HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-26, Page 22 TO ADVERTISERS Notice of ehangas must be left at this office riot later than Saturday coon. The copy for ohauges mast be left not later than Monday eveuing. Casual advertisements accepted up to itoan WeduesdaY of each week ESTABLISI3ED 1872 WINOHAN TIMES. H. It ELLIOTT, PtrOLI$HERANDYRorRYETan THURSDAY. JAN. 26, 1905, Financial Operations. TIIE W1NUl .S.3L 1.1.111;s1 JA1Ulll11:, :6, Or5. TWENTY YEARS ACD. (From THE WINOR TI.1iES Of Friday, Jaauary 23rd, 18115.) MORRIS. Van Varnorman has purchased Welt ter Allison's blaclrsmith shop, and as he is a first-class ueeenanio with a, great deal of experience ea doubt he will do a good trade, as he is well kuowu here, The of ieia1 finrtis of Canada's finan- eitil operations for the year ending Juue 30 were brought down last weer~. The receipts on account of consolidated fund am<,urt"d to $70,6Gt),510, and the ex• pe-nditare on the settle account to $55,- 612,83:2. The surplus of receipts over expeuditure was theretore $15,056,894. The expenditure ohargeehle to capital was $7,x;51,718, and Y'L 046.878 was paid out ou a000uet of retie -ay supplies. The suns of 81,130,011 was p:ii,l on account of bounties. T:te note r•ironl tion was in September lest etle.6121.907, and in October $12,912,942 as ng ince Si 343,959, and f;7 95S 020 in September aud Octo- ber respectively, 1897. Investments on account of the ,, uking funds of the var- ious loans were made during the year to the amount of $2 315,065, and 811,038,- 779 iu sinking feuds of meowed loans was redeemed. The total amount held as sinktug fund ou June 30 wa:+ $44,770,- 875. The net debt of the D.eniirriun at the close of the fiscal year was 8.160,867,- 718, a reduction from the previous year of $789,270. Actually, however, there Was a reduction of debt amouutiug to $6.136,773, the difference being the sum of $5,397,503 allowed to the Province of Ontario and Quebec, but erroneously deducted iu 1003. Taking the last two financial years, the reduction of debt amounts to $10,961,371. The average rate of iuterest paid on the gross debt for the year was 3.08, as compared ,with 3 02 in the previous year, and the net rate of interest fell from 2.47 to 2.46. The number of officers uow serving and subject to civil service superannuation has fallen from 2,396 in 1903 to 2,176 in 1904. TOWN commie. The first meeting of the Council eleot for the year 1885, conveued according to statute at 11. o'clock a. m., all members present, viz; ---Mayor, John Neelauds; Reeve, Wm. Clegg; Deputy -Reeve, Win. NIcOlymont; Councillors, A. Dawson, E, F. Blaok, W. Ganuett,T, MoClymout, H. Lemmex, W. F. Brookenshire, E. Bowers, H. Kerr,J. S. Smith, B. Willson, the choir. R. Molndoo and J. Elder -Moved by 13. Willson, seconded by W. Clegg, that D. M. Gorden be appointed auditor. Carried . -.The chairman of the Select- ing Committee presented his report which read as follows: -Salaries, Fin- auce and By -Laws Committee, B. Will - sou, W. Ciegg,R. A'IoIndoo, E. F. Black, J. S. Smith. Street Committee, J. Elder, H. Kerr, H. Lemmex, W. Gan- nett, W. Clegg. Fire and Water Com- mittee, B. Willson, W, McOlymont, T. McOlymont, A. Dawson, W. Brooireu- shire. Charity Committee, R. Mcludoo, W. McClymont, W. Brookenshire, Property Committee, J. Elder, E. Bowers, E. F. Black. Priutiug Com- mittee, T. MoOlymont J. S. Smith, A. Dawson.... Moved by W. Olegg, second- ed by H. Kerr, that the Clerk and Trea- surer prepare a return to be laid before this Council at its next regular meeting, showing the following particulars in respect to each debt of this municipality, viz: let, the original amount of the debt; 2nd, the date at which it was con- tracted; 3rd, the day fixed for its pay- ment; 4th, the interest to be paid there. fore; 5th, the rate fixed for its redemp- tion; 6th, the proceeds of such rate each year and how applied; 71b, the amount still owing in respect thereof. -Carried ..„Moved by T. McOlymont, seconded by E. F. Black, that A. Dawsou, J. Elder and W. F. Brockensbire be a com- mittee to enquire into the matter of the exemption of certain manufactories have been fully complied with, said commit- tee shall hand over debentures to the collector for the payment of snob tax exemption.-OarrituE Moved by W. Olegg, seconded by B. Willson, that a police office be established in the town of Wingharn, and that the police court be held in the Conned Chamber. --Car- ried. The Mayor then appointed T. A. Mills his auditor. Local history of the early 80s. Items from The "Times” fyles,. ANNIVERSARYiERVIOES, The anniversary seryfoes of the Pres- byterian ollureh hero, will be held on Sttoday next, the 25th last., when ser - mans will be preaohed meruing and eveuing by the Rev. G. M Millittae, B. A., of Toronto ...Ou Monday even- ing, the Nth inst , the annual tea meet - will be held. Tea served in the basement of the church from 5 to 7 33 o'clock. After tea ati aelj sarnmeat will be trade to the church when ten address will be given by the Rev. Mr. Milligan, and addresses are also expected from the Rev. J. Anderson, B A., of Wltite- chureh; Rev. Gio. Law, of Belgrave; Rev. Mr. Hartley, of 131nevale, and the resident miuisters of the town; choice selections of music will be famished by Croup Absoletely Cured "There is no remedy to my opinion that can aot more promptly than Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine. It cared my son of croup, abso- lutely, iu one night. We gave him a dose when he was black in the face with chrking. It gave him instant relief and cure." -Mr, Wm. McGee, 49 Wright Ave., Toronto, Out. Pointed Paragraphs. (From the Chicago News.) Some women have nerves, while some others merely have nerve. Nearly every married woman trifle envious of a rich widow. What rural villages need is fewer street fairs and more fair streets. Marriage is a partnership in which a mau usually poses as the silent part- ner, If a woman doesn't get angry when asked her age it's a pretty sate sign that she is a grandmother. If a young man says one clever thing a girl is charitable enough to over -look the 991) other things he says. Of course a girl thinks her new hat is a perfect dream, but all the other girls are apt to think it a nightmare. As silk is now made from wood pulp, the indications are that the poor silk- worm will be forced to bunt another job. There aro numerous "consumption cures," but they all tall down when it comes to curing the consumption of beer and whiskey. If all women were blind they would have fewer wrinkles, for they would cease to worry about the fine clothes - other women wear. is a PEIRTINENT PARACIRAPIIS. Sleighing dnlged in. Mrs, Dr. Gracey visit to her mother, this town. Mr. Ash, of Michigan. is the guest of his father-itelaw, Mr. S. Youhiil of this town., Mrs. Alex. Holmes left this week on a visit to relatives Orangeville. Mise J. Baxter, daughter of Mrs. Baxter, of this town, is recovering from her late illness. Mr. Wm Smith, of Stratford, was in town over Sunday. He was a former resident of this town. We are pleased to learn that. Dr. Towler, who has been unable to attend to business during the past week on account of siokuess, is getting around again. Mr. Wrn. Barkwell left on Wednes- day morning for London, where he intends starting business in the drug line, Mr. Sammer from Oakville,is Mr. Barkwoll's successor at The Pharmacy. Lately the office of the station agent here has been much improved by being enlarged, replastered, repainted, &c. A private waiting room for the ladies has also been opened, which will no doubt be much appreciated by those having to wait for the trains. We hope to see the day when the railway com- pany will erect a new passenger Station on the lot opposite the Dinsley House. Mr. Wm McCatcheon, clerk in Mr. J. Hanna's store has returned from his visit to Cresskill. parties are now beiug in - is at present on a Mrs. 0, T. Scott, of and friends A WARNING NOTE ", PROM THE BACK. • People often Say," How are we to know when the kidneys are out of order 1" The location of the4i` kidneys, close to the smell of the j back, renders the detection of ► kidney trouble a simple matter. 1, The note of warning comes front ' the back, in the shape of backache. , Don't neglect to cure it Mime- o diately Serieus kidney trouble will ' follow if you .to. A few doses of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS,. taken in time, often save years of suffering. Mr. Horatio Till, Geary, N.D., writes :-" I suffered for about two years with kidney dis- t ease. Had pains in my back, hips ' , t and legs; could not sleep well, tied ed had no appetite. I took one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, and " t they cured me. The pains have all left, and I now sleep well. r' Price 60 cents per box, or 8 for t $1,25, All dealers, or THE DOAK KrDNliY PIM,I. Co., it Toronto, Ont. Wood'p Phosphodi nee The araat English Re,a<dv, is an old, well estah- fished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 years, All drag• gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being .Before and .After. the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. 11 promptly and permanently cures all forms of _nervous Weak- ness, Emissions, Spermatorrh<ca, Impotency, and alleffects of abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobaero, Opium or 8tionutants, 1tfental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity. Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price 31 per package or sir for $5. One wilt near please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address the W.,od OowVany, Windsor, Ont`, neanada, Sold in Wingham by ' I. aieOall & Co., A. L. Hdmitten a di Watton McKtbbu, druggists, POLICE COURT. On Wednesday evening last an as- sault and battery case was heard be- fore D?iesers. J. Neelands and George McKay, J. P's, the complainant being Mr. Geo. McKibben and the defendant Mr. R. Holmes. The case created no little excitement, and the court room was inconveniently crowded with spec- tators anxious to hear all about the affairs. The complainant charged the defendant with having committed an assault on him on the morning of the 16th inst.... After a short consultation the Bench decided the case against the defendant, fining him $2 and costs, amounting altogether to $4.85. The defendant then announced his intention of appealing against the decision. Two J. P's, Messrs. R. Currie and J. A. Mc- Ewen, who were present during the hearing of the case, but who did not sit on the Bench, after the deoision was given signed a certificate of dismissal of the defendant, certifying that they con- sidered the charge frivolous and ought to be dismissed with costs against the complainant. A TREATMENT FOR COUGHS *0 GOLDS TS a necessity in every home ii j consumption and pneun'lonia are to be warded off. judged by results, there is no preparation which can rival Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine as a claimant for yotir confidence. DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LiNSEED AND TURPENTINE NORr>I END BUTCHER SHOP, A PRIME SELECTION Mr, Jahn Redmond, of Wawanosb, was very seriously inj(trod last week by falling off a load of grain. Miss H. Soott, daughter of Mrs. John Scott, Edward street, who has been re- siding in Manitoba, for the last two years, returned home last Friday. Mr. John Farquharson, who has lately been working in Seaforth, is at present at the residence of his mother, . Mrs. Farquharson, of this town, very ill. What might have been a serious ac- cident occurred a. few days ago on the prairie, A number of skaters were en- joying the fine ice there were Zena, the youngest daughter of Rev. G. H. Cornish, who was with a number of other little gide, broke through the ice. One of the skaters noticed her perilous position and at once skated back and rescued her at the expense of a slight cold bath to both. OR TOWN DIRECTORY. JL%,PTter Clipttou--Sabbeele services at 11 a to and 7 p tu, t+ulalay School tot 2:30 p tu, G.titerel lrrn er meeting ou V4'edttessday evenings. Ito v, ,f N. ?ile• l,<':ait,13.A., pabtur. Abner Cvteus, S.S. Superintendent. '4ferisuni:+r (JEt)RCIA--»$nbb,lih services at 11 a to awl 7 p no Sunday Sobool at 2:30 p tn. bipworth League every Mon- day evening. Geier el p1'uytr tueetiug on INeduesetr y evenings, RAY. 3. lee Gandy, 1).1) , tia,tor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Snperiatun.ieeut•, FItRSlavNIA t,N OilI3«OH-Sabha th ser- vices at 11 a' nt and 7 p m. Sunday School at '':30 out, Gener,il prayer ineetieg nn Weduee lay avefiinee, Ieev, D, Petrie, pastor and S 4.:iuperiltten- dent, ie. S. Lit kInto t• awl L. Harold, assistant S. S. Snperiutendente. ST. PAUL'S Cmmoil, 1`;exscor.L-Sab- bath eer woes at 11 .t 111 011it 7 p t". Sure day 6ciiur d at 2; 30 p nt. General prayer meeting au Wednesday evening. Rev. \Viii. Lowe, itt'iitor a 0,1 S. ti. Stiperi n- tenth:iit.. Jelin Tttt'h,r and 1•lrl. Nash, ariSistanl `.:3. Superintonaente. SALVATION ARMY -Service at ? and 11. a m and 3 and 8 p to ote Suuilay, and every evening during the week et 8 o'clock itt ails barracks. • PosT Oeterae-Ln Mst'douald Block. 011ie° hottrt< from 8 a to to 6:80 p Peter Fisliti., postuitcster. PUBLIC LlniteetY-Library and free reading rooin in. the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Orlaudo G. Craig, librarian. Tower Covscrr-R. Vanstone, Mayor; Thos. Bell, Win. Relines, W. J. Career, Thos. Armstrong, G. H. C. Milllkiu, Devitt Bell, C)oaneillors; d'. B. For- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Olegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock. BEEF, PORK AND MUTTON An open temperance meeting under the auspices of Excelsior Council, Royal Tempters of Temperance of this town, was held in 11IacKenzie's Hall ou Mon- day evening last. Although the night was stormy, there was a very fair at- tendance. The chair was occupied by Mr. O. Varney, and addresses were given by the ReV. Mr. Totten, Rev. Mr. The majority of 2,072 cast for the Eakin, 0. L. Lloyd and the chairman, Scott Act in Kent is the most remark- 'Vocal and instrumental music was given able vote in the history of the agitation. by Messrs. Park, Orr, and Smith, Mrs. The next largest majority that has been Smith presiding at the organ. A read - secured by the Act ss as that of 1,659 ing was also given by W. Kinsman. given by 73uron county. According to the municipal returns, however, the population of Huron in 1888 was 6555,234, while thatuf Kent tvas ouly 45,438. If therefore, Baron's testimony to the growing power of the temperance issue could,, as it undoubtedly did, provoke each enthusiasm in the temperance re• formers, how much greater cause have they for rejoicing and congratulation itt Also a large stock of Oured Meats 01 the tiuest selection. Also Boiled Hams, Bolongna, and Davis' celebrated Pork. Pies. i+tARRIEI> Leave your orders early. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. ' In Howick on the 14th inst., at the THOS. FELLS, Opposite Skating Rink. PROPERTY FOR SALE. ESTABLIBI;ED 1878 THE WINfill0 TINES IS PUBLISIED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -rAT-- The Times Office, Beaver I1loelc WIKO>3A5f, ONTARIO, ' Tsnars ort SnesoalptioN-41.u0 per annum iu advance 41.60 if not so paid, No paper discon• tinned till all arrears are paid, exoept at the option of the publisher. tin4ERTISING RATES. -,- Legal and other casualndvertisemonte 10o per Nonperiel line for first insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 ate, per line for flret insertion, and 4 cants per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to liont, and similar, *1.00 for first three week, and 2.1 cout8 for each subsequent in. sertion. CONTRACT Reeves -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods SPACE. 1 tri. 0 MO. 8 oto. lira One Cohunn 470.00 *40.06 422,50 513 00 Half Oolumn40.00 25.00 15.00 (i al QuartorOolutnn 2000 12.50 7,50 Li 01 Ona Inch 5,00 13 00 2,00 1.25 Advertisements without s ecifio directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. THE JOB DEPARTMENT is Stocked with alt extensive assortment of all requisites for print• ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work• Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, and Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy typo for the finer classes of print ing. H. B. ELLIOTT. Proprietor and Publisher SCHOOL BOARD—J. J. Homuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, J. D. Lone, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd. Dr. A. J. Irwin, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACH -MS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid. and Miss Cummings. Beton OF HEALTLi-Mayor Vanstene, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer The undersigned offers for sale his property on Arthur street in Wingham Town Piot west of flouring mill, One property contains about 119 acres and noon the premises are a Cried brick house and frame barn and a small orchard and spring creek at rear of property. The other property nontaini Ou t •re, with frame house and barn and small orchard. Apply to the unders:gned at the frame house on the property. WM. H. CARR. Wingham P. O. residence of the bride's father, by, the Rev. A. 0, Stewart, Belgrave, 1► Mr, John Halliday to Miss Mary E. Potneroy, eld- est daughter Of John Pometoy, both of bent's maguifitent record. -•Globe. Iiowiok. L- IT PAYS TO ADVSRT1SE. 1 Breathes there a non with soul so dead is entirely different ftam ordinary' M, ne fhetsey adogebath said: cough mixtures and has a far reach -1,l'11 try another tete • inch aa." ing effect on the whole system which If such there be, go marls him well; Folz him no bank account shall swab. not only bringsrelicf but positive Y and No angel watch the golden stair for colds and severe throat, bronchial To welcome home a millionaire, and lungtroublesThe nian who never asks for trade . fly local line of "ad. displayed, Sold by alt dealers at 23 cents abottles Cares more for rest than Worldly gain, To protect you against imitations the pore And patronage bat gives Ilio pain. trent and signature .of Dr. A. le% Chase, lightly, the femme receipt book author aro bit{ ,read g y, friends; let tto rtidb liver+' bottle. _ __ . _ .. sound .-i..+....,.wtir Dieted) turb his solitude profound; Here let him live in calm repose, 'Unsought except by men he owes, And when ho dies, go plant hien deep That naught may break hie dreariness sleep; Whore no rude elemot may dispell The quiet that he loved so well And that the world may know its lose, Place on his grave a Wreath of Moss, And 00 a stone above: "Herb lies A chap Nvho wouldn't advertise." 11, It. Corey. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingharn, Ont. WINGHAM Machine & General Repair Shop TP H'ENNEDY M, D.C. 11..P. S. O . Member of the British Medical Associa• tion. Gold Medallic+ in Medicine. Special attention paidsto diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m is now re -opened, and I have secured the services of a loan of over twenty years exoerieuce i.1 all lines of Mill and Farm Machinery; also Bicycles, Guns, Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Clothes Wringers, Lawn Mowers, Scissors. • _Hair 011ppers Sharpened Saws Gummed and Filed Heys made to order A trial solicited. W. G. PATON DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. Victoria St. - ' WINGHAM. M I LB V RN' S , Positively Free Heart and Nerve Pills. Are a specific for all heart and nerve troubles. Here are some of the symp- toms. Any one of them should be a warning : for you to attend to it im- mediately. Don't delay, Serious break. down..of the system may follow, if you do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Duel, ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head, Smothering and Sinking Spells, Paint and Weak Spells ,Spasm or Pain through the 13eart; Cold, Clammy Hands and Peet. There may be many minor symp- tenni of heart and nerve trouble, but these are the chief ones. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will dispel all these symptoms from the iy'stem. Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for 51,26. WEA SPELLS +CURED. Mrs. I,. Dotty, lletnford, 14.S., writes no as follows:a'<i was troubled with dizziness, weak spells and fluttering of the heart, Irocured a box of Milburn'I Heart tied Nerve Pills, and they did me so Much good that I got two mote bores, and aftetfiniehing them I Wascompletety Cured. I must fly -that I cannot Teeenze mend thein too highly. Do you want a 'New Suit? If so bay it here and we will keep it pressed for sixmonths free of charge. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, eta. Drug Store. Night calls answered at the otace, Office -Macdonald Block, over W.MeRibbon's $3a should be hold for the 5,000 pound cow. Either, however, would be about as sensible es the other. It i11 intended to mean that the cow which yielder only 5,000 pounds of milk annually should never be purcbasid nor used for dairy purposes and that considerably' more than $50 is not an extravagant price to pay for a grade cow yielding annually 8,000 pounds of milk. Improving the Cown. When farmers began to select their bulls from pure bred herds possessing these great dairy values, letting the. beef question and all side issues take care of themselves, they began to es- tablish improved machinery in the shape of dairy cows. sT It is a sad fact that so many farm- ers eouslder the difference in value be- tween a good cow and a poor cow to be merely the difference in Purchasing price, when its a matter of fact it Is the difference between profit and loss, Writes 0 Pennsylvania correspondent of hoard's Dairyman. In tate locality of the writer a cow which sells for $50 when fresh Is about the best cow the farmer has and pro- duces not far from 8,000 pounds of milk annually. Another cow equally healthy in body and good in disposi- tion, which sells for $35, yields about 5,000 pounds of milk annually. Investigators of the subject are al- most unanimous in the assertion that 5,000 pounds of milk are required to pay the keep of a cow for one year. It is usually conceded also that the length of a cow's usefulness is ten years. In this length of time the $35 Cow. should just about pay for her keep, but leave nothing to ber owner as prof- it. In the same length of time our $5a cow should produce 8000 peuuds of milk. Taking from this amount 50,0001 pounds to pay her keep, there are left 80,000 • pounds above her expense, which in the creameries should bring at least a cent per pound, thus giving a. profit of $300 in ten years, or the time of the cow's usefulness. Can it not be said, then, with some degree of accuracy that the difference in valve between the $35 and the $50, COW is nearly $300, It is not to be understood from these figures that one should pay $300. for the 8,000 1totiud cow any more than T. CHISHOLM, J. 8. CHISHOLM DLII., M,D., 0.M., M.O.P.S.O. MB. MD,OM., M 0 P s O• DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC. OrrioE-Ohisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENOE-in rear of block, on Patrick 8t., where night calls will be answered. 117NR, BROWN, L. R. C. P. London England. Graduate of London, flew York and Chi- cago. Diseases of Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 41h Tuesday in each month. Hours from 2 to 9 p.m. R + VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged Mort. gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DlcxrvsoN DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES ,BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MoNEy To LOAN. Orrice: Meyer Block, Wingham, ARTHUR S. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. 'Tv• T. HOLLOWAY, D,D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham D. D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. J S. etROME, L. D. B. Has a new method for painless ttIjtl extraction, No cocaine. Special attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed Orstoe.- In Chisholm block, next door to Hamilton's Drug Store, W A, CURRIE, WINGHAM'S AUCTIONEER Is now prepared to attend the wants of those requiring his services. at a reasonable price. No necessity of going out of town for an ane- tioneer. All orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders loft at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention, JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Hume end Bruce. Sales of Farin Stook nod Implements a specialty. All orders left at the Tnnts office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable, OUR5 U ! T !NGS F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. FOR FALL. AND WINTER are matchless in rlosign and fabric, and we have a large stock to select from. ALSO A LARGE retee B OF OVERO OATI N GS in all the newest and best meter - lab at tight priced. Panting to snit anybody And say if yon are going to get A RAIN -PROOF COAT do not buy a ready-made until you see what We can make you ene to order for, We give you. all a pressing itt. +ritatiOu to call. RMAXWELL a is1 HIGH ART TAILOR. LICENSED AUCTIONEER NEItR Is prepared to cend'W sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stocl< and implenients. Dates and orders can always be arranged at the TIMES office, Wingham. FARM ERS e and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should advor• tine the same for sale in the Times. Our large circulation tolls and it will be strange indeed if you do not get aeustomer. We Can't guarantee that you wi l soli because you may ask more for the article or Stook than it is worth. Send your Of advertisement 02 the stook and other articles. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Prise Winning Guernsey. The Guernsey bull Prince RosendaIe, 4292, A. G., C. C., was awarded first prize in the aged bull class at the St. Louis world's fair in a ring of eleven contestants. Prince Rosendale, as hie /1 GRANDGRAND 'I'14tTN1r RAIL' AY SYSTEM. TRAINS Leve: roti London 6.50 San.... 3.10p.m. Toronto & East ..9 a.m, 0.58 din .. 8.06p.m. Kincardine -11.10 a.it1.40 0-m.... 8.56p.m. Anntta FROM gincerdine ....0.60 ft.:A11.15 San.... 606 p.ru. London 11.10 sate.- 7.35 p.m. Poltnerston..... 9.85 a.ra Toronto &East 1.40 pm-. 8.:•: p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wixgham. OVANADIAN PACIIFIC IiAl7.WA.L TRAINS bEAva role Toronto end test 6.67 San.... 648 p.m, Teeawater 1.17 p.m...,10.4S p,m, Aluttvn it'itOM Teeswater..657a,nu 8.49 pan. lhpm. aHBim , dgonc,Wtngs s ' ouamisux RUM PRINCE ROSENDALE. name implies, is a Wisconsin 'bred bull, but is owned in New York, where he heads the noted Guernsey herd of Dir. C. C. Taylor at Lawton Station, in Erie county. The picture is reproduced. from Hoard's Dairyman. Dairy Maxims. feed your cows twice a day at regu- Iar intervals and have pure water and salt always accessible. A dairy cow does not need as much exercise as a trotting horse. You do not need a dog to drive up dairy cattle. A cow with a good escutcheon and nothing else should be butchered, A cow likes a variety of food. Grati- fy her tanto as often as you can. lite Model Dairy Cost. A model dairy cow should answer -. the following description: Medium size,yr , small head, full and correctly placed eyes, neck long, thin and clean,` back of good breath at loins, short legs, large udder, medium sized, Well placed teats and plainly defined milks veins. The cow, if well fed, should, of course, give a large gttantity pt rich 4 milk. -Tarn Visitor, lttilir Thoroughly. It is important that the eows should be thoroughly mulled, as the last drawn milk being richer art fat than that which is first drawn it is Obvious that the quality is affected if the Owe are not milked cleanly. Cows with en - developed front quarters usually give ,4i milk of a lower quality fro0i those l•. guarterg, besides less quantity. The Milker. !the milker should be clean in Per. edit and ways end perteetly healthy. It not he may throw off germs of dis- ease ivease in breathing ot, coughing, says Prairie Partner. It his breath is eon* taminated with tobaueo the milk cart - not 'entirely escape totttatninetion, anti it his hands are sailed the milk must litArty.