HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-08-12, Page 5f#4-' 'ft TegotipieSeekt or / ;P.N. 44, a, a Owtilopiat,igA. CO-ED BARBECUE -The first annual Winthrop Co -Ed Slopitch tournament held Friday and Saturday but rained out Sunday ended at the Kinburn hall for the chicken barbe- • que catered by' the Kinburn Foresters. The meal -consisted of chicken, potatoes and a „ cob of corn. Maureen Agar, organizer of the tournament,, passes out halves ,of chicken . for, those who want take-out meals. Blake photc, • . • Hullett to consider charges regard An open house to discuss the proposed THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 1,2 1987 A5 McKillop.. approves ABCA•cult McKillop Township Council endorsed a down. Council made the application in resolution from the Town. of Wingham at April. their regular meeting August 4, It requested Three application for tile drainage loan's - the minister responsible for Canada Post were approved by council for a total of allow services to be rendered by private, 540,200. businesses and institutions. Council also had no objections to a request In a letter to the council, the Town, asked for the repair,, of the Beauchamp Creek the minister to release Canadians from "ir- Municipal Drian on 'Lot 6 and 7, Concession responsible postal unions" and from the 13 of Grey Township. Council. was 'able to "management of Canada Post who have dif- vote in this matter because some property ficulty managing the ,mail with or without a in McKillop township empties into the postal strike". drain. In other business, council approved a A request from Neil McGavin for the con- -recommendation to the Ausable Bayfield trol of erosion 'of the Smillie Municipal. Conservation Authority to reduce its staff of Drain was also approved and engineer W.. s5 directors to 15-.-ThTThange -wou d Fi.efley and Associlt., was ap- the areas of Seaforth, McKillop and Hullett pointed to 'submit a report on the proposed • would be 'represented by only one director. program. Previously each area had one director. • The engineer of the Kreutzwiser The Ministry of Environmentsuibmitted a Municipal. Drain' submitted a report of the . • notice to McKillop council requesting a plan drain which was adopted by McKillop nun - of operation and revision to the, certificate cil. The court of revison will be held .• of,. approval which, is needed 'for the • con- September 1 at 7:30 -p.m. tinued use of the waste disposal site located Invoices approved for payment included a ' in Grey Township.. Approval is needed to road vouchertotalling $79,638.46. It ' con - allow McKillop township to use the site.tmtil sisted of major accounts of $57,186 to -Rad it can get approval to construct its own site. ford Construction 'Ltd., for .gravel needed At this motnent, plans for McKillop's own for road reconstruction, $7,465 to Champion site. is abandoned. Graders of Goderich for the repair of Council also received a. letter from the graders and $4,435 to,the assessment of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation notify-. Delaney Drain. Smaller accounts make up ing the township that their request for a the difference. grantof $2,300 needed for playground equip- A general voucher was also approved for' ment at the Walton ballpark was turned payment and included -tile drainage loan's • totalling $27,932, payment of $31,915.41 to the Township of Logan for the Delaney •• •, . Drain and $3,463 to the Seaforth fire depart- ' n g manure spill ..reTrunnttlozin:kteorpltheTer9eri6c7e.. Smaller ac- • • • Hullett Township Council voted, at its August 1 meeting, in favor of supplying gravel or a culvert on any new entrance driveways in the township other than on new construction . N'orm Alexander will attend the Court of Revision of •the Kreutzwiser Municipal Drain on September '1 at the McKillop Township office. Hullete's By-law Enforcement Officer, along with the. Township Solicitor, are to consider the different charges to be laid regarding the apparent manure spill into the Westerhout Municipal Drain and to lay charges where applicable. Hullett Will send a letter to •the Huron. County Council requesting the re -drafting of the County manure by-law. . Two resolutions, •one from the' Township of South Crosby re. the changes in the Con- stitution suggested by the Meech Lake Ac- -zoning bylaws for McKillop Township will cord, and one from the Town of Wingham be held August 19 from 1-4:30 p.m. and 7-9 regarding -postal services by private in- - p.m. and August 20 from 7-9 p.m. dustry, have beelf filed. . A •by-law to impose special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, -1971, in the amount of $4,100 was' passed. The accounts a's presented were approv- ed, passed and paid. Newcomers are welcomed to Maplewood The residents of Maplewood are getting On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Moremon, could be used later on. The winners for the acquainted with some new. friends. There the ,new owners of Shinen's came in and afternoon were for a .straight- line, Wilson have been four new residents over the past displayed some of their ' clothing. The Tremeer and -Anna Sherrin. Wilson won the two weeks. Time has been spent chatting so residents really enjoyed seeing the different flip and he also won for 4 cornett. Anna that each person is getting to know the other , colours and styles that they could choose Sherrin won for the 'X' and also for the full one better. It's really nice to walk by the from. They also got to try some of the outfits house. Isa-Stanley won for the 'T' and the lounge and hear a conversation with the new on. 'L'. It was great entertainment to help pass residents getting involved. Drueilla Leitch came in the afternoon for the afternoon. Wendy Gowan came in and Monday morning the hairdresser was the exercise classes. More stretching exer- helped by calling the numbers for the bingo - here, so : the people with appointments cines along with soine other exercises to aid, game. Thanks to Seaforth Manor for letting visited upstairs in the lounge while waiting in the movement of body parts that are not Maplewood Manor use the -bingo equipment for his or 'her turn. 'Some great hair do's -regularly used were performed. These both for the afternoon. were produced, help to limber up the residents and maybe The weekend was -a nice time to just sit help them feel better. . around and relax. On Sunday, since the Music day was Thursday this week. Mr. weather did not co-operate; most of the day and Mrs., Mervin Lobb came in. Mrs. Lobb was spent indoors. played the 'electric keyboard for the We would like to welcome a new lady to residents while Mr. Lobb gave the instruc- Maplewood. Her name is Mrs. McDougall tions a to which page tolurn:taand tomhich ,And,,wetope,she,enjoy0einglereo Thanks. song would be next. It 'was enjoyed by all. • to her son John McDougall and his wife On Friday, there was a bingo game. The Margo, both from London, for helping Mrs. prizes that were won were useful items that McDougall move into the facility. Hibbert peewee boys win over Usborne- . . teams), Usborne (2 teams), Centralia, Hib- Cromerty Correspondent bert, Hensall, and Credition. The playoffs • K. IAING started on Saturday morning and ended 345-2326- about 12:45 a.m. Monday morning. Congratulations to Kevin and Carol (Macgregor) Scott who were married in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall on Saturday. Gordon, Bob and Ruth Laing.attended the *Kirkin' 0' the Tartan' church service in Tuesday was a great day for euchre..Mar- jorie Rock, a volunteer, came in and helped with the game. Those that played were Isa Stanley, Ed and Jean Johns. Pete and Wilson Tremeer, Jean Elliotte, Anne Crerar, Anne Gay, Anne liendersoh,leSsle Finlayson, Elsie Shaddick, and Gertie Taylor. There was also a door prize today and it was won bv Wilson Tremeer After a shaky inning near the end of the game, Hibbert Pee Wee Boys' ball team. managed to pull out a 12-7 win over Usborne and gain the A championship trophy in the Pee Wee playoffs in Cromarty on Sunday evening. The B champion went to Centralia . who defeated Hensall in their final game. In- cluded in the playoffs were teams from Hib- bert, Usborne, Crediton, Centralia and Hensall. The final game of the girls' playoffs was McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main St. Seaforth 527-1140 • Service • Selection • Savings • Satisfaction • Leasing • Complete, BODY 81-10P Service MiWitesM•it You are invited to attend OLD-FASHIONED 'GOSPEL TENT MEETINGS • Come hear the Gospel • the best message ever to reach human ears.' • On Highway 8 1% miles West of Seat-61-th Beginning Aug. 9 1987 EVERY NIGHT (except Saturdays) 8:00 - 9:00,p.m. • Speakers BILL METCALF Sarnia JACK NESBITT Sarnia Quiet, Orderly Meetings Bible -Based Messages No Collections Plain Preaching "Heat and Our Soul • shall live" tsaiah 55:3 completed in the wee smallhours of Monday morning with Exeter taking nome the A trophy after defeating Usborne I by 18 to 9. Earlier in the day the B trophy was presented to Exeter III who won out over Usborne II by a 19-18 score. Teams in the girls' Pee Wee League included Exeter (3 Turn to page I3A • KEVIN GILLIS R.R. 2 Brussels 887-6842 ANTENNA, TV & STEREO, APPLIANCE •SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION ANNOUNCING. NEW HOURS Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm Saturdays 8 am to Noon TV - STEREO - VCR Repairs To Most Makes *CLARION & AUDIA CAR STEREO SYSTEMS Sales, Service and Installation *ANTENNA and SATELLITE . sales & Service. Specialist in Delhi & Channel Meister M.A. TV SYSTEMS for MOTELS, HOTELS, APTS. Sales, Service, Inttallettion *APPLIANCE & MICROWAVE REPAIRS All makes including General Electric, Inglis, Whirlpool, Admiral, Maytag, etc. Work done by, Factory Trained Service Technician. SEPTEMBER SPEC -ML *DELHI 40 FOOT UHF -VHF ANTENNA SYSTEM 00 Installed Now Open For Business HAIR DESIGNS BY 527-2,100 -- THURS. • FRI. 9 a.m. • 9 p.m, • SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. • 2 p.m. 15 EAST WILLIAM STREET, SEAFORTH Rear Door Entrance op CLIP THIS AD AND SAVE A PERM HIGHLIGHTS,' . OR COLOUR $5.00 OFF (1 Cotipon'Per Service) Prop: Jeanette Connolly WINDOWS & DOORS SHOW ROOM 58 Union St. Dublin A Division of W.J. Feeney Construction Ltd. 345-2405 CANADIAN TIRE •SEAFORTH NEW STORE HOURS - MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY 8:30 to 6:00 p.m. OpenThurs. & Fri. Evenings Till 9 p.m. Saturdays 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET CROSS CUT /9 ROAST 0 LB. STEWING 1 89 BEEF • i.e. WELL TRIMMED BLADE oRSHORT RIB ROAST 11 419.. STRIP LOIN 99 STEAK isit •• LB. SCHNEIDERS STORE SLICED 229 BOLOGNA •L8. Phone Oders Taken 5274821 zwize 4wileites • YOURSELF Our main floor display area cannot possibly hold all the do-it-yourself plumbing, electrical and hardware items we stock, so if you don't see what you want, ask one of our friendly sales' staff. •FULL LINE OF HARDWARE *PLUMBING and ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES • *BEAUTITONE PAINTS *GLAZING SUPPLIES *KITCHENWARE AND MORE! Check our Home Hardware Catalogue for a terrific selection of home & hardware needs. TOOL RENTALS *DRILLS 61 -ADDERS +POWER SAWS *PIPE THREADERS *PIPE DIES ',ETC. "THE HOME OF THE HANDYMAN" MAIN ST., SEAFORTH 527-1620