HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-06-17, Page 6TH HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 17, 1987 A5 STEADY AS SHE GOES -The Hensall Spr- •Ing Fair parade Saturday was packed with • ••. • :small children, tett horses, and old cars. c >> . ti ' ,. ���° There was good attendence at the fair held . GETTING READY -The Annual Hensall Spring Fair held Friday and Saturday was filled Friday and Saturday. A young girl guides with Iots of events like animal shows, crafts and a parade. Nancy deBruyn.gets her her horse through the noisy parade, ready Dorset ram Iambs ready for the sheep.show that began around 5 p.m. Blake photo if her horse decided to jump• Blake photo Sunday school promotes students at services; Hensali Correspondent "SUSANHARTMAN . 262-2449 June •14 was Sunday School Promotion and Awards Day at Hensall United Church. The front of the church was a mass of evergreens and flowers in memory of Margaret Wein formerly of Exeter, who passed away recently in Ottawa. She was the mother of Doug of Ottawa, and his wife is the former Jerry Parker, daughter of Harold and Dorothy Parker. Flowers were alsoplaced in memory of Mary Mellis, a member of the Kippen United Church. Sympathy • is extended to Gerry Glen whose mother passed away sud- denly in Lucknow last Thursday and also to the Taylor family on the tragic loss of their daughter, Donna. The theme for the service was "Trees" and Mr. Cowan, who conducted the service, told the children about a tree that loved a lit- tle boy. Assistant Sup' rintendant Bill Noakes and Mr. Cowan gave out perfect attendance awards to: Tara and Shane Pepper, Ben- jamin and Sarah Stoll, Joshua Fields, Lind- say Campbell, Erin Campberand Heatber Wood for one year. Two year recipients were; Jane Campbell, Dawn and Joan Cor- bett, and Meghan Hayter. Three year reci- pients were; Becky Corbett, Kim Taylor, Bill Hayter, Melissa Masse, Janine Hayter and Jennifer Masse. Four year recipients were: Jeff Rathwell, Jeremy, Scott and Jeff Reid, Victoria Bisback and Dennis Noakes. Six years recipients were; Kari Taylor, Katie Rathwell, Jennifer McGee; Lisa Campbell and Jamie Brock. Seven year recipients were; Richelle and Terri -Lynn Elder, Kari -Sue and Ryan Kyle and Leann Consitt. Eight year recipients were; Jodie, Jamie and Derick McGee and Tim and Mark Brock. Nine year 'recipients were; Thomas Scotchmer, Shaun Wurm and Min- dy BeIL'Eleven year recipients were; Diane Stebbins, Wayne Scotehmer and Rob Gackstetter. Promotional certificates were given to: Promotion from Nursery 2 to Kindergarten 1 were Kristine Pryde, Lindsay Campbell, Tara Campbell, David Bisback, Erin Tra- guair, Benjamin Raeburn, Lindsay Knight, Joshua Alexander and Brandin Martin. From Kindergarten 2 to Primary l were Jason Corbett, Bill Hayter, Amy Wood, Jeff Rathwell and Valerie Collins. From Primary 2 to Junior 1 were Kari Taylor, Katie Rathwell, Jamie Campbell, Melissa Masse, Jennifer McGee, Lisa Campbell, Jennifer Allan, MacKenzie Cardiff and Louise Wood. From Junior 2 to Intermediate MAPIAEWOOD 'MANOR Offers A UNIQUE SERVICE Visiting Friends in the Areal? Mapiewobd Manor offers a ser- vice' for individuals with health problems— stay at Maplewood while you visit friends or relatives. Long term, short term, vacation & convalescent care. 7-1440 SHOW ROOM S8 Union Ste piiblln A Division Of 11i1.J. Feeney C®ns4ructteis Lida 345-2405'' 1. were Jamie Brock, Cathy Corbett, Terri - Lynn Elder, Jaimie & Jodie McGee, Tara Pepper, Jeremy Reid, Heather Wood, Anne Peckham and Kimberly,Scotchmer.' A presentation of a crest was made to every child in Sunday School. It was design- ed by Pam Gackstetter for Hensall United Church's 100th Anniversary last year. Con- gratulations to Pam for her interest and ability. Finally, Alan Mallette and Rachel Wood presented Mr. Cowan with a poster, made by the children., thanking him for his support. Greeting worshippers at the door was Hilda Payne, assisted by Chris Smith. Ushers for the service were Barb and Pam Gackstetter and Don and Bill Stebbins.' • • SENIORS MEETING The 'Three Links Seniors held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June Turn to page 14A • HELLO CROWD-Hensall Fair Oueen waves to the anxious crowd Saturday during the half-hour parade of the annual Hensal Spring Fair. Thi fair was held pritiay and Satur- day and was busy with animal shows, crafts and rides. Blake photo. �p©�0� to6 and coo, A jj/rL s s SOUND SACK OPEN 10 TO 5:30 MONDAY TO SATURDAY SEAFORTH 527-2033 FATHERS DAY SUNDAY JUNE 21 Large Selection Of COMPACT DISCS CASSETTES & RECORDS BRIAN ADAMS - 'INTO THE FIRE' Available on tamped' dist, record or cassette *FLAGS •POSTERS • T -.SHIRTS SPECIAL FOR FATHER'S DAY BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN AND THE STREET BAND LIVE 1975.55 Reg. 49.98 CASSETTE 1 GOT IT, MOMMY -The 'annual Hensal Spring Fair was a happy time for children, who made certainthey went on all the rides and watched the parade. The fair was held Friday and Saturday with good attendence. A small child. runs excitedly from the street with a handful of candy' thrown from 'the parade participants. Blake photo. ROSS RIBEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR HOW D'O' I COMFORT PARENTS WHO HAVE . LOST A CHILD?' I know of no.more distressing news than to hear of a young person's death. The life of a child has great social value. The children are our .future. We. are moved by a child's .. general helplessness and 'feel that he has not had a chance to live as We feel he is entitled to•• • The impact' upon the family is tremendous. Parents. often' feel guilty and may even, for. a tlfne, hold. themselves responsible. Itis a time when that family needs 011 the love and attention that friends have. to offer: • The best way to help, most of th'e time, is lust to be there and.listen. A grieving parent may, ask "Why did God do this to me?" or " What more could we have done?".You should let him, talk. By expressing these feelings, the grieving parent Is on his way to recovery. Those .of us who provide, funeral services realize the special significance of the death' of a child. We try ,to offer comfon.and special attention to those in need of our,services at • all times. We welcome your questions and " comments privately or through this column. 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YOU could be one of these families! Your local EF Foundation Area Representative is interviewing prospective families now. Host families are able -to choose the student best suited for their home. Call today: Janice Rose 519.482-3768 (evenings) . Educational Foundation for Foreign Study or call toll-free 1 -800 -44 -SHARE of '�s a .fr sn xe�ff u Ingrid from Norway AT WORTHWHILE SAVINGS POLO SHIRTS Regular to $15.95 Fortrel-Cotton Plain and Stripe Pattern - Colour White, Navy, Brown Sand, Blue Etc. i` For Father Sizes S,M,L,XL SPECIAL 9,95 Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS New Stock Values to $30.00 't Miss These r -or Dad . VERY SPECIAL 95 1 SPORT JACKETS Summer Sharp Jackets Sizes 38-44 Regular to $119.00 - SPECIAL Our Entire Stock Men's Dress PANTS SPECIAL . FOR DAD A LARGE SELECTION. AVAILABLE OF • COUNTRY 8t. WESTERN CASSETTES Oclkridge goys •Alabclin'ci ''Tice J'udds *Kenny Rogers And Many More FaitiOus ArtistS 95 Our Entire Stock Men's Summer WINDBREAKERS % Off For Father's Day DRESS SHIRTS QUALITY TIES SHARP BELTS SWIM SHORTS PAJAMAS A