HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-08-26, Page 1212A --- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 26,,. 1987 7,777 TOWN AND COUNTRY Phone 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1.COMING EVENTS A FRIENDSHIP GROUP PROGRAM will'be starting this fall for Mentally Handicapped Youth and Adults. Be a Friend to a Special Person. Interested parents and volunteers are asked to attend an INFORMATION MEETING Wednesday, September 2,'8:00 p.m: Victoria Public School Auditorium, Speaker: Gwen Laidlaw (present Director of Wingham Friend, ship Group) Film: WE ARE THE CHURCH 'TOGETHER. For more intormation,contact: Dianne Budnark - 524.2265.-1-33-2 • FRIENDS AND RELATIVES of Mrs. Janet McArthur are invited to an open house Satur- day, August 29 from 2 to 4 pm at 50•Market'Sr. Seaforth, in honour of her 90th • birthday. -t-33.2 ' SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Fair Dance and Chicken Barbecue, -Sat, Sept. 19, Judging and Crowning of Fair Queen. Seaforth- and District Community • Centres, music by Beechwood, dancing 9-1.. Barbecue 6.7:30. Dance and BBQ - 51.0.00, -BBC) - $7.00 children (12 and under) .$3.50, dance' Only $5.00. Take-outs available, 527-1390.-1-3313 ALL CANDIDATES meeting for upcoming election hoste.d by Huron County Federation of Agriculture, Monday, August 24, 8 p.m. at the Huliett Central School, Londesboro:-1-32,33-2 TUPPERWARE Open House 66 Goderich St. W. Seaforth. Wednesday, September 2, 2-4 p.m. 'and. 6-8 p.m. Gifts, door prizes. Call Susan at 527.1617.-1.33-3 • • STEP DANCE ' Competition, Mitchell Fair, Saturday, September 5th. For further informa- tion and registration contact Jean Reansy at 348-8445. -1-33-2. PC BARBECUE,'Wingham golf and country club, 3-7 p.m., Sunday, August 30. Food,' entertainment, and speaker Provincial Presi- dent, Tom Long..Adults $8.00, children under 14 free. Phone'527-2266 or 482-7764,-1.34 BLYTH FESTIVAL, Another Season's Pro- mise', 'August 26, 27 (matinee), 29, 31. September 1, 2, 3 (matinee and evening), 4, 5 (matinee and evening). MISS BALMORAL OF THE BAYVIEW- August 27, 28, 29 (matinee)." All performances of BALMORAL are sold out; however, 10 rush tickets .for each perfor- mance go on sale at 12 noon for the matinees, and a1 6:00 p.m, for evening performances. All performances are at 8:30 p.m. except matinees which are at 2:00 p.m. For tickets. call Box Office a1 523-9300/9225.-1-34 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Regular Card - 51.00: 15 Regular 520.00 games: three Share -the -Wealth, Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball 5120.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases 520 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1.11-U "PI,DTALES CHILDRENS BOOKS" Book your pigtail book party for the fail! Hostess chooses a free book and receives a discount on other purchases. Great birthday and Christmas gifts! Call ' Joanne Drennan 482-7584.-1.33x3 BUS TO CNE • Saturday, August 29, 512 per person. Phone 345.2908. Sponsored by Huron County Milk Committee. -1.33.2 ANNUAL BACK 10 SCHOOL Bag Sale, August 27, 28. 29. Clin[on Sahifflibn �y Thrift Store, 80 King St. -1.33x2 CHIP BINGO in Dublin Community Centre Fri- day, August .28 regular games, $15.00 a game 3 special plus Jackpot 5100 will go, growing bonanza pot. Consolation $50.00. Players must be 16 years or ovet, doors Open at 7 p,m Bingo starts 8:00 p.m. Nevada is now available -1-304f "Notice: Public Meeting' on Adoption Disclosure to be held Wednesday, September 2. 1987 at Seaforth Town Hall (Council Chambers), 72 Main Street, Seaforth at 7:00 p rn - to review the film "Filling in the Pieces" - to discuss the new adoption disclosure legislation and answer questions. For more in- formation, please call Louanne Taylor at Family and Children's Services, •Goderi'ch 524-7356."-1-34-1 YOU ARE INVITED to a bridal shower in honour of Darlene Gulutzen Fri,. Aug. 28, 8 p m. in Walton Hall. -1.34-1 HAVE A COFFEE and cookie and meet Nico Peters on Friday. August 28, 2-4 p.m. PC Committee room. Main St. Seaforth.-1.34-1 LUNG ASSOCIATION COUNTDOWN STOP SMOKING COURSE. 7 sessions over 5 weeks starting on Tuesday, Sept. 15th at 7:30 p.m. at MITCHELL - DiSTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. PRE -REGISTER by paying 575.00 fee to THE LUNG ASSOCIATION or IRiS ROBINS'ONat 348.9565.-1-34-1 CHIP •BiNGO in Dublin Community Centre Fri- day. Augual 28 regular games, 515.00 a . game. 3 special plus Jackpot $100` will go. growing bonanza pot. Consolation 550.00. Players must be 16 years or over. doors open at 7 p m Bingo starts 8:00 p.m. Nevada is now available-1-30-tf • The Huron County Health Unit invites you to eattend the Expectant Parent Education Classes Being held at the B'od'ed Rodin, Seaforth Hospital, • Seaford%, Crnterio, commeincing Thurs•,. Sept. 10, 1987 The next series of classes will be the week of Jan'uory 4, 1988. PteaiSe pre - register by tolling. the Health Unit Of- fice tit 514.1243 I.COMING EVENTS The,Huron County Health Unit presents "PLEASURES, PROBLEMS, AND PRESCHOOLERS a series of 3 Parenting Classes for parents of Children aged 1 - 5 years, '. Cl'asse's will corn171ence WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16.. and will be held 'at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, Seaforth: Please call 527-1243 to ' pre -register. 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE YARD SALE - Sat., Aug. 29, 9 a.m-? Corner of Church and Centre St. Seaforth.-2-34x1' 5. HELP WANTED GARAGE SALE - Friday, August 28, 2 p.m.' • and Saturday, August 29 • 8'a.rn. Featuring childrens' clothing and miscellaneous items. 2 1/4 miles west of Seaforth on•Hi.ghway.8 at Don Carters, -2.34x1 3. LOST, 'STRAYED LOST PAIR LADIES light•brovin ptaslic frame 'glasses. :Phone 887.9254 Collect after 6,-3.34x 1 5. HELP WANTED TELEPHONE CANVASSER - in your own home, 10 hours per week. $5.00 per hour plus bonuses. Phone 1.800.265.5735. Ask for Bruce Falconer -5-33-2 STUDENT HELPfor after school and weekends on hog farm Call Keith Murray 345-2550,-5.33.3 AVON - earn extra money and have fury doing it - start your own business for $10.00. Im- mediate openings, Call Sharon Stephenson 1-887-6305.-5-32-5 "A CAREER IN TRUCKING" • Transport drivers needed. Now is, the time to train for, your class A license For prescreening inter- view end fob placement information. contact • Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training London. 1-800-265-3559 5.18.11 PART TIME babysitter for two children in my home. Call after 4 p m 527.1769 -5-33-2 COMMUNITY SUPPORT for families Huron County requires male/female workars to pro- vide individual support to children with a developed mental handicap on a part time contract basis, throughout the county, training provided Send resume including experience and references by Sept 4/87 to Community Support for families. GO. Clinton. NOM 1L0 -5-33-2 GRANDMOTHERLY PERSON needed for reliable care giving in, our home for 3 children 7-4-2 No cleaning • weekends on. occasional days off in middle of week Call Pam Gordon • 527-0868 -5-34x2 WAITRESS WANTED Apply Barthlf's Bakery. Clinton, 482-9727 -5-34-1 BABYSITTER WANTED for two children ages 1 and 22 in my home Call 527-2082 --5-34.1 2 BRICK LAYERS helpers wanted Call P F. Jansen General Contracting 527.0208. 527.0043 -5-34-2 FULL AND PART TIME employees needed Apply Seaforth Texaco --5-34-1 BARTENDER, WAITER/WAITRESS - Apply in Person 1a Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.-5-34-2 RESPONSIBLE, mature person wanted for bookkeeping/manager position at local photography outlet. Minimum travelling involv- ed. Send resume to Box 12000. Clinton, NOM 1 L0. -5-34.1 CONSTRUCTION laborer required for local work Phone 273-0202 -5-34-2 PART TIME BABYSITTER for 2 children in my home. Call 527-0698.-5-34-1 PART TIME BABYSITTER Tor two children ages 2 and 5 starting Sept , various daytime shifts, no evenings 527-2.213.-5-34-2 . FULL TIME PERSON wanted for general work "A" drivers license rn effect. Apply Arthur Hinz and Sons Ltd. RR 2. Monkton, 347-2636.-5.34-2 JANITORAL SERVICES required for new of- fice approximately 4.220 sq ft mostly carpeted Please summit written estimate of monthly fee to Box 458 Clinton. Ont before Sept. 2. For further information please call 482-3411.--•5-34.1 MALE OR FEMALE clerk for store on Main St No previous experience necessary Perma- nent part':time. Apply to Box 3871 c/o The Huron Expositor. Seaforth. Ont. N0K 4 5'3-1 ATTENTION STUDENTS: Port Time • Bartenders *Waiters / 'Waitresses APpLy IN PERSON QUEENS TAVERN SEAFORTH 5. HELP WANTED ACCOUNTING. CLERK Experienced, with strong secretarial and 'organizational abilities. Bookkeeping accounting background including monthly reconciliation, quarterly financial, andyear end statements on .manual system essential. Good typing skills required. Have had' administrative experience. Computer ex- perience a plus. Must be mature and self -motivated. Able to work without supervision. Must be bondable. Apply with typed complete resume and a handwritten letter of introduc- tion, by., September 15, 1987 to- USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 507 Main Street, South, Exeter, Ontario SEASONAL WORKE-RS THE EXETER PLANT OF NABISCO BRANDS -LTD. .Requires Seasonal Workers to -Help - Process Corn for"the. Month of September. •Hourly Job's Available •Day or Night Shift - jp, NABISCO BRANDSLJ Personnel Department 210 Wellington Street West Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2445 OR CONTACT YOUR NEAREST CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE PLANNING RESOURCES TECHNICIAN - The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority requires a responsible individual for the position of Planning Resources Technician. The successful candidate wili•report to the Planning Resources (•n•nrdinitor and will: -undertake reviews of various applications and inquiries in the municipal plan review program as per the water and related land use policies of the Authority; -advise monk ipal and county staff on planning and land use matters as they relate 10 the Authori- ty's -mandate; . -attend meetings and hearings to provide input related to the Authority's mandate; -assist in the field and office review of applications made pursuant 10 the Authority's Fill Con- struction and Alteration to'Waterways Regulation (Ontario Regulation 544/84), enforcement of the regulation and review of permits under the regulation, all in accordance with the Administra- tion prncedarrs of the Authority; -implement the Authority's wetland management program including evaluations, management ob- jectives and related resources' projects -perform other duties as assigned by the Planning Resources Co-ordinator. , QUALIFICATIONS: A degree from an accredited University or College in a geography / environmen- tal %Indies planning related field. Knowledge and experience in physical geography, resources managemenl, planning principles and the municipal plan review process. An ability to write and communicate effectively with' a wide variety of individuals and groups, SALARY RANGE: 519,000 - 525,000. Applications are 'to he submitted by September 10, 198.7 to the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority P.O. Bos 2410 Exeter, Ontario. NOM ISO 235-2610 Allenlion: Mr. Tom B. Proud, General Manager Equal Opportunity For Employment 7. SITUATIONS WANTED ( 1 MY AD 1 My nam; WILL DO - HOUSECLEANING 482.5798.-7-33-2 phone EXPERIENCED MOTHER of two will babysit in my home reasonable rates. 527-1379 anytiine.-7-34-TF 8. CUSTOM WORK 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere). Scott Consitt 482-9297 or 565-2728. 8-23-12 . WILL DO CUSTOM PLOWING, chisel plow- ing, cultivating and PTO work for any sta- tionary units ranging from 60-180 H.P. 887.6287.-8-32-6 CUSTOM COMBINING - white beans with aire'el, soy and corn. Trucking available. G. Heymk 262.5708.--8-34-3 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ABS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS_MONDAY NOON 22 words • one week, 54.35; two'weeks, 53.85;. •threeweeks 53.35. Additional words 18 cents. •BIRTHS No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of 57, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after dale of wedding. After this time, photo and cutline only, $15, Complete write-up $25. . IN MEMORIAMS - 54.35 plus 35 cehts per line of verse. ' CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, 54.50. Each ad- ditional word ,06 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON, OF WEEK . FOLLOWING INSERTION, BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 53.00, each additional week. - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1, Coming Events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale • 24. Property'or sale 3. Lost, Strayed • 25. Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help" Wanted - 27. For sale or rent 6,. Business Opportunity -28, Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board .9. Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery.. 32. Vacations 11. Hay an'd straw 33 Educational 12. Used cars 34. Auction Sales 13. Used trucks 35. Tenders wanted .. 14. Articles for sale 36.'Legal notice' 15, R.V.s for sale 37. Notice to creditors 16. Mobile homes 38. Service directory 17. VCRs for sale 39. Cards of' thanks 18. Computer corner 40. In memoriam 19. Pets 41. Personal • - 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy ' 43. Marriages - 22, Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a,m.'to 5 p.m. 5. HELP WANTED THE HURON ADDICTION , ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE The Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre requires a full-time Case Manager with formal counselling educa- tion and experience to provide case management services to Huron County clients of this agency. Responsibilities include maintenance of confidential client records. establishment of interagency communication and par- ticipation in public education programs in the county. Minimum educational requirement: M.S.W. or equivalent health core degree and ap. propriate counselling experience. Preference given to non-smokers. Qualified applicants, please apply in writing with resume and4hree references by Sept. 15, 1987 to: L.A. Price, Director Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centro P.O. Box 1120 Clinton, Ont., NOM 1L0 HELP. WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC or last year , apprentice required for growing Chrysler dealership. Company benefits and Chrysler Training Program. PLEASE CALL FOR 'APPOINTMENT: 348-8481 FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC APPLY T0: '111,1j,E,IthY r.12.1 FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Box 29, Walton. Ont. 887.6365 527-0245 MAN'S 100% Virgin Wool jacket, brown houndstooth check, "Coronet" Zabel, chest size 44", like new. $32. 527-2078. 14-34-1 1 Cash In On FElpositor Cash 8 Carry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST $ 11. • One item per ad �. • Only for private individuals, selling personal possessions 1 •1 • Use as many words as you like s Item must be priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad • Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The lcpositor coupon Bring: or mail to: The Huron Expositor 12 Main SL, Box 69, sEAF10irTH, Ontario NOK two $1 enclosed r