HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-22, Page 1123. REAL ESTATE WORKMAN, REAL ESTATE LTD. REPRESENTATIVES HENRY MERO 527.0430 NEIL McNICHOL '527-0089 NEW LISTING: Country living at its best,,4 bedroom brick ranch on.2 acres. Central air, central vac; fireplace; rec•room,so much more,. Close to Seaforth and very reasonable, • NEW LISTING: N. Main St. 3 bedroom, 11/2, storey, close to uptown. $30,000.00. NEW LISTING: Elizabeth 5t., 3 bedroom • home, large family room, deck and,more, NEW USTING: E new 2 bedroom home nearing c on $70's. NEW •LISTING: 100 acre farm, Tuckersmlth• Twp. Very reasonable, Call for details,. BUSINESS ON MAIN ST.: Ideal for lady, good income. Cull for details. EGMONDVILLE: Duplex, excellent condi tion, good Income, $47,000,00. • 2 STOREY, BRICK: 4, bedroom home in Walton. Excellent condition. $57,500.00. , . MARKET ST.: Duplex,' 2 and 3 bedroom units, very good condition, collier details. RAILWAY ST.: Tri-plex, 3 • two bedroom units, plus extra lot, well rented. ' GODERICH ST.: 4 bedroom. frame home in excellent condition. 538,900.00, 2 RESIDENTIAL LOTS: in good area, 60' x 148' each. • NEW HOME: Under construction on West William St. 3 bedroom Cape Code style.'Can purchase at.any stage of construction, MARKET ST.: 1 floor, 4 bedroom bungalow . with approx. 2 acres of land and many ex• tree, $50,0.0,0.00, WALTON: 3 bed e home, han-' dyinan' special, ot. INCOME PROPERTY: in Seaforth,, 3 apart. ments and 2 store fronts bringing in approx. ' 516,000. annually. Call for details. TUCKERSMITH TWP.: 2 acres with 3 bedroom home, large barn, near Hensall. Low 3Q's: 5 ACRES: with a 3 bedroom brick home•ln good condition, barn, shed, etc.'Hensall - •` Zurich area. $57,000.00. LIKE NEW: 10 year old, 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, finished rec room, attached garage, nice $72,000.00. BEAUTIFUL: 3 level split on a well treed 1 acre.lot. 1200 sq. ft. shop. Must be seen. MARKET, ST.: 4 acres, market garden, 4 bedroom home, remodelled; $89,000.00. VANASTRA: We have a good selection of 2 - 3 bedroom homes available. HERITAGE HOME: 4 bedroom solid brick home, 2 fireplaces, double lot, excellent condition. call for,appointment. BUILDING LOTS; We have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmondville' , and area. Call for your choice, AREA FARMS: We have many area farms and country homes available. Call for your choice of o good selection. [34. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of furnishings of IRLMA CASEMORE'S,' Wingham with consignments to be held SAT., JULY 25, 1987 AT 11:00 A.M. WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE Antlque bevelled glass door china cabinet (refinished); large, dining tables; some an- tique items :Boston back commode chair; 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE, 1 I TWO BEDROOM bungalow in nice location in Seaforth: Phone 527-2189. 24-29x2 1.22.., PROPERTY FOR -RENT . HOUSE FOR rent east of Winthrop, McKillop twp. references required, 345-2198. 25-28-3 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT HEATED APARTMENT, one and two bedroom, newly decorated. Phone 527-0828. 26.15-tf MODERN 2 BEDROOM apartment in Clinton available August 1, and Blyth available now. References required. Phone 482-9210. 26-27-4 APARTMENT for rent, ground floor, close to uptown. Call 527-1245. 26.28x2 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT; 177 Albert St. Clinton, stove and fridge included. Call 262.2536. 26.29.1 F. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT - three bedroom house by reliable focal family. References available. Needed by September 1st. Call 482-3890 or 4827943, 28-29-2 wool winder; milk' bottles; Beaver sealer; coal oil table and wall lamps; apple peeler; . butter press. & ladle; hand flour grinder; Stereoscopes &"slides; lanterns; flat Irons '' and more. PREVIEW: Friday, July 24, 1987.7 - 9 p.m: JACK ALEXANDER AUCTIONEER TEL: 357-1011 & 357-1442 LARGE. AUCTION SALE House; Pick:up"Truck, like new; car; riding mower; tools; guns: furniture;' , appliances to be held at the Brussels Arena for the Estate of Russel Hall THURSDAY, JULY 30 AT. 6:00 . P.M. TRUCK & CAR: 1985 Chev S10 pick-up truck w/P.S., P.B., 4 cylinder automatic; AM radio; new topper; run only 3318 Kms. 1969'Ainerican Motors Rebel SST 2 door hard top w/290 motor, . automatic 33974. miles In mint condi- tion. Toro "880 riding ,lawn -mower w/electric start. - GUNS: Marlin Saftey 30-30 lever action w/hexagon barrel patented Oct. 11 1887 to Aug. 1899. Winchester model 94 30.30 win. lever action rifle. Stevens model 778 20 gauge 21/4" chamber pump action shof gun. Springfield model 87A 22 bolt action repeater ri- fle. Grizzly 10 22 L.R. rifle. Gun cabinet and cleaning equipment. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Moffat side by side freezer fridge, 21/2 years old; elec- tric stove; floor model colour T.V.; Sunbeam kerosene heater; chest freezer; new GSW wringer washer; B & W 12" portable T.V.; china cabinet; small china cabinet; modern chester- field & -chair; 2 antique table lamps• w/slag glass shades; 3 pc. bedroom • suite; 2 wicker arm 'chairs; 2 small wicker fern stands; small blanket box; wicker candlestick holders & vase; spoon collection; recliner chair; chrome table & 4 chairs; cranberry coloured font for lamp; coffee table and end tables; night table; hall table; rocking chair`; sleeping bag; bedding; small ap- pliances; 12 place setting of Austria Rose pattern dishes; old letters and stamps; army metals. TOOLS & SHOP EQUIPMENT: Largo Snap On tool box on roller cabinet full of tools; air drill 3/8" air impact; 3/8" air racket; 1/2" air impact; Ohm meter; alternator foster; battery charger; small floor lack; new twin portable air compressor; table saw; ramps; lack stands; old band saw; small woad lathe; bench and vise; new wheel barrow; • electric drill and Ilg saw; skill saw: fer- tilizor spreader; 2 bikes; 8 Lathe chisels; 8 ton lack; alum. step ladder; garden fools; etc. Note house and shed on large lot also for sale, phone for information. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton F29. FOR RENT 4100 BUSHELS steel graineries for rent. Phone Mervyn Falconer 482.9858, 25.29-1 31. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Council of the Corporation' of fhei Township of Hultett will be nieettngonTuesday, J'aIy 28, 1987'at 8:00 p,in in open session at the Council Chambers to fill the office of Councillor, 'fillets to fill a vacs"nCWon council due to the resignation of a Member of Council. Any elector of the Municipality who is interested in serving tis 0 Council meinb"er for the remainder of the currsint tern and who is qualified t0 do so, should notify the Clerk in writing pita to 4:30 OA., local time, Mi Mende Y , 0 I July 11th, 19n order ' above ons dered by council sit the fioned rile'®ting. Harry Lear. Clerk.lkeo surer AUCTION SALE 1986 Reliant Car; modem furniture and appliances; glassware; bedding: Honda garden tiller; etc. to be held at the South`Huron Recreation Coritro. Exotor. Ont. for Charge and Oliva Ttndalt of Exotor WEDNESDAY JULY 29 AT 6:00 P.M. 1986 Plymouth Reliant SE 4 door sedan' car. 4 cylinder automatic, AM/FM radio, run 41,000 Kms., selling 'cor fitted, Car wi11 be offered at 7 p.m, Kelvinafer almond coloured fridge: al, mond coloured 30" otectrit stove; Ad. mirol washer; Moffat clothes dryer; 12 cu. ft. chest freezer; dehumidifier, humidifier; floor modet colour TAr.; por- table colour T.V.; fiber model hf fit wettest 4sxs wages: w /large wheals; din - Ing table w/3 leaves and 6.matching- chairs; modern dry sink styled buffet;. modern writing desk; small China .cabinet; 3 pc. bedrpom suite; cedar chest; 31 day wail clock; wooden rock- ing chaff; '/.continental bed; French Provincial chesterfield and chair, French Provincial coffee table and round drum table: Saint George and the dragon designed In stained glass and framed lighted tam; wooden framed mtrror;- upholstered chairs; dresser top awing minter; gold uphtilstered Chair and et= tornan; clock shelf; piano stool'; etiercts9 bike, potiobte electric sewing machine and folding stand; knack knack shelf; *elite lamps; fOott ototettOtt chrotri fable & 4 chairs; hair dryer chair; stomatic c'a'meral Lawn chalet; Don Quixote and lits iidektck bookend's;' Delft choose board & cover; 32 pc. of Trillium pattern 24% lead crystal; 4 MOM setting Royal Albert dishes; Pewterfea pot, Wine guests, P et! good . to s & saur:ors,plus other good glassware esehilag pots A perid0 snood anotkiniest HONDA 9 H P root titin garden titter, like new, 'now 11'14' 61100.00; gee Town miens,; fable sow'; wh'eei borrow wooden elttensi'on lad: der falding ptcnit table lady's biked wood planes; ship ladder garden fools', plus many tither Items. TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb c 34. AUCTION SALES Richard Lobb ' Auctioneer CLINTON 402-7890 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., )ULY 25 AT 10:30 A.M.: Antique fur- niture; general household effects; grandfather clock; tabletop phonograph with large horn; . crocks; telephones; glassware; etc. 1 mile' north+o( Goderich an`Hwy, 21 for Tom and Eileen Lang.' • .WED', JULY 29AT 6 P.M.: 1986 Plymouth Reliant 4 door car, run 40,000 Kms. Modern appliances' 'furniture; antiques; crystal glassware;, Honda 5 H.P. rear tine garden • tiller, like 'new at South Huron Recreation. Centre, Exeter for Charlie and Olive Tindall, THURS., JULY 30 AT 6 P.M.; House; 1985 Chev 510 Pick -Up truck like new, run 3318 Kms.; 1969 Rebel S5T 2 Odor, hard top car in mint condition,. run 33974 miles, riding ' mower; Snap On tool box & tools; guns: fur • - niture; appliances; etc. to be held at Brussels Arena for the Estate of• Russel Hall. SAT., AUG, 1 AT 10, A.M,:. Antiques;, fur, niture; appliances at Richard Lohb's Arictinn Barn; Clinton for Mrs. Harold Adains plus additions, • • •, WED:, AUG. 12 AT 6 P.M,: 14' alum. boat ' 71 H:P, motor and'trailer; modern ap- pliances;.antiques; furniture; etc: 2'1/2 miles ' west and 14 of a mile north of Seaforth for Doctor William Thompson, .AUCTION SALE Antiques; furniture; glassware; crocks; photocopier; washer & dryer like new to` be held approx. 2 'miles north 'of • Goderich on Highway121 lust past Air- port Road for Tom and Eileen Lang SATURDAY, JULY 25 AT 10:30 A.M. Automatic washer and dryer like new; Sharp Fax 730 photocopier; Grand- father clock; antique pine bonnet chest;" Victor table top phonograph w/large•' horn; Krug maple desk and chair; anti. que mahogany coffee fable; 2 mahogany lamp tables; old wall phone; 2 old desk phones; mahogany settee; Chesterfield and chair; loveseat chesterfield; oak buffet; several mantel clocks; coffee grinder; small china cabinet; 2 rocking chairs;' round fern stand; platform rocker; copper boiler; 3 trunks; modern maple hutch and mat- ching shelf unit; long hall table; magazine stand; double pedestal drop leaf dining table w/2 leaves and 4 mat- ching chairs; cedar chest; fancy antique dresser; antique dresser w/mirror; wicker rocking chair; wicker arm chair; • round wicker fern stand; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dining table; dressing table w/mirror; 5 oil lamps; 4 drawer chest w/mirror; small spinning wheal: woo ntn" tab boa asket fa ou ..r- ,:a,.0 cna rs'w ma c in9 rowtdcoffoo labia; magazine table; old floor model radio w/record player -plus small radios; Aare swing exerciser; matching coffee & end table; Tight fixtures; table lamps; chests of drawers; round French Provinclal cof- fee table; small round cherry pedestal table; small drop loaf pedestal table w/drawer; plus other small tables; John L. Cassidy & Co. Montreal P.Q. 4 gallon crock w/3 flower; Eureka 10 gallon sanitary churn Woodstock, Ont.; 5 gallon lug 6 other jugs; Hymaster electric chord organ in case; matchtng chain. dishes & glassware, including antique pieces plus other Items too numerous to mention. TERMS: CASH LUNCH BOOTH Auctioneer Richard Lobb . ctinipn 482-7890 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 22, 1987.: '11A 37. NOTICE TQ CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Deloine ;Croflin All persons having claims against the estate of Delaine Cronin, late of the Village of Dublin In the County of Perth, who died on the 10th day of April 1987, are hereby notified to send infull pqr- ticUIars of their clatms,to the undersign- ed on or before the 29th. day of July, 1987, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims _Itben rneelvnd- „ Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 2nd day. , of July. 1987 . McConnell, Stewart, Devereaux' Barristers, &C.. Seaforth; Ontario Solicitors for the. executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the .Estate ..of Lila Jackson . All persons .having claims against the estate of Lila Jackson; late of the Town of Seaforth In the. County of Huron, deceased who died on the 12th day of June. 1987, are hereby notified to send In full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of July, 1987„ after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 2nd day of July, 1987 McConnell, Stewart, Devereaux Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY ASPHALT PAVING, driveways and parking lots. Free Estimates. Phone Robert Symes Construction, Lucknow, 528-3047. 38-18-tf YES, WE ARE ready to spread your liquid manure. For reasonable prices call 527-0655 or 482-5202 after 6 p.m., please. 38-29-2 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleans Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. MITCHELL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Whilst you ar. Ott vacation. Licensed & Insured 37. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy.. 63 - 3y: miles east of'Exeter 235-1123 Tryusfor • ' CUSTOM KILLINGand PROCESSING K I II Days - Tuesdays , OUR SPECIALTY • • Home cured and smoked meats. ' processed exactly the way you like It. HENSALL-LIVESTOCK- SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 pm, All classes of livestock• WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensail Barry, Miller • 236-2717 Exter'& 229.-6205 Kirkton 39. CARD OF THANKS Paul Vander Melon 527.11750 low sept sts. ilii.. Wes sratWet BACHERT ' On behalf ofPhillip''and myself, I would like to thank the friend's and neighbours . who gath9red at the shower in my honour at the Walton Community. Hall. Special thanks to Helen and Margaret Craig, Linda, Helen, .Kathleen and Joyce Williamson and Mary Baan. I will have many happy 'memories of friends in the Walton area and thank you kind- ly for all the lovely gifts. Sherri' Bachert. 39-29-1 •'COLEMAN f would like to thank my family, friends, neighbours and relatives for their visits, cards, and inquiries while I was a patient ih St. Joseph's Hospital, London. It, was greatly ap- preciated. Francis Coleman. -39-29x 1 SHEA The family of the late John Shea wish tb ex- press their gratitude for the support received ' during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, •Fathers. Caruana, Sipek, Car- - • rigan and the pallbearers, also to Drs. Malkus, Rodney and the ambulance service, Many . thanks for cards, flowers, visits, donations and . food received from relatives, friends and neighbours. It will always be remembered. • 39-29x1 SALVERDA I would like to thank my neighbours and relatives for their visits, treats and calls while I was a -patient in Seaforth and Stratford hospitals. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff, also to big Ed and Ed for helping out with the chores at home, It was greatly appreciated. Thanks again. Ed Salver - da. • 39-29-1 40. IN MEMORIAM McCLINCHEY In loving memory of our husband. father and grandfather, Garnet McClinchey who passed away July 20, 1984. Memories are treasures no one can steal, And death is a heartache no one can heal, Some may forget now that you're gone. But we will remember no molter how lorfg. Sadly missed by wife Agnes and families. 40.29x1 44. DEATH NOTICE HULBERT Gerald Hulbert died at St. Joseph's Health Centre Thursday, July 2, 1987. Gerald, hus- band and loving companion to iva for 51 years. Loved and respected father of Carol Lou Timmins""and Jane MacOueon. Grand- father to Janie and Kathie Timmins and Jerry and baneen McDougall. No viewing. Crema- tion. 44.29A rCerls+: rt .tf.alie 1 35. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDERS for NORTH ST. (Egmondviile) STORM SEWER SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Township Clerk, Me. John R. M'etachlenr 117, R.R. '5 Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1 LO, will be received by him until 4:00 p.m. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1987 for the construttlod of a storm sewer on North Street and Silver Creek Ter - tole UV the hamlet of Egtnontivfifs. The work consists 01 the su'p'p_ty and instaliation of the following': 3T0 t» of 600 mm diameter earkeefe sewer plp'e, . TT9 m of 3?3' trim diameter concrete sewer pipe, 3 cofchballfs, 6 Miiiiholos, plus &Miter work the/dental thereto'. Plant*, ipetlflcatloni, and tender forint May be obtained from the office of fhb u'nder'signed u90n' payment of 0 no"n refundable fee of 925,00. This arritnint includes 81,63 Sales tai. Each tend'e'r mast bo' accompanied by o' Certified cheg00 in the aiffount of 110,000,00. Lowest 0r any tender not n'aceisarl- ty accepted. B.M, ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 69 North Street ee- Consulting Engineer* l GODERICH, Onfarie. N A 2T4 (519) 524.2641 - wi. aiirsiisli ARTICLES F0a SAt TOW alb 1 1 1 1 1 ilitrwed .�rY'�llt elrtit Veers �iir as rest✓ sed 1 The Oniy way to gat A -Z P1'IE-ENG. sultoomS- New types, steel 5 wood,YOURuaiisei loddlr. r value. q c g Po tree aT ue, oct,on 2 answers. 000 14161 6264794, teave•messoga or cotters after 6 p.M, 1 ad in 2.5 million names weekends. Ask for Wally, tree brochures, -0-16H STEEL '8UttD:NGS Su*iOn'er Rolf trite Sole, 90,0 1 building of regular pace and get double length for 59T. more. PTsone Pioneer/Ecbnospon 1.901387.606,--0.2730 STEEL. BUILDINGS, Quonsets and straight•Sided, from 16 W to 100 wide, fantastic choicer All with tridast*sal doors. Cull Mirctte'Spon i-800.387.4910.-0.27.30 HELP VtAtiTEa In Canada for $748.00 or In 1,241,807 homes 1 , in Ontario for $250.00 1 11 1t I Place Your Blanket Chteslfled ,Ad by calling one of o0* 14400etassllted Ad - 1' Visors it your nasreat *moldy to t ea,pspsr It 0014 for details, Lucknow 521.2e22 I s I Cii'ittdn id2=3443 Wnc ert nt si.ii ed f immediatelMothers and y to salt tds fond 1 ins for d nit tweed- eed- Goderich 5242814 K *ice don tif{1290 • Rance Party PILO:. No ,nvestn5ent, deliveries or r'tone5 Ssat®2 0240 Nichol 3i .. caltectton. Cab 6i9y258-790,5.-0-t42'9 •.-_® SUBSCRIBER When it's time to renew your Expositrr, renewal notices will be inserted in yourpaps*. ap. Watch for it - don't miss a single issue. �� f[E,ur itOr � e 527.0240