HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-01, Page 12�6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY • Al2 =• THE HURON EXPOITQR, JULY 1_-1987 TOWN N AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIE: Phone 527-0240 Deadline:. Monday, 4:30 p.m. • 1.COMING EVENTS iBRODHAGEN CHAMBER of Commerce • Chieken BBQ-held-at-Brodhagen Gommunity Centre, Wednesday, July 22, 1987 5 - 8 p.m. Adults $6.50; Children • $3.00. South Perth Football League All-Star game at 8 p.m. 1-26-2 'OPEN HOUSE in honour of Sister Florence Kelly who is, celebrating the 50th Anniversary pf her reception into the Ursuline Order of Sisters, Sunday, July 5,rrom 2-4 p.m. at St. Patrick's Parish Hall Kinkora: Welcome to relatives, friends and former students. 1-26-1 GLANNVILLE REUNION - Sunday, July 12, 1987. Gather at 2:00 - baseball 2:30, 4:00, Children's sports followed by potluck supper, Seaforth Lions Park - Special 35th Anniver- sary. • 1-26-2 ' BLYTH FESTIVAL - Girls in the Gang: July 1, 2 •(matinee), 4, 6, 7; 9, 10 Bordertown Cafe: July 2, 3, 8, 9 (matinee), 11, All performances are at 830 p.m. except matinees which are at 2:00 p,m. For tickets, call Box Office at 523-9300/9225, 1-26-1 THE ANNUAL picnic of the Scott -Dickson Clans will be held on Sunday Aug. 9 at 2 p.m. at Benmiller Park. Bring picnic lunch, lawn chairs, and some family pictures. Beverage will.be provided. 1-26x1 THE SENIOR CITIZEN church service at Bethel Bible Church, Egmondville will 'be the second Sunday in July 12th - outdoors weather permitting at 7 p.m. Refreshments, All welcome, 1-26x1 TEDDY BEARS PICNIC at Seaforth library Fri- day, July 3rd 2-3:30 p.m. Ages 3-8. 50 cents admission - bring your teddy bear. 1-26x1 ALOETTE - open house Thursday July 2nd, 7 - 10 p.m. at the Orange Hall. Colour demonstra- tion - 8 p.m. by a Seasons Colour consultant. •' Everyone welcome! Door prizes.' -•- 1-26x1 ST. THOMAS A.C.W. old and new sale July 4, July 11, July 18 and Juty 25. Parish' Hall, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1-26-2 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8' p.m. First Regular Card - $1,00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth, Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $120.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1.11-11 THE •HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the CHILD HEALTH CLINIC to be held at ' Seaforth Community Hospital Thurs., July 9 from 9:30 - 11:30 a,m: for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE - Sat., July 4, 9 a.m. • 2 p.m. 149 Isabella St. Seaforth, bikes,. household items, skates etc. 2-26-1 3. LOST, STRAYED - LOST - Ball Pein hammer east of Seaforth Golf Course Reward. Matt Haney 527-1375: 3-26-1 5. HELP WANTED "A CAREER IN TRUCKING" - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening inter- view and job placement information, contact Merv,0Orr's Transport Driver Training London. 1-800.265-3559. 5.18-11 SSWE DO ITSS You already have the ability. We just show you how. Sam Executive income plus. New line of Canadian made no -run panty hose. Phone 1.800-265-2216 before 8:30 a.m. or after 4 p.m. 5-24.4 PERSON t0 assist with ironing and light housework for, older couple in well equipped Seaforth home several hours, perhaps one day a week. Apply in writing indicating_ hourly tate and experience to BOX 3867 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1WO. 5-25-2 FULL TIME help for Seaforth area dairy farm. Phone Kevin Kale 345-2908. 5-26-2 VICTORIAN 'ORDER of Nurses requires casual part time Registered Nurse to work in Seaforth and surrounding area. Call 271-7991. ' 5=26-1 BABYSITTER needed for Iwo preschool boys starting July 10, in Seafnrth. Phone 527.0067. 5-28x1. 5. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED by the TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Applications will be received until NOON, Monday, July 6, 1987 for the position of: 1. Township Hall Custodian 2."Township Drainage Commissioner Duties will commence August 1st. Anyone wishing further information on either ' of these two positions, please contact the Clerk's Of- fice in Dublin -- 345-2931. Patricia Taylor Clerk Township of Hibbert LIMITED NUMBER OF MATURE people to market growing list of •financial products. Training provided: Applicants please send resume to Drawer 38, c/o The Lucknow Sen- tinel', Box 400, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0, 6-25.2 LOCAL PERSON' interested in. buying into, business as working partner or will consider purchasing and complete business, replies confidential Drawer No. 2 c/o the Clinton News Record, Box 39, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1 L0. 6-26x3 8. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 it, wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere). Scott Consitt 482-9297 or 565-2728. 8-23-12 CUSTOM PEA PODDING .: Bring your peas and we'll pod them •mechanically. Call 236.4766. 8-26-2 9. FARM STOCK FOR SALE - 45 weaner pigs, delivered Bob Jansen 527-0996. ' 9-26-1 10. FARM MACHINERY LOCKWOOD-iNNES bean Windrower with cross conveyor. Like new, also 4 row bean puller. Phone 348-9164. 10-26x2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER 4 yeas$ old 10_500 B.T.U. Vertical window, call 527-1039 after.6 p.m. 14 25 2 SUMMER SALMON. SALE - Big Jon or Can- non Electric downriggers, $289.00: temperature probes, $179.00; Shirt -nano downrigger rod and reel combo, $100,00: VHF scan radios, $375.00; A.C. shiners, $5.95. Over 20,000 hot salmon lures to choose frbm at Lake Huron Rod and Gun, 368-7182. Open 7 days, 14-25-4 40 GALLON hot water heater. Good condition, used with water softener. Phone 527-0660. 14-26x1 TWO occasional chairs, wooden record holder, stereo, complete bedroom suite, bed, three dressers, 7 piece antique dining room suite, five lamps, liquor cabinet, kitchen set, hutch, rototiller, wheelbarrow, 11/2 hp electric bench saw, poWer drill, jig saw; sander, set of chisels from England, set of bits' from 1/4" to 1", garden tools, odds and ends of wood. Viewing starts July 6. For more information call 527-1577 or 527.1978. • . 14-26.1 TRAILERS - Travel 5th wheeels, hardtops, new and used, Golden Falcon, Prowler, Soler, Lionel, hitches,' truck caps. Sales, rentals, repairs, 25 years in business. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-5938. 14-12-11 USED appliances at Phefan's Place, Seaforth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1213, 14.48-tf GALLAGHER high power fencing, see our cdmplete fine of electric fencing supplies. Evert .Vansligtenhorst, Zurich 262-6208. 14.18.1 SEAMSTRESS REQUIRED Sewing experience helpful butwill train. Apply to 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE MTD 5 hp riding lawn mower, like new condi- tion. Asking $750.00. Phb'ne' 262-2727, 14-26-2 NEW COLEMAN Cooler, gas lantern, Bicycle rack and cooking dishes. Phone 527-0753. 14-26x1 LARGE 8 man tent In new condition; 2 burner Coleman stove. Call before 4 p.m. 527-0409. , 14.26-1 1984 YAMAHA 650 Heritage Special motorcy- cle 20,000 krn, excellent condition $1600, cer- tified or best offer. Phone 482.7181. 14-26-1 McCLARY-EASY wringer washer $50. or best • offer. 30"Kelvinator Stove $50 or best offer. Phone 527-0719 alter 6:30 p.m. 14-26-1 GOOD USED weaner decks' with flooring, feeders and automatic waterers 12 - 4' x'4', 2 - 4' x 6'. Phone 345.2494 after 6. 14-26-2 CHERRIES - Pick your own cherries starting July 5 at Berg Orchard, Forest.3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash on the Ridge Rd. Pitting machine available, plentiful supply. Phone 786-5762. 14-26-2 BLACK AND DECKER 9 inch mitre saw one year old like new condition $225. Phone Rob at 527-0214. : , 14-26-2 NEW RED POTATOES, beets, leaf lettuce, green onions. Apply 150 Market St. 14-26-1 INDOOR PLANI'ER,'2 ft. x 5 ft. x 1 ft., 5 piece dinette suite, several chairs`. 527.0225. 14-26-1 3030 MARLIN H.P. Rifle used verylittle. Infor- mation phone 527-1875 before 3. 14-26-1 HONDA CR 80 - Good condition $150.00. Phone 527.1698. 14-26x1 FOUR YEAR OLD BMX boys bike in good condition, 20" tire, yellow and black in colqut . with yellow mag wheels. Asking $30.00, Phone 345-2917. 14.26x1 ONE RED velvet chaise lounge, 2 red velvet chairs, one chime clock, two pr. red velvet drapes. 84" x 100" ea. Phone 527-0225. 14-26x1 ATTENTION FISHERMEN - Lowrance X4, X5, Eagle 5000, 6100, 7000, and VHF radios, temperature probes. Loran -C ip stock at dis- count prices. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, Underwood, 368-7182. Open `g even days. 14-22-9 PIG TALES - quality children's books at affor- dable prices! Joanne Drennan 482.7584. , 14-24-3 VISSCHER FARMS country market open dai- ly 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed Sundays. Specializ- ing in Cauliflower and broccoli, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83,1-237.3442. 14-25-11 PATIO SETS - 40% offor more. Wide selec- tion. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W. Forest, Ont, (519) 786-4405. 14-25.4 FIREWOOD - straight loads of maple, beech, ash, oak, slabwood and edgings. Priced from $76.00. Phone R.J. Dungey and Sons. 1-348-8477. 14.25.4 INGLIS WASHER $275, electric dryer $175. Air Conditioner $175. Guaranteed, Phone Bayfield -565. • • 14-25-4 CHERRIES - Pick'your own cherries at Murray Bros. Orchard, 4 miles southwest of Thedford an Ridge Road. Sweet cherries June 29, Montmorency ready July 2nd. 14-2533 HAIRSHOP EQUIPMENT For Sale - two styl- ing ,chairs, double bowl shampoo unit, one hairdryer, 2 shampoo chairs, mirrors plus other items needed to start small shop, prefer to sell as package, reasonabie. Phone 527-1541 after 6 p.m. 14-25.2 TE -EM FARM LATE PLANTIN IDEAS! Good selection of annuals, perennials, hanging bass sts, roses, nursery stock still sunlight*. LATS OF IN-STORE SPECIALS PICK YC!Ltr. OWN RASPBERRIES READY„SOON OUR OWN GREENHOUSE TOMATOES Sr CUCUMBERS OPEN 7 DAYS ® R:R. 1 Bayfield 482-3020 16. MOBILE HOMES 19.72 GLENNETTE TRAILER,' 19 ft. long, tandem' axle, 3 way fridge, stove and oven, 4 pc. bath;_ excellent condition. $3500.00. Phone 523.9672. 16.26x1 19. PETS. REGISTERED GOLDEN retriever pups, ready' to go, July 1, shots $300 00 Please call 887.6673. 19-25-2 21. WANTED TO BUY• • USED TWO HORSE trailer. Phone 345.2494' after 6, 21-26-2 23. REAL ESTATE CHURCH STREET: 3 be room home, exterior completely- recovered with' attractive new siding, some new windows, Interior being. • very tastefully 'renovated as well. Must be seen, call Sharon 527.0560. GODERICH STREET: Immediate possession, large 4 bedroom family home, large living room with beam ceiling, dining room has hardwood•floor, open staircase, 2 bathrooms and many more features. Priced to sell, COLEMAN ST.: Completely set up tor duplex, • one 2 bedroom the other 3 bedroom. Situated on extra large double lot, don't' miss this ter- rific buy. For more information call Sharon at 527-0560. •BRUCEPIELD1 4 bedroom, 1"2 storey, well kept home. Included with the house ore the drapes, storm windows. Priced to sell at $44,900. WALTON: 4 bedroom brick home, excellent condition, fenced in,yard, large 2 storey shop at rear. For viewing call Sharon 527.0560, COUNTRY LIVING:, Very large 4 bedroom home, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, 2 barns, one set for veal calves. All of this featured on 21/2 acres of land. YEAR ROUNDn Sunset Beach. 3 bedrooms on Id lot. NEW LISTING: Vanaitre. 1'h storey, 3 bedroom homo in excellent condition. Cern• pletoly foncodln lot. Excellent starter home, survey available. Como sec • 829,000.00. SIDESPLIT: 3 bad modern kitchen and dining, nicely d near Dungannon. Priced at 879,000.00. LONDESBORO: 1'/2 storey. 3 bedroom home with extra lot. This is a handyman's special. Listed at 525,000.00. VACATION PROPERTY: 25 acres of scenic beauty located near Port Albert, Planted in White Pines and Maples, Nino Mile River flows through properly, Asking $18,000.00, - INVESTMENT: Beach front lots on registered subdivision, Between Bayfield and.Gadortch. We have many other proportloi throughout the area. Calf us first for prompt and courteous service. "We work with the crowd" OFFICE: 11 Victoria 5t., Clinton 482-5991 Sharon mead (Seaforth Agent)527.0560 Aileen Craig 0111 Stoenstra Peter Damsma Mary Divolt- 482.3669 482.3180 482.9849 482-3370 DEADLINE FOR CLABSIFIED•ADS I8,, • 4;30 P.M MONDAY DIBPLAV ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON ' 22 worda - one week, $4,35; two Woeko, 33,85; three weeks, $3,35,: Additional words 18 cents, BIRTHS - No charge, ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and outline only, 315, Complete write-up 325, IN MEMORIAMS - 34,35 plus 36 cento per line of verse. CARD OF THANKS - 30 words; 34.60. Eaoh additional word .06 cents, 50 CENT•DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 33,00, each additional week - 31.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming: Events. 23.'Real. Estate 2, Yard, Garage Sale 24; Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed . 26. Property; for rent 4. Found , 26. Apartments for rent 5,' Help Wanted 27. For saleor rent • 8, Busineaa Opportunity' 28, Wanted to rent • 7, Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board 9: Farm Stook 31', Notice 10, Farm machinery 32; Vacations 11. Hay and straw . 33. Educational 12. Used care ' 34. Auction Bales 13, Used• trucks 36. Tenders wanted 14. Articles for sale 38, Leg-ar notice 16. RNA tor sale 37, Notice to creditors 18, Mobile homes • 38. Service directory 17. VOR. for axle 39. Cards of thanks 18, Computer corner 40. •In memoriam - 19, Pets 41, Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21, Wanted to buy 43. Marriages 22, Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY -8:30 a,m, to 6 p.m. 23. REAL ESTATE FARM WANTED (tor serious buyer) 200 acres, or more, cash crop or general purpose.• Contact Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. Clin- ton. Phone 482-9371. 23-26-2 "SUDDENLY iT'S SOLD" CLINTON - ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 482-9371 LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick home, finish- ed basement,, inground pool, largo lot. 42/2 ACRES: Near Family Paradise, with 1' floor sound frame home in need of repair, and exceptional forge steel barn, 6 ACRES: On NS0' fieldstone home and small barn. RESTAURANT and good homo, highway location, Huron County. CLINTON: floSetergolow on quiet street near the hospita , CLINTON: Duplex on Huron Street. show- ing excellent return. A good investment property. SMALL OFFICE BUILDING In good condi. tion oil Main Street in Brussels. 220 ACRES: Stes>O' Eenship. 195 acres workable. 4 LOTS at Kinburn, very reasonable. 2 ACRES: Brick home and lots of buildings, near Zurith. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Anyone who hos children mutt get used to tears. Nat alwoys theirs. Canada Trust Realtor IOW fl C flS e MIS Realtor YOU'LL DE GLAD YOU CALLED -US FIRST Gerry Salton Norm Wilding Lloyd Squire Ruth Frank Manager 145 Ontario Street STRATFORD 348,9631 348.8021 .... 348-9776 273.3350 273,3350 OPEN HOUSE - THURS., JULY 2,6:30 p. R.R. 4 Seaforth 130 ACRES TUCKERSMIT14t hind with Weil kept homo pino floors, high cetitegs, m; targe living roodad larg'ehall with 4 b"edroonto. Deoufiful WOW, Of tired. John Sedated 3934838: MLS 7,222, .,8:00 p. COME OUT TO VIEW THIS 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW !`food retirement or family home. Directions: approir. 1/2 Mile north of Seaforth, west side of County Rd. 12. MLS 7=675R. Lloyd Square 340.9176 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL: Duplex - Lot 58.9' x 148'. 11 storey Insulbrlck siding both halves. Large kitchen. 1 apt. ha's 3 bedrooms, other hat 2 bedrooms. Livt0B room in need of some repair. Excellent starter home, John Segeren 393.6838. MLS 7.372. 25 ACRES ALONG HIGHWAY: Shaded, well kept surroundings, 1 mile west of Dublin. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dlntng -cont a 110141 room combtn0tion. Newer both with hobby born or *hop, Johti Segeren 343.6838, MLS 7.370. The Canada Trust n