HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-06-10, Page 8ers,.,;p.tbr FYwfLi
Merchonts sweep Sunday doubleheader against. Thorndale..-.
The Seaforth Merchants Senior Mens
" Hardball team swept a doubleheader
against Thorndale on Sunday to boost their
win, loss record to 4 and 3. .
' The Merchants got on the scoreboard
early in the first game, assuming a 1-0 lead
.'after the first inning.
' A' double from Thorndale's Price, follow-
ed.by two errors by Seaforth.players, gave bases loaded single, in the third inning.
Thorndale an opportunity to score two runs "Overall play is .improving," said Mer-
' • and move ahead briefly in the top of the chant coach Robinet.
third. But Seaforth battled back, and by the ' "We onlymade five errors in 10 innings,
end of the inning had• scored three runs and • which is a big improvement." • . •
were back in front 4-2: . Coach Robinet said the team still struck
T-nor-ndale-got-on• the -bats againln the not too nianytimes (_eightiu gameone) hut
fourth .inning to tie things.up, then pulled in added half of those strike outs could be at -
'front of the Merchants,5-4,in the seventhin-• tributed to the Thorndale pitcher, who was '
ning.,A, runby Seaforth in the bottom of the• caught cutting .the •_ball ' and eventually
se'Venth'forced the game into extra innings., ejected from the game.
With bases loaded in the tenth and only "My curve ball wasn't working at all
one 'out, it. appeared certain ' Thorndale because of the•wind; but his was;•because.of
would score. But, the Merchants came out the huge cuts he 'was making in the ball
of that situation unscathed and in the bot- : with 'either his fingernails or his belt
tom of 'the inning, • scored one run . buckle," he said, adding some of the cuts
themselyes to win the game by a 6-5 score. • were as deep as'/4-inch. "' ' ..
Marc Robinet pitched nine and one-third GAME TWO • •
innings for the Merchants, gave up 10 hits,. Game two was an entirely different story
• and allowed five runs, two of them earned. , as Seaforth annihilated their "opponents
:He recorded three strike outs. ' 11-1. ..
Clendon Coombs pitched relief and • got ` 'Glendon" Coombs pitched a two -hitter for
the final two outs of , the . game. He is the Merchants, facing only 24 batters in his
credited with the win. seven innings on the mound and recording
No particular memberof the Merchants• nine strike outs.
stood out at the plate, with eight different Both Thorndale hits, and their only run of
players taking credit for the team's eight . the game, came in the first inning.
hits. Marty Bedard recorded two RBIs on a "We had .excellent pitching from Clew.
"Overall play
is improving."
don," said.Coach Robinet.
But not only was the pitching right On, so
•was .the hitting as the Met•chants,.pounded
out 16 hits, and'scored 11' runs. •
Brian Cooper, Jerry Wright and newly
acquired designated hitter Gus Feeney led
the Merchants, going • three for four times
at bat. Both Cooper and Wright knocked out
homeruns, with Cooper counting a double
as well.
Del Mitchelmore was two for, two with a
walk and Robinet broke out of a batting'
. slump to go two for four with a single and a
double. Both players scored two runs.
"The second game was a gem of a R
mance," said coach Robinet, adding the
Merchants played an error -free game.
"It was by far the Merchants pest outing
of the season. A coihbination ofexcellent
hitting, excellent pitching end flawless,
field •play shows there was a, very well
balanced effort'from all players," he said.
Coach Robinet added it was good to see
some of the batters, like -Jerry Wright (and.
himself) get out of their batting slumps.
"And with the acquisition of Gus Feeney,
who used to play for the Stratford Hillers in
the mid-70s, .the team now has the depth
we've been looking • for," ;said coach
Robinet, adding -Feeney will -Mainly be us-
ed as a designated hitter for the pitchers, so
they can concentrate on their pitching
game. • .
The Merchants •play ` their next game
Thursday' in Thorndale, then travel to
Walkerton on Sunday for a doubleheader,
Errors cost
PeeWees win
' Errors were costly to the Winthrop
Peewee Boys on June 4 when they took on
Atwood in Winthrop.
At the end of the second inning Atwood
had a strong lead making it impossible for
Winthrop to catch up in the 'four innings
. , played.,
Chris Van. Bakel hit •a triple, Jason
McNichol hit ., two singles and Brad
Schoeder, Doug Campbell, Adam Agar;
Chris Poland, Kelly Van Bakel, Dwayne
Pryce and Jason Muir all hit singles. At -
wood's excellent infield held Winthrop to on-
ly three runs. Atwood won the game 12-3.
Next games for .Winthrop are Friday,
' June 12 at 7 p.m. in Walton. and Thursday,
June 18 at 8 p.m. against Beimore in
Leisure poker rally set for July 1
Have you signed your son or daughter, up
for the. SUMMER PROGRAMS yet? If not
there will be a registration night held on
Wednesday, June 17 from 7 to .9 -p.m. at the
. Community Centres (Arena ). Programs
available are: Playschool - ages 3 to 7 years,
Playground ages 8 to 12 years and Leader
in -training 13 to 16 years.
Playschool and Playground will be held^
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
the Seaforth. Public School from July 6 to
August14 and at the arena for the final week
until August 21. The Leader -in -Training pro-
gram will also be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon-
day to Friday, but will be held at the arena,
from July 6•to August 28, 1987. For more in-
formation on any program please call the
Recreation Office at 527-0882.
Senior Shuffleboard continues every
Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
fast week's winners were: Peggy Perkins
344, Ina Scoins 292, Gladys Doig 282, Elmer
Townsend 300, Sandy Doig 244, Eurett
Felker 211.
Plan now for the 1987 CANADA DAY
FESTIVITIES to be held in Seaforth on
by Marty Bedard
Wednesday, July 1. Activities being planned
are: Firemens Morning Breakfast from 7
a.m. to. noon; Leisure Waik Poker Rally;
Antique Auction Sale; Kick Off at 1 p.m. at '
Town Hall; Get together for townspeople
photo; Family Picnic at the Highschool;
Ball Games; and Fireworks Display -
refreshments available.
This year's event looks like the best'ever.
Don't miss out on the activities. .
A leisure walk, POKER RALLY will be
held on Wednesday, July 1 in conjunction
with the Canada Day Festivities. Registra-
tion will be FREE. All entries must consist
of,two,people or more, with one hand per en-
try. Each hand consists of five cards, picked
up at five different locations; 1. Firehall 2.
Lions Park 3. Public School 4. St. James
School 5. High School.
This event will be of Leisure Walk, speed,
time is unimportant, and no other means of,
transportation will' be permitted. Come out
and enjoy the walk. "Let's participate'.
Anybody that has•registered for MINOR,
SOCCER - it will begin tonight at 6:30 p.m.
at the Optimist Park. Registrations will still
be accepted until June 17, 1987. Come to the
Recreation • Office located in the Arena or.
call 527-088'
On Frida,, June 19 the Toronto Dominion
Bank staff wilarfliittig od a TiOT^DOG
BARBECUE from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m, They
will serve from`the front of the T.D. Bank
and cost will be $1 per person. All proceeds
will go towards the Hospital Building Fund.
Come out and support the cause.
WIN TWO GAME SERIES -The Seaforth Merchants swept a doubleheader against,
Thorndale Sunday; defeating, their opponents R-5 and 11-1. Here, members of.the team
congratulate each other. From left are; trainer Dwight (Dewey) Willis, Gus Feeney,
Kevin Bennett, Jerry,Wright. Marty Bedard, Marc Robinet and Jim Campbell,
• Mcllwraith photo.
Lawn bowlers busy •.out-of-town
Seaforth•bowlers have been busy bowling Seaforth ladies will- be having their first
in out-of-town tournaments this past week. tournament on June 17 at 10:30 a.m. Ladies
Two rinks of men's trebles bowled in the pairs with potluck dinner. A good entry is
Canada Cup at Fairmont Lawn Bowling in, looked for in both tournaments.
London. The rink of John Patterson, Fred Local jitneys have been Tuesday and „
Tilley and Jack Muir bowled against the top Thursday evenings and ladies on Monday
'team losing'out in the finals but place sixth afternoon. .
overall. Also Lee Ryan, Tom Phillips and • A short meeting of the ladies club was
Neil Bell place seventh' in the tournament. held last Monday following bowling and the.
In mixed doubles at'Lucknow Jack and 'social committee will meetagain to discuss
Marie Muir were second and in mixed lunches and dinners as' the Club hosts the '
trebles at Stratford Victoria and Grey tour- Ladies Provincial third stage finals this
nament Jean Lunn, Art Finlayson were year on July 18, a first for the Seaforth Club.
fourth. New bowlers are always welcome so come
Seaforth is "hosting a men's pairs.tourna- ` out and try the lawn bowling. Good bowling..
ment Wednesday June 10 at 10:30 a.m. and to all. .
McNichol edges Kent 16-15 in ladies fastball
McNichol edged out' Kent 16-15 in ladies defeated Ken Smith by a score of 21-13.
fastball action on June.2. • For. Ken Smith it was Judy Mason and
Linda Gridzak led the hitting brigade for Colleen Fischer hitting, triples and Janice
McNichol recording a triple and two Murray hitting a double.
doubles. Nancy Gridzak and Patty Ann' Deb Murray hit two home runs and 'a tri-
Gridzak also hit doubles. • ple for the Queens.
Linda Van Dyke, Judy Anstett and Lynn • STANDINGS TO DATE
Devereaux all hit home runs for the losing 'Team • ", Pts
cause. Hilda. Young and Joanne. Holland Queens S
recorded triples, with Mrs. Holland getting McNichol
a double as well for the Kent team. V.. cr+�ith 9.
In more fastball action the Qnnnn.• Kent Murray I •
Round 5 racing provides best action
Saturday, June 6th 10:0o a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 13th '10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
at the
Please make a special effort to sign up for lessons on these two Satur-
days because the Pool Staff will not. accept registrations over the phone,
Refreshments will be available Thank You
Over 50 riders turned out to Hound 5 of
Hully+Gully"House •League '87 -,to' provide
some of the best racing action this year.
A full fleet of Kawasaki's showed up to
challenge the dominant Hondas and under
the guidance of Doug Farrish, managed to
wrest away the Jr 125 B' overall.• Mother
nature held out with excellent racing condi-
Father's Day Gift ideas
from the great selection In our PRO SHOP
*Shirts •Slacks •Shorts *Shoes
*Golf Clubs •Bags *Carts *Covers *Balls
.*Golfing Accessories *Club Memberships
GIFT CERTIFICATES (for green fees too)
Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday by Country Catering
tions prevailing on the Hully Gully track, •
"which highlighted some of the im-
provements for the upcoming June 20 21st
Canadian Expert Motorcross
House League will be back June 13 for
even more exciting action.
Minor Soccer,
At The Optimist Park
6:30 p.rn.
Anybody that hat registered for Soccer
is to be at the park, and ages will be
divided then.
Registrations will be accepted until
Wednesday, Jutt1/at the Reereaffen
Office,located of the Arena.
Ease Your Summer
Work Load. Hire A Student
Here's a remedy for those busy summer days.
Put the energy and enthusiasm of students to
work for you.
Students are willing to do just about any
sort of work from part-time duties around the
house, to career -oriented jobs.
Every summer, students provide a wealth
of talent, knowledge and ingenuity that
every employer can tap.
So, for fast, temporary relief from nagging
summer jobs' put them in the hands of a
For more information, contact your
local .Canada Employment Centre
for 5tudents, dire A Student Office, or
Student/Youth i niployme"tit Centre.
for VoufR
Minister Of Siete' irtnada
Jean J. Gharest
Gouvemement Oil Canada
Mmistre d Etat a la Jeunessa
Jean J. Charest