HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-08, Page 70747„,1774i., 7-1•47,.1, • 7,W,77; . Candia Dalfa huge success The 1987 Canada Day Festivities turned . out to be very successful. The SeafOrth Fire Department served approximately 400 peo- RECREATION PREVIEW , 'pie for the breakfast. There were approx- imately 300 townspeople on main street for by Marty Bedard .... the picture and to release balloons. The Leisere walk - Poker Rally • attracted ap- •••••••••••••••••• . , proximately 7,0 walkers and a very large Sheila and Jeremey Nigh $15; law hand - crowd turned • out for the spectacular Cooper family $10. firewOrkg display,' ' . ' • Congratulations to all winners and thanks Results of the Leisure Walk Poker Rally for participating,. are as follows: . • - . 1. • A speeial thanks should go out to George ' 14 and under , • , Hildebrand, for alt the time and work he put , . 1st - Jennifer and Chris Marion $25.; 2nd :.. • into the day. Also a thanks should go to the. 1.....,---.„ Firemen for letting f the 515; low hand -• Angela Moir and .Danielle fireworks, and to everYone, else that' helped Armstrong $10., . . out in: the days events. It was a huge 14- 20 ' , . • success. 1st - Kim Wells and Lisa Preszcator $25', FITNESS IS FUN with Drusilla Leitch . ,. - . • • 20-55 , • startt tonight at 8 p.m. at the Seaforth and. 1st - Ruth and. Steve Hildebrand $25; 2nd - -.District Community Centre. To register Judy Hanlon and Audrey Mcllwain $15; low please call the Recreation Office at 527-0882 hand - Lynda Huard .and Marg .Mennel $10.- or register,on the first night of class. 55 and over • AQUA -FIT, - the new way to exercise, in 1st,- Jean Pinder and Olive Little $25;.2nd - water, will begin at the Seaforth Lions Pool. ' Jim Kelly and Mary Longstaff $15; low hand • Call 527-0950 for more information. -'Dorothy Williams and Dorothy Papple $10. , Family ' . St. ThOnMs Anglican Church"is hosting a 1st - Judy Welts -and Zara Finlay $25; 2nd - NEW AND USED SALE every, Saturday in . ... • July at the parish Hall. G'� down and get In on all the bargains. The Seaforth SWIM TEAM will be practis- • ing on Tuesday and Thursdays from .4 to 5 p.m.' at the pool.' For information or registration please.call 527-0950. Don't forget our SISTER 'CITY INTER- N-ATION-AL-GAWS-will-be-beld4n-Seafepth- on July 31, August 1 and 2, 1987: Many ac- tivities and events are being planned, please watch for details. Don't miss out in all the • excitement, For information please call m at the Recreation Office 527-0882. 1 It LADIES BALL. HOCKEY will continue this week, with action starting at 8 p.m. tonight (Wednesday) at the Seaforth and District Community Centres: Whether or not ball hockey will continue, tn run will de-' pend on the turn out. Anyone interested in keeping the activity going should come out tonight. Local lawnbowlers place well in tournaments • Local taWn bowlers have been attending • out-of-town tournarnents. Three teams com- peted inDoderich on July 1 and Neil'and Ed- na Bell were high two game winners while 'Art and Mary Finlayson were third with three wins. At Brussels Mixed Pairs the Finlaysons placed second. At Mitchell on Saturday ' Jack and Marie Muir and Olice Papple were - among the high- two game winners. Clare • Reith of Seaforth and Wm. Neely of Strat- -ford were at a tournament in Waterloo on Saturday. • The Legion is sponsoring a men's tourna- ment in Seaforth, on Wednesday. Men's WATER FUN -The Seaforth Lions Pool was packed with vacationing children of all ages who look advantage of the warm ' weather to splash in the pool. Boe Alkemade sits on Kurt Lindemann's shoulders in an attempt to catch. the life guard's attention. Blake photo pairs starts_ at 1030 a.m. : .• • -. Euchre prizes went to Rachel Riehl, , Localjitneys have beetiwell attended and ladies high; Helen Connell, ladies low; Ver - on Monday -afternoon, at 1:30 p.m. is ladies. da Sinclair,' ladies • lone hands; Russell bowling. A welcome is extended to the 'new Worden, mens high; Jack :Sinclair,mens lady bowlers•coming out. • • . low; -and Jim Ke'yes, mens lone hands. • The men have decided to bowl on Friday afternoons at 1:30 p.m. and new bowlersBridge scores were;' Beth Phillips, ladies . are ' • • 'high; Ruth Beuttenmilrer, ladies low; Jim 'welcome. ' . The ladies provincialKelly, mens hi third stage finals • and' Mel Brady, mens high; will be in Seaforth .July 18 and plant, are .low. • • underway for hosting this event. • . Edna Bell presided in 'the absence of The Seaforth Lawn Bowling club held its Mary"Finlayson. A card was signed by all June pot puck social with 50 people present. present at the social to congratulate Art and Following the • supper 30 -members and . Mary :Finlayson on their 45th wedding associates played cardsand 201awn.boivled. annivergary.. • THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY,8, 1987 4 •Agirvim-, Enjoy your round of golf .... then savor a deliciougmeall °FAIRWAY. BUFFET" FRIDAY, JULY 10 - 8:30 p.m. - Barbecue Sparerib Pinner by Country Caterers RESERVATIONS ONLY - $25.00 per couple at:the PRO SHOP or COUNTRY CATERERS Join us every Sunday for SUNDAY LUNCH —'11 - 2 — by Country Caterers 4.» 0. cdosti,teilee ;tease Winthrop Peeweeson top ingame Winthrop Peewee Boys were on the road .Bakel hit two tingles, and Wayne Rumford, for three games the past week, coming out John Worsley and Jason Harrison each hit on top in only one of those games. . one single. . A grand slam was all Brussels needed in the bottom of the sixth to defeat Winthrop 17-13 on June 30. Both teams had plenty of hits, making an exciting game for the fans. Chris Poland and Paul Do)mage both con- nected for a home run, Kelly Van Bakel hit a double and two.singles, Chris Van Ba,kel hit a triple. Brad Schroeder hit a double and singles were hit by John Worsley (2); Wayne Rumford (2), DaveScarrow (2) . and Dwayne Pryce (1). ' The next home gaine is July'9 at 8 p.m. against Wroxeter at Winthrop. • On June 24 in Walton, Winthrop could only count five runs against Walton's good, defensive infield. Chris Van Bakel led the hitting for Winthrop with a triple and a single and Adam Agar, Kelly Van Bakel, and Dwayne Pryce each connected with a single. Walton won the game 14-5. June 28 saw Winthrop defeat Belmore 13-2, led by excellent pitching by Paul Dolmage. Brad Schroeder hit three singles and a triple, Chris Poland hit two triples, Adam Agar hit three singles; Kelly Van Local hockey players needed SCOREBOARD WESTERN ONyARIO BASEBALL ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN DIVISION PEE WEE • Clinton Listowel ' Lucan Exeter Dashwood St. Mays Goderich Seaforth BANTAM Liteart Seaforth Clinton SL Marys Exeter Varna W 1 5 0 2 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 .4 The manager of Team Western, an adult hockei team based in Winnipeg, is looking for players to participate in a recreational tour of Europe this season. Dave Springett organizes tours for players, regardless of ability, each year and says he hopes to "find some interested area players to sign up for this years' journey." "All the players have a lot of fun and get to visit different countries and compete against Europeans, which very few players get the chance to do," he says. Each player is resnonsible for their own travel expenses while the club proVides uniforms, jackets, duffletags, and makes all the arrangements. Players from a.c., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, On- tario and Quebec have participated in the past. The entire team is filled on a first come first serve basis and will play five no - contact exhibition games during the 11 day trip. All area players are welcome and can get more information on registration by calling Dave Springett at (204) 632-1521. Queens heads standings in ladies fastball In ladies fagtball .action on June 30 the Queens defeated Kent Murray by a score of 20-18, while Ken Smith Pools edged out McNichbl 14-13. Judy Scarrow hit a triple for the 'Queens while teammate Joan Murray hit a double. Lynne Devereaux and Cheryl McClure each hit triples for Kent Murray with Judy Anstett contributing a double. Colleen Fischer hit a home run for Ken Smith, while Janice Murray contributed a triple and Judy Mason and Dianne McGrath hit doubles. Nancy Gridzak hit a triple for McNichol. Tire Queens now lead -the-stannings-with 16 points Ken Smith has eight points, McNichol five and Kent Murray three. • Merchants face busy week The Seaforth Merchants had a very quiet W L week playing only ore exhibition game 3 0 against the Exeter Juniors. 2 1 The Merchants used that game as an op - 3 2 portunity to experiment with their pitching 0 1 staff, and still won the game by a 5-4 score. 0 2 This week is a busy one for the Seafotth 0 2 team, who play four home garnet this week. On Thursday the Merchants take on the Exeter Seniors at 6:15 p.m., then will face Strathroy in a doubleheader beginning at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, before meeting up with Egeter.again on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. All garnet will be played at the hardball diamond located at the Seaforth and District High School. - Golfing seems to be a trend It seems to be the trend everywhere that more and mote people are taking up the game (5f golf. Never before have golf courses been so busy- When courses are busy and crowded, as they have been this season, there are always a few complaints abont slow play, fivesomes, being pushed from behind, held up in front, and so on. Many times the golfers at fault are new to the game and don't realize their behavior is causing anxiety and ftustration to the more experienced players. Courtesy on the course is a major concern to golfers and managers just as courtesy "to" the course is a concern of' greens Superintendents.. It is :import -int that all golfers, whether beginnerg or experts, have an enjoyable time on the course and no fil feelings are caused through neglect or bad Matitteta. On a small course like our local ore, a busy day often results in a Wild up of players on th'e tees arid a certain MOTO of •waiting restfitt. • Golfers must remember many geopte are unaware of same of the "manners' in golf. Often gaff is a new sport to the Weekend • golfer and they don't realize they may be doing the wrong thing. Many people do not realize groups of more than Mut golfers playing together are not allowed because it contributes to slow play, particularly around the greens. Oh' bn-sy days groups of three or four are ideal and if We can Math up pairs and singles M Make such greups everyone Moves at about the tame pace 011 the course. The rt there is lest chance of holdups on the tees and ON THE GREED, . by,Cardlantie groups hitting into each other or holding the players behind up. Twos and singles only jam tip the eourse on busy days as their rate of play it too fast for the rest of the groups on the carte. • Many clauses have starters to help solve the probIent at the first tee. A ball tack can be helpful but often arguments result aboat who goes next in spite of the rack. Booking tee Off tithes helps with the waiting problem at the first tee but players should book times at least 24 hours ahead and Should report to • th'e tee at least 10 minutes before they are to tee Off. Late comers who miss their time forfeit their spot. If there is n� garter On the tee and you are playingat a 9 hole toast then golfers Must alternate groups playing the front with groans going out on the bad9. Also make Sure the group ahead is well, out of tette before hitting your tee shots. Golf can be a very dangerous sport if people are dateless. Once you're out on the course remember not to rush the people in front cif you but be ready te hit when it is your turn. If each per- son is ready t6 hit when they ate supposed to thingswill mOve along quite smoothly. There's nothing Worse. than constantly waiting for someone who doesn't have his club ready et is nowhere in the vicinity of • MAPIAEWOOD MANOR Seaforth .;527-1440 • - Mrs. Fran Hook, R.N. ' Let our Administrator • SERVICES AND FEATURES - help yOu enjoy an independent retirernent lifestyle O . All meals, snacks • . • Companionship, security • Laundry, housekeeping •• Private 4 -piece bath • 24 -Hour Staff on -Duty • RN on duty • Long term, Short term; vacation & convalescent care . • MAXIMIZE '..PROFITS LIVESTOCK and POULTRY WITH VENTILATION IMPROVEMENTS *We simply several brands of Exhaust Fans, Air Bag Mixing Fans, Powered Louvres for intakes •We also stock a complete line of Sprinkler System Components such as Time Clocks, Solenoids, Thermostats, Plastic Pipe and Nozzles to cool and train 'hogs. FREE ESTIMATES - Based on Ministry .of Agriculture & Food Specifications MILTON J. DIETZ LIMITED PURINA CHOWS'- HEALTH AIDS - VENTILATION EQUIPMENT PESTICIDES - SPRAYING EQUIPMENT — AERIAL & GROUND APPLICATION R.R. 4 SEAFORTH, NOK IWO 527-0608 his ball. If you are just learning DT have 164 a ball, Or are in anyway delaying the groups behind you, signal for theni to play through. Then step aside and let the group behind play through and get well out of your range , before you continue. Many players take pieces of turf or "divots" when hitting the ball. This is not a fault or problem as long as the divots are replaced and Stepped down into the Mend Wh-enever 'possible. ' Then the grass Will tesimie growing and the evade will remain in good detidition. When arriving at the green and preparing to mitt players should respect the rights of those in theft groups by not stepping on the litre of the 6th -erg putts.. Reinolte the flagstick before putting but terternber to replace it before continuing to the next te'e. Once you have putted out do no reputt to see if you would have made it, tiniest you ate sure there is no ane dating behind. Don't mark your scorecard Ori the green. Gather up the clubs which you have left on th'e side of the green going towards the -net tee and mark the store When you get to the tee. " Golfers share a COMEttOrt course When they go Out for a pine ail a busy day. If everyone observes the basic etiquette rules ?Mt to page 14 0 41 2 . ' ,P"^ -4L. -Arg The Quickest way to happy swimming is... oPooi erects itself with water level •No metal or wood parts •Pool is easily moveable to different locations *Material is a high quality polyester fabric with double faced PVC coating el metre wide strip will carry 6 tons *Ideal for family in town or in the country *FUNNY P001. will pass the whiter in filled condi- tion in the open air. ttittti Service We bed FULL :3 YEAR WARRANTY Hwy. No, 8 Ecitt of Mitchell Ph. 348.8467 • (we're located eft Logan Ford) AFTER NbLIRS: Matt 348-9716 or Wayne 348.9008