The Huron Expositor, 1987-08-26, Page 22A -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST' 26, 1987
. Huron , *�
j • ItWARD
The Brussels Post ED BYRSKI, General Manager
Published in , HEATHER MdLWRAITH; Editor
Seaforth,. Ontario . .
Every Wednesday Morning ' Member Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc."
Ontario Community Newspaper Association
,A enfario-tress Caune+I
' Commonwealth Press Union
International Press ,Institute,
Subscription rates:. '
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Editorial and, Business Offices= TO MainStreet, Seaforth
• Telephone•(519) 521.0240 ' •
Mailing Address - P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1WO
Hollow words
The people of Canda must surely be forgiven should they take with a
grain of salt any suggestion from Canada Post, that it intends to play tough
with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers if the union carries out its threat
to•go on strike in September.' One need look in brief retrospect at the
recent strike• by the Letter• :Carriers of Canada to get some idea of the
"toughness" of Canada Post. • ' . • • • •
That precedent -setting settlement was nothing short of an unconditional
' •surrender by a Crown corporation speaking so loudly about wanting to br-
• ing the salaries and benefits of the letter carriers in line with, comparable
jobs- in.the private sector. The settlement came very close to the previous
contract with the letter carriers, '
Replacement workers were the answer, Canada Post said, to keeping
the mail flowing when the letter .carriers walked out.' If the letter carriers
didn't want to work, the post office would replace them with people who
Were willing to do the job. Empty words, as it turned out..Now, the Crown
corporation is asking us to believe it is sincere in its current "get tough" ap-
proach and the promise to use replacement workers for striking members
of CUPW. . .
Canadians are ina no-win situation as the latest rift develops between
Canda Post and its employees, based on the'current track record of the cor-
poration..At the very least, it appears the most merciful tack, perhaps,
would•be for the post office to give in quickly to the demands of the union
and spare us from a long-drawn-out strike during which the movement of
Mail by Canada Post is 'effectively brought to a halt. We certainly would not
advocate such a decision, but make the statement merely to point out the
corner into which the post office has painted us.
As a result of the settlement with the letter carriers, CUPW finds.itself in a
situation of having nothing to lose by striking.
Canada Post has little enough time to come up with a solution before
next month's deadline. No.matter how short the interim, however, it would
be better spent in trying to do that instead of wasting precious.time in firing
.useless salvos of threatened toughness. WAT,
from the Archives
July cheese sells for
10.5 cents in 1887
• AUGUST 26, 1887
. The July make of cheese of the Walton
cheese factory has been sold at 10 and a half
cents per pound, realizing the sum of $2.707.
One evening last week as a couple of
gentlemen were driving along the Huron
road a short distance west of Clinton, they
came across a horse and buggy standing on
the roadside, Investigation disclosed the
fact that the driver, a well-known character,
had fallen out, being too "full" to retain his
seat; the line, catching on the wheel, had
brought the horse to a stand just as the
wheel was about to pass 'over his neck. He
was just as happy as if sleeping on a feather
bed, but the • accident might have been a
serious one for him.
Prof. Galbraith wil remain in Watton
several days and will give phrenological lec-
tures in the school house if his health will
Mr. H. W. C. Meyer and Miss Meyer of
Seaforth returned home from their trip to
Germany on Monday night, -
The roof is now being placed on the new
High School building.
AUGUST 30,1912
Thos. Mellis,. the Kippen plum king,is
receiving many orders for his splendid crop.
He always has .the best and well his
custoiners know it,
Mr. ' and Mrs. William Anderson and
daughter Grace were in Exeter this week
visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phillips. They
were close neighbors for some years and
they still keep in touch with one another.
Miss Maggie Murray, a trained nurse in a
New York hospital, and formerly of Hensall,
is here thiS week spending a couple of days
with friends, who are pleased to meet her,
-Mr. Robert Steele of Seaforth, left on Fri-
day last for Oxbow, Sask., and expects to
return about the first of November. Mr.
Steele goes west every year to take a hand in
harvesting operations there.
Messrs. Flu►ier
r t Henderson and Pie son
t.rieve returned Last Week from the military
school at London, having completed the
short term at that institution. Mr. Hender--
soh has been appointed principal of the
i3ridgeburg Continuation School, at a salary
of $1,100.
AUGUST 27, 1937
Zurich school opens next Wednesday for
the fall term with the teaching staff as,
follows -principal, Mr, Victor Dinuey, of
Staffa; assistants, Miss Olive O'Brien, of
Zurich, and Miss Goman, of Milverton. The
schen( will be organized as a three-room
school owing to the decreased number of
pupils attending.
Sounding a note of warning concerning the
dangers of infantile paralysis, Dr. G, C. Jar-
rett, Seaforth, Medical Health Officer for
. Tuckersmith, addressed a Largely attended
meeting of the Kippen east Women's In-
stitute on Tuesday evenins.
Seaforth Baseball Nino hag played itself
into a position where itis almost Sure of be-
ing in the league playoffs.
Only one game remains to be played and
on Friday evening Seaforth will meet
Zurich. A week ago Seaforth made the trip
and were leading in the third inning when,
rain and darkness forced a postponement.
Between two and three thousand people
attended the Band Tattoo in Hensel! on
Wednesday evening when the following
Bands took part -Parkhill, St. Marys,
Dashwood, Exeter, Zurich and HensalL.
AUGUST 30, 1962
Seaforth Juveniles are confident they can
win the second game of the "C' Northern
Division playdowns, when Durham conies
here Saturday. They dropped the opening
game of the best in three series in Durham
Sunday afternoon 9-2.
Work is under way to convert the former
Seaforth Creamery building, on South Main
St., into a modern groceteria. When Com-
pleted, it will be occupied by Red and White
netivities at Seaforth Lions Park will con -
elude over the weekend, after what park of-
ficials indicated Was a Most su'ccessful
riot weather during July attraeted in-
creased attendance. During the season, and
as of Wednesday, 23,855 swimmers used the.
Attendance at Seaforth schools will be up
this year when classes begin on Tuesday.
While little change is expected in the
Public School atteridanee, Seaforth Distri'et
High School is expected to rise to at least
450. is team's
This weekend marked the pinnacle of my
illustrious ball team's 1987 season. In fact it
probably marked the high point - of the
team's entire existence. .. .
If the truth be known, and there'sno of-
fence intended by this article, the team ex-
ists primarily to allow its members a reason
for escaping from the house once or twice a,
° week. Although there's no question • the
"players would not object to a,league title, or
even to'more wins than losses in a season,
those 'things are in no way. all -consuming.
The team plays to Will, but is content in just
We laugha our mistakes.'. •
That's not to say that the team is a write-
off. Play appears to have improved over the
years (either that or 'everyone else is get
ting worse); and wins seem less foreign to.
us than they used to be:.' '
by. Heather..McIlwraith
this year, and possibly stretch things a little
tq take the C title. We seemed'doomed from
the start.
' For some strange reason things clicked.
.Whether or not the cold weather, harsh
having fun W ' t winds -or the -early -hour -Of game -one were
contributing factors is unknown, but we won
But as .much as play has improved there •
still have been no major victories - at least
until this past weekend in Exeter.
' The Sluggers, as we are sometimes inap-
propriately called, were .participants in an
annual slo-pitch tournament in Exeter. As
mere runners up last year in the "C" Divi-
sion,'we held no -illusions going into the 1987.
version of the tournament. All we Wanted
was to at least maintain that C level of play
our first • game by an easy 15-2 score. We
were both shocked and elated - apprehen-
sive too, since it meant a tougher route to
follow if in fact we lost our next game.,
Amazingly enough we didn't lose our next
game. Instead we followed the precedent we
set in the first match and won game two
easily by a score of 15-6. The win gave us a.
bye into the A final.
We were flabbergasted. We had never
done so well. We. had never played so "
The team was'keen come the final game
' (the next afternoon), and players became
even keener when they realized they would
be facing a team from the Seaton!' league -
a team they kneW could beat 'them, but one
they had beaten on occasion in the past. We '
knew we had to be sharp.
And, we were - for one inning. We actually
led the game for awhile. Then...well, we fell
aparC' rror . upon error resultel-lri the
worst game we've ever played. Our league
adversaries slaughtered .us'.
To say we were upset would be q'uotillg
the truth, but I think; we were more upset
with ourselves than„ anything else. May)e
had the,game taken place on another dayor
under other circumstances the outcome'
might have been different. Unfortunately. it
didn't. Our .opponents were worthy of the .
win on Sunday. • ..
But that doesn't mean they'll be worthy of
the win next time, we meet. .
After all, we may not have won the A title, .,
but it took a stupendous effort by all team..
members to make it that far, And there't.
nowhere else to go but up. - •
Co-workers' write reporter's column
Editors Note: Patrick Raftis is on
holidays this week and the lazy slug didn't
even leave us a column to run while he's
• away. Therefore, we were forced to
scratch through the mess .on his desk
where we found this letter from his travel
agent, which we now present in place of his
usual nonsense.
Dear Mr. Raft's: •
In response to your request, we have at-
tempted to prepare a European vacation
package within the pricerangeyou have
suggested. While it behooves us to inform
you that the Paris Hilton has no room
available under $5 a night, there are
several youth hostels in the rural areas
which could accommodate you in that
price range, However, the full meal
package which you requested would con-
sist of only one bowl of instant soup on the
night of your arrival and breakfast ar-
• rangements would be up to you.
• While it was a feat requiring great
perseverance and 'originality (my staff
took it on as a challenge), we have manag-
ed to book your passage to and from the
European mainland within your suggested
budget guidlines.
You will be departing on Sunday morn-
ing, as you requested, however air travel
is unfortunately out of the question. You
will be travelling via "Mad Dog Cruises,"
as a special passenger of the Prince Ed,
ward Island eccentric for whom the com-
pany is named.
by Patrick Raftis
Mad Dog is planning an attempt at cit•
cumnavigation of the globe on a flutter -
board and has agreed to allow you to "tag
along". Swimwear, and an absolute
minimum of luggage, are r-ecomrnended
for this portion of your trip. We remind you
it is unlikely that Mad Dog will be able to
ensure your passage In under a week, so it
is hoped you can arrange for an open-
ended vacation or leave -of -absence.
Again,' because of your restricted
budget, we have been unable to book you
into all the countries you requested, but we
have arranged for substitutions we believe
yottwill find interesting.
Along the way, you will be spending 30
days and 30 nights in an Iranian detention
facility. While a guest of the Ayatollah, you
will be provided with nightly entertain-
ment by the Royal Moslem Guardsmen
and their world famous rubber hose act.
Sparing no expense, we have booked yoti
on a complete cruise of the Persian Gulf
aboard the historic Lebanese military
vessel "Ka -boom". This ship is the last of
the great wooden minesweepers and we
have assured you a great view of the ex-
cursion by placing you in the very
foremost cabin.
Other points of interest on your tour
-- A walking tour of Northern Ireland, with
a full compliment of Isiah Republican Ar-
my guides, and an opportunity to study the
very latest in pyrotechnic devices close up.
A visit to Saudia Arabia, where you will
attend a "swinging singles," party, along
with a ntifnber of airline attendants from
your home country. 13.%'.O,B. .
- A working vacation in the famous salt
mines of the Soviet Union's Siberiah
Your return voyage will be aboard a
small fishing vessel, which you will share
with a group of East Indian travellers. The
ship will take you within swimming
distance (maximum 12 miles) of the Nova
Scotia coastline, after whleh the ship's
captain is obligated to disavow any
knowledge, of your presense.
We hope you will enjoy the unique,
excitementfifl'ed holiday we have arrang-
ed for you.
Of course there's still time to reconsider'
and go to Grand fiend.
Policing requires more thought
In the news lately has been the report of
the Town of Wiarton abolishing its police
Rime and contracting with the OPP to police
the town. ThiS•has been accompanied by in-
terviews with the mayors Of the five towns
in the County of Huron with respect to the
possibility their town may be looklhg at the
same change. The responses have, of
course, been varied and generally cautious
or non -committal
It seems to me that a very cautious ap-
proach to this question is certianly the ap-
propriate one. The news media seem to
have treated this essentially just a mat-
ter of dollars and cents with, generally, lit-
tle regard for its other aspects.
'I certainly have been critical of the
Seaforth polite force many times for many
things, in the past 30. odd years. Pouting
costs do form a major item in the town
budget and I certainly am not one to
criticize any attempt to save some tax
I eon
Sider, o §ides however, the
quality of pending we have en)joyed for quite
a few years new and then think of the money
which has been spent' on, or committed to,
various boen'doogles in the same period .of
time I have to wonder. Would the change to
OPP' policing really make that much dif=
by Ethic Williams
fei`ence? Would we, perhaps, find ourselves
paying for an architect and contractor to
redesign and replace the Old, wooden, bell
tower which was removed many years ago
from the Taft Hall?
I don't doubt that somewhere there will be
an ambitious young architect who can
dream up something that the surplus Money
can be spent on with the syppposed purpose
of attracting visitors who watit to see what
Seaforth looked like in 1890 or thereabouts.
Really now, I wonder how many people are
actually going to come to Seaforth to see our
new front porch and, hopefully, Spend some
money while they are here:
It seems to trig that besides the monetary
aspect there are Other things to consider.
Would the OPP policing really be that much
better than what we have now? Would there
tie a police detachment in the town so that
the police force would be open -and available
to the focal citizenry? Would the OPP be
willing to aceept the responsibility of Odd.-
ding the local by-laws? This is not a rnatt "r'
Of COrnparing how well they are enfbre.
now and how well they would be enfor'eei
then, but whether they would be enforced dt
For instance, and this is a nuisance Which
teens to have become more prevalet3
again in the last year or so, would the OPP
respond to calls about dogs tanning at
Targe? Would the OPP be responsive tb
parking violations stick as double parkin"
on'Main Street, parking right under" a '10
Parking' sign at an intersection' On Magi
Street ree et Or using theMain Street sidewalk,, o `
any sidewalk, as a bicycle path? PeStibI
We Would have av to emP to 0
Y one more
law Officers to enforce local by-laws as ai
additional expense.
It seems to me, also, that we would' have,
to consider *hat would happen to th,
'hitt to page 4A