HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-15, Page 14A14 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 15, 1987
The County of Huron in conjunction with the Ministry of Community and Social Services
has established a Seniors Care Facility Committee. This is a volunteer committee which
w11I_revlew the futu e needs for care facilities for seniors In the County of Huron.
This committee will Include. (4) four members of the public. If you are interestedinbe-
Ing considered for appointment, submit detailsin writing (including telephone number).
Submissions to be received by the undersigned by August 19, 1987; '
Clarence Rau
Chairman, Huronvlew
' Box 219
CLINTON, Ontario
Required: Executive Secretary.
for the ''Seniors Care
Facility Committee."
Under the direction of the. Committee chairperson and the Program Super-
visor of the Ministry of Community and Social Services, the Executive Secretary
1. Co-ordinate meeting arrangements in respect to, the Agenda, Minutes,
meeting, locatiorTs, advertising, etc.;
2. Draft the report or portions thereof for the Committee;
3. Conduct background research, e.g. literature search, speakers and arrange
visits to other facilities if deemed necessary;
4. Establish liaison with the County officials and those other organizations
having an interest in this issue;
5. Act as the resource'persori to community groups wishing to make presen-
tations to the Committee; -
6. Undertake to inform the public of the Committee's mandate and operations.
All applications with resumes will be received at the Main Office of Huron -
view no later than 2 p.m. August 19, 1987.
Clarence Rau
Chairman, Huronvlew
Box 219
CLINTON, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that rho Council of the Corporation of the Township of McKillop will
hold a sarins of public open houses, as indicated below, to consider The proposed
comprehensive zoning by-law 'under section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983.
Drop in anytime during the following hours
Wednesday, August 19, 1987
1 - 4:30 p.m.; 7 - 9 p.m.
Thursday,. August 20, 1987
7 - 9 p.m.
at the McKillop, Township Office, Winthrop
The open houses ere deemed to be public meetings under section 34(12) of the Plan.
ning Act. They provide a flexible timetable to suit the majority of ratepayers and
an opportunity to consider' and discuss specific concerns. Everyone is welcome to drop
in to discuss the by-law with Council or a County Piannor.
The proposed zoning by-law affects the entire Township of McKillop as shown on
the map below. It implements the McKillop Township Secondary Plan by establishing
land use controls and zones in the Township.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal represen-
tation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available at
the Township Office during normal- business hours or by tconfaNtnn the Huron Coun.
ty Department of Planning and Development (524.2188). In addition. a draft copy
of the proposed by-law is being sent, for information purposes, to alt owners of pro-
perty as noted on the Latest revised assessment records,
THiS, 13th DAY OF JULY, 1987'.
Co', 13
fon '2
Co, 1;
Con 9
Con 8
Con 5
Con 4
Con 3
Co. 2
Marion McClure
Clerk -Treasurer
R.R. 1, SEAFORTH, Ont.
(519) 527.1916 •
Rd. No, 25 - 11111111111
3t '5
• :,
>5 23
111111 ? 111
1®1111 B III
'2 0
1: i3 11
Munn v,9e
County Oct, No 17
•Nils 1 ®�11111111h11i
1� 1•
No. B 111 falar f
prat Hcvy ... - .
i'791) f) : (00
:woo 0 4000
OE YOU LIVING with ,a. drinking
Al Anon can help. 527-1650.
Firsttime county Epilepsy
fundraiser termed a success
That the Council of the Corporation
of the Township of Hellen will be
meeting on Tuesday, July 28, 1987 at -
8:00 p.m. inopen session. at the
Council Chambers to fill the office of
Councillor. This Is to fill a vacancy on
council due to the resignation of a
member of council.
Any elector of the Municipality who
' is interested in servingas a council
member for the remainder of the
current term, and Who is qualified to,
do so, should notify the clerk In
Writing prior to 4:30 p.m. local time,
on Monday, July 27th, 1987 in order
to be considered by council at the
above mentioned meeting.
Harry Lear,
Clerk -Treasurer
In loving memory of a dear husband,. father
and. grandfather, David Emerson Kyle who
• passed away one year ago, July 17, 1986. •
Our love for' him will always keep,
It cannot fade, it lies too deep
The gates of memory never close
We miss him more than anyone knows.
As. long as we live, we'll cherish his name
In memory we see hint, ever the same:
in our hearts he is living yet • ,
We loved him too dearly to ever forget,
Lovingly remembered by his wife. Mabel and
family. : 40-28x1
Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor of Kippen and
Mr. and Mrs. -Duncan Scott of Staffs are pleas-
ed to announce the forthcoming marriage of.
their children, Carol and Kevin. The wedding'.
to take place,in Hensall August 8, 1987. Open
reception to follow. 42-28x1
Norm and Clpra Kremers are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Marlene to Kevin Loughnane, soh
of Helen Loughnane. Wedding to take place
Sat. July 25, 1,987 at St. James Roman
Catholic Church, Seaforth at 6 o'clock,42.28-1
SEAFORTH - A first time venture for the
Huron -Perth Chapter of Epilepsy was a •
driving success. The fund-raising golf tour-
, nament was held June 28 at the Seaforth
Golf and Country Club, Attending from Loh -
don was Judge John McGarry, Chairman of
the Epilepsy Ontario Midwest Board, board
member John Copp,' Cathy Pratt, who is' a"
counsellor at University Hospital, and Bill
Heslop.' ' •
Clinton Councillors Gord'Yohn and Don
Eastman joined in the tournament with
their wives Joyce and Claudia. Dinner
guests included Bill and .Marg .Fleming,
Raymond and MaryGaron,,Bob and Audry
McKinleay, Betty Doherty, Father . Dan
• Vere: and Alice . Brochu, who was kind
enough to help with the registration. •
Fund -raising -chairman Jerry Hiltz was
the master of ceremonies for the .evening
and presented the prizes which were
generously donated by area businesses,
First place in regular golf went.to Seamus
Doherty. First place in two 'ball foursome
went to Suahne Smith and Dennis Vere. Win-
ner of the closest . to the pin was Gus
Boussey. Winner of longest drive was Paul •
Dawson, Goderich and Winner of, shortest
drive was Betty Dalzell.
Other winners in Two Ball foursome
Karen De Jong and Terry, Vere; :Janet
and Gateau Blanchette; Peggy Jones and
Trudy Hill; Marj Vere and Ruth Buffinga;
Jennifer Buffinga and Barb Guse and
Claudia Eastman and Betty Dolzell,
"'Other winners in regular golf were: •
Don Eastman, Clinton; Marj. Baker, Hen
sall; Rob Baker, 'Hensall Jim Fleming,
Clinton; Rene Brochu, , Clinton; Bert
Dietrich, Kitchener; Bill Baker,, Hensall;
Dr. David Parrott, Stratford; 'Dr. Keith
Hay, Clinton; Charles Kelliher, Belleville;
Miehelle-Dietr-ieh; Stra'tford;-Mickey-.ere,
Clinton; Gail Hiltz, Clinton; John Cameron,
Clinton; Jerry Hiltz, Clinton; Frank Pyke;
Joan Baker, Hensall; Mike Moriarity; Ran-
dy Vere, Clinton and Paul Vere, Clinton.
A special thanks to our sponsors. and
Lee's of Clinton , Dixie Lee; Star Time
Video; Groves TV and Appliances; Fleming .
Feed Mill•; Bank of Montreal; Mac's Milk -
Betty Stanley; Heywoods Sporting Goods;
Clinton Auto Parts; Clinton News -Record;
Shenleys; Seagrams; Sandy's Card Shop;
Coca Cola; Willies Burger Stop; The Met -
Goderich; Stratford Fest; Royal Bank;.
Brights Wines; Andres;. Bacardi; " McGin-
nis;' Little Inn Bayfield; George Brophy
• Law Office, Lucknow; Rob Baker, Herisall,
Bill and Marg Fleming; Bill Vodden; Jerry
.Hiltz, (Law office).
Thanks to all who helped to make our first
golf tournament such a great success.
Huron County library
promoting talking books
This spring the Huron County Library has
been actively promoting its talking book
service: To reach potential talking book
patrons (anyone who is unable to read print
due to a visual, physical or perceptual
disability), more than 125 letters were mail-
ed out to Huron 'County doctors, service
clubs and community groups. ,
This promotional project has been a great
success. In addition to increased communi-
ty awareness, many Huron County
organizations have generously donated
towards the purchase of talking books. To
date $1,685, has' been collected for this wor-
thwhile service. Donations , have ranged
from $10 to $500. A very heartfelt thank you
is extended from the Huron County Public
Library Board td all the groups and in-
dividuals who have supported the library's
talking book service.
�r �Ir Illi �Ilt w A s� �tw s•us !~Is
Think,blg...far better results
1 llnd YOUR fnasaape ircros the"provint a or coast 10 coast
■' It's fast! it'seas yI...One:call, one bill, does if all!
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SST SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SSS Buildings priced for int -
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Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only,. Alt
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1.800.387.2115 or 14416) 858.2446.-0.28
A.Z PRE•ENG. BUILDINGS. New types. steel 8 wood.
quonse). cladding. For true value. action & answers
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weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures, -0-160
GREENHOUSE 8 HYDROPONIC equipment. supliies.
Everything you need. Bost quality super low prices.
Greenhouses 5169, Halides 5105. Over 3,000 products
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Western Wale - Forms, 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver,
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STEEL BUILDINGS -Summer Half -Price Sole, Buy 1
build)ng,orregale price and get double length for
50% more. Phone Pioheer;Etonospon
STEEL BUILDINGS, Quonsets and Straight•Stded. From
i•1 ram o MN o lessee. one arra
GROW FOR 1T, SSS Raise belworms ab home.
Guaranteed marker, Odorless, low Investment. We
train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird
Ecology (1975) RR 1, Sm!thville. Ontario L0R 2A0 (416)
643.4251, (416) 856.2248, (705) 435.7463.-0.28
DATES GALORE; For all egos 8 unattached. Thousands
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lances call LAR free 1.800.263.9163, Hours noon 141 8
pm. -0.28
DIVORCE BY MAIL, Ontario wide. tow cost legal oc•
• hon without court visits. Experienced since 1979, Free
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chener (S19) 578.5959.--0.28
FREE: 1987 guide to studyot•home correspondence
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A)rcond)lioning, Bookkeeping. Business.
Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal: Medical secretary,
Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West.
Toronto 1.800.268,121,-0.28
16' W to 100' wide, fantastic choice' Ali with industrial CoMINO EVENTS
doors. Call Miracle Span 1.800.387.4910,-0.27.20
WELL WATER PROBLEMS7 New Advanced Technology
for efficient treatment of problem.water, offering pro.
taction ihroughoul entire water system: Rutty ...
Sn arty ,., Bod tasting ,.. Water. horsiness, staining.
batterio. and more. No Sob or Messy Chemicals ,,,
maintenance free. See the results for yourself with
our 6 month trial offer. Coll loll Hee 1.800.387.3423 or
write Aztec Purification Systems, 6380. No. 5 Tamken
Rd.. Mississauga. Ont. 1ST tK2. "The lowest cost
system Ihot really works," Areatodo (807) Calf 1(416)
TRAIN' FOR A JOB' with a future. -.with Tri•County
Truck Driver Training. lob search assistance
dvo)loble Kitchener 720K)ng 0., (519) 743-5011. Brant-
ford 300 Colborne E., (518) 756.0223--0.28
HOUSEWIVES, Mothers and interested persons need-
ed immediately re seg toys and gifts for noeonoi
Home Party Plan. No inveslmenl. deliveries or money
collection. Coll (519) 258-7905,-0.24.24
RESTAURANT. Hotel. Del). Bakery, butcher. grocery,
submarine 8 pizza equipment. refrigerators grins.
fryers. sitters, sob 8 pizza tables, ice machines. steam
sables. walk-in coolers 8 freezers. deli cases, stales,
cosh registers, gas stoves & ovens, dishwashers for
sale 61 lease. ARCT1C Refrigeration Store FixtOSes,
Hamilton (416) 528.8528; Toronto (416) 2834600--28
D)STR)B'UTOR required in this areO to promote fastest
growing industry in N,A, P0160501 income unlimited
10 persons willing to work. Best product in industry..
Investment of S15,000 required. (4161 656-1501.-0-28
BELLE RWER FIDDLE SINGING July 30, 31, August 1. 2.
Campsites available. 57 000 prizes. Featuring The
Doubleroke Group Stepdanters and (5uolfly on Top.
Box 10, Bello River, Ontario NOR IAO or (519)
HELP RECOGNIZE Ontario's outslonding young peo-
pie: nominote someone today who qualifies for on
Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award. Contact this
newspaper for debits,=0.28
THE WOOD SHOW August 7, B. 9. A "Must See" for
woodworking enthusiasts. 100exhibitors will hove for
sate, wide variety of woodworking toots and at,
cessories quality wooden crofts. Loom From the ex.
pens - daily. live. free seminars. Woad art exhibi-
tion. Logg rs spotts Competition. For brochure, Box
930 Town of Durham Ontario NOG 180 0.28
FRIDAY July 24th at 10 a.m. MACHINERY CONSIGN.
MENT sale. Several goad pieces already consigned..
Consignments wonted- Carson's Auction Services,
Listowel. Coll (519) 291.2049.-0.28
ul ons Tse o o no ow o m l_ am ® o set
The OnlyYOUR way to get
ad in 2.5 million homes
in Canada for
$748.00 1
or in 1,241,807 homes 1
in Ontario for t
Place Vour Blanket Ciaselfled Ad by
calling One of our helpful elasslfled ad•
SUPERMARKET !LOCATED .n progressive Central Van• visors et your nearest widkly new'apllper 1:
couver Islpnd 000,).) community, 7500 sq, fl„ annual 1'. offlee for details. Lucknow 528-2822 1
Safes 52 million, business, equipment, leasehold int. Godertch 524.2614 klncadine3g5.2983
provenients 5380,000 plus inventory. Cont'tict Gory 1 Clinton 482.3443 Walkerton 881.1600 1
Reagls (604) 687.6227.-0.28
_e ®a® las laftI.!. ,
Seelotth 52/-0240 MitchAll
In order to give proper credit to all sup-
porters; talking books purchased by these
funds will be labelledwith-thedonor's name.
The Library Board' will also apply for
matching Wintario funds to further increase
the talking, book budget. .
In a recent survey of 27 libraries in the -On-
tario Library Service area of•Saugeen, it.
was -shown that only three libraries (Kit-
chener, Guelph , and Cambridge I" have
larger talking book collections and more
registered patrons than Huron County.
Huron County hasa larger number of
children using its talking book service than
any other library in the Saugeen area. The
generosity of Huron 'County service clubs
and community groups will allow the,
library to maintain and increase this high
level of service. The library will be able to
correct some of the weak areas in its collec-
tion such as the small number of children's
titles currently available.
If you know of anyone who could benefit
from the library's talking book collection.
please tell them about this completely free
service. Once they have a certificate of
eligibility signed by a health' professional
(doctor, nurse, therapist etc.), they will
become• a• registered talking book patron.
Their disability may be temporary; so-
meone with burned hands or broken arms.
or a permanent one such as blindness. Vic-
tims of strokes or arthritis are other poten-
tial talking book patrons.
Anyone who would tike to (earn more
about talking books, can phone the Huron
County Public Library headquarters at
OCA checkoff
is made non
The President of the Ontario Cattlemen's
Association. Hugh Sharpe is pleased the
Minister of Agriculture and Food has lived
up to his word. According to Mr. Sharpe.
"The prompt passage of the Amendment to
the Beef Cattle Marketing Mt, that makes
licence fees nonrefundable;' fulfills a pro-
mise that the Honorable Jack Riddell made
to delegates at the 1987 OCA Annual Meeting
in February."
The Amendment to make OCA licence
fees (checkoff) nonrefundable received
Royal Assent on Monday, June 29, 1987. This
means that OCA licence fees deducted from
producer statements on and after June 30th
are nonrefundable. OCA licence fees
deducted on cattle sold prior tO Jurie 29 are
refundablero'vided the refund a nd claim is
made within the 90. day claim period.
In late November of 1986, the Honorable
Jack Riddell agreed to amend the Beef .Cat-
tle Marketing Act to make licence fees
nonrefundable provided there was a two-
thirds majority vote at the OCA Annual
Meeting. Additionally, prior to the Coun-
ty/District Cattlemen's Association Annual
Meetings, he requested that background in-
formation be provided to producers on the
nonrefundable checkoff and that the local
Annual Meetings provide a forum for debate
on the checkoff issue.
The OCA took thorough tneasures to notify
beef producers of the Minister's decision to
accept a two-thirds majority vote at the
OCA Annual Meeting as the basis for amen-
ding the Reef Cattle Marketing Act to make
licence fees nonrefundable and Coun-
ty/District Cattlemen's Association Annual
Meetings provided for grassroots debate on
the *tie.
When' I began my term as President,
delegates to the Annual Meeting provided
our Association with a strong mandate - 85 .
per cent voted in favor of making licence
fees Mt. Sharpe.
"In recognizing the s 5
hes of beef cattle
producers, the Minister has provided the
Ontario Cattleinen's Association with the
ability to sustain our hatiDTlal beef advertis-
ing program, along with our provincial
market infdrmation program, promotion
and research programs, and other Asso'cia-
tion' activities.
"In addition to these programs, the OCA
will now be able' to build new programs to
better serve the needs of beef producers in