HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-19, Page 1THE VOL XXxIY.- NO. 1719. LW, _W STILL HAVE A FINE COLLECTION OF Not a Game of Chance When you come to trade with ns *on take no chances with your money. Bank deposits are not safer than our guarantee to you of good value or money back. To know what real solid clothing value is -Buy Homuth Bros.' Suits and Overcoats. We are showing some beatitiful effects, made in latest style and best workmanship, at $16.00, ' $18.00 up to $25.00 Xmas Gifts. NECITIES In Neckties we have all the new colorings and styles in Puffs, Derbys, Flowing Ends, Bows, Strings, eto. Really the finest . assortment ever shown iu the county, at ,, 25c, 50o, and .75 MUFFLERS Be sure you have one of our warm Mufflers ; materials of wool, also silk. These are the great- est value we have ever offered, at 85c, 50o, 75o, $1.00 and $1.25 GLOVES In Gloves we havo a very fine as- sortment to select from. These are good fittere-by the best makers; all sizes; $1, $1.25„ $1.75 In Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus- penders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets, Colored Shirts, White Shirts,Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, and in fact everything in Gents' wear. We invite you before buying else- where to call and havo a look at any rate, and no doubt you will go away from this store well pleased. A pleasure to show gbods. Homuth Bros 1 Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by Fastrnm PATEueow, No. 28 Victoria ! street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK • WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ID 0 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,56 5,0 0 0 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest : •allowed on aeposits of $1 and upwards, And added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. U. Varu3tone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,235,280.00. Reserve Fund, $2,100,000.00. Total Assets, $26,553,846,57. Preeident- Etox. Wes. GIBSON. Vice -President and Gefieral manager -.T. Tontotterz. Assistant (len. Manager -H. M. WATsOrt DIRECTORS John Prootor, °has. is Dalton, 3,5. liendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrns A. Birgo. Inspector -B. Willson. SAVINGS DANK. Interest allowed on deposits of *100 and up- wards, and added to principal on Bleb May and figth 2forernber each year. fleeced Deposits also reoeived at current rates of interest, W. COR1301113D, Agent DICICIESON .1301, MES, Solicitors. TO CHOOSE FROM, NOTWITH- STANDING THE CHRISTMAS RUSH. R. A. Hutchison Real Estate Notice. 1 Would you like to make 1O% clear of all ex- pense on your money? If so, I ask you to call, and see me and I will show you how to do so. Others have taken advantage of it, why not you? I have investments that are paying 10 and 12% clear of all expense, and I would like to get you interested in them. Start the New Year by making a good safe investment of your money. Farzn and town property of every description and price, for sale at your own terms. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer .Agent, VaNsTONE BLOoK. - WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Winghamstlt Works. Large quantities o salt are still being shipped from the W'rrhana salt works, Mr. Sparling and sAaff of workmen are kept busy supp g the wants of the public. The Wtn am salt is a good article' hence th increased demand. Orders are now o hand for salt to be shipped next Ju Great money saving chances at Isard's Alteration Sale, see their adv. olnstitute vleetings. Farmers' institu e meetings will be held in Huron county this winter as follows :-Agricultu 'al hall, Dungan non, February lst ; Temperance hall, Auburn, February- 2nd; Town hall, Brussels, February Frd and Town hall, Wroxeter, Februa4 4th. The speakers will be Mr. W. .0. Kydd, of Simcoe; Mr. G. Barbour, of Crosshill, and Miss L. Gray, of Torontes. , Pringle & Groves are payiny the high- est cash prices for sheep skins, hides and tallow, delivered at the tannery, Chap - man's old stand, Wingham. f Praise fro Teeswater. The Teeswater ews last week in commenting on the Wingham S. 0. S. concert says: -"Th almost impassable condition of the no4h and south , roads prevented a numUr of our villagers from attending the S. 0. S. concert at Wingham on Tuesessy night, who would otherwise like to bi there. But a few who did go say thqy were well repaid for their trouble. JThe program was ex- cellent throughO t, and the large hall was packed by ai4approciativo and de- lighted audience.t' 0 D. Stewart will continue selling his household furniture every afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock. There are many good articles for sale and it would pay parties in need of furniture to call at his residence. Farmers would do well to call and secure a bargain on a horse, cow, buggy, clutter, harness, robes, etc., etc. This is a genuine salf. as Mr. Stewart intends leaving for California the first week of February. HAM TIMES. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, efANITAIY 19, 1905. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Mass Bills have been isi nounoing a mass m the Town Hall this in the interests of speakers will be Mr. Alex Mills an all of Toronto. eeting. ed this week am eting to be held in Thursday) evening oral reform. The Rev. J. E. Starr, Mr, W. E. Roney, Buy your clothing at Isard's and save $2,00 on a suit and 0.00 on an overcoat. Samuel You 'ill's Funeral. The funeral of th, late Samuel You - hill took place on rhursday afternoon from his residence -o St. Paul's church, where an irapressiv , service was conduct- ed by Rev. Wm, IThwe, and from the church to the -Vingharo. cemetery. Many old friends f the deceased were present at the uneral. Messrs. A. Oosens, D. M. Gojdon, J. H. Boomer, J. A. Morton, os, Gregory and F. Buchanan were Ihe pall -bearers. For violins, guitars, mandolins and email goods of all kinds, go to D. Bell's music store. In the Sout Dr. Towler in w enclosing his subso for 1005, says it is w e are in the ml ern Country. ting from California, iption to the TIAIES ard to realize that le of winter, when roses and calla Mlles are out in full bloom in t le gardens in that country. We we e pleased to learn that both the Dr, and Mrs. Towler are en- joying excellent 1 ealth in the southern climate. We cap assure the Dr. that calla Mlles and roses are not in full bloom in FInt on 4ounty, but this winter thus far is king t what we had last year. Dr Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 870 Queen's Avenue, London, Ord door East St. Andrew's Churoh. Glasses supplied. Kind Word Appreciated. The following k'nd words in reference to the TIMES an its editor are taken from last week' Wingham Advance, and we can heart return to good wishes to the Advance e iitor that he has ex• tended to us. he Advance says: - "The Wingham TIMES has entered successfully its 34th year, and is in prime health an 1 good hands. Mr. Elliott has for seventeen years been connected with tl e paper, and may be said to have growm up with it. So many years with a news taper make an editor and his paper ins( parable friends. For seven years or nsore, Mr. Elliott has successfully guide 1 the destinies of the TIMES, and the patter is deservedly popu- lar with its rea lers. The Advance wishes Mr. Elliott and the Thin a very successful 34th ye tr and many more to follow." 1 Society i out of Debt. The annual me ting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society was held on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week in the Council Chambe-. The attendance of members was not as large as usual. The chair was occupic d by the president, Mr. John 3. Moffat. The auditors report showed the sooiel y to be in good shape. The total receipt for the last year were . $1450.17 and the expenditure, $1263.72, leaving a balanc on hand of $186 45, which includes the retained membership fees. The past year was one of the most successful in the history of the society. The tistal membership being 261 which is ramie higher than former years. Last yes r considerable money I was spent in m king improvements on the grounds and the entire debt of the society has bee wiped out and to -day the society is in atter shape than it has been in many years. The directors should have the hearty co-operation of the people in th a district in their effort to make Wingtsim's fall fair the best held in this se ttion. The following officers and ditectors were elected :--s Inceeasin ; Membership.d The local Cour oil of the Royal Temp. lars of Temperame is meeting with ex- h °giant enemas inincreasing its member- ship. The Contrail now Meets every Tuesday eveningin the 0. 0. F. hall and new members ara being initiated at every H mooting, but at The meeting last Tues- w day night the ref rd was broken when in eighteen new rat n1inbers Were admitted. A The Connell is vided into contesting el sides and it ia a ace to see which set of E members can se re the more new mem- a bets. ' Should tlJe present state Of things so continue the Te plus will again have d to secure a larg r meeting place. The 0 Council is doin a goodworh and has our hi best Wishes for ontinned success, 14 resident,John _Moffat;Z1st Vice Presi- ent, W. J. Henderson, 2nd Vice Presi- ent; Geo. Or dokshank. Directors - Wm. Maxwell, ..... A. Morton, S. Kernig. an, D. B. And son, E. W. Orval, Peter Fowler, W. J. nrrie, 0. A. Rh:dont, John F. Llnklr4ter. Attditots, Jno. A. MoLean and Ro t. Currie, jr. Mr. Chas, endersoh, whc has been connected ith the society time it was established 1862 was elect 3d, Honorary President. t a meeting 0! the Directors at tbe oSe of the annual meeting, Mr, IL IL lliott was rd. 'ppointed Betty-Treas., ii nd Messrs. J. A Morton, W. S. Hender- n and IL 13. Mott were elected as elegates of the annual meeting of the anadian Association of Fairs and Ex- bitions to be he Id in Toronto on Feb. th, 15th and 16 ,h. Customs Colle4lons. Customs duty collected at Goderioh and its out ports during th S year ending Deo. 31st, 1904; Goderich. Clinton . . 959:0 977 328 089 147 4762 23 Seafortb 1541 '72 Southampton 4344 20 Total......... $ 3892 47 Discount on Silveij. It is thought that the press t seesion of the Dominion Parliamen will see something done towards mak' g a dis- count on American silver aorl possibly paper money also. Mr. Bi kerdike of Montreal contemplates introducing such a bili, If the United States would se- oept Canadian money. whic4i they are not likely to do, no bill of tI4s kiud will be introduced. At present 14 looks as if a reasonable discount will 14 fixed on American money circulating in Cauada. Won from Painters on. The second home game of he North. ern Hookey League was pia ed at the rink on Friday night bet we u Palmer- ston and Winghami the soor being 4 to 1 in favor of the home team Fes play- ers decorated the fence, tho 4gh the game was somewhat rough at tit les. Flem. ing's rush from and to end and scoring was the feature of the (arming, while Galloway played his usual_ game. De - lane starred for Palmerstco on the for- ward lino and Hinton, formerly of Mon- treal, played good hockey an the defence. Tho teams:- • Wingham-Gioal, Moor 4 j point, Wil. son; cover -point, Burns; rover, Gallo- way ; centre, Fleming;J right wing, Elliott; left wing, Johns on, Palmerston -Goal, Bul r; point,Law- rence; cover -point, Hint ; rover, De - lane ; centre, McDonal ; right wing, McKaY; left, wing, Root. Aleferee,. Mr. Shortreid f Palmerston. We are positively clearing Dress Goods and Men's Suits, Overcoats. See those $8 00 and $10.00 goods clearing at $5.00 to $6.50. • G. E. KING. Toronto Huro Old Boys. The annual meetin of the Toronto Huron Old Boys was held Friday night in the Temple nilding. The re- ports of officers sho ed the society to be in a flourishing co .ition, with a good surplus in the tree ury. The following officers were elect :-Col. Otter. J. S. Willison, Mr. Just' e Garrow, E. Floody, Hugh MacMath, If J. B. Dolman, Dr Sloan and G. A. nith, Honorary Presi- dents; S. T. Chu oh, President; Geo. Deacon, Vice -Pre 'dent; W. E. Floody, secretary; W. 0. 4lcTaggart, Treasurer; J. S. MoKinuon,E. McLeod, T. G. Setae, 3. S. Timmins, J.JO Hyslop, A. A. Mil- ler, James Hislop W. Pendergast, H. Rothwell, J. 0. IslbDonald, J. P. Martin. H. C. Chums, J. A. McLaren, R. A. Walker, H. Sloan W. E. Groves, J. Marks and W. Beswetherwick, the com- mittee of mating iment. The annual at-home will be h .1d next month and the annual exon -Bien in July. The names of formeresidents of Wingham f and district will seen in the above list of officers. Did you ever tice the h Dutch- man trying t run • e son of Scotland or the 1ig X w sky man try- ing to down a tenpra e man iu your own town? Th Greece man how- ever, outwindedlM Whiskey and made him ball very I aid foe help, when he punched him ar-1 gave him cold water to swallow. B g Freeze -out sale now ou at A. R. Sm th's, See page 7. 2 1-2 pounds for 25 cents GASTILE SOAP A 2% pound bar ot Castile Soap "Shellbrand" for 25 cents at Walton McKibbon DRUGGIST. text door to Vest Office. TOWN OUN011a The Wingham Monday evening, a the 902 inst., all present except Co Mayor Bell in the o The Finance Com the payment of the John Davidson, rep A. Sanderson, sno A. E. Simmons, pr' W. G. Gray, draw 0. Lloyd, Son & drain H. B. Elliott, prin 3.];3, Ferguson, 1 $8; financial st 0. municipal el Jas. Meaty, D.R. J. B Uummings, room 3. F. Groves, D. T, Hall, rent of Jno. Longheed, r Bell Telephone Theo. Hall, print V. Vaunormau, 1 J. Ritchie, incur On motion of Stone, the repor mittee was ado Water Commi into oonsiderati alarm 'phones, ing. wn Council met on per adjournment on the members being oillor Armstrong; r. ittee recommended ollowing accounts: irs to house.. $6 51 plowing 13 50 ting ballots2.50 g hydrants.70 o., timber for 5,52 ing 18 00 cemetery deeds ement $8; D. R. otion $3 19.00 . ward 2. 3.00 D.R.O. and poll 5.00 .0. ward 4 3.00 oll room200 nt of poll room2 00 o 10.00 g 6.50 other for pimps 4.48 ce on hall 21 00 ansa Greer and Van - of the Finance Com - ted and the Fire and ee instructed to take the account for fire d report at next meet - Good, strong corsets for 33c at Isard's Alteration Sale. See them. Meister Sing •rs Delightful. They oreate a .plendid impression everywhere. Spea ling of the Meister Singers, the critic at the London Adver- tisert says :-"Nev has better team work been heard tl4n that of the Meister Glee Singers. .,.t only was their intonation so perft that every chord rang true, but th +y achieved in the lighter passages, 3 quite remarkable resonance. Their selectious were all right in oharactco, bat exoeptionally well sung, good' phrasing, distinct articulation, and v tried exuressiou being additional featur63 of their singing. "Sunny Jim" iu floe actions, was pre- sent under the non de guerre of Roland Henry. His mus cal burlesques were uproariously faun: , his stories equally f so." Another cri o says: -"The con- certed singing of e quartette was per- haps the most t king features of the program. For t ne, quality, blending, articulation and p fection of ensemble, nothing equal te_ the work of these gentlemen has be sn heard here before. From the counter .ener of Mr. Sexton to the deep resonant miss of Mr. Waltham the singing was e 'ective and delighful to listen to." T e Meister Glee Singers will appear in thj Opera House, Wing - ham, on Saturd y evening, January. 28th, under ons ices of Westminister Guild. Admissicjn 50c and 25c. Plan of hall and tick ts on sale at Walton McKibbon's dru store. Wingham Non at Listowel. The Winghan Hockey Club, accom- panied by about 150 of its supporters, travelled to Listrwel b3 special train on Tuesday evenin to try conclusions with the team of thatj town, which has not been beaten on t eir own ice in ten years, and our boys fat ly walked away with the game, win tug by the handsome score of 10 to 3. lrhe score at half time -4 to 2 in favori of Wingham-fairly iudicates the play, nd as time wore on in the second half, lemiug, Hippo aud Elliott fairly sea thered Riggs with shots, When the jramn pulled out of Wingham there we4e fully 100 of the club's admirers on bard, with the citi- zen's band, and th number was in- creased by 35 at russels and 25 at Atwood. Arriving a Listowel, a pro, cession was formed a d, preceded by the members of the hockey club, marched to the rink. Sharp at 8..5, the teams lined up before Referee Brc wn of the Toronto Marlboros, who gave he usual warning. The game started low at first, and Listowel scored 2 or,nice shots from Hay. Wingham took a chance or two, and the first half en ed 4 to 2 in their favor. There was s me talk of Listowel "swamping" Wing am, but the local septette would not ave it that way, and soon the score stoo 8 to 2 in favor of Wingham, Meing, Galloway and Elliott doing the tr oke repeatedly, and were nobly support d by Johnston, Har- rington ann Wilso , while Moore in goal looked well afte stray shote. With only four reliant to play, Listowel again found the it and the oorowd "went in the air" ally to alight and find the score 10 to 3 it favor of Wingham. Manager Moore re -eived the lieattiest congratulations on the splendid victory, and the train left for home. The fol. rrington; forWards, Wingham-Goal Moore; point, Wit son; cover point, L lowing id the Fleming, Elliott, 3 Inston, Galloway. Listowel -Goal, Riggs; point. 0, liaX; cover point, V. 'Mar; forwards, Hay, Rebirths, Clek and Thomson. • CHURCH 1NOTES. $ 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Artificial Eyes We fit them. We match the natural eye. We make them comfortable. We shape them to the mus- cles so that they move With the natural eye. The annual basin es meeting of the congregation of the Wingham Presby- terian Church will ; 2 held in the lecture room of the church an Thursday even - evening, February d. Rey, H. 0. Priest, returned mission- ary will give "A Picure Talk on India" in the Wingham 3aptist Church this (Thursday) evening, Mr. Priest is a former pastor of thtl Wingham Baptist Church and his man, old friends will be pleased to again hay an opportunity tat hearing him. House for Sale. -Lot No. 4. n South side Maple St., on eas te s of pay- ment. Apply to R. V - ONE, Solicitor for estate of W. T.A. Fishleigh, deceased. PER °NAL - We shall be glad this column from e have visitors or pur drop in and tell us, effect. to have contributions to of our readers. If yon ose going away yourself, r send us a note to that Mrs. Kent of outhampton is visiting with Mrs. R. C gg. Mr. Robt. LEAP of Sarnia, is visiting friends in town his week. Mr. Neil MoEsnzie of Luoknow, visit- ed friends in team over Sunday. Mr. Roy Crosaston of Toronto is visit- ing relatives ant friends in town. Miss Annie G lohrist has been spend- ing a few holid vs with friends in Brus- sels. Mr. C. Dallas as spending a few days with old friend in Ingersoll during the past week. Miss Laura moth left this week for London, where he will take a course in voice culture. Mrs. G. A. De dman of Brussels, was a visitor for a fe days during the past week with Mrs. rowett. Mrs. H. Bell a d Miss H. Ball were at Brussels on Wed esday of last week at- tending the funer 1 of the late Mrs. J. A. Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. W P. Grierson left on Monday to spend a few weeks with relatives and friends in the neighbor- hoodof Parkhill eel Sylvan. Mr. W. C. Thomason, who has been clerking in the Bea er block hardware store for some year :, leaves for Toronto in a few days whe1ce he has secured a good situation. Mr. R. D. Cam on, of Lueknow was in town for a fe hours on Tuesday, while on his way o Clifford, where he spoke at a politic meeting in the inter- est of Mr. Arch. Helop. Dr. R. C. Redm nd, B. A., who has formed a partne ship with Dr. J. S, Chisholm, arrived in town last week, and expects to re ove his family here in the course of a fef weeks. Mr. T. G. Tiph g, late of Goderich and a former resident of this section, is 4 Money SavinA SHOE SALE Other Eyes Natural, but needing help. We examine in our new optical room, and pave the most modern eye glasses made to prescription for each case requiring such, A.I.McCall &Co. LIMITED. Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, ONT, renewing old ac parts of Huro located at G friends will be p ie prospering in t uaintances in different county. He is now wold, Man., and his ased to learn that he e West. Application itfbeing made for a charter for a steam to way from Woodstock to St. Marys, the ce to Grand Bend, Kin- cardine and derich. Mr. Ewa4 Kidd, M. P. for Carleton, will resign i,ti favor of Mr. R. L. Bor- den if the efeotors of the riding consent. and the ne election will be held iia - mediately. A bill to_amend the license act, intro- duced ia tl e Manitoba Legislature, in- creases the license fee in Winnipeg to $500, and makes several important changes. The home Tucker on for sale. F premises. .•••••,•••••••• of the late Mrs. Wm. osephine stzeet is offered particulars apply on the For the best makes of Pianos, call and look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to suit purchasers. They are the best money can procure. Remember the stand, near Bell's factory. No Sir! NISir-ee, as Mr. Police asked once. All tl a fire -arms I ever carried since I was 1 :nee height of a grasshopper was the Papery McLeod trip. The whisky -men fair • Brussels caused me to lose a fo e: thousand stook. I did not even t'frompromise or comprom- jeered. T 's one reason why the big men in Tor, nto sell us goods without having the sent 0. 0. D. It don't do always to believe bleary -eyes. Big Freezeont s le now on at A. R. Smith's. See page 7. Jr-ifeir~ww00-0.p...m.avadvz We have now reached the season of the year when we always cut the prices on our Fall and Winter Footwear. We have no excuse to offer -we simply want to con- vert the balance of this season's stock into cash to gct ready for Spring and Summer Shoes. We don't want this ad. to appear sensational or read like a " fake." We want it to impress sensible people as a truthful statement of a plain business Shoe proposition. And these out prides offer you the best kind of a ren. son for buying all the Footwear you can use for some time to come, 20 and 25 pkor cent. off all Fall and Winter Footwear W. J. GREER Shoer to the People. . +1 4