HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-06-10, Page 132. YARD/GARAGE SALE I Al2 .- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 10, 1987 TOWN AND COUNTRY CLASSIFIE Phone 527-0240 Deadline: Monday, 4:30 p.m. 1 .COMING .EVENTS. 5. HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY & HAM Supper Brucefield United Church; Wed., June 17, 5-7 Adults $7.00, children 6-12, $3.50. Preschool .. free, • 1-22.2' HAM AND STRAWBERRY Supper at Hibbert United Church, Staffs; on Wednesday, June 10 from' 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $6.00, $2.50 for children under.'12 and -preschool children free. 1-22.2 SUN JUNE 14 Cavan United Church,Win- throp. Church Service and Sunday School for. this week only at 11 a.m. Odd, Fellows and Rebekahs will attend.. Lunch after the service. 1-23x1 SUN JUNE 14 Northside United Church, • Seaforth Church Service, Nursery and Sun- day School for this week only at 9:30 a.m.' Brunch after the service. 1-2351 50TH' WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Lloyd and: Winona Pipe , invite relatives,, friends and neighbours to -Open House, Sunday, June 14, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Northside United Church, ' Seaforth, Best wishes only please. ' 1-23x1 HAM & STRAWBERRY supper at Cromarty Presbyterian Church Wednesday June 17th, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Adults - $6.00 children under 12 yrs. 53.00. Pre-schbolers - free. 1.23x2 SINGLES DANCE Saturday June 13th at Vic- torian Inn, Stratford. Dancing '9 - '1 to "The CountryVersatiles - 1-23-1 BINGO: Vanastra Rec Centre, 'Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Regular Card - $1.00; 15 Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. - J'ackpot $200 must go. Lucky ball $140.00 (if not won) Lucky ball increases $20 per week ..Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 1-11-i1 CANADIAN Foresters Annual , Chicken Barbecue to be held in'Kinburn on Thurs., June 11, 5 - 7. Adults $6.00, Children $4.00. 1-20-4 • NEXT C.P.R. Certification Course, Saturday, June 20 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m., Board Room Seaforth Hospital, to register please call 527-1650. leave name and phone number. 1-23-2 FIDDLER'S JAMBOREE, Sunday June 21, Mitchell Community Centre, Time - 1:30 Spon- . , sors - Mitchell Lions Club and The Old Timers. Admission $2.00, Family $5.00. Participants tree. Pork Barbecue supper available. 1-23x1 GARAGE SALE, June 13, 9-4 9 Welsh St. Seaforth (north end) multi -family, weather per- mitting. 2-23-1 MULTI -FAMILY Yard Sale • Sat., June 13. 9 a.m.. 95 Market St. Sealorth. 2-23.1 YARD SALE, Si. 'Thomas Anglican Church grounds Sat.. June 27. 10 a.m. - ? If anyone would' like to donate any articles phone 527.0814.527.0492, 527-0153. 2-23-1 YARD SALE • Sal., June 13, 10 a.m. - ? 5 miles south of Seaforth. single bed, clothes, and misc. items. • 2-213x1 YARD AND BAKE SALE, Wesley -Willis park- ing lot, Clinton, on'Saturday, June 13, 1987 at 9 a,m. 2-23x1 L. LOST, STRAYED I STRAYED from ConC. 14, McKillop two., yearling steer, call Jim Poortinga 229.6533. 3=23-1 5.' HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED help wanted for Mitche 1 area dairy farm. Call Howard Fanson 348-9620. 5-23-2 "A CAREER IN TRUCKING" - Transport drivers needed Now is the time to train for your class A license. For prescreening interview and job placement Information; contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training London. .1-800-265-3559 5.18-11 HELP WANTED catching chickens: night work and travelling involved. Make up to 5250.00 per week. Part or full time positions available. Cali Clinton Stumpf 482-5523. -03"tf $$EARN EXECUTIVE INCOME$$ Become a distributor ler Panty Hose. 1004b guarantee never to run. For more information call Jack Stone. Atwood 1-800-265-2216i 5-20-8 RELIEF milking for Sumnerummer vacation. Call allfl now. George Townsend 527-1629. 5.22x2 FULL-TIME or part time RNA to work 3-11 and 11-7.A Apply y t o Riverside Nursing Home, 89 St. Andrew St., Mitchell, or call 348-8903. 5-22-2 BOOKKEEPER/SECRETARY required for sYnall manufacturing Uompany. Knowledge'of payroll systems an asset. Position will Initially be part-time!, Please sent resume outlining ex- perience and wage expectation to: Boilersmith Ltd., Box 70, Seaforth, Ont. NQK 1 WO, 5;23.1 9. FARM STOCK FOR SALE Bred Gilts to farrow late June, Ju- ly, August. Breeding dates, vaccinated,• R.O.P. tested, guaranteed. York x Landrace or York x Hamp, good selection York, Hemp, Duroc, and Hamp x Duroc Boars. Days as low as 129; back fat as low as' 8.4 mm, all priced' ' 'competitively from $250. Bob Robinson, RR 4, PART-TIME .help for haying and stonepi'cking,.i mostly afternoons; 527-1308. . •. 5-23-1 PART, -TIME waiter/waitress apply in person to the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. . 5-22-2 DRIVER WITH 'A' license for manufacturing company with branch warehouse in Califor- nia. Preference' given to driver with long distance experience in U.S. Applicants must provide profile of driving record. References required. Apply to Ford Dickison„ Industries, Brodhagen, Ontario, 235.2044, . 5-23-1 SECRETARY receptionist bookkeeper full time for small office. Personality and ap- pearance important; Contact Drawer No. 23 c/o Go•deri.ch Signal -Star, P.O.. Box . 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6, 5-23ar-1 BOOKKEEPER /. SALES .CLERK Permanent part-time position. Two / three days Per week. Bookkeeping experience a necessity. Local retail outlet. Forward application and resume to Box 3866, c/o The Huron. Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth. All - replies . confidential. 'Seaforth Recreation " Department requires a SUMMER PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR -supervise playground,playschool, LIT programs, -assist recreation director Send resume or application to . Seaforth ' Recreation Department P.O. Box 885 Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1.WO `Applications available at the Recrea- tion Office or the Town Clerks Office. Deadline for applications will bo Friday, June 12, 1987 5 p.m. . uaOss &Oftet'oaad °d Sdueaua.c requires BUS DRIVERS 8t Brookside Public School Howick Central Public School McCurdy' Public • School Stephen Central Public School. Duties to commence in the fall of 1987. The successful applicant must hold a Class '8' drivers licence. Interested applicants should send a let- ter of appiicatton stating experience to the undersigned by June 17, 1987. Mr. Gino Gfannandrea Personnel Relations Administrator Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO H. Clark R.B. Allan Chairman Director 7. SITUATIONS WANTED WILL DO housecleaning. References available, Phone 527-0943. 7-23-1 STUDENT looking for babysitting job for sum- mer. Phone 527-1949 ask for Cathy: 7-23-2 Walton. Call 345.2317. 9.22.2 10. FARM MACHINERY FARMALL C, narrow front, whrael'weights, 12 volt electrics, paint. excellent, tires fair $1825. Oliver 2 furrow plow 5125., cultivator with at- tached packer 5125. Call after 6 p.m. 527-0403. 10.22x2. 11. HAY '.&'STRAyt FOR SALE - 45 acres of mixed hay, outside of Walton, best'offer. 887-6735. . 11-23-1 20 ACRES of standi-ng hay = Timothy Alfalfa. ' ' Phone 527.0105. • 71-23-1 FOR SALE - 70 acres of double cut red. clover for 198 r season. Phone 527-0089. 11.23-1 B. CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM ROUND baling, 4 ft, wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere), Scott Consift 482-9297 or 565.2728. 8-23-12 ' HELP .WANTED Licenced Electricians Licenced Sheet Metal Licenced Plumbers 3rd to 5th ter'ra'' Apprentices • Beginners need not apply. Starting wage 511.50: S12.50 per hour Please Call: John i otenber'g J.M.R. Electric Ltd. Exeter, Ont. 235-1516 12. USED .CARS 1980 DODGE S. Regis, good running condi- tion, as, is $1000. Phone' 527-1800 .or 527; 1960. 12-22-tf 1973 MERCURY Comet, green, 2 door, auto., 6 cyl., new tires, new brakes, interior im- maculate. safetied; 1975 Chev Nova, light. blue, 4 doors, 6 cyl., auto., clean, new tires. Phone 527-1225 or 745-4156- Kitchener. -12-22-2 1976 BUICK. Phone 527:0130 after 4. 12.23,1 1975 CHRYSLER Newport, V8, power steer- • ing, power brakes, air, cruise for sale as' is '5750,00: Phone 482-9404. 12-23-1 •TILE SETTERS 'FINISH, CARPENTERS •CARPET LAYERS Experienced tradesmen re- quired for townhouse pro- ject. Apply in person to Vanastra Townhouses , or phone Pa u I McKey McKEY DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 4825877 - 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION r'ISHERMEN • Lowrance X4, X5, Eagle 5000, 6100. 7000; and VHF radios, temperature probes, Loran -C in stock at dis- count prices. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, ,Underwood. 368-7182. Open seven days 14-22.8 1973 STARCRAFT hard top . trailer, stove, 3 -way fridge, • furnace, sleeps 6. closet, 527.0327. 14-22-2 1988 CALGARY OLYMPIC tickets: 2 tickets for three events. bobsledding, round robin hockey and rodeo. Oates of events • February 20, Feb. 21 and Feb. 22, 1988. Call 348-8431 weekdays, 345-2079 after 6 p.r8. 14.22xif CANADA NO. 1 Midland Seed Beans, clean- ed and treated, harvested before the rain. Ap- ply to John Segeren, RR 5, Stratford. Ont. 393-6888. 14-22-2 VINYL thermal window 51 x 37 inch x 51/z wide: 20 in. Horilelite chain saw 527-1878. 14-23-1 , YAMAHA 200, electric' start 5150.00. Phone 482-9404. 14-23-1 '1981 SUZUKI GS400S, black with red pin striping., 1300 kms. best offer. Phone 527-0939 after 6 p.tn. 14-23-1 FATHER'S DAY, Ideal gift!, Loungers and other great patio items at 40% off or more. Warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays, 71. King W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-.4405. 14-23.2 14.'. ARTICLES FOR SALE 24" INGLIS Frostfree fridge,_one-year old. Kenmore heavy duty washer and dryer, apart- ment size like new. 24" Moffat stove,. Two comfortable chairs, plastic clothes closet .nearly new. Phone 527.0317.. 14-23x1 FOR SALE -,1980 Yamaha 650 Special, Low' mileage, Excellent condition, Phone 527-1548 - 527.1236. • 14-23x1 "1981 HONDA CB400 Hawk; good condition, Shoel helmet and bike cover thrown in.. $900 certified. Call evenings 527-0341. 14-23-2 TRAILERS - Travel 5th wheeels,. hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Boler,, Lionel, -hitches, 'truck caps. Sales, rentals, repairs,' 25. yearsin business. Camp -Out, Hwy. '8, 1 mile west of Stratford. 393-5938. • " 14-12.11 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Seaforth. Guaranteed 90 days. AReasonably priced. Phone 527.1213. • 14-48-tf GALLAGHER high power fencing, see our complete line of electric . fencing supplies, Evert Vansligtenhorsf, Zurich 262-6208. • 14-18-tf In 'stock - WALLPAPER SALE T�2 PRICE Campbell's Home Centre - Seaforth 527-1420 your baler twine headquarters from . $15.85' SEAFORTH 527.0120 FARM EQUIPMENT UMITED 1 113* TE -EM FARM COME VISIT US FOR .ALL YOUR -GARDENING NEEDS 'Top Quality Bedding. Plants *Many In -Store Specials STRAWBERRIES NOW READY 'Pick Your Own or Ready Picked QRDERS TAKEN OUR OWN ASPARAGUS In Freezer Quantities... CUT FRESH DAILY! ,GREENHOUSE TOMATOES, ENGLISH CUCUMBERS AND RHUBARB - NOW READY! WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES Buy Direct From The Grower For Top Quality OPEN I 7 DAYS A WEEK R.R: 1 BAYFIELD 482-3020 TUN Qrattts n. 13 21. WANTED TO BUY sssssmssss CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADO FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words - one week, $4.35; tWo.weeks, $3.85; three -weeks,-s3.35._Addltlonal.-words 18 -cents, BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of`$7, with picture $12 prepaid. MARRIAGES - Free for 8 weeks after date of .Wedding, After this time, photo and outline only, $15, Complete write-up $25. • IN MEMORIAMS - $4.35 plus 35 cents per line of .verse. CARD OF THANKS -.30 words, $4,50. Each additional word .08 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON. OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION, • ' BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - $3.00, each additional week - $1.00 CLASSIFICATIONS - 1. Coming Events 23. Real Estate 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24. Property' for sale 3. Lost,.. Strayed 25. Property for rent. 4. Found 26: Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. . For Bate or rent 8._•Busineas-Opportunity 28,. Wanted to rent 7 Situations Wanted 29. For,rent .5. Custom work ' '• 30, Room and Board 9, Farm Stock 31. Notice 10. Farm machinery .- 32. Vacations 11,-Hay'and straw 33. Educational' 12. Used cars . 34.' Auction Sales 35. Tenders wanted 36. Legal notice . 37. .Notice to creditors • 38. Service directory 13. Used trucks 14. Articles for sale 15. R.V.a for sale 16. Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 39. Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner, . 40, In memoriam -19. Pete, . 41. Personal 20, Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy ' 43. Marriages 22. Wanted ' • PHONE • 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY -8:30 e.m..to 5 p.m. 22. WANTED' PASTURE . for a mare and coal in Seaforth area. 345-2634. . ' '22-23-1 HANGED WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. REPRESENTATIVES • HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 BUSINESS ON MAIN ST.: Ideal for lady, good income. Coll for details. .EGMONDVILLE: Duplex, excellent condition, good Income. '47,000,00. UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A new 2 bedroom brick home in Egmondville. 2 STOREY BRICK: 4 bedroom home in Wolton. Excellent condition. '57,500.00, MARKET ST.: Duplex, 2 and 3 bedroom units, " • very good condition. call for details. RAILWAY ST.: Triplex, 3.2 bedroom units, plus extra lot, well rented, GODERICH ST.: 4 bedroom frame home in ox• cetlont condition, '38,900.00, 2 RESIDENTIAL LOTS: in good area 60' x 148 each. NEW HOME: Under construction on West Williom St. 3 bedroom Cape Cod style, Con purchase of any stogy of construction. MARKET ST.: 1 floor 4 bedroom bungalow with approx. 2 acres of lohd and many extras. '50,000.00. 2 BEDRoomatsL1UNGALOW: full base• mens. much }fin tYv INCOME PROPERTY: in Seaforth, 3 apart• ments and 2 store fronts bringing in opprox. '16.000 annually. Coll for details. TUCKERSMITH TWP.: 2 acres with.3 bedroom home, lorge born. near Hensoll. tow 30's. S ACRES: with a 3 bedroom brick home in good condition. born. shed. etc. Henson - Zurich area. '57.000,00. 1000 SQ. FT.: ranch, 3 bedrooms- 2 fireplaces, inground pool,: double garage, much more. LIKE NEW: 10 year old. 3 bedroom, 1 floor home, finished rec room. ottathed garage, nice. '72.000.00, BEAUTIFUL: 3 level split on o well treed 1 acre lot. 1200 sq. ft. shop. Must be seen, MARKET 5T.: 4 acres, market garden, 4 • bedroom home. remodelled. '89.000.00. VANASTRA: We hove a good selection of 2.3 bedroom homes available. ' HERITAGE HOME: 4 bedroom solid brick home. 2 fireplaces, double lot, excellent con- dition, tall for appointment, BUILDING LOTS: We hove o very good selec- tion of lots in Seaforth: Eymondville and area. Coil for your choice. AREA FARMS: We have many areo forms and country homes available, Coll for your choice of o good selection, I Cash In Dn HEsitor Cash & Carry CLASSIFIED Corner IJ U T $1, 1• - Use as many words as you like 1 • Ben mist be priced at under $40 and price Must be in the ad • Only forprieYat individuals, selling • Payment must be enclosed with ad written on The i rpositor coupon • One item per ad personal possessions' 1 MY AD 1 My name 1 liase vivid •Wii Safi • 18ring or mail to: The Huron Expositor 12 Main St., Box 691 SEAFORT71, Ontario NOK 1190' $1 enclosed