HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-26, Page 1WINCiHAM TIMES.
VOL XXXIY.--NO. 1710.
You'll Make
No Mistake
If you leave your
order for Clothing
with us.
We'll be pleased to
show you some nice
lines of goods for
Suds and OvorcOals
and' feel certain that
we will be able to
satisfy the most fas-
tidious taste in the
matter of dress.
In this department
you will find our
stock complete and '
Great variety, fine
quality, and very rea-
sonable in price.
A pleasure to show goods.
llomutli Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Issued by MANN PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,565,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the Ylt•nited States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
Deoember each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
V.. Vanstone. Solicitor.
R, A. Hutchison
No matter where it is !
I have for sale now spine fine town property
which for location and convenience cannot be
excelled. It makes no difference whether you
want n $50.00 building lot or a $10,000.00 farm,
or any other kind of Real Estate, I want to
Bear front you. Just the property you want
inay be on my list. I am not only in a position
to most advantageously serve the• man who
wants to buy a,home or a farm, but I am h the
best possible position to servo the man who
wants to make a profitable investment.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
The Publi Meeting.
The public meets in the Town Hall
on Thursday evenin last in the interests
of the Moral.Refor League was very
well attended and reiport says that the
speakers were hard n their talk against
the Ross administr tion, and that the
meeting took more he shape of a Con-
servative meeting t au anything in the
interests of moral r orm. The speakers
were Alex. Mills an Rev. J. E. Starr,
both of Toronto.
Good, strong corsets for 33c at Isard's
Alteration Sale. See them.
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
Glasses supplied.
Clinton V iitewashed.
The scheduled game of the Northern
Hockey League to oe played here Tues-
day night was mind off on account of
Listowel • team n st being in shape.
As the game had been advertised the
home team decide not to disappoint the
citizens and arra ged with Clinton to
give an exhibits game, which they
did, but went do to defeat before the
home team by a s ore of 12 to 0, A big
crowd was in att dance, and the Wing -
ham Citizen's and furnished music
during the evenin . The Wing/mon boys
are having goo success this season,
winning every g me in which they have
D. Stewart will continue selling his
household furniture every afternoon
from 2 to 6 o'clock. There are many
good articles for sale and it would pay
parties in need of furniture to call
at his residence. Fa";'iers would do
well to call and secure a bargain on a
horse, pow, buggy, cutter, harness,
robes, etc., etc. This is a genuine sale
as Mr. Stewart intends leaving for
BANK OF H A M I LTO N California the first week of February.
Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00.
Total Assets, $26,553,846,57.
President— gots, Wet. GtfisON.
pipe -President and
General Manager —J. Tuartni .t.
Assistant Gen. Manager—S, M. WATSON
Proctor, hefiDrs.endrie,
Geo.tror, Dalton,
Isspeote+'--B, Willson.
Interest snowed on deposits of 31.00 and np-
'ivarde, and added to prinolpal on 31st Nay and
80th November each year.
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest,
»TONINSON & EtOr,etEB, 8oliolters.
Ireland do the Irish.
The A. Y. P. A. nd their friends met
on Tuesday evenin in St. Paul's sohool
house, and were tre ted to an address on
"Ireland and the ish," by Rev. Wm.
Lowe, of Wingha . Owing to a num-
ber of social functi ns in town on Tues-
day night, and the act that the meeting
had not been roper]; fidyestise4
On account of the stormy weather 611
Sunday, the erOwd was not as large as
it otherwise would :lave been. However,
those who were for: unate enough to be
present enjoyed themselves immensely.
Mr, Lowe is a wear pleasing speaker,
filled with sui:h joker as are character•
istio of an Irishm
should return at an
tain a full house w
vote of thanks was
then the meeting el
National Anthem.
If Mr. Lowe
time, we are per-
►uld greet him. .A.
iven the speaker and
sed by singing the
Clinton New Era,
Greer's Shoes and Rubbers New Telephones.
Throe new telephones have been put
in tithing, the pa ,t week and the local
manager, Mr. P N. Teasley informs us
that others are t be put in shortly. The
new 'phones pa in last week are at T. C.
Graham's gree house, No. 101; John
Ritchie's resid nee, No. 102; Thos.
Cassels' reside ce, No. 103.
Templars Presentation.
At the meeting of the Royal Templars
of Tewperauce o f Tuesday evening
several new membe s were initiated, and
Mr. W. C. Themes, u, who has for some
time been the Secrf tary was presented
with a handsome pit and complimentary
address, prior to hirleaving for Toronto,
where he has securfa3 a good position. Mr
H. 0. Kent takes llr. Thompson's place
as secretary.
For violins, guitars, mandolins and
small goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's
music store.
Robt. Miller Warden.
The Heron Conn y Council met at
Goderich ou Tuesdry and Mr. Robert
Miller, of Wroxeter who has been the
representative for Lwision No. 8 for a
number of years w; .s elected Warden.
We are pleased to report Mr. Miller's
election, He has beilm the longest in the
County Council anUrvill fill the position
with honor to himse and the County.
The Oouucil adjo rned on Tuesday
evening so as to all the members to
be at home for vote g on Wednesday.
House for Sale.—Lot No. 4, on South
side Maple St., on easy terms of pay-
ment. Apply to R. VANsToNE, Solicitor
for estate of W. T.A. Fishleigh, deceased.
1. 0. O. F Officers.
The officers of Maitland Lodge,
No. 119, I. 0. 0. _P. were installed
by Mr. J. F. Grov=s, D. D. G. M., on
Thursday evening :if last week as
follows:—N. G., N.1J. Brandon, V. G.,
A. Bell;Fin-Sec., T. Elliott; Rete Sec.,
J. F. Groves; Tree., [I. 11 Elliott; R. S.
N. G., S. A. Maguir i; L S. N. G , H.
Ansley; R. S. V. G., H. McCrea; L. S.
V. G., R. Burgess; 0 tap., D. Lougheed;
Conductor, P. Hill; Warden, Elmer
Moore; R.S.S., Alex. Leishman; L.S.S.,
John Pearen; I. G., F.. Hensoliffe.
We are positively clearing Drees Goods
and Men's Suits. Overcoats. See those
$8.00 and $10.00 goods clearing at $5.00
to $6.50. G. E. KING.
Institut Meetings.
A meeting of be directors of East
Huron Farmers' *istitute was held in
the Council Cham ter, Brussels, There
was present Presi eat, McMillan; Vico-
Pres. Elliott; Secretary Hood; and
Directors Armstrong, McTaggart,Smith,
McCracken, Knar, Perrie, Smillie, Gib-
son, Watt, Mi:hie and Kerr. The
regular meeting: will be held at Brussels
on Feb. 3rd ant at Wroxeter on Feb.
4th speakers will be K. F. Kidd, of
Simcoe and G. 3arboar, of Cross Hill.
Supplementary meetings are dated as
follows :—St. *lolumbian, March 4th;
Winthrop, Meath 5tli; Harlock, March
6th; Bluevale, 11arch 8th; Ethel, March
9th ; Moleswor b, March 10th ; and Ford-
wich, March .1. Dr. H. G. Reid, of
Georgetown ; d J. L. Waren, of Acton,
will be the sp akers.
Pringle & Groves are payiny the high-
est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and
tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap -
man's old stand, Wingham.
For the best makes of Pianos, call and
look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to
suit purchasers. They are the best
money can procure. Remember the
stand, near Bell's factory.
Howick Mutu Insurance Co.
The thirty-second nnual report of the
Howick Mutual Fre Insurance .Co.,
covering the transact one of the Com-
pany for the year 19L4 was printed at
the TIMES office this week. The coin•
pany had many heavy losses, owing to
the severe storms, br t the income was
sufficient to meet all obligations and to
add a small sum to the cash account.
The number of polis' s issued during the
past year was 1165 a d the number in
force at the end of t a year were 3828,
being an increase of 56 policies. The
amount of insurance written was $1,963,-
333, the amount ca celled and expired
$1,464,510.00, leavin,the net amount in
force at the close of � e year $6,080,221,
being an increase fa- the year of $398,-
2$.OQ in tate 6113911 v fit nick, This com-
llany is 6119 of the 9sest Mtitual Insur-
ance Companies in Ontario and now has
total assests amp nting to $200,323.
The officers are, P sident, John R. Mil-
ler, Jamestown; Vico.President,
ward Bryans, Jam stown; Sec'y-Treas.,
W. S. MoKeroher, roxetor; Directors,
Robert Scott, Full n's Mills; James Ed-
gar, Gerrie; Wm. oKercher, Wroxeter;
James Wylie, Gler.farrow. The anneal
meeting of the cot>\pany will be held in
the Township Rall at Gorrie, on Friday,
February 10th at 1 O'clock p. ni..
Buy your clothing at Isard's and save
$2.00 on a suit and $3.00 on an overcoat.
Health 3f the Province.
The returns o the Provincial Board
of Health for the last month in 1904 -
were not quit, so complete as in the
same month it the previous year, and
the deaths r, ported were less by 64.
The total nu. ober Of deaths from all
causes as re rted by the municipal
clerks was 2,47, representing a popula.
tion of 1,950, 343„ which gives a death
rate of 12 7 pr cent; per 1,000. For the ,
corresponding period of 1903 the deaths
reported wet a 2,141 from a population of
2,051,965, w .soh gave a death rate of
12 5 per cen
Great money saving chauces at Isard's
Alteration Sale, see their adv.
Saturda Night's Concert.
If you have of already secured your
seats for the eister Entertainment on
Jan. 28th, yo should do so at once, or
you may be w thout one when the night
of the concer comes. Wherever the
Meister Glee ugers have appeared in
Canada they h ive received the highest
praise from th critics. A few remarks
from the precis are as follows: "It may
bo stated with ut exaggeration that the
Canadian pub is has never yet heard
anything in q arLette singing to surpass
the work of t e Meister Glee Singers."
—Toronto M il. "The Moister Singers
have wander d far afield and their sup-
pretnacy in t e rendering of part songs
has never een challenged."—Quebec
Telegraph. 'To the lover of the best in
music, it wa a revelation and a feast."
—Sydney R ord. The Company tip.
pears iu Win ham under the auspices of
the Westminster (guild, and the plan of
hall is at Walton McKibbon's drug store.
NOTICE—I have arranged with . the
Dominion Bank to manage my business
and all owing me on notes or mortgages,
can pay principal or interest at any
time after falling due. Remember you
heed not pay until you are requested to
do so by me. I thank all those who
have done business with "me and wish
you all every prosperity.
Many Cu ious Editions.
Mr. H. Manns g, of Clinton, is in
possession of a n tuber of most interest-
ing copies of the London, Eng., Times,
among them bei g the following dates:
January 26th, 1 /93, containing an ac-
count of the e>=cution of Louis XVI,
and a copy of h s will; July Ord, 1797,
an account of execution of Richard
Parker for mu iny; October 3rd, 1798,
account of Ne on's victory at the Nile;
April 16th, 1 01, account of battle of
Copenhagen; ovember 7th, 1805, ac-
count of ba 1e of Trafalgar; January
10th, 1806, count of funeral of Lord
Nelson, with a picture of coffin in which
he was bur ed; June 22nd, 1815, ac-
count of the attle of Waterloo; August
21st, 1821, count of funeral of Queen
Caroline. e has also a Bible, printed
iu 1615, kn wn as the Breeches Bible,
bound in le ther.
2 1-2 pounds for 25 cents
A 212 pound bar
of Castile Soap
"Shellbrand" for
25 cents at
Walton McKibbon
Nextdoor to Post office.
The inaugural mee big of Wiugham
School Board was he d on Wednesday
evening, 18th inst.; all the members
Secretary Groves road the report of
the Town Clerk on th election•showiug
Messrs. Long,. Lloyd, omuth and Irwin
to be duly elected.
On motion of Mess s. Abraham and
Homuth, Dr. Irwin as elected chair-
man of the Board for 905.
The report of the Pr . cipal for Decem-
ber showed an average attendance of 408.
The annual report fir 1904 was alto
presented as follows: Pupils registered,
574; boys, 260; girls, 3 4; aggregate at-
tendance, 70,719; aver ge, 399.
Part I-102; Part II
—100; Third Book -10
60; Fifth Class -120.
Arithmetio, 574; W
ing, 490; Geography,
Grammar, 290; Compo
lish History, 180; Cana
Temperance, 60, Book.
gebra, 120; Geometry,
Physics, 60; Chemistry
French, 40.
Part 1 to Part II, 43;
Book, 41; Jun. 2nd t•
Second to Jan. 3rd, 38;
34; 3rd to 4th, 34; Ent
class certificates, 6;
total 265. Teaching d
school was open 199 d
86; Second Book
Fourth Book—
ting, 574; Draw -
90; Music, 390;
:ition, 574; Eng-
ian History, 180;
eeping, 70; Al -
20; Botany, 60;
40; Latin, 110;
i'art II to Second
Sen. 2nd, 40;
Jun. to Sen. 3rd,
ante, 27; second.
atriculation, 2;
s in year, 201;
Municipal assessment $3700.25
Government Graut 275.00
Continuation " . ... 600.00
Non-resident fees 108.00
Total receipts .... ... ..... $468:3.75
Teachers salaries f3G42,10
Fuel, caretaker, repai s, sup-
plies, etc., etc., . 832.08
Bal. on hand ........ ... . .... 208.67
A. H. Mu
ORovE, Principal.
The reports were : dopted.
The Principal as ed for two cheap
tables for. chemical .nrposes.
Secretary, J. F. roves; Treasurer,
J. B. Ferguson and aretaker, J. 'Gray,
'were re -appointed at the same salaries
as last year.
Committees -0 property and man-
agement—Messrs. Lloyd, Long, Moore
Kerr. On Fin .nce—Messrs. Irwin,
Abraham, Homu h and Griffin.
The followin€ accounts passed for
payment :—
T. Hall, agrecme: it forms
A Young, supp fes
W. G. Paton, w rk
J. B. Ferguson, e
Gray, Young and
Express Oo ..... .
Kincardine Boiler
etc ....
B. Jenkins, repair
A. Campbell, rep
J. D. Burns, suppl
LT. Sherk, repairs
Central Elec. Sup.ly Co.,
ical Apparatu
The Board deci.
drill performed mf
The property co
ed to arrange a ro
the boys to exercis
The Board then
vitation of the cha
Trustees, Officers,
Press, wended the
taurant, where the
served to their res•
$ 2.50
ection.... 3.00
p arling, coal 236.46
o., inspection,
Chem -
d to have the Fire
nthly at discretion of
mittee was authoriz-
m in basement for
themselves in.
djourned and on in-
rman, Dr. Irwin, tho
Principal and the
way to Moore's res -
enjoyed the oysters
ctive tastes.
Local Op
The Guardian s
table indicates, so f
able to secure the
in Local Option co.
province of Onto
Though there wer
ments,the results o
encouraging to tem
Municipality For
ion Results.
ys:—The following
r as we have been
figures, the results
este throughout the
io ou January 2.
some disappoint -
the whole, are very
•erance workers:
Against Majority
Cavan ....236
Clarke 641
Garafraxa WRepe
Hallett..... ,357
Windham 402
Yarmouth 663
Clinton 21
Colborne 23
Gwillimbury W..
Iroquois 12
Oxford 33
Port Carling
It will be notice
that parried local
Yale, very much 1
defeated it. o And
instance defeat w
majority that th
will not hesitate
matter again at t
.... 40
X71 185
189 432
1 defeated 65
349 8
271 158
191 160
220 182
508 155
357 147
245 12
126 5
342 3
that the majorities
.rohibition are, as a
rger than those that
in all but the one
s by such a narrow
temperance electors
o join issue on the
e earliest opportunity.
Below are given s
to the several post
shown by the P. M.
jaet issued. To save
be borne in mind tha
me figures relating
cesin Huron, as
's report for 1904,
onfusion it should
the revenue given
is for the past year, b it that the salary
figures are based, not on the revenue of
last year, bnt on the revenue of 1903,
so that while the bu ;iuess of the past
year is shown in I.he gross revenue
column, the salary, as shown here is
computed on the busi less of the previous
year. 66 Post offices in Huron should
give the people pretty good mail facili-
ties. 01 these, 28 ar in West Huron.
Post Office roes Salary.
R venue
Auburn ..$ 71 28
Amberley 119 12
Bayfleld.. 56,298
Balgrave. 552 40
Belfast 217 81
Benmilller, 118 80
Blnevale, 310 18
Blyth 451 42
Brucefield 410 43
Brussels :1197 75
Chiselhurst,64 10
Centralia 325 27
Crewe. ... 17 50
Clinton 087 05
Constance 158 88
Carlow 13146
Dashwood 398 03
Dungannon625 19
Drysdale 1.2 43
Dunlop. 89 00
Egmoudville20 00
Fordyce......., 30 73
Harlock ...... , . 46 27
Ethel. .. 25 35
Exeter . . 2 55 24
Fordwioli 63194
Goderich. 6813 20
Gerrie8) 185
Hensall .. 1332 72
Holmesville 179 75
rippers .... , 3 34 6 7
Kukton 417 23
Londeaboro l8 29
Porter's Hill(9 92
St. Joseph1.4 10
Seaforth. 47'et 04
Varna .... . L3 36
Walton 3]I412
Wingham 43 34
Wroxeter 7 7 66
Zurich 730 84
Henfryn....., ., i4 71
iiillsgreen 83 94
Kingsbridge ..-, /2G 94
Kintail. , , :02 07
Lakelet:':34 24
Lanes 6010
Laurier 65 03
Leadbury.. 10226
Lochplsli 185 30
Lotham—recently paned.
Loyal 9175
Mafeking 129 75
Marnoch . 29 51
Port Albert
St. Augustine. .
St. Helens
Summerhill ...
69 81
123 56
.L15 55
103 56
42 89
66 41
60 10
_35 40
73 00
33 00
3 00
29 98
11 91
$ 176 00
60 00
262 00
280 00
90 00
60 00
144 00
530 00
190 00
766 00
30 00
144 00
25 00
1590 84
72 00
57 00
170 00
280 00
50 00
50 00
110 00
25 00
25 00
202 00
844 00
280 00
2104 87
380 00
504 00
76 00
156 00
248 00
164 00
40 00
70 00
1370 00
154 00
160 00
1454 00
354 CO
330 00
28 00
4(i 00
53 00
88 00
60 00
30 00
28 00
50 00
(10 00
45 00
25 00
25 00
30 00
60 00
52 00
56 00
30 00
50 50
80 00
56 00
36 00
25 00
25 00
36 00
60 00
Here are a few pl cies in Bruce and
Grey and the total amount paid in to
the post office in th _e respective places
for money orders, octal notes, stamps,
and all other soars s of revenue: Ohes-
Artificial Eyes
We fit them.
We match the natural eye. '
We make them comfortable.
We shape theca, to the mus-
cles so that they move
with the natural eye,
Other Eyes
Natural, but needing help. ;
We examine in our new '
optical room, and have the
most modern eye glasses
made to prescription for
each case requiring such,
A1I1McCalI &Co
• Druggists and Opticians
ley, $3.292.88; C rgi1l, $639 88; Elm-
wood, $507.83; Ha over, $3,839.12; Kin-
cardine, $3,546.98; Lion's Head, $503.83;
Lucknow, $2,415 9• ; Mildmay, $1,051.06:
Owen Sound, $ 6,507 29; Paisley,
$2,345.07; Port Elgi i, $2,151.57; Ripley,
$1,351 35; Southam ou, $1,003 41; Tara,
81,326 G0; Teeswat r, $1,570.80; Tiver-
ton, 8651.94; alkerton, $5,344 01;
Wiarton, 24,422.27.
Fewer Exh bitions Desired.
The leading A_ ricultural Socities of
the Province are evincing considerable
interest in the sui,•gestion that has been
made by Mr. H. N. Cowan, Provincial
Superintendent of Agricultural Societies,
that the number 1 exhibitions held an.
nuttily in Ontario
reduced and that
should receive the
to the amounts th
tural purposes.
do away with all
the township and
Ontario Fruit Gr
passed a resolutio
suggestions and e
such a change
sums of money
ricultural pur
the Dominio
dation, at it
to, on Jana
tion approv
stating its
tions woul
better prize
as a redact
tures now
hould be ivatefially
gricnitural Societies
r grants in proportion
y expend for agricul-
ch a chane would
distinction between
strict societi, s. The
ers' Association has
approving. of these
pressing thelbelief that
ould result in larger
ing expended for Ag -
see. The Executive of
hortborn Breeders Asso-
anunal meeting in Toron-
y 16th, also passed a resolu-
g of these suggestions and
pinion that fewer exhibi-
result in larger attendances,
and better exhibits, as well
on in the undesirable fen.
prevalent at many exhibi-
ira Great Glearance
Everybody is headed This Way
Here's an opportunity to buy the best of
Footwear at prices so low that no one
can afford to stay away.
If you care to save money, here's a Shoe
Sale that, in justice to your pocket
book, you cannot ignore.
Every Winter Shoe must leave our store
We will not carry shoes over from orne season
to auother, and every Man's,,Woman's,
Boys', Misses' and Child's Shoe is
priced so low that they'll
go at once.
Size up these prices and stay away if you can
Men's Felt Boots, regular $3.00, sale price $2.25
Women's "
Men's Overshoes, "
Misses' Shoes, "
Children's Shoes, "
1.40, 1.00
1.50, 1.00
1.25, " 1.00
1.00, " .?u
Shoer to the Peope.