HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-08, Page 8A8— THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 8 1987 Dublin now has . . • ' EDITOR'S NOTE: Eileen MacRae is the • new correspondent for Dublin. Anyone ' wishing news to be printedin the Advocate .AND'the Seaforth Huron Expositor in. the future ean kindly phone 395-2842 or 395-2190. • dotienews in 'Dublin this week is the re- opening of the Dublin Market, which opened . last Thursday. The new owners are Hyuing . and Odessa Kim of Toronto. They are residing in thehouse next door to the store. We wish them much success in eir new business. Streets • have been paved and new sidewalks laid for the first time in a number of years. John St. East, Raglan St. East an,d the new sidewalk on Mill , St. from the railway tracks to the corner of Union St: in co-operation of Hibbert Township, and grants from the Ministry of Transportation and Corrununica bons. • The Grade. 8 Graduation exercises of St. Patrick's School, Dublin, were held on June a. 23. The graduation mass was celebrated in St. Patrick's Church With Father Carrigan. Mr. LarryCook ' was the master of • ceremonies for the presentation of awards. The awards were as follows: to the most im• proved students, boy and girl, was presented by Dgn MacRae from the Dublin • Lions Club to Kevin Van Rakel and Denise MacRae, Don's granddaughter. • Knights of Columbusavvard, to the highest academic boy and girl: Dwight. Eickmeyer and Mary Ann Saunders, presented by Louis Kramers. PTA Award for highest academic student to Dwight Eickmeyer, presented by Mrs. 'Seiler, president of the PTA. OPP Leadership award, presented by Constable Roger Dumas to Angela Poppe. The most diligent, award was presented to Kevin Van Bakel by -Mr. Craig. A gift on behalf of the CWL was given to all the students by president Mrs, Garry. Van Loon. , • Grade 8 graduation photos donated by the PTA were presented to the students by Mrs. Seiler,and certficates by Mr. Cgok. The sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Ron and Theresa Murray in the loss of their brother-in-law Gerard Pleau of London, who died on Friday after an in- dustrial accident, and also to Mr. and Mrs. • George Ducharme of Mitchell, he was their son-in-law, husband of Maryanne Ducharme. Louis and Shirley Kramers, Don and Eileen MacRae and Jeremiah Murray of Dublin attended the Knights of Colurnbus. Mass of Father Stephen Eckert Council at St. James Church, Seaforth on June 28th by rather Carauana. , Special awards were then presented to long tiine Brother Knights. ' The Monsignor D.J. Egan General Assembly Fourth Degree K of C formed an Honor Guard for their Faithful Friar, Father Carauana. Reeve Roy Swart gave a short rundown on his experience in municipal politics. Brother Clarks Rau of Binewater gave an interesting talk on the formation of Father Stephen Eckert Council and the acquisition of the St. Columban School for the council chambers. District Deputy Rene Brochure brought greetings from the District and advised that there would be a Marian Day of Prayer in St. Marys on Sunday, August 18. A number from the area attended the • Open House in Kinkora for Sister Florence Kelly on Sunday on the occasion of the 50- yeras in the religious fiel&Sister Florence was a principal for a number of years in the Dublin, St. Patrick's School. She is well known in the district and our congratulations go out to her. Don and Eileen MacRae were•guests, a belated Father's Day dinner at his • daughters Nora Ann and Ian's in London on Sunday. Don and Eileen were in Sudbury at the Post Master's Convention on Father's Day weekend. They also ealled at the home of D.J. and Marg MacRae in Oakridge Acres in London to wish Marg a happy birthday. Come to the E$ublinfest Pork Barbecue this Saturday, July II in the Dublin Pavilion, sponsored by the Lions Clob. BOB McKINLEY RA I CLINTON. NCM ILO Representing your TOTAL PINANCI4L PLANNIN NEED we CAN Oncivitie You wrilt: Annuities'. RRIPs., Business and Personal Life In - aura -rice. Group Lite, Health and Pension Plans. liteeirfie Replacement Plans. REISP's. WC's. Mutual Funds and Debentures. LICENSED WITH: ThelViarinfaeturers Lifeinsurana ComPanY Olt CALL 48273714 ,accmceszedgemakeill, HOME RENOVATIONS Prices Ozi Aluminum & Vinyl -Sititikto •56f4HA Feitita*Pealto Detki • *6(064166 & & Barbecue kti • • ItIdtittiin • Now Additions ReRootis • itiiiihiediaient • StOrreit & Shuttett 6 DeyiNall FRE ESTIMATES . S645 RiniireserifisHirint PAUL D. MAtiASSE PHONE 345,2155 Long DMan dcitttnittiet • • TRICKY MOVE -Nicky Longstaff was one of a number of children who.participated.in a series of games and special events Friday, when the Seaforth Library hosted its 8th An- nual Teddy Bear's Picnic. Mcllwraith photo • • Stcsffa WI enjoys car tour Staffa Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEM PLEM AN 345-2346 A enjoyable car tour to Milbank and Milverton preceeded by lunch at the Red Maples in Monkton, highlighted the June meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute on Tuesday, June 30. At Milbank, 14 members and three visitors enjoyed a stop at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Urias Martin, where Mrs. Martin displayed and told about her barnboard paintings and Mr. Martin displayed his woodworking skills in furniture, lamps and childrens toys. Before leaving Mrs. Martin served refreshments: The members were then off to Milverton where they visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Jack, where we enjoyed viewing their collection of bells, harness accessories and other antiques. At both homes Esther Smale expressed ap- preciation for their hospitality. A short business meeting was held at the Maples following lunch with Roberta Templeman residing. The Staffa Women's Institute will be sponsoring Tammy Parsons in the Queen of the Fair competition at Mit- chell Fair and Grace Kerslake volunteered to look after getting the sash, flouters etc. and introducing Tammy. Esther Striate, Doris Miller and Marjorie Drake volunteered to set up the Institutes display at Mitchell Fair. Anyone having any articles to contribute is asked to bring them to the July meeting. Margaret Kemp reviewed the plans for the July meeting which is to be held at the Mitchell Nursing Home on July 29, when we will visit with the residence arid serve lunch. Vertie Mahon will purchase gifts for two previous 441 leaders to be presented at our September meeting. ' Several members volunteered their home for billeting at the London Area Convention in October. Thanks to the Tweedsmuir Curatort, Esther Smale and Edna Burchill for plann- ing a most enjoyable outing. Joyce Pell was presented with the B. F. Casew -Music Award trophy at the Grade 8 graduation cermonies held at Upper Thames Elementary School recently. As well as her parents Helen and Lorne Fell, her grandparents, Edna and Sam Horn, At- wood, were also in attendance. PEOPLE Roger Fell as returned home from a 4-H trip to Indiana, where he spent a week in Cass County. Barb Templemen and Scott Bonikorusky, Toronto, spent the weekend with the Templeman family. - Laurie and Helen McKellar hosted the McKellar family reunion at their home on Saturday, June 27. Fifty .relatives enjoyed an afternoon of ball followed by a pot luck supper and a camp fire at night. Bev Carrah, Cain and Cohen Templeman spent a few days this past week visitng with Carol Stewart and Jane Robinson, Kitchener. John and Roberta Templeman, Doris Miller and Wanda Martyn, were all guests at the convocation ceremony at, Humber College, Toronto on Thursday evening,' when Barb Templemari graduated from the Applied and Creative Arts Division in Public Relations. A large crowd attended the Buck and Doe party for John Louwagie and Mary Parson at the Brodhagen Hall on Friday evening. Several from this community were guests at the Walkom-McLean wedding in Thamesview United Church, Fullarton, on Saturday. Steve and Terry will be residing in Staffa following their honeymoon. We welcome them to the community. Weekend visitors at the Templeman home were, Pat, Joanne and Mathew Donovan, Campbellville, Scott Bonikowsky, Toronto, Don, Darlene and Sean Ellison, Goderich, Nancy, Kimberly and Danny Bertens, Fullarton, Ruth Templeman, Stratford, Terry Templeman, Mitchell, Fay, Michelle, Julie and Becky Martyn, Russeldale, David, Karen, Lindsay and Mallory Templeman, Mitchell, Mary Jane and Cassandra Par- sons, Rob, Bev, Carrah, Cain and Cohen Templeman, Staffa. Twin City Bombers held a very successful slow pitch, ball tournament in Mitchell on the weekend. Robin and Joan Daynard attended the 28th anniversary party of Robin's gradua- tion from Guelph thliversity on the weekend. JOHN ELECTRILC •Farm Wiring •House Wiring •Cinniertial Wiring *Nile Line Construstien 'Hydro Pole "You name it well wire it". • PHONE 345-2447 •`24fir.Ernergency Service - John Elligeen Electric Ltd. R.R. #4, Walton; Ontario. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED A select group of English-speaking teenagers front Etitope. Asia, and Latin America will arrive in Canada this August — each one looking forward to living with a Canadian family for a high school year. • YOU -could bone of those Whines! CHOOSE YOUR' STUDENT!!! Volunteer fandlies are urgently needed. Call your Taal foundation representative today to find out how you can share in this very special experience. E2i0 from &Waco' cantoday: Janice Rose 519-4824768 (etteningS) Educational PouridMitirl for Foreign Study or Bali toll-free 140 -44 -SHARE PC{ HOTS MMER BUYS • Specials in“effect Thursday, Friday,' Saturday (While Supplies Last) OLD FASHIONED DATE • 4, nri SQUARES 13UV DELICIOUS 8 INCH CHERRY PIE Try our Delicious Tea Biscuits, Kaiser Rolls & Cake DOnuts! SOFT • DINNER ROLLS Tasty Nu Store Only A WIDE VARIETY OF ° CANADIAN & IMPORTED CHEESES SUPER SPECIAL -- Mild Cheddar Lp.. • Herbs 4nd Spices Cream Cheese • LB. SIX GRAIN 16 OZ. LOAF BREAD THAT HOMEMADE TASTE ..'414401414 hESI; - 7 k ,. ,!;:mmagianottotortoollt '. ...., R.. ,,,,.,:. ir, '. * ,.., -,Agataimivne, ..1"•'.4 i':, : .-°1 qI, . EXTRA SPECIALS .1 • , , , r., ' if "' 1,1 Q .,,.: 1? .. ' . ; IFTT • '. Effective CANADA GRADE A BEEF - REGULAR BLADE TEAK . . S LB. Till Sat., Julf 11 0 - ,., r ' I kli STORE PACK - CANADA PACKERS, SKINLESS WIENERS 454 (C7)c.K G. 0 ' kit '4- • . ' CANADA GRADE A BEEF SHORT RIB ROAST LB. .. ,...' CANADA GRADE A BEEF, BONELESS • (r.Ol) CROSS RIB STEAK., 0 ''''''''Y' • ,.. , r ' • -,,i' • 4 4 STORE PACK BEEF PATTIES LB. 1 0 9 ''.. 4 4 4 - , , • STORE MADE . . al," SAUSAGE , LB. 14,'Il . } • FAMILY PACK. • ,. • CHICKEN THIGHS . LB. ' ,--,:: 4 , -' COLESLAW '- POTATO, MACARONI FRESH SALADS , L. • . .,, , . .. Pt : SCHNEIDERS BLUE RIBBON -- - . A „ , L . , ,,,... BO, , --LOGN 11. ., fl TALIFFER MOCK CHICKENL. O AF LB i I . , STORE slice) , .w. twr, „,_. :,,,.-:, i /,' - ...,,,-,..... • . .,;.i; fk;":,,•f..':::,' fl-• ''' •-• t :i ( - I '• i ..._, ,,-•—% ,, ._. ......, • •). — ,...__,, , . % . • --- - • GROUND . io..... An REGULAR 9..E.m. i OLEAN' to •N,..• 1111 ill ,LB. LB. ' LB, , . .