HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-22, Page 9Walton Pee 'Weer° down Wroxeter 4-2
A fastball game between the Walton and • It was all Wroxefer needed to boost their
Wroxeter Pee Wee boys Thursday night in . confidence. They put some pressure on
Walton proved to be a .test of skill rather', Walton by loading the bases. A second
• than racking up the most points. Walton won Wroxeter' runner slid into home a few
the game in six and a half innings by a score ' minutes later making the score 2-2.
of 4-2. . " Danny Blakecame to the mound to relieve
Pitcher Brad Taylor quickly depressed • Brad Taylor hi the same inning but couldn't..'
his Wroxeter adversaries by tallying 14 . live up to his strike record and allowed some
, strike -outs. for the .game. Wroxeter had walks and hits. •
three; In a rally that continued for almost the en-
The game started' out slowly and by the en-
t workeda chant on litsWmagicon s causiide ng
top of the' fourth inning Walton led with two it g
runs. Wroxeter to fumble the ball. Walton took ad-
vantage of their fumbles and got another ,
Action-picked,up=later-in-the-inning-when-xun-at-the=bottom-of_the rifth_making_th
Gerald Moore,'Wroxetee, barely sgeaked by . score 3-2.
Walton backcatcher Brett Lee and pitcher Walton got another run in the sixth to
Brad Taylor to make a successful slide into make the final score 4-2: •
home plate. In a scramble to get the runner There were no big hitters on. either side,
out, Brett Lee caught the ball, but dropped it the game being , played on fly . balls;
before the plate umpire could make the call. grounders and fumbles.
Winthrop PeeWees split week's games
Winthrop PeeWee Boys playedtwo. ball
games last week,winning one and losing one
in a close contest.
-Wroxeter played a disciplined game July
14, winning the game 11-9 agaiat Winthrop.
In the final inning. Wroxeter intentionally
walked Jason McNichol after he had blast a
home run and a triple in earlier innings'driv=
ing in five of Winthrop's nine runs., Paul
Dolmage smacked a double and singles
were hit by Jason Harrison (2), Chris Van -
Bakel (1), -Chris Poland (1) and Adam Agar
Paul Dolmage struck mit eight batters Ju-
- -ly 16, helping Winthrop defeat Belgrave 16-8.
Chris Poland blasted two home runs to lead
the batting,. Brad Schroeder followed with
two doubles. Jason Harrison hit a double
and singles were hit by Chris Van Bakel (2),
Paul Dolmage (2) and Kelly Van Bakel (2);
/An excellent game -by Winthrdp. Next home
game 15 July 23,•against Brussels.
Sunny skies and excellent greens provid-
ed the setting Saturday for the all Ontario
finals of the ladies Provincial Lawn Bowl-
THEHURO, N EXPOSITOR, JULY. 22, 1.9$.7'-- A9' .•
YOU'RE. OUT, MAYBE -A fastball game between Walton and Wroxeter•Pee Wee boys
Thursday at Walton was a display or skill .when Walton pitcher Brad.Taylor struck out. •
14 opponents. Wroxeter runner, Gerald Moore slides into Home plate and before the
•plate umpire could call the play Walton back catcher, Brett Lee drops the ball letting
the team get their first run. Blake photo.
ng cluly hosts first provincials
ing Association.. Teams present
represented all districts in Ontario.
Opening ceremonies coinmenced at nine
ON THF SAFE SIDE - Norma Grant, a Iawnbowiing umpire, checks the distances bet-
ween rocks at the Ladies Provincial LawnbowlingChampionships hosted Saturday in
Seaforth. This was the first time the Seaforth club has ever hosted the finals. Winners
travel to the east cpast to participate in the Canadian Championships. Mefwraith
' a,m. with a grandmarch of players and of-
ficials'around the greens led by piper Greg
McPherson. They then formed a 'semi cir-
cle on the greens and were welcomed b
• - Seaforth ladies president -Mary Finlayson
on behalf of the club,. Mayor Alf Ross on
behalf of the Town of Seaforth and June
Bell, President of the Ladies Provincial
Lawn Boviing Association. Agnes Bowlley
of London was chairiady for the event.
Many spectators were present throughout
the day and evening to view some ex-
cehent bowling, along. with reporters and
cameramen from stations C.K.N.X,
Wingham and C.F,P.L. TV London and
The Huron Expositor.
. The socialcommitteeunder the direc-
tion of Convenors Edna Bell and Thelma
Coombs and their helpers had a busy day
with meals, lunches, and evening recep-
tions for all bowlers, officials and
spectators. .
• Chief Umpire for the day was Junem
Margeruof Woodstock. In charge of
billeting players was Betty- Tilley.
Secretary -treasurer. .
Winners . who will now compete in
Halifax in the Canadian finals were as
follows -Singles - Marg Watford - Toronto;
Pairs - Florence Zimmerman and Mary
Cobean - Kitchener; Trebles - Alma Ball-
Rae Bower - Grace Vlachos of Guelph;
Fillies - Henrietta Pound = Isabella Birrs
vn ear Eagle,of OOaw• •
fwe�prese tti from Ott$'a I ng�stom
Allendale, Windsor, Burlington, Toronto,
Kitchener, Guelph, Iroquois, London, Nor-
wich and Lucknow.
Last Monday afternoon ladies of the
Seaforth Club bowled for the Mclean
Trophy. First place went to Mary
Finlayson and Rika Van Bakel with three
wins and 26. Second was Thelma Coombs
and Jean Pinder with two wins and 27.
Third was Eileen Adarnson and Ruth
Beutenmiller with . two wins and 22 and '
fourth, Olive Papple and Jessie Bitten with
two wins and 21. Papp
. Two ladies, teams comp• eted • on ladies •
y- pairs at Goderich last Tuesday and Eileen
Adamson and Jean Lunn won third prize.'
In•Provinciai Seniorscompetition at the
club the ladies team of Eileen Adamson,_
Jean Lunn and Mary Finlayson will now
' advance to second stage playoffs.
In mens provincial seniors John Patter-
son, Bill Brown and Neil "Bell were un-
contested in their own club and now ad- •
vance to second stage.
A number of Seaforth men bowlers will
be competing in London this week in
W.O.B.A. •
N.B. The July pot -luck supper and social
will be held at the club house Tuesday
evening July 28 at 6 p.m. with bowling or
cards after.
Cuties to make appearance
City Games are corning closer, and plans
are almost finalized. When I last talked to
their organizer, he stated they expect ap-
proximately 70 kids and 30 adults will be
coming to Seaforth from Friday, July 31 to
Sunday, August 2.
Games include! Men's and Ladies' 516 -
pitch; Swim meet; golf; mites girls soft-
ball; squirt girls softbaii; bantam girls
baseball. '
Other tentative activities include a dance
on the Saturday evening, and a Field Day on
the Sunday morning with a potluck luncheon
to follow.
All du -Wren are going to be billeted out to
homes fn Seaforth. If anybody would like to
hest a youngWest Branch child please call
the Recreation Office at 527'0882. .
All you SPORTS FANS! Don't forget
Sportsfest 87 in Hanover on August 14, 15
and 16, The weekend proves to be very en&
joyable with 34 events planned and the tradi-
tional Saturday evening dance. For infor-
mation or. 1Zegistration please call your
local Recreatiofi Office. Dail't miss out on
all the funll
presents a night with Doug and the Slugs
and Bustin Loose. Friday, July 31, 1987 at
the Seaforth and District Community Cen=
by Marty Bedard
tees at 8 p.rn. Tickets are $8 in advance and
$10 at the door. Tickets are available at the
Seaforth and District Cornrnunity.Centre on-
ly. Age' of majority only. Proceeds for the
evening will go towards Junior curling.
every Wednesday afternoon frorn 1:30 to 4
pm. at the Seaforth and District Conununi-
ty Centres.
Last week`s winners were: Ladies: Ina
Scoins 311; Ethel Heist 307 and Hazel
McGonigle 243. Men: Theo Van Bakel 307;
Lloyd Pipe 298 and Gordon Murray 287.
The world famed comedy softball team,
the CALIFORNIA CUTIES have scheduled
an appearance in Seaforth on Wednesday,
August 26, 1987.
If you are one of the very few sports fans
who have not seen this zany foursome, then
we suggest you trot out to the Lions Park to
witness their combined game and comedy
The Cuties feature only a pitcher, catcher,
first baseman, and a shortstop, with Trino
handling microphone duties until called
upon to demonstrate his wild pitehfng cont.
edy routines during the show innings.
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The Cuties will he playing a team made up
from the Men's Fastbtal League of Seaforth.
So come out to the ball park on Wednesday,
August 26. You'll be glad you did.
If you are a VOLUNTEER MEMBER of a
non-profit club or organization and you are
looking for an opportunity to improve your
Ieadership skills and the overall effec-
tivness of your organization, the Lake
Huron Zone Recreationists Association is of-
fering a one day training workshop, design-
ed with you in mind:
The workshop is aimed at members in
volunteer organizations ranging from'sports
organizations to arts group and service
clubs in the counties of Huron, Perth, Grey,
Bruce and North Wellington,
Many fine professional resource people
will lead you through this workshop to be
held at F.E. Madill Secondary School in
Wingham on.Satutday, September 19, 1987.
Cost per person for thistraining eatperience
is $25,00 which includes lunch.
For '„rther information on the volunteer
conference or registration form please eon=
tact the Recreation Office at 527=)882,
Merchants unlucky
against Exeter
It just wasn't their night. The Seaforth
Merchants Senior Mens -hardball team
allowed 15 unanswered rdns in a contest
against Exeter last Tuesday night.
Bill Dale started on the mound' for the
Merchants and pitched three Innings. He •
gave up seven hits and four runs and walked
two batters,
Dell Mitchelmore pitched two innings,
struck out one batter, gave up three hits and
three runs, and walked two batters.
Marty Bedard finished the game, gave up
eight runs on six hits. allowed four walks
and struck 'out one hatter.
Seaforth had only four hits and made
seven errors in their worst defeat of the
"We were experimenting," said Coach'
Mare Robinet.
"We were tryirrg different players at dif-
ferent positions. It was just one of those
At the plate Brian Cooper, Jerry Wright,
Clendon Coombs and John Wilson each con-
tributed a hit.
The Merchants play their next game
tonight (Wednesday) at 7:30 p.ni. in
Strathroy. They are back at home Sunday
afternoon at 1:30 p.m. for a doubleheader
against Walkerton, On Tuesday they get
another chance against Exeter in Exeter. .
Game time is 6:15 p.m.
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