ereszcator of Crediton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hubley at Seaforth. Also visiting the same 'home Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McClure and Amy ' of RR1 Seaforth, Mrs. Terry Ward of Monkton and Ed Ellis of IVIississauga. James and Eleanor Black (nee Scot- chmer ) of Belmont, married in the Bayfield Anglican Church, celebrated their golden anniversary on August 18, 1987 with their • family. Mistake was made in write up In a write-up about the McGrath family reunion, which appeared on page 16 of last week's Huron Expositor, a typing error made the location, of the reunion to be the home of Irma McGrath. In fact the reunion was held at the home of Ina McGrath. Our apologies for the error and any embarrass- ment it might have caused. Let kids have fun at golf • from page Hit terest, and at intervals determined by need . and desire. Booking a series of lessons can lead to an appearance of parental -pressure and cause anxiety and rebellion. Youngsters just starting out are only con- fused by a full set of clubs. Chances are they will only play with half the clubs and will lose the rest. A full set is heavy to carry too. Pre -beginners only need one club - a cut down 5 wood that can even be used to putt with. Make sure the dubs you get are well Made. I've seen plenty of youngsters with cheap clubs that are all bent to a I iron degree (Aloft. The result is the kids can't get the hall off the ground - and that's discouraging'. Takuyour child to,the course when it's not busy. Everyone has to start.sotnewhere but there's nothing more frustrating for parent, T• S ARTS FRI. • THE 6i • 0— * 0 0 0 0 0 0s child and fellow golfers than a rank begin- ner on a busy day. Enroll your child in junior clinics where group lessons are fun. Encourage him with positive comments and add clubs to the set as they are needed. Set a good example. Children learn by watching. Even if you're no Jack Nicklaus in skill and style, you can teach him about good course maintenance, manners, fairness, honesty and fun, A good beginning in golf can lead to years of enjoyment. This Tuesday, September 1 is the final junior morning. There will be golf, a movie and free hotdogs. Last week our ladies travelled to Bluewater for 'golf and socializing. This week ladies are reminded to sign up for the ladies closing September 27. GODER1CH • 624-1811 0 The most exciting Bond film in years. It will take your breath away.' Jeffrey Lyvas.SAVAE PNEVIEwsvis JAMES BOND 007' HELIVIN AYLIGI1T 6 • .'"' .....x , 6 6 " j••;. 8 pArtoirm. . z GUIDANCE S 6 -4: ..., $;,.. • 6 ..;;......,4, , S 1 6 rkl. & SAT. 7 & 9: SUN* , ThinkS., lam TUES. $2.50 1 00000 60600•0066666006666.6.66666666.666601 • .. : • 0 • 0 0 .0 0 STARTS FRI. GobERICH AT THE LISTO a P 514.09-8; 6 NIA DON \ ' GR1171\ \NE_ o• 6 A9 6 i• A fitnnythingliapp:ned toti Ur way totir Ito *lion •• Bo* Offices Openat 81.30 6 • Tiget. '2.50 iii0066666666041666606660666666611666666,666466 6. For the SetOriti Vifeek 6 ;P. TO:W0 • 0 0 Men's night winners were: Mike Marion, Don Dupee, Ken Cardno, Moe Huard, Jamie Caldwell, Phil Hoggarth and Kitch. The men's final bash is Saturday, 'September 26. Golf at I p.m. followed by a steak barbecue. In Match Play: Gail Price defeated Rita Core and meets Jean Haggitt in the final. In Junior Matches: Dan McNaughton defeated Jason Patterson and meets the winner of the Jamie Wilbee - Mike Weber - match Geoff Lyon defeated Tony Gredanus and now meets Dave McNairn who eliminated Aaron Broome. In Men's Play: Jerry Wright is still to meet Kevin Bennett, Jamie Caldwell is still to meet Todd Doig. Cam Holland still to meet Jim Watson Jr. . This Saturday there's a two -ball at 2 p.m. 'Mu I PI altot0 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WEDDINGS - PARTIES - DANCES Don't settic, tor second Coro onIrminnvrmt..rnr reasomible privot. Thy grtfrect nt Iw W.. to, -irs 804! Af If r III/ I 1.undun fi G74-1196 AIL( nlier I • ,11Yrr Mtermtwo.r -Room( ••A•411,11)1e• The family of RON SCOTT cordially invite friends. relatives. arid neighbours to an Open House in celebration • of his • 90th Birthday BRUCEFIELD UNITED - CHURCH Saturday, August 29th • 2 - 4 p.m. BcstWishesQiiy '—OUR APOLOGiES- Tlin Harrah Expositar ir advariently left the line 'Everyday Low Pates' in Tasty-Na's Ad last week, We berry a wide variety .. • of Delicious Donuts, Tasty -Nu Bread;- Always Fresh • Try,our Delicious Cherry Squares, Chelsea Buns and Honey Glazed Donutsll- M 41 •