The Huron Expositor, 1987-08-19, Page 4A4 THE HURON. EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 19, 1987' BERG Sales - Service Installation Free Estimates • Barn Cleaners • Stabling • Bunk Feeders Donald G. Ives R.R. 2 Blyth Brussels 887.9024 FESTIVAL SCHOOL OF HAIRSTYLING 552 Huron St., Stratford 271-9551 BECOME A LICENSED HAIR STYLIST Enrol now for our September class. Try our salon at reduced rates. '%�58'5 YEAR V $ COMPOUNDING 5 YEAR TERM. PAID ANNUALLY All rales sublect to verification b tW11'HIN1,11181ISf 55,1..1 YEAR , ANNUAL g 30 THRU 41 89 DAYS *4 01' Iwo Ynl Ser V:t i.%/Jno since 1.976 Ivan 1J locations l01 ye"' convenience Council adopts police court policy KARATE TOURNAMENT Seaforth Town Council has suggested the Seaforth Karate Club take its request for assistance in purchasing tumbling mats to the Recreation Department. -Council's Finance and General Govern ment committee advised financial assistance grants were generally limited to service type groups, and suggested Rob Malloch submit a background report on the karate club, including an income state- ment, and request assistance to purchase the tumbling mats. —Originally—Mr—Malloch- requested—policies-unless you-ar-e-on-the-executive—Deputy-ree-ve—Hazel—Hildebrand_an assistance to run an invitational karate tournament in Seaforth on August 22. The purpose of that tournament is to raise funds to buy proper tumbling mats. ' It is expected that 600-1,000 people will attend the karate event, but Mr. Malloch said with the cost of the arena floor and the purchase of trophies, very few funds would be generated for the purchase of the mats. COURT POLICY Seaforth Town Council has "'adopted a standing order to establish a clear policy dealing with police officers attending civil court. • According to the order Seaforth Police Officers attending civil court while off du- ty, as direct result of their position pn the Seaforth Police Force, have the option of accepting either'mileage and,witness fees or claim overtime. Wherever overtime is claimed," all mileage and witness fees received from the court shall be turned over to.Town.pf Seaforth. Police Officers attending civil court while ori.duty, as' a -direct result of their position on the Seaforth Police Force, on a regular scheduled- work day, all mileage and court attendance fees received shall be turned over the the Town. Seaforth's Finance and General Govern- ment Committee will review and recom- mend a policy dealing with employees be- ing subpoened. to attend civil court on a non -job-related matter. • ATTEND CONFERENCE • Seaforth Town Council has accepted a recommendation from its Protection to - Persons.. and Property Committee that Councillors. Peg Campbell and Harry Hak, Police Chief Hal Claus and Town Ad- tninstrator. Jim Crocker attend the Municipal Police Authority's fall con- ference in Toronto, October' 4-7. ROAD CUTS Permission has been ,given to Bell Canada .to complete the necessary road cuts while it installs the conduit for the new fibre optic line in Seaforth. Previously council had suggested Bell Canada be asked to use the "bore and punch"' method of installation. Bell has since advised that because of the mass of services located inthe area where the line. is to be installed this method cannot be used. Bell has requested that open road cuts be allowed on Main,.IgIarket and High Streets to allow for the installation of the line to en- sure that no other utility lines are struck. They intend to use a material called K- . Creteto repair the cuts made, and said it stands very well and does not settle. Council agreed to the road cuts on condi- tions that the repair for the road cuts be to thesatisfaction of the Public Works Superintendent and the Huron County Engineer and that any maintenance re- quired by the settling of repairs made ,by Bell Canada be the responsibility of Bell Canada for the next five years. COUNCIL BRIEFS servation Authority to 15 from 35' was sub- mitted to Seaforth council for its approval. In a statement submitted by Tom Prout, they attended in the month of July. Mayor Alf Ross received $715 for atten- ding one meeting of .council, . 12 sub- committee meetings and one all day meeting. Reeve William Bennett received $300 for attending one council meeting . and five committee meetings. generalmanager-secretary-treasurer for Councillors Harry Hak, Gaeiy Osborn the ABCA, reasons for changing the number and Bill McLaughlin each received $255 for came from present directors who believe it ' attending one council meeting 'and four is difficult to be•up-to-date on programs and committee meetings, . JOHN ELLIGSEN ELECTRIC •Farm Wiring . • LTD. *House Wiring *Commercial Wiring •Pole Line Construction .Hydro Poles "You name it we'll wire it" PHONE: 345-2447 "24hr. Emergency Service" John Elligsen Electric Ltd.. R.R.#4, Walton, Ontario. YOU RS.E Our main floor display area cannot possibly hold all the • do -ft -yourself plumbing, electrical and hardware items we stock, so -if you don't see what you want, ask one of ,our friendly sales staff. •FULL LINE OF HARDWARE •PLUMBING and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES •BEAIJTITONE PAINTS •GLAZING SUPPLIES *KITCHENWARE AND MORE! Check our Home Hardware Catalogue for a terrific selection of home & hardware needs. TOOL RENTALS •DRILLS *LADDERS *POWER SAWS •PIPE THREADERS *PIPE DIES *ETC. "THE HOME OF THE HANDYMAN" MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-1620 LESSDffUECTORS A proposal to reduce the number of direc- tors appointed to. the Ausable Bayfield Con - committee. • councillors Peg Campbell, Bob Dinsmore At present only 11 of the 35 directors meet monthly on the executive committee, while the other 24 receive copies of the minutes and do not have the advantage of the discussions. The Authority proposes there be only 15 directors who would meet monthly and as a result be more aware of conservation pro- " grams and the reasons for them. Another reason for the reduction is the time and money saved that would result from less wages, mileage and conferences. Indirect savings of,staff time to prepare for and attend meetings, taking minutes and making copies of those minutes would also result. The proposed membership and structure would .be a maximum or a limit of three municipalities per director. The number. of municipal representatives would be reduc- ed to 14 from 32 and provincial represen- tatives would be reduced to one from three for a total of 15 directors.'• Council approved the proposal. - CHAIN LINK FENCE The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board proposes to move a six-foot chain link, fence currently surroun- ding the St. James Separate School proper- ty in Seaforth, closer to Gouinlock and Chalk Streets. HPRCSSB representative Gerald • Groothuis. told Seaforth Town Council the site has already been surveyed and said the school board would, maintain the property on both sides of the fence: ,• Some concern was expressed by- council over the possibility the board could -argue ownership of the property in 10 years. Mr. Groothuis quickly denied the idea and -said the board would sign .an. agreement with council stating the property would remain in the town's -custody. ' Council approved the proposal and sug- gested the agreement ,be drafted since it would help clear any complication about ownership of the property surrounding the fence in future years. . PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting will beheld Thursday, October 1, 1987 to outline an amendment proposed for the zoning by-law on a parcel of land owned by Bill and Janice Morris. The proposal is to amend a 221 foot by 222 foot property from future development (FD) to residential low density (R1). ADVERTISEPOSITION The Seaforth Public Works Department has been given authorization to advertise the position of Landfill Site Manager. At the present time Keith McLean is unable to fulfill his duties as landfill site manager. . INSTALL LINE ' Permission has been given to Bell Canada for the installation of a neiv line commencing at High Street down Market to Sparling Street, up Sparling Street to Goderich Street, down G,oderich Street to the westerly town limits. JULY PAY A total•of $2,620 was paid out to members of Seaforth Town Council for meetings and Carolanne Doig received $210 each for attending one meeting of council and three committee meetings. - SEWER HOOK UP. Seaforth Council accepted a recommen- 'dation from its Transportation and En- vironment committee that no' monetary assistance be given to MacDonald for costs incurred during sewer hook up at 122 Jar- vis Street. The committee reviewed bills submitted by MacDonald aswell as a legal opinion . which stated the Town of Seaforth has no obligation to assist, with cost associated with sewer hook up. SUPPORT RESOLUTION Seaforth Town Council has given its sup- port to a resolution requesting the pro- vinical government to discontinue the sales tax applied to equipment or supplies directly used in fire protection and control and (auto) extrication. Beckwith,feels Ontario should recognize that municipalities are providing a lifesav- ing service to the public by.supplying fire protection and auto extrication at an ex- tremently high cost to the municipalities, not only for equipment ptirchases but also. maintenance and supplies of this equip- ment. It quip-ment.,It feels the province should not over- burden the municipalities by adding the sales tax onto such services and supplies. NO GRANT Seaforth` Town Council has received word that its application for a Waste Management Improvement. Program grant was turned down. The Ministry of the Environment's Grant Selection Team made the decision based on a rating system which takes into consideration each project relative to public health and safety and the protection- of rotectionof the natural environment. Seaforth has been invited to re -apply at a future date. GET PRIDE "' Seaforth's application for funding under PRIDE (Program for Renewal, Improve- ment, Development and Economic Revitalization) was accepted by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The Town has been allocated $130,000. The Ministry does however, suggest, .that in view of the limited availability of program dollars, the funds under PRIDE should be directed" towards strategic im- provements which achieve both provinical and municipal objectives. BY-LAW PASSED The Town of Seaforth has passed a by- law authorizing the execution of an agree- ment between the Minister of Housing for the Province of Ontario and the Corpora- tion of the Town of Seaforth. The agreement allows the town to par- ticipate and act as agent for the province in its Ontario Home Renewal Program for Disabled Persons. The program makes loans to assist disabled homeowners or homeowners with disable dependents or family members in undertaking the necessary modifications to their homes. EmpIoymen.t centre thanks town-. of _Seaforth Dear Seaforth: On behalf of the Goderich Student Employment Centre, I would like to con- gratulate the community for responding again this year to provide summer employ- ment for area students. This was the third year for our office's outreach program to Seaforth. So far this year the community has placed thirty-five job orders with the student office; an increase of seventy per cent from 1986, We have had job orders for everything from haying to painters and store clerks. Although there is a large in- crease in the number of orders from last year we feel there is still room for improve- ment and encourage local employers to call us. OUR ELEVATORS ARE READY TO RECEIVE YOUR 1987 WHITE BEAN CROP .. I .".iY'K'��tii lNi:A:, k tJl d :a++ '•:.. ,. Rte CAMPBELL LEVAT R R. 1 DUBLIN 52 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Many of the students who found jobs through the student office visited me atthe high school or the Seaforth library on Tuesdays. I met and counselled students about their summer job searches and refer- red them to the job orders which had been placed with our office that week. The students I met were very receptive to the job search techniques I suggested and eager to find jobs. A big thank you to the Seaforth students for making my job so enjoyable. Although .I will not visit the Seaforth library anymore this year, the Goderich Student Centre at 524-2744, still has many students registered who are actively seek- ing employment. Please call us if .you have an odd job or any jbb that needs to be done. The student office will remain open until September to help you with your employ- ment needs. Thank you for helping us find jobs for area students -this sunumr. Sincerely, Lynne Dodds Student Placement Officer iddausHs tolIecti6Ies 45 Albert St. "Specializing in Limited Edifio'h Collectors Plate9 and Dolls" CLI( TO 4 2-5211