The Huron Expositor, 1987-07-15, Page 5McKillop man has newspaper JULY 15, 1887 " Mr.R. B. Scott, of McKillop; has shown us a real literary curiosity in the shape of the • . first paper published in Palestine twelve years ago. It is a paper about half the size of • The Expositor and One side isprinted in ' Arabie and the other in French. The Arabic characters are most comical and resemble some what phonographic hieroglyphics. A meeting'of the town council was held on Monday evening. Accounts for street lin- ' provements, to the amount of $588 ,were • passed and ordered. to be. paid. A bylaw authorizing the watering of main street was passed. Thilire ana water committaTvere - authorized to have the reservoir at the waterworks completed at as early a date, aS • possible and at as small a cost as consistent . with efficiency. Mrs. Peter Scott, of Brussels, is at present in town visiting her 'parents and other ' friends. Mr. W. M. Gray and family intend going to Point Farm next week to get over a few of • thehot days, rusticating on the lake 'beach. • Mr. D. Radcliffe,'the general agent for the North American Insurance Company., has. gone to 1Vlanitoba in the -interest of his com- pany, he will be gone about six weeks: JULY 19, 1912 Among the successful candidates at the recent Saskatchewan Provincial election We are pleased- to. see the name of our old friend, Mr. Samuel J. Latia. Mr Latia is a native of Tuckersmith, near Chiseihurst, and for several years he was principal ofthe Zurich public sphool. Mr. E. McLean of Seaforth was in . Brussels this week the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott. IN THE YEARS AGONE from the Archives Mr. W. M. Doig, barrister, of the Soo, Michigan is here renewing acquan- tainances. Mr. Doig purposes bringing his Wife and family to Canada to reside on his fine farm in Tuckersmith for a time. Mr. Robert Bell left on a business trip to the western provinces en Saturday. He will be absent -a -bout two weekTh-613eil works in Seaforth are shipping threshing outfits to the west as rapidly as they can get them out and they are selling them out there as a fast as they arrive. • Dr. Fowler, of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, was in this vicinity this week visiting old home friends. An increase of more than 300 per cent from $710 to $2,449 is shown in Huron police court fines for the first six months ofy this year, as compared with the same period in 1936, according to figures released from the county police office this week. The fortieth annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance' Union of Huron County met in Main Street United Church, on Friday, the president, Mrs. Tin- dall, occupying the chair. Seaforth council struck a snag in its • sidewalk program on Tuesday evening , when Councillor Chas. Holmes, chairman of the street committee, told the cost would be somewhat higher than was previously estimated. The committee which had received an estimate of 85 cents a square yard had since been in communication with S. W. Ar- chibald, civil engineer, who told the com- mittee the cost might run to $2 a square yard. • • Scouts from Huron County to the number of nearly zoo. Wednesday night held a jam-, boree and Miffiir-cirTAgricriltaral-Park in Seaforth. • • • JULY 19; 1962 Charges of fraud directed against her and • referred to in stories given wide publicity last week in daily papers' are completely false, according to Miss Agnes Lynch of Seaforth. • Seaforth Pee Wees came back Tuesday night to tie the first round of the WOAA Pee Wee playdowns when they defeated the New Hamburg 11-8, . Several Seaforth couples, on tours to Europe and the West Coast, returned home over the weekend. • Attending Lions International convention at Nice, France, in June, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. • Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. John Modeland, Mr. and Mrs. E. Larone, and Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Keating later enjoyed tours through the Continent and in England and -Scotland. Mr. Bert Allan, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Wilson Allan, in Tuckersmith. The brothers enjoyed a happy reunion after an absence of 20 years. Canadians held hostage by mai: strike Canadians have been held hostage for too long by the effective monopoly which the post office has on the delivery of letters in Canada. Believe it or not, the law says that you must charge more than three times as much as the post office to deliver letters. If you charge less than that you commit a crime which could result in imprisonment for five 'years! In addition, through assault, vandalism, threats and harassment by picketers, unions have an effective monopoly on the supply of labour to the post office. The result of this "double monopoly" is that the country is being held to ransom by the postal unions and there is no alternative to which Canadians ean turn. Instead, we're amworomoomi•••••••••e-smat eas. LETTERS, TO TI -IE. EDITOR. forced to put up with strikes, disruptions, high prices and inefficiency in our postal service. Many small and new businesses have been pushed to the brink of bankrupt- cy. Billions of dollars have been lost to the economy. That's why we're urging Canadians to ask Prime Minister Mulroney to end the post of- fice monopoly. If Canada Post were exposed to the discipline of free enterprise competi- tion, the change would be revolutionary. The time for tinkering with the post office mess has passed. Papering over the cracks in the system will only invite further trouble. We say, "Stamp out the post office monopoly and allow free competition." The time has come for fundamental change - and political courage. Yours sincerely, bavid Somerville, • President, • National Citizen's Coalition UNICEF volunteer chairman thanks media • On behalf of the Ontario UNICEF Com- ing water to the world's most needy children mittee and the hundreds of volunteers and their families. • across the province who organize our yearly • The public support received in Ontario - programs, I would like to thank the media, has enabled UNICEF- to dramatically and the people of Ontario for their very reduce child mortality in many developing generous support during the past year. . countries with programs including child irn- During the fiscal year ended March, 1987, munization; oral rehydration therapy and UNICEF Ontario raised a total of $1,700,000 the promotion of breast feeding. through the efforts of the children who col- As we begin a new year we would like to lected at Halloween and adult supporters impress upon the people of Ontario the im- who purchased UNICEF cardsand gifts and portanee of their continued support, Our made personal donations. beautiful selection of year-round greeting These funds will go directly towards cards and gift items are on sale now. They UNICEF's work providing health care, make wonderful gifts for graduation, bir- basic education, nutrition and clean drink- thdays and anniversaries, as well as carry- ing a message of hope for the world's children: Thank you, Ontario, for helping UNICEF to give the, children a tomorrow.- If you would like to find out more about the work of UNICEF, become e-,tvalunteer or support our fund-raising prodains, please contact the Ontario Unicef Committee, 333 Eglinton Avenue E., Toronto, Ontario, NEP 1L7 or call (416) 487-4153. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth Haig Provincial Chairman (Volunteer) Ontario UNICEF Committee Hullett Twp. councillor resigns position Hullett council accepted with regret the resignation of councillor Harvey Stewart at its July 7 meeting. An advertisement inviting applications to fill the seat for the remainder of the term should be in to the clerk's office by 4:30 p.m, on July 27. TENDER ACCEPTED A tender price of $36,756.50 from Robert Nicholson Construction Ltd. for the street construction in Londesboro, was accepted subject to Ministry of Transportation and Cormtunications approvaL • Hullett council also appointed Tom Cunn- ingham to attend the Court of Revision for the Study brain on Tuesday, July 28. ORDER HEARINGS Ken Dunn of B.M. Ross and Associates was given authorization to order the bear- ings needed for bridge deek reconstruction on Lot 19, Concessions 6 and 7 of the township. Permission was given to the Seaforth and District Community Centres to transfer, funds to the reserve funds for 1987. BY-LAW PASSED A by-law was passed to impose special att- nnal drainage rates upon !and in respect of , which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act. 1971, in the amount of $25,300. Permission was given to the Auburn Lions Club to hold a Slow -Pitch tournament on September 1043 with a proposed beer garden. Plans from Burns Ross for reconstruction of certain streets In Londesboro were ac- cepted by Hullett Township Council at its June 2 meeting. Council also instructed Burns Ross to in- vite tenders for the excavation and granular base on two blocks of Elizabeth Street and the southerly blocks of Sarah Street and Silver Street, Londesborough residents who will be af- fected by street construction have been in- vited to a meeting on June16 to discuss the issue, Ron Dross and Tom Cunningham have been named as voting delegates for Hallett council at the AMO convention. A tile drain loan application for Lot 42, Concession 14, has been approved, subject to the availability of funds and township by- laws. Both the reeve and the Clerk of Hallett township have been instructed to sign an agreement with Joe flunking regarding crop damage to land rented from Hendry dur pit excavation. Approval was given to a tax rebate under Section 496 from the Assessment office, and a grant of $50 was given to the Huron Plowmans Association. Council approved Bev Shaddick to take in the seminaron Computerized Municipal Ac- counting in London on June 11, and the ac- counts as presented were approved, passed and paid. BY-LAWS PASSED Township council passed a by-law to change a street name in the Hamlet of Londesborough from Woodmans Lane to Trueman Street. Also passed was a by-law for the erection of street signs in that hamlet, and for nurnbering the buildings and lots along those streets. A by-law was passed to set the various mill rates to levy taxes in the township of Hallett for 1987. A further by-law was passed to impose special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money it borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, in the amount of $5;700. OUR ELEVATORS ARE READY TO RECEIVE YOUR 1987 ONTARIO WHITE and RED WHEAT CROP 2 Receiving Legs 8000 bu / hour unloading capacity Pl3ELL ELEVATORS' DU L N 5270249 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUI.Y 15, 1987 — A5 MAPLEWOOD MANOR •Seaforth 527-1440 • .. Mrs., Fran.Hook, R.N. ' • Let Our •Administrator SERVICES AND FEATURES • help you.enjoy an independent retirement lifestyle 0, All ,meals; snacks • • Laundry,' housekeeping ---=•-2-4--Hour—Staff on Dut • 'Long term/ short ter* • Companionship, security • Private 4 -piece bath _RN.,_qh_duLy ' vacation & convalescent care IJBSCRIBERS When it's time .to renewyour Expositol, , renewal notices will be inserted in your papeq-. Watch for it - don't miss a single issue. XiS°0• 1S it 0 r 527-0240 SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET TOP ROUND STEAK 0)89 L. • RUMP, SIRLOIN TIP, •ROUND STEAK 279 ROAST LB 1 NOW OPEN MONDAYS BONELESS LOIN PORK CHOPS FOR THE BARBECUE • PORK SIDE RIBS2 6 9 LB. Phone Orders Taken 527-1821 NEW in Seaforth! Larry McGrath announces the opening of his new business — McGRATH PLUMBING qnd HEATING. Larry brings with him 11 years experience in plumbing and heating in Seaforth and area, and looks forward to maintaining the service peo- ple have become accustomed to. REPAIRS • NEW INSTALLA- TIONS • LICENCED GAS FITTER. PHONE '527-0493 cGRATH ,7LUIVIBIN AND HEATING Pilr5DUIGH S ps1 IW1 lir 4. PREMIUM QUALITY STAINS AVAILABLE IN A TOTAL OF 84 SHADES ALKYD -OIL (Water Repoltent) SOLID COLOUR or Sall-TRANSPARSNT •ExCeptional water repellency *Outstanding colour • retention *Excellent durability and adhesion *Seals and protects *Enharites natural wood bOabty. cerj Weild reSerVatiVe mg Rase our Pittsburgh Paint Centre AIN ST. SEAFO TH 27-1420 4