HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-07-01, Page 11NATURAL8ZER s,..1,41 a iviiitiip* OAPOP SHOES & SANDALS Reg. PALE POKES $40°' 0 $44(1° FASNIOTAkts taOPOW 1' *awe, Core. '29"$'3999 RACK 00 WOMOrS SHOES ;1 SANDALS WA).* IPRAPYOS St9 46 $39V w0lATH'S CASUAL SANDALS AND THONGS P00i054. tiorttidi. t•Airie TOtifiro $9. 2 I - OFt Niki • imuoi BASEBALL AND' SOCCEtz VOPOsititS OP OUR"..IONI ORANIt Mrs. BOK* itnimhr, &.R 1PieiPoli • IiiipOiead SpIrEf 600 Caro,,,. Cool,. mrbaiior. Aitto Sot. cm,..raly of Yana Sho IS'odSas Merchants It was a week of near misses for the '•'-Seafaorth Merchants Senior Mens Hardball • ' team, as they lost three games, two in extra • innings, by the, narrowest of margins. . • Last'Tuesday night the Merchants took on Exeter and were defeated by an 8 to 6 score. ' • Seaforth, took the first lead of the game • • after' theirfirst at bats, but gave that up at the bottom of the inning when Quebec Nor- ' diquer Dave Shaw hit a three run home run forExeter. • " Exeter extended theirlead bytwo runs in .the second inning; but by a two -run single by . Seaforth's Joe ,Aubin, with two out, narrow- ed theefoptour5g. Intinning_shasgain showed his prowess atthe plate when he hit his second home run of the night, with 'a • man on base. A sacrifice fly in the sixth inn- ing gave Shaw his seventh R131 of the game •• and moved the score to 8-3 in Exeter's advantage. Seaforth scored three times in the top of the eighth inning, twice' on an RBI single by Jerry Wright'and once on an RBI single by Del Mitchelmore. . • •The game was called after the eighth inn- •: ing on account of darkness., Exeter led at . ' that point 8-6. Marc Robinet started on the•mound for the Merchants and went four innings. He struck out three batters, and gave up one . walk, sevenliits and seven runs, only. three • of them earned. Bill Dale pitched three strong innings of relief, striking out one batter, walking four and allowing only one unearned run. Perhaps the Merchant's biggest threat of the game came in the second inning with bases loaded, when Rick Dale bit what everyone in the park though was a grand slam. But 'With the wind blowing against the . ball Exeter's left fielder was able to reach over the fence and catch the ball to end the •,• inning. • - • Rick Dale hit two of his five times at bat . and contributed two RBIs. Jerry Wright and Joe Aubin were also hot at the plate for the Merchants, each going two for four for the night, with one RBI. • Altogether the Merchants had 10 hits, •struck out seven times and made five costly errors: tackle league leader STRATHROY 4 MERCHANTS 3 i "Wahad good pitching, good defence and Oh Sunday.the Merchants, came close to •pretty good hitting, but we madasome base two wins as they took on league leading running errors which turned out to be cost-. Strathroy in a • doubleheader, and forced ly: But other than that it was an •all-round both games into extra innings. , • super effort." • Clendon Coombs was on the mound for:the • STRATHROY 7 - SEAFORTH 6 • Merchants•in the first game. He struckeut The Merchants came' out strong in their second game against StrathrOy taking a 5-0 five batters, walked five batters and gave up nine hits and four runs, all Of them lead after the first inning and a half of play. • earned.Strathroy scored two runs in the second Strathroy led the game 1-0 after the first . inning and one in the third to move within two runs of Seaforth, then scored one run in inning, but an RBI single by Joe Aubin in the second soon tied things up. . the fourth and two in the sixth inning to take a 6-5 lead • • Strathroy moved ahead again in, the Seaforth tied things up in the seventh to fourth, but another RBI single by Mercha• nt gain.force-the-gameinto_extra-innings-but-- DirlVtitore tWfifth put the 'two Strathroy used the ninth inning to steal a teams into a 2-2 stalemate. It was still 2-2 •victory from the visitors. after the regulation seven innings of play. Don Williamson went three for five times. In the top of the ninth inning Seaforth at bat for the Merchants, with Gus Feeney scored one run on a leadoff double by Gus going two for four and Brian Copper two for Feeney, which just missed being a home five. Jim Campbell, JohnCairns, Marty run by a couple of feet. Jim Campbell went Bedard and Joe Aubin all had one hit each. in as a pinch runner, got to third base'on a The Merchants recorded 17 hits, seven passed ball, theri scored on a sacrifice fly by Strike outs and three errors. Marty Bedard. • • "It was another excellent ball game," Leading 3-2 going into the bottom of the said Robinet. 'ninth inning, and with two outs, Seaforth "We had a big lead early but we didn't succumbed to defeat when Strathroy scored • add to it and it ended up cristing' LIS in the twe runs and won the bell game: , end. Again in this game wernade some base The Merchants recorded seven hits over running errors which in turn hurt our offen- the course of the game with Joe Aubin sive threats. But as far as everything else leading at the plate. He went two for three went I was very plased..We're playing real - times at bat, Jerry Wright, Del Mit- ly well right now. If we just start thinking a chelmore, Gus Feeney, Den Williamson and little more when We're on the bases, it could • Marty Bedard had the team's other hits. turn into more scoring oPpertunities." • "It was a great game, everything went The Merchants play their next home well except they got the big hit and we game Tuesday, July 7 at 630 p.m. against . • didn't," said coach Marc Robinet. •Walkerton. • • • • Fastball tournament attracts many The Lions fastball tournament had,rnarty ' ivierner's Construction of Clinton placed participants but few local winners„ It was first in the "A" division by beating Lucan in held at the Lions Park. .. • the last game by a score of 2-0. They beat all Sixteen teams played a total of 22 games four teams in the division to become the top in the tournament with local represen- winner. • • tatives including -the Bears, Top Notch, Turf Lambeth also did well by winning the "B" Club and the Queen's Hotel. The first three division in their final game agianst • of these teams were quickly put Out of the Denomine of Goderich by a score of 8-1. The tournament -after losing their first two • team started out badly by losing the first games. The Queen's Hotel made it to the game, but quickly recovered to win the next third round. • three games. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY b, 1987 11A • , • Sportsfest set for August 14-16 SPORTSFEST '87: The friendly Town of Hanover would like to extend a warn invita- tion to one and all to join in for the llth An- nual Lake Huron Zone Recreationists' Association (L.H.Z.R.A.) "Sportsfest" set for the weekend of August 14-16. For those not familiar with Sportsfest, it is a weekend festival of sports and recrea- tional activities designed primarily for recreational' and house league participanta for fun, good sportsmanship, low key com- petition with the emphasis on participation, instead of winning. The host community for Sportsfest has changed hands since 1976 with the torch be- ing passed on)q Hamer for '87. Plans „fpr this sport -oriented weekend calls for a list of approximately 34 events including the tradi- tional events and a few new events for all ages, male or female. Sportsfest '87 consists of the following activities: Archery, Ball Hockey (Boys and Men's) Basketball (Mens),' Bridge, Canoe Racing, Children's Soccer, Crokinole, Chess, Darts, Euchre, Flag Football, Meer Shuffleboard, Fun Run, Girls Softball, Horseshoes, Ice Hockey, Ladies Industrial Softball, Lawn Bowling, Lawn Darts, Radlo-operated Cars, Radio -operated Planes, Mentally Handicap- ped Adult Bowling, Slopitch (Ladies and Mens), Swing Bowling, Tee all, Tennis, Volleyball (outdoor), Water, Polo and Swim' Meet. The Sportsfest Committee has just begun the preliminary planning for the traditional Saturday evening dance which will be held at the Hanover Coliseum floor with enter- tainment by Mugsy's Music. A refreshment Orden and food booth will operate at the Hanover Raceway all weekend and camp- ing will be available for your weekend stay at Sportsfest '87. Registration forms and information brochures about Sportsfest are available at the Recreation Office, loeated at the Com- trionity-Centres, or call 527,0882. RECREATION PREVIEW by Marty Bedard Sportsfest needs your participation to re- main a successful annual event. Plan now to attend Sportsfest '87 in Hanover. Don't forget. August 14-15-16. Hope to see you there. Congratulations to all Seaforth SENIOR GAMES COMMITTEE, you did an excellent job of running the Third Annual Tri -County District Senior Games. Resigtopf the games are published in this edition. Peggy Perkins would like to thank Drusilla Leitch for. running the coffee and cold drinks table, also to the wonderful help the ladies gave her in the kitchen with the lunches. The Perkins would also like to thank San- dy and Gladys Doig for taking over the Shuf- fleboard in their absence. Winners of the draw were: $25 Box of Groceries: Lillian Smith of RR 1 Monkton and The Lamp donated by Box Furniture: Joan Smith of Grand Cove Estates - Grand Bend, FITNESS IS FUN will start for the sum- mer session on Wednesday, July 8 at 8 p.m. at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. This program will rim for eight weeks and the instructor is Drusilla Leitch. For registration or information please call the Recreation Office 527-0842 or Drusilla at 5V-1182. AQUA -FITNESS will be starting at the Lions Pool on Monday, July 6. Exercising in the water is not new, nor has it escaped the impact of the fitness move- ment. The design of the work-out has been changing and today is evolving into ,one of the Meg exciting trends in fitness. The water workout IS a complete and total fitness classPerformed in various dep- ths of water. Swimmers will find that it of- fers an exciting alternative to lap swimming and NON -swimmers will find that swimm- ing skills are not required. People of all ages, abilities and fitness levels will find working out in water an invigorating challenge. Activities , are designed to stimulate the cardiovdscular system crease flexibility and'improve muscular • strength and endurance. Although par- ticipants stand in a vertical position for most if not all of the class, the poSsibility of injury is remote since the stress of jumping, jogging is reducesl by the buoyancy factor. A body immersed in water will lose up to 90% of its weight therefore reducing stress on the bones, joints and ligaments. Those who have already sustained an injury will find the water an ideal place to rehabilitate and to continue exercising after rehabilitation. Similar to an aerobics class on land the water work-out is led by an instructor who may use music to create an enjoyable and energetic experience. Why not find out for yourself? Join us Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:15 to 12:45 at the Lions Park Pool, Get Fit! Get Wet! The 1981 SUMMER PROGRAMS (Playschool/Playgrotmd) are ready to begin. For all that have registered it will begin on Monday, July 6 at the Public School at 9 a.m. The Seaforth Library will be hosting the 8th Annual TEDDY BEARS' PICNIC on Fri- day, July 3rd from 2 to3:30 p.m. Ages 3 to 8 years and admission fee is 50 cents. Bring your favorite teddy bear and join in on the furil I •• BEST RATE INVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE, GODERICH 524172773 1-800-265,5503 24 iiitormste?\ Souse Bei de Breakfast folin and 4'wen paturs. oat 11.2„5 (549) 527.206 sulottfr, Ontario NK 110 The Benefits cif Tax Wrll 197 Lower Rates, Fairer System Call with QuestioPs Ask about Tait Deform and' you. TELECOMMONicATIONS DEvItt FOR THR OF.AF,1-sco.267-6650, '8 2.111.-gp.tii, EDT. ktkday,, ekctrif holidays. Call for Booklets Get detailed information about Tax RefOrtri. s_ Dmse,o,r F.na,o MaIsSso dos FrnSnr.OS CaoaSS Canadn Canada AP. •r t'kykint 4.4),fet4 • I. • • ' et'• 4 FOR A GOOD CAUSE - There were a number of golfers of varying degrees of skill out at the golf course Wednesday when the Seaforth Community Hospital hosted a tourna- ment to raise funds for a proposed expansion of the hospital. Dr. David Drake, a local dentist, was one of 71 golfers who helped the hospital raise approximately $1,055. Mcllwraith photo. Local athletes qualify . . . By Doug Procter Lisa Henderson placed second in long ,.-Two local athletes have qualified for the jump and third in high jump. Tracy Fortune provincial finals in the Legion track and was third Ionglump and fifth in shot put. field competition. Sherry Harburn placed second in shot put On Saturday, June 20, seven bantam age and Melissa Whitmore was fourth in 100 m. athletes competed at the Centennial As a result of their finish at the District C Stadium in Kitchener in the Legion District meet, Lisa Henderson will be completing in C meet and all seven received ribbons for long jump and high jump and Jason placing in the top six of at least one of their events. McNichol will be competing in long jump on July 10 and 11 in Burlington at the provincial Jason McNichol placed first in the long competitions. jump with a jump of 5.91 metres breaking the old meet record of 5,70 m, Jason also The members of the team and their coach, placed third in triple jump and fourth in Doug Procter would like to thank Seaforth high jump. Brad Taylor placed third in Legion Branch 156 for supporting them and javelin and Brad Schraeder placed sixth in giving them 'the opportunity to compete at 200 m and 800 m. both the local and provincial levels. St. Patrick's fares well Winning isn't everything but it's nice In the ball throw Janet Van Loon won the When competing irt individual sports like Intermediate girls division, these at the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic For standing long jinni) Karen Guerts won Separate School Board track and field meet the Junior girls event with a jump of 1.93 held JUDO 16 at Stratford Northwestern metres.- For the Junior heys-Mark Dina - Secondary School. won the event with a jump of 1.93 metres. St. Patrick's School, Dublin, was the In the running long jump -Karen Guerts highest point scorer with top finisher's in won the Juniors girls event with a jump of almwoinstiteerv:ryineclautdeegdo:ry3.64 metres and Angela Poppe won the In - Angela poppel who termediate girls event with 4.39 metres as. placed first in the 60 metre run for Senior, her jiimp. girls, Jeff Flanagan, who placed first for. For the 400 metres relay -Senior boys - Junior boys and Karen Guerts,t who got se- HeSson School placed first with a 54 second cond place for Junior' girls. ran and Dublin placed third. For Senior For the 100 Metre run -Seniors girls. girls-nessort placed second and Dublin was Joanne McCarthy got second place while third. Joe Murray took first place in the boys •For Intermediate boys -Dublin was first division. with a time of 1.01 minutes and }lesson came For the 200 metre rim -Intermediate girls, irt second. For the girls Kinkora was first Patricia Murray, placed second and for with a time of 1.02 minutes and Dublin was Junior boys -Joe Murray took first,. For the 400 metre run-Sentots girls -Lynn second. For Junior boys and girls -Dublin was first Feenie got third. For Intermediate boys and with a time of 1.04 minutes and Xinkora was girls -Matthew Megans placed first and secOnd: Xinkora was third for the girls. Patricia Murray got third. fN11111.mht4.0.0ffive0001111111111"1 grAMIllr Summer Shoe: 1 OUR COMPLETE. STOCK OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR REDUCED • °X1SANIsAILS • tale eliteAU estiltiity,0 • SANDALS & DRESS SHOES o.. ,,,. — - 01 weimwt SHOES 10 , • ISANDALS1111 *OMEN'S CASUAL SANDALS I F F *SAVE 6N BRAND NAME toormiAn 20% OFF LUGGAGE & PURSES SMYTH'S• . f*ESSel tiON10.1t1. 1 1 1 1