HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-08-12, Page 8A8 - THE HURON EXPOSITO, R, AUGUST 12', 1987 lofins te House Bed eh' 73reak,(ast 'At and' Gwen Patterson ' P,O. Pox 1125 (519)527.2040 Seaforth, Ontario 909(1.114) SEAFORTH & DISTRICT PRESCHOOL LEARNING CENTRE Due to increased enrol- ment we are considering opening Wednesday after- noon classes starting September 16. For more information or, to register your Child, call ,;,, Marlene DeVries 527-1842 as soon as possible Seaforth VEHICLE AND DRIVERS -ISSUING -- OFFICE Closed for Holidays August 27th to September _7th DUBLIN FOOD MARKET *glob While Otnanlities' Last •OLD FASHIONED HAM (reg. 3.89 Ib.) •SCHNEIDER'S WEINERS (reg. 2,69) •TOP SIRLOIN STEAK (ng. 4.29) •CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM (reg. 4.29) Many more specials in store $2.99 lb. `1.99 ago g. $3,89 $3.89 4 t pail' Walton ban tam boys win first roundof playoffs The Walton Bantam Boys Tournament was held on Aug: 8th and 9th. There vvere..eight Bantam teams entered - Brussels, Mitchell, Monkton, Goderich, Walton,, Liicknow, B'eimore and Blyth. Brussels, Blyth, Mitchell and Walton'w'ere Walton Bantam Boys Playoffs eliminated in the second' round. On ednesday,_Aug 5th the Walton Ban - The ted Championship was won .b : tam Boys played Shakespeare and won the P P y . first round of the Western Ontario playoffs Lucknow putting Monkton out with a score• with Walton winning three games and of 3-2. Shakespeare one game. Belmore took the "A" Championship win- ning over Goderich with a score of 6-0. Many thanks to McGavin Farm Equip- ---ment-for donating the "A" trophy, and LH Resource Management for . sponsoring the "B" trophy. Individual gold and silver medallions were given to the "A" and "B" winners from the Walton Area Sports Club. Walton Correspondent MIiS• BE7-6677 L ss7-6s7x . They have lived in Walton for the past 12 years. Their neighbours and friends presented them with a gift prior to their. moving. Their house has been sold to a cou- ple and their family from Kitchener who get possession in the near future. We are sorry to hear George Love Sr. had been a patient in Seaforth Hospital for a few days, was transferred to Stratford Hospital by ambulance on Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humphries and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ponamerenko moved to their new home in London last Friday. The Walton 'Area Sports Chili thank all those who helped in the booth and did.an- nouncing: Also thanks to Don and Pat Nolan, coaches for the Walton Bantam Boys for organizing this tournament and helping. The Walton boys will now go • on to play Wellesley in the second round. The Bantam Boys also begin the All On- tario playoffs Tuesday; Aug llth in Walton at 9 p.m. against Belmore, 'This series is the best two out of three and the winners go to a playoff tournament in Corunna the end of August. Mr. and Mrs. Howard'Hackwell attended the Messer -O'Leary wedding on. Saturday, August 1 at Alliston and the reception that followed at' the,Nottawasaga Inn, family • Londonhis_mother Mary Humphries on the weekend. W.I. Notes ' Institute meetings resume after last month's holiday. Wed. Aug. 19 convenor, Marjory Humphries will have a Happy Bir, thday for the F.W.I.O. for the Education meeting. Leona McDonald will give her report of the 90th Anniversary she attended . recently as a delegate in North Bay. Local boy moves back to Cranbrook Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Conley attended the wedding : of their granddaughter Tracy Clarke and Dave Courtney at the. Trowbridge Church on August 1. Tracy is, the youngest daughter of Harvey and Margaret Clarke. The newlyweds enjoyed a honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. Mrs, MacEngel visited on the holiday weekend with Mr. , and Mrs. Jim Keys, Seaforth, and all attended the 50th wedding anniversary. Open House for Andy and Loretta Jordon at London on August 2. Mr. and Mrs. George Ball and sons have Cranbrook,Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 ' moved to Harriston. They had been living in the house owned by. Peter Hagedoorn. The Beirnes re -union was held August 3 in the . Atwood Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conley attended and others from' Londesboro, Stratford, Listowel, Brussels, and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Engel accolmpanied their son-in-law and daughter, Campbell and Mrs. Grant, Listowel'on a holiday trip to Ottawa. Can you imagine a teenager liking living in the country? Adam Hagedoorn is moving back to Cranbrook from Toronto and will' be attending Listowel High School this year. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Cotton, North Bay, visited on the weekend with his brother Don and Mrs. Cotton. A community shower for Tracy Engel is being held in the Cranbrook Community Centre on Mon. evening August' 17 at .8 o'clock.. ' SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Auditor's Report as at March 31, 1987 AUDITOR'S REPORT 7o the Board of Governors of Seaforth Community Hospital. We have examined the balance sheet of Seaforth Community Hoopltal as at March 31, 1987 and the statements of revenue and expenditure and equity and changes 9 In financial position for the year then ended. Our examination was made In accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and ocher procedures as ve considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion,' these financial statements preoent fairly the financial position of Seaforth Coomunity Hospital as at March 31.. 0987, and the result. of its operations and the change* to its financial position for the year than ended In accordance with the accounting principles described In Note 1 to these financial statements applied on a heals consistent vlah that of the preceding year. Beeforth, 000.704, May 29, 1987. Chartered Accountants BALANCE SHEET as at March 3L 1987 ASSETS Current Cash Marketable se0urtttea (Note 2) Accounts receivable (Note 3) Inventories Prepaid expenses 1987 1986 5 129.173 5 185021 642,000 500,000 289.770 194,451 83,928 83,314 14,09D ' 16,276 I,004,961 974,162 Fixed (Note 4) ._,..721,211 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Equity Approved by the Board Governor ... Governor 51,880,178 212.947 11,692,009 S 277,368 5 245,746 1.602, 810 1.448063 51,880,178 51,692,009 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AND EQUITY Year Ended March' 31, 1987 Revenue Patient eer9.1 8e Tn-79[4060a Out-patients' Other Recoveries Expenses Prefeadienal fees Salaries and vagep Employee benefits Dr11gs, 9Odica0 8,54 aurgicel .applies Leb'er.tbry ga'dlelegy• Other therspeutlta and other Parietal aervlt'e6 Other eervi0ee Pie6c operation end mainten66ee E01p4eut depretletien• Building and 1ah4 imprcvadteta depreciation _ 1.987 1988 52,385,475 72,251,354 555,525 517,8.34 282,758 256,800 59.074 6'0'.6"64 3,282,.932 .3,086,65) 94,9'85 2,071,709 197,561 • 145,414 160,248 21,324 19,210 119,814 150,874 150,840 46,665 28,346 77,514 1,887,829 2'05,676 116,14'6 114,388 16,074 20,113 106,158 148.02'8 143,329 36,14'1 28',464 3.206,970 _2,464,•977. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE AND EQUITY CONT'D Year Ended March 31, 1987 Operating surplus for the year 75,962 • 121,676 Capital revenue Grants and donations 14,068 246,469 interoot 55,357 27,008 Rent - lard ' 7,700 7,700 Building fund donations - net of expenao 3,460 Net surplus for the year ' ,156,547 402,933 Equity, beginning of year _1,446,263 1,043,330 Equity, end of year ' $1,602,810 '61,446,243 SCHEDULE 1 DR8CS, MEOICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLIES Ned Surg Dew 1986 wa7 548,533 67,613 5116,146 567,317 78 097 5145,414 OTHER THERAPEUTICS 6 OTHER Nutting Units Other ' 54,662 $4,646 O.R. Ocher 2.383 2,588 Pharmacy 291 460 Physio 4.641 2.303 Respiratory 8,7949,21) 520,773 ' 519,210 GENERAL SERVICES Laundry Linen Diet Housekeeping OTHER SERVICES Medical Library )edlesl Records Administration PLANT OP189TION 6 3 ANTBENAMEE Operation Maintenance 528,878 5,488 59.958 t1,834 }105,158 . $6,132 1.475 ' 140,421 1148,028 530,632 5,414, 67,104 16,664 5119,814 56,815 1.091 142,968 5130,874 • STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL. POSITION CONT'D Year Ended March 31, 1987 7 (increase) decrease in non-cash operating working capitol (624125) 75.Y.4 Total cash from operating activities 169.433 543,252 Investing activitioe Purchase of fixed assets (83,381) (22,138)' Total cosh used for tnvesiing activities ' (83,381) (22,738) 'Increase for year. , 86,052 524.71. Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 685,121 154,.07 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year , 1771,473. 5685,121 Represented by: Cash 11,1�19,17) 5:85,116 Marketable securities •.2,mama', Sn.,vv0 177,,173 8685,1:1 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Year Ended March 31, 1987 7. Summary of significant accounting policies ' The financial statements have been presented in accordance vlth generally accepted accounting principles for 0nceela hospecati 00 060 forth In the Canadian Hospital Accounting Manual. e) Idventory 10venter9 of supplies is seated at east as first-111,-f1r80-ant basis. b) Fixed assets !retained on the tend. Wilding, lora/tate,_. equipaent_aad land liprevenencs .are. carried at cost. e)- Depreciation ,Depreelat6on expense 1s calculated on all depreciable sssecs, haled on the straight-line nethed, utilising estimate, lives es,fotlays: Building -' 40 f • }90.468 - 589.231 yeatq 92,862 61 609 Furniture and equipment - 3 to 28 years 018),3]0 5100,840 Laod 1mptevenence ' - IO years SCHEDULE 2 AOISINTSTRATTON Associett0n reel insurance Office Machinery and Chairs Postage Printing Audit Fees Legal Pees Public Relations Education Teleph'on'e Ce -Ed Program Payroll Costs -.Co -Ed Progra,, Other Supplies 3 Expenses PLANT OPERATION Fuel Water Electricity Insurance Sewage Elevator Taxes Other Sopp1161 and Expenses PLANT MAINEWMG£ Meintenanee 08114148. Malntena4te Grounds Mainee0anee Equipate4t Other tdppties 6 Expense. 02,266.48 10,913.00 15,748.97 2,531.40 15,657,24 6,091.00 '1,017.62 7,110.86 10,422.55 21,939.77 4',864.03 4,951.50 36,3..2..56 5140,421.00 d) Untodetded sick leave and vatetlon pay liability The hospital pays eapleyees for time Lost due to sickness to the extent of their earned entitlement, and upon tetufnAt104 of enpt6yme6t pays a portion of the unused ent'ttenent. The policy o0 the hospital is to expense thee* payments as yell as payments of ♦a*(len 981 Le/the tear in 011(4*, the paymeet6 ate' wade, with the ex8epti6n of 040901en pal entlttaoent for pati alae e0plcyet* 'which 1987.is expeesed and paid es earned. The Maxims* liebilttlea under each of these policies at March 31, 011381 are not reflected 0006 aCeeuats„were approxieuely: 51.828.55 16,887.00 16.389.69 2,680.80 20,773.26 6,150.00 2,019.0. 8,310.01 8,436.68 22.555.05 37,538.38 5142,968.41 548.318.82 545.820.67 4,911.68 4,044..61 23.431.82 25,485.65 3,561.00 6,037.00 2,392.98 2,089.36 1.9"32.00 1,954.00 ' 2,200.00 2,200.00 3,720.00 0.,600,00 590,468.30 ° 589,231.29 03,191.3'8 5,068.93 76,577.07 8,034.21 54 ,861.59 5669.8'4 11,245.97 30,443.47 *0,699.34 561,609.02 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ': • Yes, Rnded March al, 19fl7 . ... ......... Operating aetfv0tiee Net a ttilita f6r year Remo bot affocting vorking 0a'p1tal OepreCiAt1o6 - Equlp6660 8ultdleg • Working capital provided frog operations 1987 19'86 0156,047 5402,933 46,665 36,141 28.346 .26 45614 • 231,558 467,040 it 1967 1986 Uereeorded side leave liability 5171,990 .176racorded' vatatl6n pay 048110ldty ' 77,762 i 2. Marketable .6'9040(1ies Marketable securities eensist 6f deposits as follows: Interest , M4tmrit . 6.32 8ay, 1987 5142,000 Toronto D'beinloe Ilene Nacidnst Treat - 0nterio Hospiral !Tort=tete in6eatne'et fund Toreetc-0o31n1on 8{nk Canadian Imperial Bank of Ceemerce 3. 82485nt6 receivable ACCo5nta receivable coheir, Of: services co patients Self -pay Worker's Compensation Board gluo' deo'ce Other 5322,700 7a;b00 7.82' - 9.752 � Marcs. 1988 162 March, 1989 100,000 200,006 200,000 5642,000 1987 1986 } 32,425 2,149 4.885 S 23,165 ' 5,336 55,951 ,l1,112' 45,939 43,604 Allow/nee for deubtf81 accounts .0,000) _13,000) 42,949 46,604 9,04inee of Ontario, 0inietty of Health 163,073 153,847 A(cr8ed inve0t6ent 0ntome a ..83.758 4. Fixed 8,6206 • Fixed a'etets consist of: Lend Land I'n900 eweere 6661466'8 ) Fureituke and equiparliit 1 +1 , 5289,770 5194,451 482u'8ulitee Celt. Oepreciatdn } 36,277 5 - 18,172 16,431 838,647 • 440,0.42 ...... 898.7 15 „..,_...612,111, 701 (98'6 NEC 5 36,215 5 36,275 1,741' 2,149 397,700 419,426 283,496 254,997 61,191,409 31070,592 $721,.217 5712,847 Wry