HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-22, Page 102. YARD/GARAGE-SALE I • A10 •7-, THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 22, 1987 1.COMING EVENTS 8. CUSTOM WORK HURON COUNTY Cattlemen's Association CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft. wide by 3-6 ft. Beef Barbecue and Dance, Friday, z317 -high (John Deeire)Seett Censitt 482.9297_or BMG Community Centre, Brussels. Barbecue 565-2728. . . 8-23-12 6 - 8 p.m:, Dancing 9 - 1. Music by Beechwood. Tickets $1000 per person, CUSTOM SWATHING,, 12 ft. swathes. Ron, : available from local directors. 1-29-2 Pryce 527-0917. 8-28-3 THE HURON PROV. Young Progresaive Con- servatives are having a meeting, and social at St. Christophers Beach, Goderich, Tuesday, July 28, 6:30 swimming, 7:30 meeting, 8:00, free hot dogs and pop. Guest speakers are •Murray Cardiff and Nico Peters. For further in- forniatIon contact Jeff Wareham 235-1352 or Jan Divok 482-3370. 1-29-1 YOU ARE INVITED to the Jack Riddell Barbecue at the Riddell farm On Hwy. 83 bet- ween Exeter and Dashwood on Wed. Aug. 5. Rain location is the Dashwood Community Centre.. Dinner from 5.- 8 p.m. Family enter- tainment. Tickets available frorn Liberal Municipal chairpersons or executives or phone357,1802, 482-3407, 887-9225, 235-2853, 236-4280. Tickets $10.00, elemen- tary school children $4.00. Preschoolers free, • Sponsored by the Huron Proy. Liberal • Association. ' , 1-29-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL - Bush Fire: July 22, 23 (matinee), 27, 28, August 1. (matinee). Miss Balmoral of the Bayview: ali performances for this play are SOLD'OUT; however, a limited number of rush tickets 96 on sale 2 hours before curtain time. Girls in the Gang: July 29, 30 (matinee). Bordertown Cafe: July 30, 31. All performances are at 8:30 p.m. except matinees which are at 2:00 p.m. For tickets call Box Office at 523-9300/9225. . 1-29-1 • COUNTRY FAIR, Saturday, July 25: a Blyth Festival fund-raiser. Booths filled with books, clothing, produce, good "junk"; special ac- tivities for children. Starts at 10:00 a.m. on lawn of Blyth Memorial Hall. Great fun for the whole family! 1-29-1 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $180.00 (if pot won) Lucky ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-114 YARD SALE - We're moving - Silver plate trays, cream and sugar, picnic table, baby bassinette, quilt patches. record player, camera bag, electronic calculator, cash box, new afghan, manual typewriter, and much more. July 25 (Ram July 26) 9:00 a.m. Peg Ellis, 88 John St. Seaforth. 2-29x1 5. HELP WANTED • "A CAREER IN TRUCKING" - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening inter- view and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training London. 1-800-265-3559. 5-18•41 PERSON TO work with drainage firM. Must be able to operate'farm tractor with fork lift. Also backhee operator needed. Phone 236-7390 or 262-3434. '5-29-1 FULL TIME babysitter needed for three month old child starting August 1, preferably in Seaforth, references needed. Phone 262-2136. 5-29-1 WANTED - experienced Class A driver 2 years . U.S. experience, abstract required, home on weekehds. Reply to Drawer NO, 3, de Clinton News Rederd, Box 39 Clinton, Ont. 5-29-2 WANTED Meat Cutter Knechtel Food Market Seaforth Appiy to Wayne Wiggins Meat Manager 8111111111111111111111111, THE HURON AbbICTION ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE requires a FULL-T1ME SECRETARY Conim8IKIng immediately Experience is necessary with current word Processing techniques, goo 'd office skills, pleasant manners, a mature personality and the ability to deal With the public are mandatory: Preference will be &Yen to nonsmokers. Interested 'Optical* please apply iri writing With 3 references to: LA. PRICE Director HURON ADDICTION & • • REFERRAL CENTRE P.O. got 120 ,CLINTON. Ontario • NOM 1L0 .CUSTOM SWATHING. or 345-2762. 19. PETS. BORDER COLLIE and Australian 'Blue Healer 23. REAL ESTATE , pu. • •QM345:2198._ 19-29-3 FOR SALE one purebred German Shepherd male pup, sable colour, nine months old. Call after 5 p.m. 52.7-1094. 19-29x2 Mike Kelly 345-2197 • • 8-29-2 10. FARM MACHINERY 1982 J D 4420 COMBINE, air conditioning, heater, radio, 4 way seat, Murphy shut down • switches, Sid grain loss monitoring system, 329 cu. in bin extension, diesel motor, 23.1 x 26 tires, 600 hours, 1982 10' dummy pickup header with 8' Sun pickup, . new 'in 1985, -hydraulic controlled. 1982 4 row 30" corn head, new style, low profile. Excellent com- , bine, low hours, stored inside, never pulled white beans, 529-7607, or 529-7995. 10-28-0nx 11. HAY & STRAW WHEAT- STRAW for sale 1987 crop, Jim Segeren. Phone 482-5569. 11-27x3 FOR SALE - 10 acres, 2nd and 3rd cut alfalfa. BrianMoore, 527-1413. 11-28-tf .FOR SALE: 50 acres of barley straw, Phone 482-9124. • 11-29-1 12. USED CARS 86 MUSTANG GT - White with red interior, fuel. injected 302, 5 speed air conditioned, cruise control, fill wheel, intermittent wipers, tinted glas, adj, seats, console, posi;traction, axel, aluminuin wheels Goodyear Eagle tires, undercoated, transferable extended warranty. Approximately 20,000 kms. Price negotiable 482-9438 or 529-7912. 12-28xtf 1980 BUICK Skylark Limited, 2 door, blue, 4 cyl. $1200.00. Phone -527-2177 after 6 p.m. • 12.29-1 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION FISHERMEN - Lowrance X4, X5, Eagle .5000, 61.00, 7000, and , VHF radios, temperature probes, Loran -C in stock at dis- count prices. Lake Huron Rod and Gun,. Underwood, 368-7182. Open seven days, 14-22-9 SHARP 20" colour TV. excellent condition, 5 years old;,4 Fisher speakers (XP655) 23" high - 14" wide, like new; Singer electronic 560, • Diana cabinet model sewing machine; cedar chest, prices negotiable. Phone 527-0193. 14-28x2 MODERN CHROME table and six swivel chairs, in good condition; pups to give away. Phone Ken Murray 345-2745. 14-28-2 HARDWOOD SLABS delivered by the truckload. St. Helen's Sawmill or Joe Van Osch 395-2865. 14-28-0 PIONEER K E 41-41 Car Stereo. Used six months 'with warranty $325,00. 26212827. • 14-28-2 BEIGE VELOUR 3 cushion chesterfield and chair, clean excellent condition, Peg Ellis, 527-1505. • 14-29x1 SWEET CORN, carrots, pickling cucumbers and potatoes. Apply 150 Market 31, Seaforth. 14-29x1 MOTOR BOAT for sale, 16 ft.. with 40 h.p. 'motor, electric start, life jackets and trailer etc. 5650.00. 345-2609. 14-29-1 FOR SALE: "Gun Cabinet"; "Oak Corner Cupboard"; Pine Blanket BoxeS, with dovetailed corners; Cherry TV table sets (un- finished) phone 348-8002, Mitchell. 14-29x1 21 cu. ff. FREEZEFI, good condition; 3000 BTU air conditioner. Phone 527-0932. 14-29-1 1979 HORIZON TC3, good dondition. Best of- fer. 527-2189. 14-29x2 OUR OWN BEANS. field tomatoes and sweet corn, plus lots of other fruits and vegetables. Nursery stock and perennials still available. Plus, pick your own raspberries. Te -em Farm, RR 1 Bayfield 482-3020. Open 7 days. 14-29-1 TRAILERS -- Travel 5th wheels, hardtops, new and uied. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Boler, Lionel, hitches, truck caps. Sales, rentals, repairs, 25 years M business. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-5938. 14-1241 21. WANTED TO BUY s$$,$$$$$$$$$$$ CASH PAID • for Antique, complete or partial estates,' dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furnitufe, etc. • Call Seaforth '527-1847 or 527-1633 23. REAL ESTATE • . Agricultural Real Estate Limited We have requests for all types of farm pro- perties, and invest- ment properties. All •calls kept Confidential Douglas F. Chubb - Broker Bruce Rathwell - Regional Representative Pat Norman - Sales Rep. Kim Rathwell - Sales Rep. Liz Feltham Sales Rep. 482-3981 • "SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD" BOX 269 CLINTON - ONTARIO • NOM ILO TELEPHONE: 482-9371 LONDESSORO: 1 floor brick home, finish- ed basement, inground pool. large lot. • 4% ACRES:Near Family Paradise. with 1'a floor sound frame home in need of repair, and exceptional lorge steel barn. CLINTON: Duplex on Huron St., showing 'excellent return. A good investment ,property, SMALL OFFICE WILDING: in good condi- lion on main street in Brussels. 4 LOTS: at Kinburn. very reasonable. 2 ACRES:Brick home and lots of buildings, • near Zurich. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Triol marriages hove become popular. Wonder.when we'll have trial children? ' I,ISINTEE • OFFICE - 4823991 NEW LISTING: 4 bedrooms, . large living rroom, kitchen has lots of cupboards, rec room done in pine, 2 car brick garage, close to park, must' be seen, Call Sharon Medd 527-0560. '4 BEDROOM 2 STORY STUCCO & FRAME HOME: double living room, kitchen 21 x 33 • with centre island and Franklin stove, 40 x 70 barn set for veal, calves, 2od barn 32 x • 30. All of this featured on 2'/, acres. NEW LISTING:. Enjoy the pleasure of 2 worlds. 2.5 acres south of Clinton on the Bayfield River, Beautifully landscaped, or- chard, superior 1 floor 3 bedroom ranch home .with completely maintenance free exterior. Electric heat, main floor family room with burning fireplace and deck access, built-in entertainment centre and much, much more. $89,900.00. HALFWAY CLINTON TO pei ORTH, HWY. 8: 3 bedroom 'tensed salltiffitured on large lot. 25 ACRES: -RecrealAtatoperty at Port Albert. 818,000. SI° 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW: recently renovated kitchen, featured on double lot. 3 BEDROOM, 1% STOREY FRAME HOME: •exterior completely refurbished with some new windows. Must be seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME: large living room with beam ceilings, master bedrooms hos 3 closets and built in vanity, workshop and much more too numerous to list Call now SharonMedd 527-0560. EAST ST., CLINTOAVan ranch, Royal Horne on double lo 731706. EIRUCEFIELD: 4 bedroom brick home, well maintained. storm windows,for vieWing„call today. WALTON: 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick home, beam ceiling in den, Franklin stove, large workshop. Must be seen to be appreciated. WANTED: Lakefront cottage or homes, 100 acres or less farms, no buildings on highway & small acreage • 15 acres to 40 acres. TIPS TO PUBLIC: When signing o conditional offer which may tie up your property for any length of time, make sure you have an Escape Clause put in so that if a cash buyer comes along you will not lose the sale of your property. LIST WITH OUR ACTION TEAM Sharon Medd (Seaforth Agent) 527.0560 482-3669 482-9849 482-3780 482.3370 Aileen Craig 'Peter Damsma • qui Steenstra Mary Divok OFFICE: 11 Victoria St, anion 482.5991 • DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS • • , • 4:30 P.M. MONDAY • DISPLAY' AD$ FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON ••• 22 words - one week, 54.35; twfb weeks, 53.85; three weeks $3.35, Additional words 18 cents. BIRTHS-- No charge. ENGAGEMENTS Flat rate of $7, with picture ”612 'prepaid, • MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of , wedding. After this time, photo and outline only, • $16,. Complete write-up $25, IN MEMORIAMS - $4.35 plus 35 cents per line •. of varse. • CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, $4.50. Each ad- ditional word .06 cent. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR.CASH PAYMENT ON . OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK ' . FOLLOWING INSERTION. . . • BOX' NUMBERS TO, THIS OFFICE - $3.00, •each additional Week. -'. $1.00 . ' CLASSIFICATIONS . • 1. Coming Events 23. Real Estate' ' 2: Yard, Garage Sale' 24, Property. for sale 3. -Lost, Strayed:, •. 25. Property for rent ' .4. Found • • 26, Apartments for rent ' 5. HelpWanted . 27, For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent • 7. Situations Wanted 29: For rent • 8. Custom work •• • 30. Room and Board ' '9. Farm Stock ' 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32, Vacations 11. Hay and straw 33 Educational. 12. Used' cars 34. Auction Sales. 13. Used trucks 35. Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale . 36., Legal notice 15. R.V.5 for sale ' - i37. Notice to 'creditors 16. Mobile homes 38, Service directory 17'. VCRs for sale ' 39. Cards of thanks ' 18.'Computer corner 40. In memoriam 19. Pets 41. Personal 20. Swap•or trade 42. Engagements 21, Wanted to buy 43, Marriages 22. Wanted PHONE ' . • • 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME while you enjoy the benefits of country liv- ing with easy access to town. This 11/2 storey brick, 3-4 bedroom home has a new 1 bedroom apartment to the rear. 60 acres of workable land can also be rented for ad- ditional return. This home has a number of attractive features including new double garage, workshop, insulated cold storage, spacious laundry' room & unfinished rpc room. Call Liz for an appointment (res. INCOME PROPERTY Completely renovated 8 unit apartment building Zurich. Fully occupied. excellent opportunity. Call Pat 482-9911. • Agricultural Real Estate Liinited 482-3981 Douglas F. Chubb, Broker Charming 3 bedroom home with main floor laundry and family room, modem kitehen JAMES ST. All brick 3 bedroom bungalow presently under, construction. 21LE. Mainteriance free exterior is just one of the features of this 3 bedroom home. S48,500. WEST WILLIAM ST. 3 bedroom brick ranch With finished base - meat. A must to see. New 3 bedroom brick bungalow features solid oak kitchen, main floor laundry and at- tached garage, NEW LISTING 3 bedroom, 11/4 storey brick hoine with newer addition plus many renovatrons. Located in Egmondville. $60's. GODERICH 10 year Old brickii•keic•Iplached bungalOw in excellent conaltliefinrst 556,000. • USED appliances ' at Phelan's Place, Seaforth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. Phorie 527-1213, •14-48-0 I GALLAGHER high power fencing, see oer complete tine of electric fencing supplieS, 1 • Evert Vansligtenhorst, Zurich 262-6208. •14-184 1 VISSCHER FARMS Country market open dai- ly 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. • Closed Sundays, SPecialiiing in I Cauliflower and broccoli, 3 miles west of EX- I eter �n Hwy. 83, 1-237-3442. 14-254 I FRESH HONEY in 2. 4 and 7 Nu. or bring your own Containers I 1 I My, on* • Elgin Young 527-1519 S57,500, buys this 4 bedroom home featur- ing many renovations plus extra building lot. Cullig an REAL ESTATE LIMITED MAUREEN Witt:WONG 4824224 HEATHER BENNEWIES 345-2432 8 MAIN STREET am* mosab saw detain. ono awn aloo es.. sm. Wass v.. ,szen am. teem era. memo ma,* Mem Cash In On niOsitor. Cash 84 Carry • CLASSIFIED Corner JUST si to Use as Many words as you film • One item per ad , 45 ern must be priced at under $40 and price must be in the ad • Only for private individualsselling •1,3yment must lie enclosed with ad written on me Expositor coupon personal possessions • I MY AD Bel: fig Or Mail to: tie Hat* ktpOSiter • 12 Mi iti st., iikoi 0, $1 enclosed SEAPOWDI, Ontatib 1 Slott IWO • •• ate. gab iimage sem • j . imam