HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-12, Page 7k • 'WvwvVvvWWWVyyvvWWWv NA/MNNNNAA NNNMNNNNNMAAN Wingham's Greatest Clothiers The R. H. CROWDER CO. The Blue Front Store, Wingham Are going to Close Out Their Entire Winter Stocks One dollar will do nearly the work of two -come ! Don't let anything stopyou from getting your share of the greatest anFl most desirable bargains ever offered in Wingham ! Big Reductions in Men's Fur Coats Black Calf Coats, regular $35.00, sale price Brown Calf Coats, regular $25 00, sale price Coos Coats, regular $66.00, • sale price Persian Lamb Caps, reg. $8,50 and $9.00, sale FUR COLLARS We put them on your coat free of charge. Black Coney, - Wombat, - German Otter, Persian Lamb, sale price sale price sale price sale price $27.50 20.00 50.00 6.50 $3.50 4.25 6.00 9.50 Men's Overcoats at Immense Reductions Men's Short Overcoats, sizes 36 to 44, regular $7,50, 8.50, 10.00 and 12.00, Sale , . ..... $6.00 Men'H Dress Overcoats, sizes 35 to 44, regular 10.50 and 12.50. Sale , .. $8.50 Men's Raglan Overcoats, sizes 35 to 46 chest, regular prices 8.50 and 10.00, Sale .... .$6.50 Men's Heavy Frieze Overcoats, sizes 35 to 46, regular 7.00 and 7.50. Sale. $5.00 Men's Suit Bargains Men's good tweed suits, regular 7.50 and 8 50. Sale. 86.00 Men's Ne,vy Blue Serge Suits, 6.50 and 7.00. Sale$4.75 Men's Heavy D. B. Blaok Serge Suits 10.50. Sale. $7.50 Prices on Boys' Clothing That Will Astonish You Boys' D. B. Storm Reefers, regular 3.00 and 3.25. Sale $2.00 Boys' Knee Pants, regular .50 and .65. Sale , ..........39 Boys' two-piece suits, regular 2.00 and 2 60. Sale81.50 Boys' three-piece suits, regular 3 75 and 4.50. Sale • $3.00 Boys' Long Overcoats, sizes 22 to 28, 5.00 and 5.50. Sale .... .... $3.75 Men's Odd Trousers at Bargain Prices 25 pairs Tweed Pants, regular 1,25. Sale ,.95 Men's Pants 2.75 and 3.00. Sale $2.25 Men's Pea Jackets, regular 4.00 and 5.00. Sale $3.25 Men's Fleece -lined and Wool Shirt and Drawers. regular price 50c. Sale . .. 39 Men's Wool Unshrirrkable Shirts and Drawers in all sizes, regular .65. Sale.... .45 Men's Top Shirts, wool and union, regular .50 and .65. Sale.. . . .40 COLORED SHIRTS -4 doz. Men's Colored Shirts, soft and hard bosoms, 75c and 1.00. Sale 49 i 1 CC 1 1 C C CRO DER Ra H. s t Wood Wanted Wingham 40 Empty Boxes s Ontario For Sale z WVVWVVWWVWVVVVWWVVV VVVVVVVVVVWWWWVWVWVV Sidehoards If requiring a Sideboard, don't fail to inspect our well assorted stock of medium and cheap Boards. So complete, and so conveniently are they arranged, that one can easily understand the demand there is for them. Prices, from 87.25 to $38.00. 1 L. A. BALL & CO. The People's FurnitureStore. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, lith house west PHONE from Hamilton's Corner Drug 51 Store, where night calls win receive prompt attention. CARPET LINOLEUM OILCLOTH 1 FEED TO FATTEN Steers are bought, raised, and fattened to make money ; so just a few words as to how this profit can be made and, in . . ny instances, increased, The increase in weight in steers, is due to ie amount of food that is digested and assimilated, and the greater e amount digested and assimi- lated, the greater the increase Yet weig , In close confinement the feed- ing ration lacks the variety of the .. n, field, therefore, the food must have the "salt, pepper and ra • " added ; this is Clydesdale Stock Food, It stands to reason, th' t ike a human being, if the food is grade snore palatable by the additi. of the "salt, pepper and gravy" it will .eat more of the thing it likes because "et makes the inouth water," This is "wise feeding." Furthermore, it will do them more good because it not only Helps to digest the food, but after it is digested, it helps the blood to take up or assimilate a large proportion of it. This is where the profit comes in by putting on extra welglit,ving them a nice, fat, smooth finish that bnugs top market price. The feeding period .can be shortened thirty days at least; this is money saved, The increase over and above the ordinary feeding increase is, easily j( of a lb and over 'per day. You can stop feeding Clydesdale Stock rood at any time with- out injurious effects. If you find you cannot feed 'Clydesdale Stock Food at a profit your money will be cheerfully refunded by the dealer from whom you buy it. It rs sold in your district by , Wm. Gannett, Wingham. Andrew & Webster, Iatcknow. a 141.. S. Huldenly, Toeawater, John Rivers, Gorrie. Wilton & Turnbull, Brussels. J. G. Moser f Blyth. THE WINrGhT Ur TIMES JANUARY 12, 1905 NEMS FROM OUR NETGHBORS1 Every ilsard'sTHE (,FADING STORE `%i»n What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communi'eate - Other Items Clipped From Our Exchanges. FORDYCE. We are glad to hear of the recovery of Mr, Jas. McGee, who has been sick for some time. Mr. Jas. Dow has *Loved into his new lapse. It is an up•to•date house with all the modern improvements: Mr. McQuillan, who has been elected County Couueiller, by a large majority, is gradually climbing the ladder. Mr. Eve, and Mise Sottie Haines were spending their Christmas holidays at Hamilton. Mr. Westbrook has purchased a new engine and is running a portable saw mill in Mr. Geo. Robertson's bush on the bank of the Maitlaud river near the tenth concession. Quite a number of people are drawing logs to it. WHITECHIIRCH Mise Edna Guyler has returned to take charge of her school near D-ayton after spending the holidays at her home. Mies Maggie Mirehouse who has been in Manitoba for the last two years, has returned home for a short visit. Mies Elizabeth Henry has been engag- ed as assistant teaoher in the Wroxeter public school and commenced her new duties last week. We wish Mise Henry success. The oyster supper' and entertainment under the auspices of the local Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening January 20th instead of January 16th as was previous- ly announced. Supper will be served in the basement of the Presbyterian church and the entertainment in the Foresters' Hall. A good program is being arranged and will include addresses by Revs. Messrs. Dann and Keine, of White- church and Mr. A. H. Musgrove, of Wingham, To Quickly Cure Bnliousness Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut',.. They cleanse the stom- aoh and bowels, assist the liver in re- moving bile thoroughly. Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25o. GREY. Will Davidson, 12th con., arrived home this week from the Northwest looking as if the prairie breezes agreed with him. E. G. McDonald, Principal of Harris - ton Public School, has been engaged as Principal of Listowel Public School at a salary of $700 for 1905. He was a form- er successful teacher of this township. On Tuesday, Dec. 27th, a jolly com- pany of relatives to the number of about 60, assembled at the home of Wm. and Mrs. Telfer, 16th con., to witness the marriage of their third daughter, Miss Jessie, to Robert Moore, formerly of Grey township, but recently of Souris, Manitoba. ' Nelson Askiu, 14th con., has decided to I rent his farm for a term of yertrs and will leave next March for Idaho, U.S., where he will assist George Coates, his brother, in-law, 1 formerly of Grey, at sheep- , ranching., J. Douglas, of Morris town- ship, will take Mr. Askin's farm. You May Have Kidney Trouble If your back aches and you suffer from dragging pains it is an evidence of diseased kidneys, Get Ferrozone at once and take it regularly. 'Ferrozone makes kidney sufferers feel better nt once. "I was bothered a great deal with my kidneys last year" writes S. G. Den- ton of Everett "bat got quick relief from Ferrozone. My trouble manifested it- self by pain in the back, dull heavy feel- ings and constant headache. I quite -recovered after using a few boxes of Ferrozone which has given me more strength and better health than I ever had before. I can recommend Ferro - zone as a positive cure," Price 50c at all druggists. RUTH Mr. G. MoG. Stuart has returned to Kingston, where he is attending the medical department of Queen's Univer- say. Miss Morrison, milliner at Mr. D. M. MoBeath's, left last week for Toronto and Barrie to spend her holidays. 04 Wednesday, December 28th the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newcombe was the scene of a happy and pleasing event, when in the presenee of about 60 guests, their daughter, Bertha J., was united in marriage to Mr. H. D. Morris, an employee of the Grand Trunk rail- way. The Ceremony was performed by Rev, J. Holmes, pastor of Blyth Meth- odist church, at 5 p. m. Messrs. John Richmond & Son, of Blyth have received their patent for combined threshing and cutting machine from the Canadian patent office at Ot- tawa. They have applied for patents to the British and United States authorities. They are now preparing a fine catalogue of their machinery and will vigorously push the sales. 711.0:t lir e. Miss Edythe E. Itnrie, of Weitmonrt, Montreal, is holt laying at the home of her nigh, Wm, Ishister. Miss E. Manning, who has recently taught in S. S. No. 7, Morris, was spend- ing her vaoation in Crestline, Ohio. Dr. W. J. Roe, of Philadelphia, visited the home of his father, who hes been ill, but is, we ars gl.id to say, improving. John Dixie, jr. 4th line, is not in the enjoyment of as robust health as his many friends w,mld wish. bat we hope he will soon be as hearty as ever. Q:le night recently Mrs. Josep h Stubbs was going up the stairs without a light and when at the top she fell the whole ' length of the stairway, from which her face and head suffered to no small extent. 1 Although Mrs. Stubbs is over 70 years I she has been a hearty woman and her many frien•is hops aha will soon be around all right. It was a very close call to fatal results. • %Vhy Do Women Shaer Such pain and endure the torture of nervous headache when a quarter bap.: a bottle of Nerviline which never fails to relieve. Just a few drupsot Nerviline in sweetened water cures mavens or sick headache, relieves heart palpitation and • makes you feel better immediately. Nerviline can't be heateu for quickly oaring stomach and bowel troubles and should be kept in every home. It's good to rah on for external pain and excellent for inward use. Suld in large 25o, bot - Iles, • BRUSSELS. D. C. Ross has purchased the Garfield House block from R. C. Struthers, Lon- don, for the sum of $4,000. The two stores cost over $7,000 to build them. The 100 acre farm, lot 3, con. 9, Grey, owned by W. H. Kerr, of The Post, has been sold to Cutts: Raz3Il, a well known Greyite, for the sum of $5,800, he to get possession next month. There are two brick houses, good bank barn, big or- chard, eto., on the premises, which is only 10 minutes walk from the main street of Brussels. All bat 3 acres of the plane is iu grass. After an extended illness Mrs. Chas. Ritchie passed away Saturday afternoon, Dec. 31st, at 2 o'clock, aged 48 years, 1 month and 14 days. She was the only daughter of the late Alex. Stewart, was born in Harpurhey, moving to Grey when a child. 28 years ago on the 10th of January she was united in earriage to her now bereft hasbaud and they re• sided on his farm its the same neighbor- hood until 2 years ago when they sold to W. H. Maunders, their son in-law and moved to Brussels, Mrs. Ritchie's health had not been vigorous for the past 5 years and at various stages she had been very i11 bat with heroic forti- tude she battled for life and no doubt prolonged her years by her energy. Despite all that could be done, however, she continued to decline and the end came as above stated, heart failure and dropsy being the (tame. BELGRAVE Mies Martha Wheeler is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. D. Wheeler at present. Messrs. J. and Chas. Vannorman, of Winnipeg are the guests of Belgrave friends. Tho congregation of Trinity Church have decided to raise the ministers salary from $700 to $800. Miss Minnie Bruce of Marnoch is engaged with Mrs. Jas. B. Nicol for the winter months. A very quiet bat pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Wm. Wray, Belgrave, on Tuesday, January 3rd, when his daughter M ted was m ar- ried to one of Hallett's most enterprising young farmers, Mr, Wm. A. Bryant. The large parlors were beautifully ar- ranged in honor of the event, while ferns and lilies formed an exquisite . back- ground. Tho bride was given away by her father, and entered the parlor to the Established 7879. Whooping Cough, Crou-, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Crec oteno is a boon to tuthmaticn rl:r:Sat tar tea lona retahn,brd and standard rrm.•.ly for the dire.,srs ltut:..,lul. It c ... a Is. n,, tba n:r r n. ' d, tr.i ttronay anti;, .(iris rarerel o'•rr the d:.r.ksed IArrs .it Mr branch ul ttyhrr % .th .r'rr breath, glv1ng pr.dotr_..1:MI rnaet:ntt t:r.khnrnt. 1h11.1. of n ronanutp• the teed. n. y, ur M:'ru•rt f.••an rime,! hrunrhdic, 8.1 Immediate r.l:rt trunk cut.bba er iI:darned conditions er . the throat. V ii o •'rrrolr',r le Feld by drtudirAd ur Arne I.tet paid Oh u.,d:.t or pr:. e, A 1' • ,. t•rreot. as at.i- et Inehn::at a 1ro'11e nr eresulrhn ei.;el. Swed far free ilfish..t,d booklet. r.,r,ttxuMt itf'n.,t:a., AiN;ts, 2 5 ht. lanes 9t., Mut trcd, Cunud:k. as: Minutes! EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR REP ERS. iTwo .Minutest Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di- gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan- tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos- sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be- fore you expect it. We will send you a sample free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists Toronto, Ont. gocents and S. co A11 druggists strains of the wedding march played by Mrs, (Rev.) A. E. Joues, The groom was supported by his brother from Si C tthartnes. The bride was heantifnlly attired in white organdie with trim- mings to match. After the ceremony all adj xsrued to the large dining room, where a most sumptuous dishier was served The happy couple left for New York and points east, the bride's travel- ling dress beiug blue broadcloth, with sable fur trimming. Their many friends extend congratulations. One of the Vilest Diseases Is catarrh which first attacks the nose and throat and finally spreads all through the system. The nue sur i cure is fra- grant healing Catarrhozone which is sent by the air you breathe direct to the root, of the trouble. Mr. T Y. MatVicar of Yarmouth suffered for years from catarrh and says:-"Itr my long exper- ience with this loathsome disease I never used any remedy that relieved and cured so promptly as 011tarrhozoue. When my nostrils were so stuffed up that I couldn't breathe I found a few inhala- tions of Ont'trrhozooe was sufficient to clear away the muttons I am perfeetly cured by Ca.tarrhoznne and free from the disease entirely." Use only Oatarrho- zone. Complete outfit $1.00; trial size 25c. FAST \VA\VANOSH Mrs. George Coulees and baby arrived home last week alter spending Xmas and New Years with friends in D un- dalk. Mrs. Jos. Maines. and betty of Man- itoba are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, R. Leishmau at present. Mr. Noble of Clinton is visiting his brother Mr. Jas. Noble of Gtli line. Miss Robertson of Dungannon has assume her new duties as teacher of school No. 13. Mr. Ed. Taylor Jr. hes been appointed trustee for school No. 13 in place of Mr. T. H. Taylor, who has become a member of the council. Quite a nulnber from here attended the ball in Belgrave last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nethery gave a few of their young friends a social "hop" one evening last week. Mr, R. Roberts Sundayed with gravel road friends. Mr. and Mrs. Snell wore at home to a Pew of their young friends one evening last week. A number of the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John. Reid assembled at their hopie in Beet Wawanosh on Monday evening of last week to cele- brate the 25th anniversary of their wedding, Mrs. Reid was the recipient of many very useful and beautiful presents of silverware. A very enjoyable even- ing was spent in games, music, friendly conversation, after which the ladies served a most sumptuous repast to which all did ample justice. At an early hour the company dispersed to their homes with congratulations to the host and h ostess, wishing them many happy re- turns of the day. The following from a recent issue of Isard'S The Talk of the Town. aimirimmeardiammunamumminilliallffinlinn We're going to make our Alteration Sale the talk of the town for the next couple of months. To get rid of a big stock in half the usual time means big selling -and our way of creating large sales is to go right after the prices. We start in among the Furs, and offer Ladies' Fur Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Caperines, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Muffand Gauntlets at wholesale price. This is a grand opportunity to secure a real good Fur Coat at a great saving. We handle only the best makes of Furs, Ladies' Jackets. Ladies', Misses' and ChiRdren's Cloth at cost price. Coats to clear Uigh=Class Clothing. Two thousand dollars' worth of Men's Youths' and Boys' Ready -to -put-on Clothing in the basement at wholesale price. It will pay you to drive twenty-five miles to buy clothing here during this great sale. The clothing must positively he sold out, ,i as the end will be torn out of the building in order to extend the store back, so we must get the basement cleared out and ready for the builders. This is your chance to make great savings on C• kv 1 MEN'S OVERCOATS SUITS REEFERS PANTS OVERALLS .L BOYS' O' ERCOATS " SUITS REEFERS " PANTS, short and long MEN'S SNOOKS all to go at wholesale price. A few Pobes to clear out at cost price. No room to quote prices here. Please come and see goods and prices together, and we will satisfy you in every respect. CARPETS Buy your Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums now, and see what money we cart save you during. our Alteration Sale. This is a money -making sale for our customers and a stock reduction sale for us. Dress Goods. Silks and Trimmings, Knitted Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps; Boots, Shoes -at cost price. TERMS OF SALE:- !CASH OR TRADE. lit, E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices. VIvYYYYVYVYYYVVVVVVvevvovv e'VYYYVYYYvvyVTYVVVVVYVVVVv s 4 4 e 4 w .4 '4 '4 r OP ► ► ► vvvvvvvvvv►vvvvvvv (ROYAL GROCERY( Dinner Sets0 We have had a most extraordinary sale of Dinner Sets. Only three left, and these are marked down to a price that will be a bargain to whoever is fortunate in getting one. The patterns and colors are all up-to-date, with gold tracing, and consist of the following pieces : 12 Bread and Batter Platee 1 Open Dish 12 Dinner Plates 3 Platters 12 Sauce Dishes 1 Sugar 1 Bowl 1 Cream 12 Cups and Saucers 12 Tea Hates 12 Soup Plates 1 Gravy l3oat 2 Covered Dishes Sweet Oranges We struck a snap this week on Oranges. A good me- dium size Orange usually sold at ;lit: doz., for 20c The large size, usually sold at 4.0c doz. Our price 303 AT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GRIFFIN'S. the Brandon Sun refers to a young man well-known in this township and a son of Mr. P. Porterfield, Township Clerk: - "In November, Mr. George Porter- field, the popular, affable and obliging bead clerk at the post office, went to Winnipeg and wrote in the civil service exams, George ham been on edge ever since awaiting the announcement of the results. To -day the news was given ont in an Ottawa despatch, and in the list of successful candidates Mr. Porterfield's name, of course, appears. He passed. That he would do so his many friends felt was a foregone con - .4f 4 4 a E E 4 4 4 4 Q 4. AAI.wAAAAAAA4.4.A ►AA1•AAtA&AAAA elusion, for they know that whenever George undertakes a task he will deliver the goods. Whatever doubt there wart in the matter was confined to Mr. Porterfield himself, modest and unae- suming,who under -rates himself at every- turn. veryturn. With the suspense over Mr. Porterfield's worried look of the last few weeks has disappeared. and he is himself` again --Sunny George," bright, cheer- ful and light-hearted to begin the New Year. The, news of Mr. Porter - field's "passing" is glad news to his host of friends who will heartily wish him all the success that can fall to the lot oo one man in the civil service,"