HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-06-17, Page 13.Al2 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 17, 1987 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIF CLASSIFIE Phone 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1.COMING EVENTS 1 . 5: HELP WANTED J HAM & STRAWBERRY supper at. Cromarty a$$WE DO IT$$' �lo„u a[ecldy have the ability�jus1 show you Presbyterian -Chu torch Wednesday June 17th, how. Earn Executive income plus. New line of 5:00 to 3, 0 p.ri1, Adults: $6.00 children under Canadian made' no -run panty hose. Phone $ 12 yrs. $3,00. Preschoolers - free. ' 1-23x2 10.. FARM MACHINERY BEECHWOOD. POTTERY : Annual Spring Show and .Sale of new work in porcelain and• stoneware by Robert 'Tetu. Two days only. Saturday and Sunday, June 20-21, Noon to 6 p,m. 21/2 miles north of St. Columban on McKillop•Sideroad No: 1 0 345-2184. 1-24-2 SEAFORTH ; MANOR, . 100 • James St. is holding a strawberry social. Proceeds. to Alzheimers, society. Sat., June 27, 2-4 p.m. ' Everyone welcome, 1-24-2 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE will be held. at Cromarty Presbyterian Church on June 28th. at 11:00 a.m. The guest. speaker is Mrs; Lucie Milnefrom Mitchell, Ontario. Everyone • welcome. 1-24x2 ON THE OCCASION of their 50th. Wedding Anniversary, the family of Jack and .Verda • Sinclair wish to invite you to an Open House at the Orange Hall, Seaforth, Sunday, June 21, 1987 from 2-5 p.m. Please, best wishes only. 1-24x1 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $160.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases $20 per. week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-11-tf NEXT C.P.R. Certification Course, Saturday, June 20 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m., Board Room Seaforth Hospital, to register please call 527-1650, leave name and phone _number, 1-23-2 BLYTH FESTIVAL - Girls in the Gang: June 16 and 18 (previews), 19 (Gala Opening - sold out), 20, 25, 26. Bordertown Cafe: June 23 (opening), 24, 25 (matinee - sold out), 27. All performances are at 8:30 p:m. except matinees which are at 2:00 p.m. For tickets, call Box, Off ice at 523-9300/9225. 1-24-1 • The family of MR. and MRS. MERVYN LOBB invite friends, neighbours and relatives to an Open House for their 50th Wedding Anniver- sary on Sat. June 20, 2-5 p.m. at Don and Alison Lobbs Best wishes only. 1-24x1 2. YARD/GARAGE SALE WE'VE EVEN got the kitchen sink. Multi - Family Garage sale, Saturday, June 20, 125 Market Street, 8 a.m. to 2 p.rn. Furniture, skis, appliances and much much more. 2-24-1 MOVING SALE - Sat. June 20, 9 a.m. 66 Vic- ' toria Blvd. Vanastra. Rain or shine. Some household` items, dishes, toys, clothes, plus misc. items. 2-24-1 MULTI -FAMILY YARD SALE - Friday. June 19.3p.m.-?and Sat.,June 209a.m.-?,147 Goderich St. W. Cancelled 0 rain. 2.24x1 3. LOST, STRAYED EXPERIENCED help wanted for Mitchell area dairy farm. Call Howard Fanson 348-0620. 6.23.2 LOST - 'Orange Male Cat. 2 years old. answers to "Treat". Lost from the brick house beside the church in Londesboro. Phone 523-4488. 3-24-1 BROWN nylon wallet with velcro fastener bet- ween James St. and Seaforth Public Schoo!. Finder pterin call 627-0415 after 4 p.m. 3.2 5, HELP WANTED EXPERiENCED help wanted for Mitchell area dairy tarn-. Call Reward Fanson 348.0620. 5-23-2 "A CAREER IN ("RUCKING" - Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for. your Olen A license. For prescreening inter- view and rob placement inforination,.1ontact Mery Ott's Transport Driver Treining London: 1-800-265-3559. 5-18-11 SECRETARY receptionist bookkeeper full time for small office. personality and ap- pearance important. G-'staiOt DraWer No. 23 clo Goderich Signal -Star. P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A4B6 5-24-1 1.800.265-2216. before 8:30 a.m, or after 4 p.m. 5-24-4 PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITIONIST is required by HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT The nutritionist provides leadership and advice in the assessment of nutrition education needs and in the. develop- ment, implementation and evaluation of programs to meet these needs within the health promotion/disease prevention programs of the Health Unit, Qualifications: A Bachelor's degree in foods and nutrition or equivalent plus a Master's degree in community or public health nutrition, Please send resume by June 26 to: Dr. J.K. McGregor Acting Medical Officer of Health Huron County Health Unit . Court House Goderich, Ontario., N7A 1M2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE • NOW IN PROGRESS customer appreciation FORD-8N_Loader no -bucket good -shape, days -each -item -26 -cents -Salvation Army- 51400,00, 482.7126, 10.24=1 Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton, 14.24-1 400 GEHL FORAGE harvester for sale with 2' NEARLY NEW . mint condition Gerhard - heads; two, Gehl forage wagons for sale. Heintzman piano and bench. Phone Phone 527-1295. 10.24.1 527-0225, 14-24-1 • NEW IDEA one row corn picker;.3 mesh corn MTD 5 hp riding lawn mower, like new condi- • cribs; 36 ft, Little Giant 'elevator. 482-9204. tion. Asking $750,00, Phone 262.2757. 10-24x2 14-24-2 Town of Seaforth STUDENT JOB OPPORTUNITY BIA RESEARCH & PROMOTIONS ASSISTANT Wore looking for a Grade 12 or 13 stip dont interested In marketing, advortis. ing, business research, and tho future of downtown Seaforth, to assist the BIA (Business Improvement Association) with its activities, -Tho student must bo highly motivated and a good self starter. Ap- plications to bo completed by Friday, Juno 19th at the Clerk's Office, Town of Soaforth, Box 610, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO. For informatlun contact Tom Lemon • 527.0160. BOOKKEEPER / SALES CLERK Permanent part-time position. Two / three days per week. Bookkeeping experience a necessity. Local retail outlet. Forward application and resume to Box 3866, c/o The Huron Expositor, RO. Box 69, Seaforth, Ali replies confidential. 6. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY NEW COMPANY in Canada for two years - ex- celient ground Itoor oppottunity with a multi- level marketing plan. Sell classy lingerie with some daytime apparel. No deliveries. Ex- cellent opportunity for management position or on a parttime basis. This would appeal to anyone who has had party plan business ex- perfence. Call Cheryl 520.3176. 6-24=2 7, SITUATIONS WANTED STUDENT looking for babysitting job for turn - mer. Phone 527-1949 ask for Cathy. 7-23-2 MATURE COMPANION to live in to help with nursing and -household duties for an elderly woman, four miles from Clinton. Own vehicle an asset- Room and board provided - above average renumeration depending on qualifica- tion. 14'efelaliite rewired. Write Or contact: Eleanor Brooks, 3170 Masse Court, Windsor N9E 225 516969-2388. 7-242' RELIABLE PERSON n'eeded to babysit two children, ages 6 and 3 years, for the months of AVAILABLE 7- babyslt during summer mon'- J'ut and August- Phone 521.1645 after 4:00' tilt. Phone 527 0?75. 7'24x7 July p.nr 5-241 WANTED - Mature Tran -smoke* to babysit two children', ages 4 and 11/2, preferably in their o wilt house. Phone 527-0278,'9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ftwide by 3-6 ft. 5-24x1 high (John" Deere). Scott Consitt 482-9297 or 565-2728. 8-23.12 8. CUSTOM WORK t P WA Licer9ced Matti-tett:nu Licensed Sheet Metal s 3rd to Sthlte vi Apprentices Beginners need not a'ppl'y. St'a'rting wage 59130 - S11.50 per hour Piea'Se cdil3 John RtlsSenberg J.IRA'.R: Electric Ltd. • Exeter," Obote 1SS15'16 • 11. HAY & STRAW 7 ACRES alfalfa hay for sale;, Ken Gemmell -527-1689. 1144.1 FOR SALE'- 8 acres of standing red clover hay: Phone 345-2747. 11-24-2 12. USED CARS 1980 DODGE St, Regis, good running condi- tion, as is $1000. Phone 527-1800 or 527-1960. - 12-22-tf 1979 MERCURY Marquis Brougham, loaded, good shape for the year, $1500. Phone 527-1960 days 482-7555 evenings, 12-24-2 • your baler twine headquarters from $•15.85 SEAFORTH 527-0120 IlkFARM EQUIPMENT UMITED r„rt-colla .1.1“ . M, . CAM L9twd • «(x01100 _. In stock WALLPAPER SALE 1/2 .PRICE Campbell's Home Centre Seaforth 527=1420 1985 CHRYSLER Lazer, black with grey in- HARDTOP tent trailer. $300.00 as . is. tenor, excellent- condition. Call 527.1852. 527-1562. 15-24-2 12-24-1 1`5. RV's FOR SALE ONE OWNER: 1981 Dodge Diplomat, 2 door hard top, six cylinder with power steering and power brakes, air, cruise, side mirrors, rear window defogger, new brakes, new paint w/stone guard, low mileage, very economical, oiled regularly, accident free and certified. Trades considered. Phone 348-9226. 12-24x2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION FISHERMEN - Lowrance X4, X5, Eagle '5000, 6100, 7000, and VHF radios, temperature probes, Loran -C In stock at dis- count"prices. LakenHuron Rod "and Gun,` Underwood, 368.7182. Open Seven days, 14-22-8 FATHER'S DAY, Ideal gilt) Loungers and other great patio items at 4004) off or more, Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays, 71 King W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405. 14-23-2 21. WANTED TO BUY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Cali 1Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 22. WANTED , 1981 HONDA CB400 Hawk, good condition, PASTURE for 'a mare and foal in Seaforth Shoei helmet and bike cover thrown in. 5900 area, 345.2838. 22-24-1 certified. Call evenings 627.0341. 14-23.2 OUEENSIZE waterbed, less than a year old. Phone 527-0517. 14-24-1 PiG TALES - quality children's books at affor- dable prices! Joanne Drennan 482.7584. 14-24-3 TRAILERS - Travel 501 wheeefs, hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Soler, Lionel,hitches, truck caps. Sates, rentals, repairs, 25 years in business. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-6938. 14.12.11 USED appliances at Phelan's Placa, Seaforth, Guaranteed 00 days. Reasonably priced. Phone 627,213. 14.46-tf GALLAGHER high power fencing, see our complete line of electric fencing Supplies, Evert Vansiigtenhorst, Zurich 262.6208. 14.18411 21 in.P,. USF* MOWER with adjustable 8 in wheats, like new condition. $150.00. Phone 262-2727. 14.24-1 CHERRIES - sweet starting June 1& souts Ju= ty2, bring containers and pick your own. Wat- son's Fruit Farm, 1 mile north of Forest, 21 Hwy 786-6439. 14-24-2 TE -EM FARM COME VISIT US FOR ALL 'YOUR GARDENING' NEEDS •Top Quality Bedding Plants *Many In -Store Specials STRAWBERRIES • Weather Permitting Pick Your Own' or Ready Picked OUR c7Wi AQua:�PArRs ntit(es.AGUS In Freezer CUT FRESH DAILY!-- GREENHbuSE TOMATOES, ENGLISH CUCUMBERS' AND RHUBARB - NOW READY! WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES Buy Direct From The Grower For Tap Quality OPEN r OAY'g A WEEK R R 1 BAYFIELD' 482-3020 "SUDDENLY ors SOLD" CLINTON - ONTARIO TELEPHONE; 482-9311 33,4 ACRES: tuckersmith Township on No. 8 Highway. Frame home, barn and shed. LONDESI3ORO1 1 floor brick home, Finished basement, inground pool, large lot. 4t/s ACRES: Near Family Paradise. with 1'r Boor sound home home in need of repair. and on exceptional forge steel barn. 1t/2ACRES: Building lot on Bayfield River. RESTAURANT and good home. highway loco - lion. Huron County COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: with 2 oport• Merits, Queen Street. Blyth. - 6 ACRES: On No. 8 Hwy.. fieldstone home and smell barn. CLINTON: duplex on Huron Street, showing exoetleni return. A good investment property. SMALL OFFICE BUILDING in good condition on main street in Brussels. 4 LOTSt at kiirSur'n. very reasonable. r-.000"OTE TliOUCaHT: Sometime d' mniartty means that all fools are on the same side. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30'P.M. MONDAY ' DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS ' IS MONDAY NOON 22 words -one week, 84.35; two weeks, $3.85; three 'weeks, $3,35. Additional words 18 cedte• . -BIRTHS Notharge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $7, with .picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding, After this, time, photo and dutllne only, :$15, Complete write-up $25., IN MEMORIAMS'- 84.36 plus 35 canto per line of .verse. . CARD OF THANKS - 30 words, 54.50. Each additional word .08 cents, 60 CENT DISCOUNT FOR -CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK' FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Coming .Everits 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property for sale 3. Lost Strayed 25. Property for rent 4. Found 28. Apartments for rent 5. Help. Wanted . 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 8. Custom. work 30. Room and Board 9: Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery 32. Vacations _ 11. Hay and straw 33. Educational 12. Used cars • 34, Auction Sales 13..Uaed trucks 36. Tenders. wanted ,14. Articles for sale 36. Legal notice • 15. R.V,e for sale . 37, Notice to creditors 18. Mobile homes 38. Service directory 17.' VCRs for sale 39. Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40. In memoriam • 19,' Pets 41. Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21,. Wanted to buy 43. Marriages 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY •6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 23, REAL ESTATE Culli an a ig ' REAL, ESTATE LIMITED MAUREEN WILDFONG 482.3224 HEATHER BENNEWIES 345-2432' • MAIN STREET MINUTES FROM CLINTON; 1.41 acres with a 1'i storey home completely redecorated with natural woodwork throughout, hidea- way laundry, 3 bedrooms. attached double garage plus much more. NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom bungalow with finished basement. newly decorated throughout, paved drive, excellent location, Coll for more details. NEW LISTING: 4 vacant lois centrally located. List $10,500.00 each. NEW LISTING; Presently under construction, 3 bedroom bungalow. situated of Golf Course. CHALK ST.: 4bedroom,'1' , storey aluminum clad home with newer kitchen and extra lot. web located near schools and downtown. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom bungalow features main floor laundry, patio doors, detached garage. Vendor will -hold mortgage. MILL ST.: Raised bungalow with 4 bedrooms, finished basement. List 850's. ORANTFORD ST.: Brick split level home with attached grudge, neutroliy decorated. A must to see. N. MAIN ST,: New 3 bedroom. brick bung. Mow, featuring ook cabinets. spacious kit• then. formol dining area, main floor foundry, and dllathed gorge. HWY. LOCATION: 2 bedroom bungalow in mint condition with attached garage. Situated on forge lot. BUILDING LOT: 3.1r vacant building lot with scenic vie WEST WILLIAM ST.: Ranch style home leatur• mg'chef-s delight kitchen. forrhal dining, 3 bedrooms. leerily room. otta'ched garage. plus much more. Culligan REAL ESTATELIMITED FARMS large- very modern, large feed 400 Acres -addition feed tar, ct head atiful brick floors, house. all modern storage Base, addition Starter cattle barns, throu'ghottt. Call Cor Vanderpryt at 345.2670. Dairy - modern 40 Cow capacity, good dairy barn, high ceiling milli pipeline, stable cleaner, very neat beautiful older 3 bedroom house, bright kitchen, family size living room, 2 addi- tiorialsheds. Call Cor Vanderpryt at 345-2679. Have cash buyer - needs as soon as possible 25 - 35 cow, dairy farm. Call Cor Vanderpryt at 345-2679. 200 Acresp o , tile drained,.Fiuron Clay Loam. 'cash crop beef farm, _&5f1' heat unit area excellent soil for !lean production, beautiful redecotated 4 bedroom home.. Call Car Vander- pryt at 545.2679. 100 Acres - Hibbert Twp. 88 acres workable, good crop rotation idealbuilding site, to St. Colurnban. Bari been Well maintained. Call Coy Vanderpryt at 345-2670. Cor Vanderpryt - specializing in th'e ma"<'keting of farms. 62 Ontario ltd., Mitchell, Ont. Office - 348.8355'