HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-05-20, Page 1123. REAL ESTATE 23. REAL ESTATE 23. REAL ESTATE CulliganMaureen. Wildfong • �`�_�'� � � 482-3224 is 9ir�n y�1 .' „ �,�1%� Heather 45 2432 DenneWies R EA L E STATE LTD. ;_8 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH 115 East William. St. 51 Brantford St. 156 Mill St. James St. Dublin Area 89 High pt. 72 Acres 95 West William St. 36 Wilson St. Egmondville Buying or Selling? Call us today 527-15.77 •,n�4�n WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. . REPRESENTATIVES HENRY MERO . 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 NEW LISTING: Building Lot.6O' x,148', Nice location $9,500. NEW LISTING: Executive raised ranch with all the extras. 3 bedrooms, Florida room professionally landscaped, etc. Really must be seen. NEW LISTING: Convenienthideaway • 1 bedroom cottage. 2 stocked ponds, her• dwood bush all on 80 acres. Close to Lake Huron. - COUNTRY STYLE chalet in Egmondville, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, large lot and much more. 581,000.00 D UPLEX with excellent, income,, completely redone, well rented. 550,000.00 20 ACRES of bush, .small creek. Ideal retreat. 11 CHURCH ST: Goodvalue in this 4 bedroom 1'6 storey home at 529,500.00 A BARGAIN: at $39.500.00. This 3 bedroom bungalow Is close to .uptown on a double lot. It has attached garage, o new kitchen and recent roof. Check it out. 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow, highway. location, 2 miles from Seoforlh., inground pool, garage, electric heat, much more. 5' ACRE building lot near 5t. Columban.' 524,000.00 LARGE commercial building. Main St. location. COUNTRY HOME in McKillop Twp. on a poved road, A beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick home with full walk-in attic on 5 acres. For only 557,000.00 EGMONDVILLE: 2 storey brick home, com- pletely and tastefully decorated throughout. large lot, garage. Must be seen. LOOK AT THIS: 15 acre vacant fond, close to Seaforth, 59 SEAT RESTAURANT: and take-out, Coil for'details, WILSON ST.: Excellent 4 bedroom. very modern. 580,000.00 AUTO BODY: Repair shop, very modern shop with or without all equipment. Inquire. REDUCED: 575,900.00. 10 acres,' 2 storey brick house, 2 sheds. pond, very nice. B UILDING LOTS: We have 0 very good select -ion of tots in Seaforth. Egmondville and area. Call for your choice. AREA FARMS & COUNTRY PROPERTIES HULLETT TWP: 20 ACRES: Hog operation, 450 capacity, Hulleft Twp. 579,900.00 • LAYERS: Modern operation, 8700 quota, 50 acres, fine 4 bedroom brick home. 100 ACRES: 92 workable, 50' x 1.00' shed, excellent frame home, very scenic. 5110,000.00 MCK ILLOP TV/P. Tb0 AERES: Good house, shed, barn. near Seafatth. 2,50 ACRE PARCELS, no buildings. tiled. 565,000.00 each: 12Y, ACRES: of hardwood bush. 519,'900.00' , SO .ACRES: Systematically tiled, no buildings, Reduced. S55,000,00. 115 ACRES: Partially tiled, no buildings. Reduced$150.000.00 75 ACRES: No'buildings. $120,000.00 69 ACRES:Nobuildings. u5500000 31 ACRES: No buildings. $85,000.00 150 ACRES: 140 workable. brick home• ex cellent financing available. GODERICH TWP. SO ACRES: N'ear Bayfield, ni'Ce bush with spring creek. 568,000.00 .CANCER CAN BE BEATEN 1 CANADIAN SOCIETE CANCER CANADIENNE SOCIETY DU CANCER 34.. AUCTION SALES Doug Jacob & Wallie Ross - 271-7894 or393-6214 AUCTION REGISTER THUR$., MAY 21 AT 6:00 P.M.: Clearing Auction of antiques; appliances and - household effects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mit- chell for Ed Knechtel. FRI., MAY 22 AT 6:00 P.M.: Estate Auction of tractors; older implonionts'and anti, que furniture to be held on the first farm South of Harmony for the Estate of the Late John Chester Rennin. 1:F(U15';; f,KAV g AY 4:00 P Mf. A,cflon of o large collection of collectible farm toys & a fow household effects to bo hold at the Mitchell & District Community, Cen- tre in Mitchell for the Estate of the Lato Dennis Grinney. • WED., JUNE 10 AT 11:00 A.M.: Clearing auction of tractors; implements; antiques & household effects to bo held 1 mile west of Cromarty. Eldon Allen prop. SAT., JUNE 13 AT 9:30 A.M.: Estate Auc- tion of tractors; implements and a house full of antiques -to be held 4 miles West of Sebringviile for the Estate of the Late George Siebert. EVENING AUCTION SALE of Tractor, riding lawnmower, VIC dump trailer, bean equipment, hen equipment, furniture, household ef. fects, apptiantes etc., to be hold 2% miles south of Walton then 2 Miles east on Family Paradise Road for Glen McNichol WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. AT 6:00 P.M. TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT: MF 35 three cylinder diesel fractot; IHC 382 hydrostatic lawnmower with 36 inch deek, 2 yrs. old; Kongskilde 91/r ft. cultivator; VIC hydraulic dump frailer with 8 x 10 platfortn;'!nubs 570 Bean windresver with cross conveyor; Mauer 4 row bean puller: McKee 620 snowblower; wire cages for 480 lay- ing hens with water and feed troughs; electric winch and scraper bucket for cleaning out hen house; egg grader and Roto egg washer; Homelite XL 130 chain saw; Surge milker pump; steam cylinder governor; jack all lack; 3 PT Hitch draw bar; 3.50 ft. or 75 ft. drive belts; barrel oil pump; 2 storage cupboards; steel post driver; logging chains; MED 31/: HP garden tiller;• gas lawnmower; 400 angel stone Mick; electric debugger; 2 neck yokes; mise. Nand fools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Harvest gold Washer and dryer; Hot Point counter top stove - like new; Hot Point buiTt- rn dishwasher - 6Yrs. old; deluxe bunk beds with mattresses; washstand;' washstand with single door aril'end towel bars; 2 trunk"; antique captains chair; 4 wooden kitchen chairs; 2 old rockingch'airs,matching thesterfietd and choir; upholstered chair; platform rocker; recliner chair plus misc. it'em's. TERMS CASH ,FARM I5 SOLD Auctioneer IZICl9t31'f.� Lobb Clinton, On$. 514-482.7898 Owner n r Glen McNichol .519-527.0395 34. AUCTION SALES RICHARD LO -BB - Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED., MAY 20 AT 6:30 PM - Apph,uu os and household Nits Is at 27 Ra1155a5 SI., Se,iturth for lune Elliott. • THURS., MAY 21 AT 6:30 P.M. - Modern ap- pliances, furniture al'Rit hard told'', Aut titin Barn, Clinton tor Nant 5 K',suit iavlur. I Ionsall & Mary Sharp, Clinton. Ful! list in last week's paper. SAT., MAY 23 AT 1 P.M. - Tr,u tors, swather, Dion forage wagon, harvester, farm machinery for Geo Quick, 21/2 miles east and 1 v, miles north of f'ales Full list itt last week", paper. • TUES., MAY 26 AT 6:30 1 M. • Tractors, forage wagons, Zero graze harvester machinery, etc. 21O miles north tit Mitt hell tor Doug Shears. WED., MAY 27 AT 6 P.M. - MF 15 aattor mat lunery ruling lawn ntrxsrr hen cages & equipment, bean puller & wintlrower. household este is for Glen Mt Nu hot, 2 it rink's south of Walton and lir miles oast of Family Paradise Rd. THURS., MAY 28 AT 7 P.M. • 10 nesv waterbeds: ' heckling; pictures; office equipment; large carpet tl Waterbed Fantasy, Zchts Mali. (I,(k,rtc h, Ont. SAT., MAY 20 AT 10 A.M.: Ahbquesi furniture; appliances; 10 x 18 garage dont, like new; at Lubh Aut lien Barn, Clinton. Ont. AUCTION SALE of antiques, collectable items and furniture for Mrs. Predo Pipe of R.R. 4 Brussels SALE HELD IN BRUSSELS AT THE BRUSSELS -MORRIS & GREY COMMUNITY CENTRE ARENA SATs MAY 23 AT 10:30 A.M. COLLECTION OF: Post Cards; Cups & Saucers; Plates; Salt & Pepper; Birds (2 Sets); Coal Oil Lomps: Bells: Cones (1 gold); Avon pieces. ANTIQUES: 2 Beaver Jars: 1 Stat Jar; Slot Irons; Commode Sets (odd pieces): 1920. Books; Wosh Basin set (p011101); Cross Cut Sows; Wath Boards (sinal) & large); Wooden Blanker Box; Trunks; Spool Bed; 2 Treadle Sew- ing Machines (1 Eotons. 1 Singer): Lanterns: Depression Gloss (pink & green): Grain Cradle; Ox Yoke; Wooden Cotn Planters; Cone Bottom Chairs; Spittoon; Pictures (old); Boiler, Wooden Rolling Pins. SELLING AS WELL ARE 2 VIOLINS: 1 Sfract, varius copy & 1 Hoff. (beth in fair condition); 2 Violins for parts. FURNITURE: Hall Tree: Platform Rocker; Cof- fee Table & Tables: Odd Choirs; Drester; Chest of Drawers; Hassock: Pictures; 3 Chino Cabinets; Trunk: Wooden Desk Table with drawer. MISCELLANEOUS: Glasses; Odd Dishes: Candle Maker; Tea Pot: Cream & Sugar: Set of Dishes; Brown Bowl; irons; Ice Picks; Cookie Jar,' Wooden Pipe Stand; Blow Torches; Wheelbarrow; Crokinole Board; Plastic toilet seat: Planes; as well there are other numerous items. PLAN TO ATTEND THIS SALE , as there is an excellent line of COLLECTORS ANTIQUES, fur- niture, etc. - everything this family has in this sole had thought and interest behind it! TERMS: CASH Day 6f Sole and 1% Saki Tax will be in effect. OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONS1, BLE FOR LOSS OF PURCHASE OR AC- - CIDENTS DAY OF SALE. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: OWNER: Mrs. Freda Pipe 887-6036 or 887-6175 AUCTIONEER: Briar Rinftoul 357.2349 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY ReAll Major To Appliances including refrigeration ' All -Make Appliance 348-8100 We charge'nettling to corn e,to_y,our,dbor THi .NURO,N EXPO §11.OR ,/!7F,lY.2danJ,`A7 Y)A 39, CARD Of TNANKS 34. AUCTION SALES. ESTATE AUCTION Of a Targe collection of farm toys and related farm machinery items, to be held at the Mitchell & DistrictCommuni- ty' Centre on THURSDAY, MAY 28 AT 6:00 P.M. INCLUDING: 35 antique & modern toy collectible tractors Including Cockshutt set and COM IH 4WD; some Dinky & Cor- gi tractors; 50 different truck banks; twelve 1/16 and 1/32, combines In. ell dnl g WFE 9200 and two collector uni- systems; forty 1/32 tractors including Versatile 'Plowing Match Special and Versatile. 836 First Edition; many Bri- tian'; Siku and Ertl standardtractors; hundreds of 1/64 tractors including Case Agri•King and Steiger First Edition;, twenty watch fobs; 30 belt buckles; cap collection and numerous Other collecti- ble Items. Viewing after 5:00 p.m. only Plan to attend this interesting sale with something 'for every collector. Prop.: Estate of the Late Dennis Grinney Auctioneer Douglas Jacob 519-271-7894 & Wallie Ross 519-539-5077 WILLIAMSON The family. of the late Evelyn Wii(ianison would like to express their sincere thanks and ap' predation to ,all our friends, neighbours and relatives tor the memorial donations, floral tributes, sympathy cards and food brought to our homes. Special thank you to. the Doctors and Nurses of Seaforth Hospital Stratford Hospital, Seaforth Ambulance Service • and Whitney-Ribey Funeral' Home: To ReV. James, Van Slyke thank you for a meaningful service when we so suddenly lost • our loved and devoted mother andgrandmother, Gerald and Barb, Ken and Anne, Ron and Dorthea and families, 39-20x1 ST.EPHENSON The family of the late Elmore R. Stephenson, wish to express their sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for their, many ex- presSions of concern during Elmore's lengthy sickness and at the time of his death. Thanks to Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, Egmondville United Church and the U.C.W. Special thanks to Rev. Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa and Rev. Archie Robertson and Eric and Shirley Luther for music. Food- given by Bill and Velma Miller and "others was greatly. ap- preciated. We also extend deep appreciation to many others who helped in various .ways prior to Elmore's passing and especially to our niece, .Barbara Talbot of- London, who was particularly attentive and helpful. 39-20x1 CHESNEY. , The family of late Alma Chesney would like to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for the ' food, cards, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy duringthe loss of our dear sister and aunt. Your kindness was greatly ap- preciated. John Elliott and Deb Janmaat and family. 39-20x1 35. TENDERS WANTED MINISTRY OF HOUSING A_ Huron County Housing Authority P.T. (H.C.) 87-01 ' Replacement of Roof Shingles 'at the Senior Citizens .Building in Ex- eter, Ontario (OH1). Tenders will be received.. for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, May 27th, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square,'Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom "details 'an"d specifications may be :' obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 38. SERVICE DIRECTORY ASPHALT PAVING, driveways and parking lots. Free Estimates. Phone Robert Symes Construction, Lucknow, 528-3047. 38-1841 THE LAWNMASTEf3 - Lawn' cutting and trim- ming, landscaping. Call Paul Vander Molen 527-1750. 38-18-1f SEWING Repairs, Alterations and Dress Making. Call after 4 p.m. 527-1970 Ask for Paula Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Clean; Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345.2235 , VEA Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy, 83.3t% miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats. processed exactly the way you like it. ' HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30p,m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Ester & 229.6205 Kirkfan DOERR'S Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone 348-9033 Open 6 Days a Week MAIN ST. MITCHELL PLUMBING HEATING Cand ELECTRICAL ' i OPI SILLS _e. - HOME . Home HA li.. - HARDWARE "al al'+8 Seaforth 527-162d 39, CARD OF THANKS JUTZI We would like to give special thanks to Dr. UnderWood and the nursing staff at Seaforth Comrattaity H'o'spital for the -great care you have ,given ti's. Also to all Our family and (riend's who visited, sent card`s' flowers and gifts. Its reatly a ppreciatetl Spikier thenk s gee's out to my husband Jamie and my morli for being there; when Tyler needed the most, Love, Lyn arid Tyler. 39-20'x1 LAMONT I would like to thank Dr. Rodney and the , nurses at Seaforth Hospital for the great care - they gave me while I was in. Special thanks to' my friends and family and especially to my mom and sister Dianne since 1' returned home. If was all greatly appreciated. Marg Lamont. 39-20x1 KRUSE I wish to thank Dr. Malkus the nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital for the thoughtful care I . received as a patient, many. thanks also to, my family, friends 'and legion members and the V.O.N. nurses for visits. cards and phone ' calls. George S. Kruse. 39-20-1 LEWINGTON The family of the late Elvie Lewington wish to convey thanks and appreciation to everyone for their, expressions of sympathy, floral con- tributions, donations, cards and gifts of food sent to us since the loss of a dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Rev. Archie Robertson and Barb and Max Watts for their comfort and prayers at this time. Also a special thank you to ladies who provided lunch after the service and also thanks to the 16th line ladies 'who served. Your• thoughtfulness and kindness will long be remembered by Mary and Doug and family and Ern and Annette and family. 39-20-1 40. IN MEMORIAM NIXON In memory of Jim Nixon who passed away suddenly the result of an accident on May 23, 1985, You meant so very much to us That nothing we can say can tell the sadness in our hearts • It doesn't matter the day or year There are -always memories of you here Memories don't fade they just grow deep For someone we loved but could not keep Memories are treasures no one can Steal Death is a headache no one can heal. Some may forget now that you are gone. But We will remember no matter how tong. . Lovingly remembered and sadly missed, Mom and Dad. 40-20X1 MALONE In testing memory of a dear friend, Gary Malone who passed 'away two years ago May 22, 1985. I think of him in silence, His name I oft recall There is nothing left to answer But his picture on the wall. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Cheryl. 40-20x1 NIXON In loving memory of a dear husband arid father Jim Nixon who passed away on May 23, 1985. He is gone but not forgotten And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, ' Thoughts of him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us. ' Many think the wound It healed, But they little know the sorrow That hes in the heart concealed. Lovingly remembered by wife Deb and children Tim, Greg, Billy and Laura. 40-20-1 TEMPLEMAN in loving memory of a dear daughter, sister and aunt, Elizabeth Jean Templeman, who' :eft us suddenly ,nine years ago, May 26, 1918. In a quiet country garden, Where the gentle breezes blow, Lays the one we loved se dearly, Whom we lost nine years ago. TO some she may be forgotten, To others just a part of the past, But to Us who knew her and loved her, Her memory will always fast. No longer in our lives to share But in our heart's she is e afwaY s there. . Dearly loved arid always remembered. Dad, Mort;, and all your family. 40-20x1 MALONE In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Gary, who passed away May 22, 1985, We sat beside your bedside Our hearts Were cru'sh'ed and tote. We did our duty to the end Till We could do no more. In tears we watched you sinking We watched you fade away And'th'ougfi nor hearts Were breaking We' kneW yeti could not stay. You ;'eft behind some aching hearts, That leVed you' most sincere. We never shall and never Will , porg9't you Gary dear. Always loved and sadly missed by Mom, Len, Bob, Anne Marie and Grandpa. 40.-20xi