HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-29, Page 10A10- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 29, 1987 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFI Phone 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. r1.COMING EVENTS HURON. COUNTY Cattlemen's Association - Beef Barbecue-and-Dance;=Friday-duly-31,- BMG Community Centre, Brussels. Barbecue 6 8 p.m,,, Dancing 9 -' 1. Music by Beechwood, Tickets $10.00 per person, available from•local directors. 1-29-2 , YOU ARE. INVITED' to the . Jack Riddell Barbecue at the Riddell farm on Hwy. 83 bet- ween Exeter and Dashwood on Wed. Aug, 5. Rain location is the Dashwood Community Centre. Dinner from 5 - 8 p.m. Family enter- tainment. Tickets available from Liberal Municipal chairpersons or executives or phone 357-1802, 482-3407, 887-9225, 236-2853, 236-4280. Tickets $10.00, elemen- tary school children $4,00: Preschoolers free. Sponsored by the Huron : Prov. Liberal Association.. • 1-29-2 BLYTH. FESTIVAL - Girls in the Gang: July 29, 30 (matinee), .August 6, 8 (matinee). Border - town Cafe: 30, 31. Bush Fire: August 1 (matinee), 5, 6 (matinee),.8. Miss Balmoral o1 the Bayview: all performances of this play are SOLD .OUT; however, a limited number of . rush tickets go on sale two hours before cur- tain time, All performances are at 8:30 p,m. except matinees which are at 2:00 p.m. For ',tickets call Box Office at 523-9300/9225. 1-30-1 SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS are sponsor- ing Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic, Thurs., Aug, 6, 5 - 9 p.m. Seaforth & District Com- munity Centre." 1-30-2 BUS TO C.N.E. - Seaforth Agricultural Society are sponsoring a bus trip on Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1987 to Fair Queen Competition at C.N.E. For information call Bill or Doreen Strong 527-0876 between 5-6 p. m. 1.30-1 CHIP BINGO in Dublin Community Centre Fri- day, July 31, 15 regular games, $15.00 a game. 3 special plus Jackpot $100' will go', growing bonanza pbt. Consolation $50.00. Players must be 16 years or over, doors open 'at 7 p.m. Bingo starts 8:00 p.m. Nevada is. now available. 1.30-11 ROAST BEEF buffet every. Sunday, 4:30 - 7 p.m. Blyth Inn 523-9381. 1-30-2 THE FAMILY of Sister Mary Eckert wish to ex- tend an invitation to all friends and relatives to attend an open house to celebrate her Golden Jubilee (50 years) in the religious life of the Ur- suline Sisters on Saturday August 8, 1987 from 2 - 5 p.m. in the Dublin Community Cen- tre. Best wishes only. 1-30x1 BINGO; Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 , p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball 5200.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases 520 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-11-11 Country Breakfast Van Egmond House Sunday, Aug. 2 8 a.m - 1 p.m. Adults - $3.50 Children - 2.50 Rain or Shine THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNiT invites you'to attend the ADULT HEALTH GUIDANCE' CENTRE held al the Health Unit Office, Medical Building. Brussels Wed., August 5 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 1. health Surveillance 2. Fool Care 4 Amentia Screening 4 Urine Testing 3. i;lond Pressure 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE MULTI FAMILY - Aug. 1, 2, 3. Bicycles, beer tins, bottles, caps, china cabinet, clothes, anti- ques. coliectibles, One half mile south of Walton, Geo. Love. 2-30x1 5. HELP WANTED' 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE "A CAREER IN TRUCKING" Transport DOUBLE BED•and matching dresser with drivers -needed -Now is -the time to train' for roes' pole light. Phone 527-1197. 14-30-1 W your class A license, For prescreening inter- P. view and -job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training London. 1-800-265=3559. • 5-18-11 21. WANTED TO BUY WANTED - experienced Class A driver 2 years U.S. experience., abstract required, home on weekends, Reply to Drawer No. 3, c/o Clinton NeWs Record, Box 39 Clinton; Ont. • 5-29-2 FULL TIME .employment available on large farrow to finish hog operation. Call Arts Farms Ltd. 527-1795. 5:30-2 SEAFORTH LAW FIRM requires secretary, legal experience preferred, knowledge of 'word processing an asset. Please forward resume'to Box 758, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO. or call 527-0040. All replys kept in confidence. 5-30-1 EXPERIENCED SCREEN. PRINTER REQUIRED FOR AREA SHOP call Mr. Atkinson 524-4484 For an interview 7. SITUATIONS WANTED' WILL BABYSIT in my Walton area home (wilt consider yours) orwhat else do you have for this 49 year old female, Reply to Box 3869 c/o The. Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 W0. 7-30-2 8. CUSTOM WORK SWEET . CORN, peaches/cream. $1 per, dozen, Janet Vanden Hoven. Second farm east of Lion's Park on Hwy. 6`. Call 527-1130. 14-30x2 1982 GS300L'SUZUKI. Lady -driven, in ex- cellent condition. Call Joanne 'at 348-8976 after 5:00 p.m. 14-30x4 RUBBER tired wagon with excellent 16 ft. flat rack with ladders, Phone Williaril Church 527-1408. 14-30-1 1985 RZ500 YAMAHA, excellent condition, in- cludes: Leathers, Custom steering,, damper; etc. For viewing and price call Brent at 348-8757 or 348-9376 anytime.. ' 14-30x4 1985 - 200X three wheeler, immaculate condi- tion an,d never raced, little riding time on it, bought new in '36. $1,700 or best offer; also motocross equipment for sale: JT chest•pro- tector, pants, Gaerne all leather boots, kidney belt and'gloves, for rider 13 - 15 years old, all for $250.00. Will sell separately. Call 345-2414. . 14-30x1 NATURAL finish,, a paned outside pine door, 2' 5" x 6'3". Phone 345-2908.. 14-30-1 ONE BAY Gelding 16 hands half quarter - horse, half American saddlebred,. Sold with or without saddle. Phone 887-6636. .14-30x1 TRAILERS - Travel '5th wheels, hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Boler, Lionel, hitches, truck caps. Sales, rentals, repairs, 25 years' in business. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-5938, ' 14-12-tf USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Seaforth, Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1213. 14-48-tf GALLAGHER high power fencing„ see our CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. ' complete line of electric fencing supplies. high (John Deere). Scott Consitt 482-9297 or Evert Vansligtenhorst, Zurich 262-6208: 565-2728. ' 8-23-12 • ' 14-18-11 • CUSTOM SWATHING, 12 ft. swathes. Ron Pryce 527-0917. 8-28-3 CUSTOM SWATHING. Mike Kelly, 345-2197 or 345-2762. • 8-29-2 YES WE ARE ready to spread your liquid manure. For reasonable prices call: ' 527-0655 or 482-5202 after 6 p.m. please 110. FARM MACHINERY 1982 J D 4420 COMBINE, air conditioning, cheater, radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down switches, Sid grain loss monitoring system, 329 cu. in bin extension, diesel motor, 28.1 26 tires, 600 hours, 1982 10' dummy pickup header with 8' Sun pickup, new in 1985, hydraulic controlled, 1982 4 row 30" corn head, 'new style, low profile. Excellent com- bine; low hours, stored inside, never pulled white beans, 529-7607 or 529.7995.10-28-tinx 11. HAY & STRAW FOR SALE - 10 acres, 2nd and 3rd cut alfalfa. Brian Moore, 527-1413, 1128-tf FOR SALL: Wheat straw on the field. Phone 527-1308. 11.30.1 112. USED CARS* 86 MUSTANG GT - White with red interior, fuel injected 302, 5 speed air conditioned, cruise control, tilt wheel, intermittent wipers, tinted gfas, adj. seats, console, post -traction, axef, aluminum wheels Goodyear Eagle tires, undercoated, transferable extended warranty. Approximately 20,000 kms. Price negotiable 482-9438 or 529-7912. 12.28xtf GARAGE SALE at Lorne Carters, 21/2 miles FOR SALE - 1979 Olds Cutlass, as is. Best of= west of Seaforth July 31, 3 p.m. - 7 Aug: 1, 8 fer. Phone 527-1904. 12.30x1 a.m. - ?- Baking, clothing and misc. items. 2.30x1 YARD SALE - Holmsted House. Starts today - lasts all weekend - Ti)f everything is gone! 2-30-1 3. LOST, STRAYED CHOCOLATE POiNT Siamese kitten, reward, Phone' 527-2100. 3-30x1 4. FOUND FOUND' medium size, long haired black dog. Very friendly. Phone 527-0535. 4.30=1 5. HELP WANTED BABYSITTER 'requited for four year and one year old. Mid=August tc mid-December. Phone 527-0937. 5 30-2 HERDSPERSON required for 550 Sow, farrow 16 finish operation. Wages and incentive ac- cording to experience. House available, Brussels 887-6181, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.rih, 5-30-2 1.3. USED TRUCKS 1980 CUBE VAN, sidelo9d, good condition, , will certify. Phone 527-2226. 13-30x2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE VISSCHER FARMS country market open dai- ly 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed Sundays. Specializing in Cauliflower and broccoli, 3 miles west of Ex- eter on Hwy. 83, 1-237-3442. 14-25-tf TE -EM FARM Our own field tortlafoes, pick -your -own beans or ready picked, also sweet corn and many other fruits and vegetables. Nursory stock and .perennials still available. R.R. NO. 1 BAYFiELD Open 7 Days 482-3020 NORM HAMILTON Government Surplus Dealer •Large Quantity of Steel Shelving •4 Door Legal Filing Cabinets •4 Door Lateral Cabinets •Storage Cabinets - Locker Cabinets •Office Desks and Chairs - •6" Jointers - 15" Planers •10" & 12" Table Saws • 16 Speed Drill Presses •6" & 8" Bench Grinders .45 Gallon Army Green Paint • Acetaline Cutting & Welding Equipment *Electric & Manual Typewriters • Schroll Saws *Compressors * ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES * 27 Picton St, E, Goderich 524-8602 19. PETS. FOR SALE one purebred German Shepherd male pup, sable colour, nine months old. Calf after 5 p.m. 527-1094. ' 19-29x2 21. WANTED TO BUY $$$$$$$$$$$$ CASH PAiD for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living mom suites, old iewellery. clock, furniture, etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 ATTENTION FISHERMEN - LoWrance X4, X5, Eagle 5000, 6100, 7000, and VHF radios, 1 temperature probes, Loran -C in stock at dis- i count _prices. Lake Huron Rod and Gun,, I -Underwood, 368-7182, Open seven days. 14-22-9' I HARDWOOD SLABS delivered by the truckload. St. Helen's Sawmill or Joe Van . Oa395-2865. 14.2&tf 1 1979 HORIZON TC3, good condition Best of- '11 fer. 527.2189. 14.29x2 1 18 CUBIC FT. freezer, 6 yea'rs old. Cali 482-7451 between 4 and 6 p en. 1'4-30-1 ANTED to buy 10 or 12 ton of feed barley, 2 -1=30=1 - hone 527-1308. MIXED GRAIN or barley. Phone 527-0676. 21-30-2 23.' REAL- ESTATE, Cuiiigan • REAL ESTLIMITED FARMS FARROW TO FINISH hog farm 135 sows, liquid manure 250 thousand gallons, 20 x 80 sealed silo, beautiful 3 bedroom home. Call Cpr Vanderpryt. 345-2679. . ' 100 ACRE highway farm 'south of Mitchell three bedroom brick home., steel drive `shed. Call Cor Vanderpryt 345-2679, HiBB.ERT TOWNSHIP cash crop land, 100 acres 88workable tile drain- ed, 154' acres 142 workable,. tiled systematically. Call Cor Vanderpryt, . '345-2679. . HEAD OFFICE 348-8355 Mitchell DEADLItrIE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN,PAPERS 15 MONDAY NOON .22 words • one week, $4.35; two weeks, $3.85; three weeks $3.35. Additional words 18 cents. -BIRTHS - No charge, ENGAGEMENTS =Flet rate of $7, with picture ' $12 .prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after .date of wedding.. Alter this time, photo and cutline only, $15. Complete write-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS $4.35 plus 35 cents per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS'- 30 words; $4.50. Each ad- ditional word' .06 cents. - - 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. - BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each --additional week.'- $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS .1. Coming Events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale , 24, Property 'for. sale 3. Lost, Strayed Property for rent 4. Found 26. Apartments for rent Sr Help Wanted 2.7, For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28, Wanted to rent • 7. Situations Wanted. 29: For rent 8. Custom work ' • . 30. Room and Board 9.'Farm Stock 3 , Notice . 10.' Farm machinery 32, Vacations 11. Hay and straw 12. Used cars 13. Used trucks • 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V,s for sale 16, Moble homes 17. VCRs for sale 39. Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40, In memoriam . 19, Pets 41. Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21, Wanted to buy' . 43. Marriages 22. Wanted ' PHONE 33. Educational 34, Auction Sales 35, Tenders wanted 36. Legal notice ' 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m: to 5 p.m. r 1 Car-vacla Trust The CSn.w 'n.... Cornos..r,/w,.ltO. MLS Realtor YOU'LL BE GLAD Y -OU CALLED US FIRST Gerry Salton , 348-9631 Norm Wilding 348-8021 Lloyd Squire 348-9776 Ruth Frank 273-3350 Manager 145 Ontario Street STRATFORD 2734350 ,er rJTu. HANDYMAN' SPECIAL IN FRIENDLY TOWN: Live in one and renovateother one. Unit will help pay for mortage. Beginner special, nice lot on quiet street. John Segern 393.6838. PEACEFUL COUNTRY SETTING: North of Seaforth, 3 bedroom bungalow, fireplace in living room, electrically heated and much more. For appointment to view calf Lloyd Squire 348.9776. The Canada Trust Companai Harold WQ111(81V1,/,‘N CALL HENRY MERO 52740430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 $99000. Country living at its best - 4 bedroom ' brick ranch on 2 acres. Central air, central vac, rec. room with bar & fireplace. Over 1600 sq. ft. with full finished basement. Lot is landscaped with mature maples, an overflowing well and the Maitland River runs by the back yard. A must to see. E )t�I1 Cash .in On FxUl`Uositor Cash 84 Corry CLASSIFIED Corner JUST $1 A Use as many words as you like item must be priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The' Expositor coupon MY AD • One item per ad • Only for private individuals, selling personal possessions •.. CORN $1.00 a doz. Cucumbers, carrots, I My namt potatoes, broccoli, 'and Glads, Phone , , , , , , .. , , 527-1405 or apply 150 Market St. 14-30k 1 i9rbig or mail to: 1 The Huron bipositbr ' 12 Main St., iBox 69, $1 enclosed 1, SEAFORTil, Ontario 1. NOK 1WO