HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-05-20, Page 12/01 GO 46 40 Gil 1Z0 410 Gil • sa 41 di qii BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN of i67 BEECH 5T.. CLINTON 402-7030 e 4 OPEN AT 8:30 P.M. - FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THIS WEEKEND: FRI.-SAL-SUN., MAY 22, 23, 24 _ tv t • � s,- i* "Tie yba recoglTize me? 40 a , : ` I used to be a respectable dfizea ' / lmxkog1yoeenrittake-1 nmtona6Gaddati' 0 a P 2nd MIC}LaF.LJ FOX 4 FEATUREGI\AMANUS JO,r,1JE f a RUMt� 'l LIGHT QF DAY e �-� ADULT Q f MMUS e 4�lac! ct4axitaEKT Al2 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY. 29: 19$7 4Q. IN MEMORIAM MALONE in loving memory of Alfred Malone who pass- .•edaway May 21, 1976,. Our family chain is broken now, And nothing seems the same ' As God Calls us one by one • Our chain will link again. Lovingly remembered by Audrey Len;Bob, Anne Marie and Dad, • 40-20x1 In hiving memory of Mother. and Grandmother who passed away five years ago -May 10th, . As time unfolds another. year; ' Memories keep you ever near,' • Still loved, still missed and very dear, I here'is a linkdeath cannot sever, Love 'and remembrance last. forever. Remembered with love Cheryl Russell and family. 40-20-1 41. PERSONAL ,OVERWEIGHT?? I lose weight without dieting while I sleep, Call about Colorad 482-5647. 41-19x2 42. ENGAGEMENTS WILSON -BOAK•'. • - Mrs. Edna. Wilson wishes to announde the for- thcoming marriage of her daughter, Linda Joyce to Brent Malcolm Boak, son of Mrs. Doris Wilcox and the late Robert Boak. The Wedding .to take place at Egmondville .United Church, Sat. May .30, 1987 at 3 p.m. Open reception to follow at Seaforth Legion Hall. 42-20x1 BUCK ILLDOE FOR Ken DeC®rte and Elaine Pennings FRIDAY, MAY 22, For more information call 56.5.5288 The family of ANGUS .& PHYLISS BROWN wish to invite you to their 25th Anniversary on Saturday, May 23 _._....:_aLtheLSeafn.r.daeginn Hall from 9 p.m. -1 a.m. *Best Wishes Only* • RETIREMENT PARTY for Mr. James Chapman Principal of Exeter Public School SATURDAY, MAY 30 Concert 2:30 p.m. at S.H.D.H:S. Dance and Presentation — 8:30 p.m. at South Huron Recreation Centre. For tickets or further information call: 235.2630 (Days) 235-0450 or 235-2062 (Evenings) rest sets tsMti MITI ttret w tt�sl ,tl� M*•r�l tw rrsr rws, essli �! 1 ig.f,rt! rgs—.." inSdYOVR meThsaignke bacr..obetteri vinucets or Coast`to coact 1' 1, y� It'sfasii It'S Oars llt� 4tW f�r1y1 hall — — exr —'errs err ARTICLES FOR SALE 555 SACRIFICE SACRIFICE 555 Buildings priced' for im. mediate liquidation. AIL items• in stock. 28x40x14. 53,996, 40x60x14 56,500, 46x80,)4 59,250,'70x90x24 521,789.Vorious sixes available' up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers 'only. All buildings 'priced for Immediate delivery, coil toll free .1.800.387.2115 or 14416) 858.2446,-0.20 1 1 1 1 +cltt, f,1Ti1 btti;.d;rtlel it'at!! . 1 'curl rr arM rr r r_ err .r retl Citi Tie r rm. stir — Tei Store Fixtures, Hamilton 1 (416) 528.8578; Toronto •' 1(416) 283.2600,-0.20 GREENHOUSE 8 HYDROPONIC Equipment, supplies, Everything you need. Best quality, super•low prices,' Greenhouses 5169. Halides 5105, Over 3,000 products in stock! Send 52 for info pack & FREE Magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 1.604.682.6636.--0.20 STEEL BUILDINGS - Spring clearance • We hove a limited amount of steel tell 'from our largest winter sole .ever • SAVE thousands • oil styles ore available, .PIONEER? ECONOSPAN 1.800.387.6896.-0.20 A -Z PRE -ENG, BUILDINGS. New types, steel 8 wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626.1794. Leave rimessage or collect after 6 p.m, weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. 160 SAWMILL MACHINERY. Wide selection of quality used or remanuloctured with warranty Ready to ship al wholesale price. Mobile Whole Tree Chippers CaHISAWMIIL Jim (705) 472.6477 Days 4726569 Evgs. • Wknds. 0.20 CHRISTIAN BOOKS at unbelievable 40.80'. OFF. (special Purchase). Cash & Corry only. The Family Christian Bookstore. 750 Guerph line. 8urfington, Ont. 1 km south of QEW, well worth Iho few extra allot,. -0.20 ' JEEP OWNERS. Paris. Accessories for Jeeps 1942.1986. Gigantic stock. tow prices. quick service. Gemini- Sales eminiSoles 4736E, Hastings. durnaby. B.C. V5C 2K7, Phone 604.294.2623.-0.20' MIRACLE SPAN STEEL BUILDINGS.Save up to 40%. Limited quantity of steel available. Beat the price in. crease, order now For Immediate or early summer delivery. For savings and quality. Coll: Miracle Span toll free 1.800.387.4910 or (416) 675.9020.--0.20 SWIMMING POOL SALE 1986 inventory ingrounds, ongrounds. abovegrounds, book early. Limited supp. ly. Show. us your best price, we will better if. Guaranteed lowest price (519) 658.8221. (613) 547.6434.-9.26 ?HALIDE 8 SODIUM LIGHTS. Competitive prices, free advice and service. Your one stop indoor grown shop. Homegrown Halide and Hydroponics. 2337 Weston Rd„ Weston, Onto'rfo M9M 2314 (416) 745.5007.-0.16.24 MONTREAL MtUTARY SURPLUS: Work skirls 52.15, Work Ponit 53.50, Work Roofs 515. tend 52 fat ca3elogue (Reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0.-0.26 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PARRY SOUND FARM 50 Acres, bordering year round. township rood. very attractive food, some pasture 8 some cultivated with hardwood le rear of property, New 25•x40 twe•story born, 7x6' walls insulated, 100 amp service -4 water, presently used for horses. ior- rot. Preterit owner will cperafe for ne-w owner tf needed. Asking 545,000. Steve (705) 746.931 T or even. higs (705) 732-4669.- 0.20 A UNIQUE Business Opportunity! Eorn 535 to 565 per hour producing business cards and many other promo. Isonal items from your home or business. Equipment, inventory, training, samples 55,975, Coll for free In- formation SIGNET 1.800.263.9339,-0.20 GROW FOR IT) $55 Raise 8aitworms of .home, Guaranteed market. Odorless, low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975), RR 1, Smithvflle,.Ont. LOR 2A0 (416) 643.4251. 856.2248, (705) 435.7463,-0.20 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED for CALORAD Diet Products. Ground floor, opportunity! Call (416) 639.4172.-0.20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY _- Active Laundromat and public showers. Excellent potential for expansion. Prime location on,poved corner Ica with view of lake. Ideal family business. Approvals for apartments above, For information contact Sandy, (705) 389,3404 or evenings (705) 389.2034,-0.20 MAKE MONEY with your I.B.M. compatible computerI Send a S to: Intercept Software, 27 William St, North Lindsay Ontario KW 329. 0.20 PERSONAL DALES GALORE For all ages 8 unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acqualn• lances coil toll free 1.800.263.9163. Hours noon 1311 8 pm, 0.20 THE SEARCH is on to locate and retognito the oulsion• ding young people of Ontario. II you would like to• nominate o deserving young'personaged 6 to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, contact this newspaper. -0.20 NEED HELP??? Liston 30 the Back to God Heurl Sundoy 7:30 o.m. CHAM 820 Hamilton, 9:30 a,m. CKAN 1480 Newmarket and of 7:30 p.m, FM 108 Burlington of welch FAITH 20 Global T.V. Monday • Friday of 5 a,m.-0.20 AUCTION 56(85 Largo Clearance & Consignment AUCTION Friday May 22nd 10 a.m. Approxiwotely 40 trotters cars and trucks, Over 300,pieces of new and used farm equip- ment, plus lawn and garden nectars and ether con. signments. Wayne Word Form Equipment, Hwy 6, Wiarlon, Ont. Phone (519) 534.1638 or S34.2980,--0.20 POLLED LIMOUSIN SALE Fullbioods Purebreds 'age, 30 pairs 20 bred heifers 15 bulls. ACH Farms Morkdale, May 30/81 2 p.m. Call Alan (519) 986.3228 or 801 (519) 986.2109,-0.20 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1987 guide to studyot-home correspoadence Diploma courses for prestigious careeru: Attourting. Altcond.ttonIng, Bookkeeping, Busiifess, Cosmeldtogy, Efetlroni(s, Legol/Medical setretory, Psychology, Travel. Gran3on (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1•800.268.1121,-0.30 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 boon of fristruttlon, Next Glass May 30. June 6/87. Contact South Oratorio Schaaf a1 Auciioneering, P.O. 8o:r 145- innerkfp• On. tarso NOJ IMO (3)9) 469+8936, (519) 537-3115.-•0.30 VACATION'S 5 DAYS -OF Spectocutor Scenery CRU'SING RiDEAU or Trent•Severn Waterways on comforlobre erase ship ' Kawartha Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway C1,rou . _.. 9 sses, Box 1540 Peterborough, K917H 0•70 Discover the beautiful BRUCE PENINSULA. Resorts. lodges, cottages, comp grounds. Fishing end charters, Swim on sandy beaches, hiking. stubs diving on ship -wrecks. Write tax 769 or tan"Brute Peninsula Travel (519)574.2'61) Wiorlon.-020 ORLANDO DISNEY WORLD/At Pat. Lodging at 14615 - day 100 Centfol Perk May 8 Juh'o. Can 1400 -Holiday. Ask kr At Por pockerge.-0=2.0 HAWAII One week ((6M 5749 2 weeks 5989 Aft, Karel WSW*. Lets MOOS, 500 Francisco 5279 plus 1'o* Teat 1.800.265 0908.-o-26tr • �denis T a s marl Detroit. S eciod f6res senior*, sf6 WANTED TO.UY Train to be a PROFFESIONAL AUCTIONEER. Canadian Livestock Champion instructors. Professional results. Jordan 8 McLean School 6f Auctioneering. 80% 94, Kitseely, Alla. (403_) 846,2331.-4•70 COMING EVENTS MUSIC MAKING ON LAKE ROSSEAU: Ceirnmac. August 2-16. one 6r iwo weeks for adult singers and in- -stru'menfalist's. Professional instruction Beauliiuf set= ting Swimming and tennis. Contact Ruth Methanitus, Adminiserotrlx, (416) 484.6456.-0.20 CRUISE ON THE ST , LAWRENCE RIVER. Romantic titles. The w'arld•fomous 1000IstohdS. the remarkable Internalfonol Seaway & Locks, Upper Conada Village, spec -Wear -sr shorefine-s 61511 more. Fdvt dr Six days aboard the elegant cruise vessel Canadian Empress. DToI o brochure 1-800.567-0960 for •brothores and reterVatiOns.--0.20 F1D7LE 8 STEP DANCE CONTES7 iefy 10 and IT. Conn. 'nun 5y Centre Fergus O0't'6416 Caraping on Madri'ds- For ,nforrn03)04 call Mery Woods (519) B43-.1636.--0.20 Dont miss EG'ANVILLE HOMECOMING '81 Jury 3164 thru August 3rd, 1987. F0, pariicaloi3 writ* Edens:411e H0enettaning 'e7, Boil 570, Eganville, Ont., Kb/ rte. -64o and Patek Phillip WANTEDr,st• Men.* me •Old Axe � Orilla ,®abdeese OLD WRISTWATCHES 'OGLER- Tp wrstwotthes wahted. Also I , wonted teens OuorTer Century" srluares wrislW6f rl- the Only way to gat dies (25 years service). Will pay 050 and up for this ..+ '.•S t,,,, YOUR') , i 11 wuteri,)'hone 1,416-365-7240or write 8. Worth, 17351- it O• I r•:' : sl East Toronto, Onl MSA 15'1 020 1 .• HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A 108 With a fulore..,wrirr Trl•County )`rock Driver Traning, Jab 1e6Ych ossistonce' entallable. It1'tcheher 120 King E (51'9)143 501! Brant tam 900 G6litathe E„ (51§)1364221-70.20 HOUSEWIVES. Mothers end rnler6sfed p016004 need' od immediately to sell toys end 85415 ter hationa( Horne Party Plan. No Myelin -rent deliveries or nrrney collection, Coli (519) *58-19175.--�-30 • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ad in 2.5milliioln homes •. r! 4n Caitada'ter S748.00 rl ,pJ or in•.`I t241,ab7 homes, ▪ ' • • in Cntallrle f'or srgd(1,na pli Cid 'Yt;fui tiltitilni r 1,I4%I N1(ti •,de by I $f ' r'l A w cafllnq ons oi(►'l�lp clesslfl0c1-11 RESTAURANT, HOTEL, deli, bakery bul(he( grocery1 Ylaers at 'Oar tis IlFeet W Iy rlewepepet submarines 6. Pixies equipmentfefrigerators grills , b 7dtftNObv ,-"LuCknos1'.52E-2322 1: fryers, slicers, sub and nitro tablet, 'Tee machines ▪ t# 58/12d1�' KlncerdI*296.293 steam fables, Wolk .in coolers and Iree,ers deli Lases Ciln Ofy 004443 34443 Walk 5,i.teoo ' 1. scales. cash registers. gas skse relle $ goVens s i1f1SL7tiala4� Mitch• dishwashers for sale or lease Aretlt Rofri eratTon � � • � _�� ` Gingerichs •greet worshippers Walton Correspondent MRS. BF1rrYMeCAL1, 887-6877 Rev. Bonnie Lamble conducted the, ser- vice at, Duff's. United. Church, Walton and' Bluevale United Church at the usual times.' • Greeters at Walton were Roy and Linda Gingerich. Announcements given out were no. Junior Choir Practice this Thursday. Next Sunday Youth Group practising music at Brussels United, Saturday, May 23, at 7 p.m. Sun. May 24 meeting at paviljon in arise ar , h then going roller skating. Sunday June 7' ,Church picnic sponsored by the Sunday. School, Sunday June 14 .Confirmation, reception of new inembers and communion. BRIDAL. SHOWER On Sunday.. afternoon, May 17 , a bridal shower was held at the; hoii)e of Margery' Huether for her niece,. May Holmes, bride- elect in June, and dapghter of Mr: and Mrs. Jack 'Holmes of Clinton. Mary Ellen Webster was in charge of the guest book. Guests attended from Ottawa, Toronto, London, Guelph, Wingham,'Clinton, Varna and surrounding area: „ • W.I. NOTES . Walton Women's Institute *ill serve a turkey noon Iuncheon this Wednesday with e ay mee mg in a h -all ami: p,m. Dessert euchre will end the season of play- ing euchre in the hall on Thursday, May 28 at 7 p.m. • Seersuckers hold meeting BY CONNIE MCCLURE, The McKillop 4-H Sassy Seersuckers held their-•fifth'meeting May 13, at the home of `Theresa Campbell. At this meeting members learned different methods of sew• ing on buttons. Members also', tried their Bands at the sewing machine as they completed . their button samples. • - GET YOUR TICKET NOW Exeter Minor Hockey invites you to enjoy an / rJ SCG r. inni w and WHISKEY JACK SATURDAY, MAY 23 South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter — DOORS OPEN AT 7 RM. — GET YOUR TICKETS NOW peon TICKETS TO SEE THIS ROCK.: ROLL LEGEND AVAILABLE AT: Exeter Times -Advocate MacLean Wuerth Shoes • Exeter Inn Anstett jewellers . Minor Hockey Parents South Huron Rec. Centre r•••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • 0 0 • • • kkk star Susanna Ho wt)••••••• ••ss0•S• • • 0 • • 0 0 0 tis GODERICH • • • • • • • • • • S ill her Motion Amor Debut. • FRI. SAT. SUN. 2nd FEATURE: PLAYING, • u�yy�� K LPS R s what You Need .acini (t BOX • OFFICE •' , .� i. , lr ..4 .. z` OPENS. •. ••s•••••i••••'••••w•••••••••sss•• •••••i• • ▪ 41•••••• •••••••••••••••••••i••••••••••••• •i••s•s•ip••• GODERICH • 524-7811 0 0 0 • • • e s •'. •' • • • :. EIEMEIVyIAS: • TUESDAY :lS S245O • NIGHT s a • x Is irresistible.•rorref rX 7 NEW vtiRKlrMESmes 0 PARENTAL GUIDANCE . r nrrt14 • £b A brighf4 breezy • ebriiedy..M eboel J. Fox • and Helen Motet fnoke • ' one of the most winning and magnetic coo les • on-screen today � Iii -Mi'chty'eI Medved, Sr tAx-Nito(EWS71RN- • • •1 1 tin. : Sat . 1' 98.4 • StIN, MOOS, it 7t31f • • e 1•011 410111 111111411111.111111weireerdr'•`•'eeeI BIRTHDAY PARTY .-' A birthday -party (0 celebrate Mary, Mclver's 91st birthday, was held Thursday of the Seaforth manor. Her birthday Was May 9. Mrs. McIver received•a pin for seven years of Volunteer service to the Manor: OPIIP ineligibility • The 'eligibility requirements for the On- tario '.Pork Industry -Improvement Plan • (OPIIP) have been changed effective- April , 1987. The following production levels are now required. A producer must have at least 20. sow equivalents, with one 'sow equivalent being. equal 'to one. • or 15 market hogs . marketed annually. , For example, a, producer could. meet the 20 sow equivalent by one of the following combinations of production: 20 sows; .15 'sows. arid at least 75 Market' hogs; 10 sows and at least .150 markethogs; 5 sows and at least 225 market hogs; or at least 300 market hogs. • This change Was introduced to allow. small - farrow to finish operations to be eligible for O.PIIP. Anyone wishing further information or an enrolment form, call the O.M.A.F. of- fice at 271-0280 or I-800-265-8502. • For those already enrolled, please remember to send in production records for the first,quarter of 1987. If these are not sent in, farmers will be temporarily ineligible for any grant payments. - Farmers get payment Interim stabilization payments for 1986 corn, soybean and winter wheat crops for eastern farmers .will be made to farmers in the Huron -Bruce -Grey areas in time to help offset this year's planting costs. "This payout is part of the Agriculture Minister's efforts to help Ontario grain farmers withstand the pressure put on them' by 1986 crop prices," Huron -Bruce MP Mur- ray Cardiff. The payments, made under the Agricultural Stabilization Act, could pro- vide as much as $60 minion in assistance to eastgrn 'grain, farmers. Producers, ,must: have returned their 1985 final payment cer- tification to automatically receive this assistance. It is expected that cheques will be mailed by early June. The major grain producers marketing boards welcomed the news. Chairman of the Wheat Producers' Board, Edgar Walcarius, said, "I am very -pleased that the Minister of Agriculture, John Wise, is willing and able to comply With the board's request for an in- teriin payment on the 1986 crop." Corn producers will receive $15 per tonne, soybean producers $11 per tonne, and winter wheat producers $14 per tonne on sales up to March 1987. Junior program The Ontario Pork Junior Program is designed for the young at heart and is especially geared to those in the 441 program. The Junior Program is divided into five eategories; namely, the Junior swine judging competition, the Junior swine display com- petition, the Junior feeder Show, the Junior barrow show and the Junior swine showman- ship iOmpetition. All of the Junior programs are open to young people from the ages of 12 to 21 as of January 1, 1987. The Junior swine judging competition and Junior swine display competition is also open to groups. It is hoped that since the Ontario Pork Congress is being held a week later than usual, there will be increased participation. Entry forms will be sent out in the O.P.P.M.B. producer cheques during the last two weeks of May. The Ontario Pork Congress is June 23, 24 and 25,. in Stratford. Pork Congress June 23-25 The 1987 Ontario Pork Congress will be held at the Stratford Coliseum on June 23, 24 and 25. Exhibits will be open each day at 9 a.m. Closing tine will be at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday and 4:30 p.m. on Thurs- day. A record number of new companies have requested exhibit space, giving promise to a great Show. The addition of aisle carpets and backdrop draperies will indicate the profes- sionalism of the Ontario Pork industry. Bring your neighbors and plan to attend on June 23, 24 and 25 at the Stratford Coliseum, THANKS Beni and Lloyd Eisler with to thank everyone involved in their 2:5th Anniversary Party Your company and help Meant a great deal. .Thanks Again E#err and Lloyd Eisler