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Town ,hosts largest tourney
' The largest .iawnboWling tournament -in
' • -western Ontario attracted 144 participants
from Midland, Owen Sound, London and
• Toronto wincing ether places; to the Seaforth
greens on August 19. . •
The tournament, named the Anniversary
• • Tournament, was 'startedin 1979 on the 50th
anniversary of the Seaforth Lawnbowling
club. Held in • Seaforth for the past eight
years, the tournament is the result of an
• • ambitions committee then head.
,ed by Chairman, Art Finlayson.
Previously, the committee had problems
attraeting-enough-bowlers to-hrive-a-dou-•.
Me" draw, The double draw is when the •
greens are filled twice.
An ambitious campaign began by raising
money from local people for kits of prizes. It
• was successful enough to conduct the double,
draw and there has been one ever 'since
without having to ask for donations. .
Now, people aren't asked to donate money
'or prizes but rather donate them on their
own will. This year club members and
associate members donated prizes.
For this 'year's game, three games were
played beginning at 10:30 a.m. and ending
about 8 p.m., when eight teams won three
games each. • The team with the highest.
score wins. • • '
.The biggest winners of some of the prizes
totalling almost $1,500 were as follows.
Roy and Jean Piper of -Kitchener wonfirst -
place by a score of three Wins and 54 9.p. 14.
' Secend place went to Vince and Ellen Hoff-
man of the Elmwoodclub in London by a
score of three wins1and 51e,p. 5. Also with a
lawnbowling club in Florida, the Hoffman's
captured last year's event. Gerry and
Dorothy Modgridge of the Fairmont club in
London captured third place by a score of
three wins and 49 o.p. 3..
Fourth place- went to Gene Dalling and
Libby Acres of Preston with a score of three'
wins and 46 o.p. 1 and. fifth place was won by
Don and Doris Sibley of Woodstock with
three wins and -46- o.p. 1.
The teammate up of John Patterson of
Seaforth and Diane Gilliland of Burlington
captured sixth place with three wins and 44
o.p. 2. Seventh place went to Eric Rank and
his partner 'of Oakville with three wins and
43 and eighth place was won by Jack Gellat-
. -hrandhis.partner-of-theElmwoed.club_with
three wins and 42 o:p. 5. . .
The event was played on 36 greens.
This year's chairman was Fred Tilley and
a big thanks should go to him and the com-
mittee for the welkun tournament and also
to the social corrunitteelor the lunches and
dinner they served. •
In other lawnbowling business two of . •
Seaforth's lady bowlers placed third in
Wingham at the Minte Duval tournament:
Eileen Adamson and Jean Lunn were high
two -game winners.
Bowling in Stratford at the Mother's Pizza
tournament 'produced winners from
Seaferth. Art and Mary Finlayson had three
Wins and 47 o.p. 4, narrowly edging out Gor-
don Jones and Betty Keats of Stratford who
had three wins and 47 o.p. 3. •
Three local men -Fred Tilley, Eric Mat-
zgold and Art Finlayson were in Walkerton
on Saturday at their M and M Tournament
and shared in the prizes..
A pot luck supper will be held Tuesday HARD LUCK - Gerrard Ryan, of theSeaforth Begrsttags out this
evening with bowling or euchre and 'bridge player from Merners of Clinton, after he was caught in a run down
Good bowling to all. • between second and third Sunday,afternoon. Trevor Price made
, •
the throw that allowed the tag. While the out was good news the
'end result wasn't. The Bears lost the_game by a 5-1 score 'and
forfeited the B title df an Industrial Fattball tournament held in
Seaforth over the weekend. Mollwraith photo:
• need two
• wens
The Seaforth Merchants senior mens
hardball team will play the second game
(if necessary) of a two -game series against
Exeter Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the high
school. The series is part of a round-robin
playoff between Seaforth, Walkerton and
Exeter.The winner will' advance to the
league final against the. winner . of the
Strathroy-Thorndale Playciff.
Seaforth needs to beat Exeter twice to
advance to the finals. They. split their
series with Walkerton. while, Exeter beat
Walkerton in both games. .
The result of the first game of the series,
played Tuesday night in Exeter, was
unavailable at press time.
Parents let kids have fun at golf
The results of yesterday's ' August 25
junior golf tournament will be published
next week. However, while on the subject of
junior golf, there are a feW things worth
mentioning: Many parents are concerned
about how to get their youngsters off on the
right foot, golf wise. Some parents are
golfers themselves and hope their children
will. enjoy the game too. Other parents are
not golfers but recognize the merits of the
•game and encourage their offspring to take
up golf for various reasons.
After watching youngsters. and their
parents and doing some research, certain
riieces of advice stand out. Let your kids
have fun at golf. Golf is a game. -This fact is
oftea forgotten in the pursuit of excellence.
An eight or eleven -year-old has a long time
by Carolanne Doig
ahead of him before he's going to be cashing
any pro golfer's,cheques. Don't sour him by
making the game too serious or too much
like work. •
Don't make negative remarks about your
child's game or put too much emphasis on
the score. Youngsters (and even adults)
who are just taking up the game, shouldn't
keep score at all. Perhaps count putts only
and just concentrate on making a good Shot.
Don't exceed your child's attention span
whether it be during play, practise or in-
struction. When a chit() is bored or fidgety,
the fun and the absorption of knowledge are
,lost. Let them play only a few holes if they
want and limit lessons and practise sessions
to 15 minutes, creating new games to keep it
Book lessons with a pro rather than
teaching him yourself but book lessons
after the child has sho some personal in -
Turn to page 16 •
Magic show at !library on Thursday
TONIGHT!! The world famed comedy soft-
ball team will be at Seaforth Lions Park
tonight at 7:30 p.m. to play the Seaforth
Men's Fastball League All -Stars.
Trino Palacios as Madam Hilda is
recognized world wide as the Clown Prince
of Softball and is able assisted by combine-
ron clowns and ball players, Fifi the Flirt,
edda Hooker, Lotta Fanny and Leapin
This talented group of ball players
_ecorded a 1986 record of 102 wins and only
eight losses, while covering the field with
only four players.
' Truly a family evening of entertainment
for only $4. for adults and $2. for children.
Be at the Lions Park on August 26 at 7:30
p.m. to catch all the fun.
The Seaforth and District Minor Ball
IAssociation will be having a final WRAP UP
DAY, for all teams on Saturday, August 29
at the Lions Park. The T -Ball stars will start
the day off at 10:30 a.m., followed by Boys'
rHouseleague at 11:3Q,a.m.
«1. The Squirts and the Mites will play each
;lather at 1 p.m. and the Bantam girls, boys
by Marty Bedard
and Peewee boys will play at 2 p.m. All
players will be able to enjoy a hotdog, pop
and, ice cream bar after their game.
NIGHTS will take place on Tuesday,
September 8 and Wednesday, September 9
from 7 to 9 p.m. both evenings at the
Seaforth and District Community Centres.
You will be able to register for Minor
Hockey, Ringette, Figure Skating, Minor
Broornball, Boy Scouts, Cubs and Beavers,
Fitness is Fun and many more. For more in-
• formation contact the Recreation Office at
The Seaforth Recreation Department is
now gearing up for the FALL 'AND WINTER
PROGRAMS. If you are interested in in-
structing a program, or interested in learn-
ing a new hobby and know of someone that
can teach, please call the Recreation
Department at 5274882.
organization that rents ice from the
Seaforth Arena is required to be at a
meeting on Monday, September 14 at 7:30
p,m. in the upstairs hall, at the Seaforth and
District Community Centres.
Please confirm all regular 87-88 ice ren-
tals, including tournaments on or before the
meeting to Graham Nesbitt, Arena
Manager? 527-1272.
Seaforth Library and the Huron County
Public Library presents: A FREE
the International Comedy Magician. Thurs-
day, August 27 at 4 p.m. Space is limited se
get your free ticket at your branch library
right away!!
Ladies teams wind up season
The Seaforth ladies softball league wound
up season pjay last week and will now begin '
'its playoffs. .
On August 18 the Queens ' defeated
McNichol by a score of 26-18. Linda Gridzak
got a triple and a double for McNichol while
Susan Riley and Patty Ann Gridzak also got
triples and Mary Lou Anderson a double.
The game ended the regular season and
left the Queens in first place with 30 points,
Ken Smith in second with 16, McNichol third
with. nine and Kent Murray fourth witli
. seven,.
Playoffs begin on August 25 with the .
Queens taking on McNichol at 6:45 p.m.
Kent Murray will play Ken SMith at 8:30
p.m. •
Racing switches from wheels to skis
Hully Gully Yamaha and CRC produc- open modifieds.
tions will host the first of four snowmobile
events scheduled for this year on August 30.
Snowmobile grass drags Offers the thrill of
snowmobile racing without enduring the
cold weather.
Snowmobiles go from a standing start and
in just under an eighth of a mile, hit ter-
minal speeds of 100 mph. All classes will be
racing, from the crate stock classes through
the modified. right up to the wild and wooly
A snowmobile right off the showroom
floor can race in the crate stock class, which
provides a way for potential racers to gain
experience under controlled conditions.
The racing begins at noon Sunday, August
30 at Hully Gully, Varna.
Hully Gully is located west of Highway 4
between Clinton and Hensall, and east of .
Highway 21.
Hully Gully gets the jump on winter
All this weekend
See and drive what's new for '88
90 ,1 e
e\N \.,o'Cc`
Nti 4os
It's like a scooter on skis
R.R. 1 Varna 2624318
Some Reader Comments:
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