HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-15, Page 7All Deposits INSURED Within Limits 1�2\ 9 1011 ..Short Term 1 Year G.I.C. 5 Year ,04111G4 V2 70 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 15, 1987 -- A7 Lions Club elects officers Dublin Correspondent MRS. DON MACRAE 345-2842 or 345-2140 The last meeting of the Dublin Lions Club was their election of officers as follows: • Past President, Jim' Paratchek;' President, Dave Kraemers; 1st Vice -President, Ernie Fleming; 2nd Vice -President, Louis Kramers; Ord Vice -President, Jim Snowden; Secretary, Herb Brown; Treasurer, Louis Kraemers; Bulletin E, Don . Macae; n, MattditorMcCreightRo , Rob Brown;e-year two-ydirectorsear —tree ors,Jim ergens, o n ..I -fill;. Zo»e 7.a Chairman, Warren Bennewiesi • • • Plans were made for the Dublinfest, and an 'addition to the Community Centre was discussed and tabled until the fall. Three Lions, Pres.Dave, Warren and Herb attend-. ed Officers Training School in Holland Cen- tre recently, Visitors around' and, about, Dublin on the weekend were: Mrs. Lillian Hill of Chicago is visiting her sister Mrs. Angela. Klinkhammer. Dublin. • Jack and Denise Kelly; Stratford, visited with Don pro Ellerin MacRae. Mr. and, Mrs. Joe. Eckert were up to Paul Bunyan Campground last week with Gordon and Marion. MacDonald arid Cindy. Joan and Jerome Murray, Ron and Theresa Murray, Arthur Murray and Jerry Murray 'attended their nieces wedding, daughter of their sister Beatrice'and Gordon Cositello, formerly of Dublin, on Saturday in St. Pauls Eposile Church in Kingston. Anita Looby was hostess tq a Youth Group of Girls at her home over the weekend. They ttended theatres-and-otheraetivities-in-the surrounding district. They came from' as far away as Oshawa as well as ,Kinkora and ' Stratford and, district. Jerry Murray had the misfortune to nip off the end of one of his fingers while work- ing on his lawn mower last week. We wish you good healing,' Jerry, and better luck in the future. Careful. Marvin and Eva Benningerand children Michael, Shawn and Catherine from Horne- payne visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger, Dublin, on the weekend. Froud parents in Dublin are Joyce and Ken Whetham, they are pleased to announce that their son Kirk has received his Class 'A' Mechanics Licence. He had three-year ap- prenticing with Ryans Service Station in Stratford andis presently employed at the same, Kirk, his wife Darlene.(Maedel from Thedford) and son Tyler reside in Stratford. WRAPPING IT NICELY -Kids and bikes of all shapes and sizes afternoon at the Dublin Community Centre. Approximately 35 turned out for the annual Dublinfest Bike Parade in Dublin $atur- Dublin and area kids spent tie. -rlaJority of the afternoon, under day afternoon, Prior•to the parade, however, came the•decorating the guidance•of the Summer Fun counsellors, decorating, clean - as Melissa Eusepi, 8, left, and'Andy Fuhr, 6, demonstrate Friday ing and making their bikes look spiffy for the annual event, Cromarty, residents pleased with' rain Cromarty Correspondent R. IAING 345-2326 Last weekend Gordon and Eva Laing, ac- companied by Lorraine and Murray Lind- ner, Stratford, and Margaret and Pauline Cleland, Listowel,•accompanied by Ruth La- ing, and daughter, Marilyn Zimmer, Strat- ford motored to Sault Ste. Marie where they attended the wedding of Cameron Jefferson and Jeannine St. Jules In Eglise St. Ignace on Saturday. On Sunday morning all the Jeffersons gathered at the home of John and Norma Jefferson and presented them with a set of paintings in honor of their 3Oth wedding an- niversary on July 6. Following brunch, John and Norma, Mary Chessell, Ruth and Eva Laing, Margaret Cleland, Lorraine Lindner, Marilyn Zimmer, and Norman and Barbara Jefferson drove out to St. Joseph Island where they attended the Rev. Ernest Dow's first service at Richard's Landing. It was a pleasant surprise to meet tip with a former Brucefield native, Elizabeth (Broadfootl Trefry who said her last connection, with Cromarty was at a Strawberry supper, 1 rnest's church is about a five-minute trip by boat from the Jefferson's summer cot- tage on the,St. Mary's River. We were most.happy to receive 55 mm of rain on Tuesday night after such a long dry spell, tint' gauge registered 36 mm inl4ay and the same in -June. Intended for last week Cromarty Presbyterian Church celebrated its 135th anniversary, and the 122nd anniversary of the present church building Sunday, June 28 with a good atten- dance of members, former members and friends ,from neighboring congregations. The clerk of session, Jeab Carey, con- ducted the sevice with Carol Ann Scott at the organ. The junior choir sang "Thank You Father For Making Me See" and the senior choir, "Precious Memories". Lisa Gardiner read the old testament scripture and the responsive reading was led by her sister, Leanne. For the children's story, Mrs. Tom Scott described the school which she attended in northern Saskatchewan, noting there was no basement, running water or telephones. Lighting was by oil lamp and the post office was five miles away with delivery once a week. Lucie Milne of Mitchell was guest speaker. Using Matthew 9:16, 17 as scrip- ture she stressed the value of what has gone before, both In the building of the church and in the faith of the generations of people. Ushers for the anniversary service were Brian Miller and Richard Templeman. •. PEOPLE Gary and Gerda Dill and their two children are welcomed to the community, The Dills have purchased Eldon Allen's farm and. moved from Brodhagen. The Aliens are now living on the Staffa road and St. CoIurnban residents attend wedding Quebec where she wilt spend two weeks on a student eschange program. ChrisVogeis also left for Quebec on Satur- day on the same eschange program. Ann Marie Costello; daughter of Gordon Alphonse and Annie Cronin of St. Colum - Ann Marie (Murray) Costae dau hof er ofKingGoton daen ban and Theresa and Bob Admans Of Strat- Stephen Michael b'Arcy, son of Mr. and ford spent Monday at the Martyr's Shrine fn Mrs, Thomas b'Arcy of Toronto were united iLlidland.. In marriage at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic PARISH PICNIC Church; Kingston on Saturday, July 11. The Ste gone in t C.W.L. would like. oe- , mind everyone in the parish of the St- Col - Attending the wedding from this area umban parish picnic on Sunday, July 26. were Joe and Mamie Delaney, Joe and Mass Will be at 11 a.m. and will be follow- Helen Nolan, Pam Nolan, Jerry Murray, ed by a pot luck lunch in the church hall. Jerome and Joan Murray,and Rose There will be games and races for the Theresa Murray, Arthur Murray of Dublin, children and this will be followed by a ball Joe and Violet Murrayandgame. Marie Murray of Kitchener. More details next week. Joe and Helen Nolan also visited with PEOPLE Mrs. Bill Albert while in Kingston on the Louise Ryan of Kitchener and Mary Jo weekend. Ryan and John Nelson of Port Elgin visited QUEBEC VISIT on the weekend with Clarence and Cecilia Sandra Clamors left on Saturday for Ryan, St, Columban Correspondent MRS. GEC= RYAN 345.2626 Staffa congratulates graduate Staffa Correspondent MRS, JOHN T1MP1EMAN1 345.2346 Hibbert United Church congregation are worshipping with the Cromarty Presbyterian Church congregation during July for the Sunday morning service at 9 a m. Rev. Robert Johnson, Baden will be guest Minister on Sunday, July 16. Inuring the month of August Cromarty congregation wily be worshipping with the Hibbert congregation in, Staffa. PEOPLE Congratulations to Karen Fuller who graduated from Grade 13, Mitchell District High School as an Ontario Scholar- Karen is the daughter of Al and Dianne Fuller, &Wit .. Jim, Gert, Jennifer, Jessica and Jay Neilson, St. Catharines, , visited this past week Mtn relatives `iii Stratford and the Staffa area. Christine Miller.holidayed this past week with her grandmother, Doris Miller. A large crowd attended the Buck and Doe for Kevin Scott and Carol McGregor on Saturday evening, Mary,lane and Cassandra Parsons at- tended a bridal shower for Mary Parsons, honouring her in her upcoming Marriage. The shower was held at the home of Mary's aunt Shirley Kilpatrick, Mississauga, on Sunday. Doris Miller visited with Bill and Mary Rowcliffe, Hensall on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Burns, Mr. ,and Mrs. Lorhe Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Elliott and•Kyle, Mt. and Mrs. Dean Elliott Mitchell, Mr. Riek Van Valkengoed and Kern, Houston, British Columbia, were all Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Brian Elliott, Tyler and Brianne,• Mitchell, on the occasion of Brianiie's second birthday. will moved to a new house in Mitchell in the fall. Both families still have the same phone number. With Mrs. •Millie Evans last week was her, niece Mrs. Beatrice,Fadden,Toronto. With. Millie holidaying this week is her, niece Miss Mary Evans and her friend Miss Madeline Pieab, both from Windsor. Shirley, Van Loon from Oakridge Acres near Toronto' was here with her parents last week, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Eckert, John St. E., 1987 Dublinfest a great success The Dublin' and District Lions Club sponsored the Dublinfest on Saturday under a beautiful hot sky. Around 35 to 40 children of the Sum- mer Fun Programme along with their mothers and their little tots on their bike seats with their beautiful decorated -bicycles made the 'parade very colorful. One of the youngest on her decorated tricycle was two-year-old Nicole Fink of Dublin, and the youngest tot on the back seat was 15 -month-old Christina Summerville., They started at the post office and upon arriving at the Community Centre in Dublin, each child • was presented with a silver dollar for 'their efforts from Lion Louis Kraemers, assisted by Lion Ted Heimpel, from Mitchell. A delicious Pork Chop BBQ. was well attended in the evening, cooked by the Pork Producers and assisted by the Lions and their wives serving inside. The evening finished off with the dance, which was well attended as. usual with only minor problems. .[\H INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE Goderich 519-524-2773 1-800-265-5503 BEST RATES • Is your Phone Number not currently listed or listed incorrectly? We are going to publish a telephone listing for Seaforth, Dublin, Hensall and Clinton exchanges and would like it to be as current and correct as poi-. sible. So, if your business or home phone number is not listed or is incorrect, we will be happy to add or correct your number. Just call .. . 527-0240 The Huron Expositor Watch for, it in July! Your free personal copy of "THE PHONE BOOK"' E1'!"! 1C'l"I DVERTI If you do business, in Seaforth, Dublin, Hensall, Clinton areas, contact Ed or Karen at The Expositor to place a display ad in this Book THE PHONE BOOK -• . with large easy to read print! -