HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-05-13, Page 13Edgar Allan uses Iawnbowling as his guide.
Last Monday afternoon Edgar Allan ac- John Pullman won the Maplewood Bingo
companies Peter Treemerto the ,Starlight prize for ,hayinga card closest to a Bingo.
bowling lanes. Although Mr, Allan had••...Marj„Maloney.:,and Anne Downey were the •
never alley bowled before, .he scored well ' volunteers.and were brought to and from the
using the technique he knows froila”" lawn facility'by Paul Hoggarth, a Junior Farmer.
bowling. Lunch was served follwing the bingo.
Wednesday morning Pastor.., Archie On Thursday afternon a Fitness'Class was
Robertson led the worship service..Mr, and started with instructor Drticilla Leitch. The
Mrs. Lobb, members of the congregation, front living room was turned in to a scene of
were, in attendance and led the singing. The lively people and lively music: Drucilla,•led
• residents all enjoyed the service and the the partieipating,residents. through a series
friendly visit afterwards. of "loosening -up exercises."
Friday morning the students of Teri Brint-
Also on Wednesday morning exercises nell's Family Studies class visited with the
Were , held in the common room. Deb Melady residents. Because the weather was so plea -
and Glen Rose are thestudents who come sant many went out for a stroll t gether.
eachweek to provide an exercise program Two birthdays were celebrated.. this week.
Agnes Hunter's birthday was May 6 ,and.
Ethel Sallows birthday was May 7. They
were celebrated with birthday cakes on both
for the residents.
That evening the residents enjoyed Lions'
T.V.'.Bingo. Luck struck again! This time
Edna Lloyd won a Bingo. Congratulations.
Seaforth Manor residents went bowling at Syd• Scrogg visited .his. mother Madge
Starlight Lanes again Monday. They had Remes. '
two guests from.Maple Wood Manor, Edgar •• Shiela Schenk and.children were in to visit •
Allan and Allen Tremeer. Pat Ryan was the .her mother Carol Geddes.
winner but right .behind Was Edgar Allen. Verde .Cameron visited her daughter -in -
On Tuesday. Seaforth Public school stu- law Audrey -Cameron .and had dinner. •
dent helpedwith wheelchair' .bowling. The. Frank Swale went to Seaforth Hospital to
winners were Jim Nolan and Frank Smale. - visit with wife Margaret, who• is a patient
Tuesday afternoon was spent watching a there: .
film called Na Hanni. It was all about Irene Omand had her daughter Lois
canoes. McLoughlin of Listowel and family to visit
On Wednesday afternoon Rev. Gibson, the her. '
new Anglican minister for St. James Lucy Bezzo was admitted to Clinton
. • Church, held a cominunion service with. Hospital. '
residents. Pat Ryan gave courtesy remarks •Cassie Nicholson went out to Mitchell for
and welcomed him.to the home. • lunch with her daughter Barb Alexander.
On Thursday morning Shirley Luther Leo O'Sullivan spent the day at his home in -Stratford. .
came for worship and song: Residents were L
delighted to see her after her long winter 61, attend • Happy Citizens meeting
absence. Pat Ryan thanked her and The Seaforth Happy Citizens No. 865 met
• ,presented her with a cheese tray.
Maplewood, Manor's residents and staff
extended Welcomes to -three new residents,
Jean Elliott,' Monica McCurdy and Elsie
•Shaddick. Their families and friends
assisted • them with their moving •into
Jean and Ed Johns' visitors were Vera
McGregor, Lillian Pepper, Mr. -and Mrs.
Mery Lobb, Albert Clark, Mrs. Ken Wood,
daughter Adrian and granddaughter Kara.
Elva and John Pullman's visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Del Karaul, Ruth and Bill•
Trapnell, Brenda Dejong, Val, Mike and
Patricia Fanson.
Pete and Willy-Tremeer's visitors -were
Vicki and'Bill Tremeer and Ruth and Bill •
Ross Scott's 'visitors were Roy Brock,
Lucy Rutt and Gordon Wright.
Fitness class starts up• aforth M
in St. Columban.
Harold Maloney was visited by his brother
and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Maloney of Hillside Nursing Home and
nephew's Stephen. Maloney Dublin and Jim
Maloney, Mitchell. "
Mary K Ryan was out to John and Mary
Margaret Maloney's for the afternoon with
George and Theresa Simpson of London..
David' Alexander of Embro visited grand-
mother Cassie Nicholson.
Mabel Handy went to daughter. Glady's
Van Egmond's home for Mother's Day.
Cassie Nicholson went to son Ross and
wife Lillian's for the day.
Glady's Ruston was home with her family
On Friday morning bingowas played with in the Legion Hall on May 7 with 61 present.
The meeting opened with 0 Canada, the
' the help of Seaforth high school volunteers.. Lord's Prayer and'the President Grace
fn the afternoon Father Caruana' visited • Broadfoot gave a poem on "Grandma".
and held mass for residents of his parish. An invitation to Huronview in June for a
Sunday the dining room was adorned with noon meal at 12:'45 p.m% was accepted. Cost
flowers for Mother's Day on behalf of will be $3.
Business Improvement Association. Bea Storey would like to see everyone
PERSONALS take part in the Moon Walk - May 22-31. Let
Josie and Lynn Nigh, Jim Nigh and Jim her know how long you were out on those
Morrison of Windsor visited Helen Morrison days. •
Helen also went out for drive with son Bill Dorothy Townsend moved $100 be given to
and -Janice.' the Senior Games and Rachel Riehl second-
ed it and all' were in favor.
Elvie Frances ewington; of RR 2
Brussels, died•Tuesday, May 5, 1987 at the.
Englehart and District Hospital, Englehart.
She was 72.
Mrs. Lewington is survived by a son Ernie
and hi. wife Annette, of RR 2 Brussels; and
a daugnter Mary (Mrs. Doug Lazenby) of
Also surviving are three sisters and two
brothers. all in England: and five
She was predeceased by • her husband
Wilson Ernest Lewington in 1973 and by two
Friends called at the Brussels Chapel,
M.L. Watts Funeral Homes, and a funeral
was held May. 8 with 'the Reverend Archie
Robertson officiating. Interment Brussels
.Elizabeth' McEwen Hoggarth, of Main
Street North, Seaforth, died Friday, April
24, 1987 at Victoria Hospital, London. She
was 76.
Mrs. Hoggarth was a graduate of the
Seaforth Collegiate Institute and worked for
several years for Bell Canada.
The former Bess Cluff, Mrs. Hoggarth is
survived by her husband, Lloyd Hoggarth.
Also surviving are; daughter Mary (Mrs.
Dr, Michael Popovich) of Rodney, son
Phillip, at home; sisters, Jean (Mrs. Nelson
Aubry) of Thunder Bay and Ruth Cluff of
Seaforth; brother 'Phomas of Toronto, and a
cousin Janet Cluff of Seaforth.
Mrs. Hoggarth was predeceased by her
- parents, Albert Cluff and Emma Patterson
and one brother James.
Friends called at the Whitney-Ribey
Funeral Home and a funeral service was
held April 28. Interment Maitlandbank
Cemetery, Seaforth,
Pallbearers were Bill O'Shea, Jud
Walker, Bob Beuttenmiller, Mee Huard,
Marten Vincent and Bill Roberton'.
Flowerbearers were Sam Scott, Dr. Turn-
bull, Gordon McGonigle and Harold
As expressions of sympathy donations
may be made to the Canadian Cancer Socie-
ty or the charity of your choice.
Erich Lindemann, of 50 Goderich Street
East, Seaforth died Tuesday, May 5, 1987 at
;the Seaforth Community Hospital. He was
Born in Germany on December 31, 1925,
Mr. Lindemann' is survived by his wife, the
former Ingetraud Klauer.
Also surviving are children, Klaus of
Seaforth. Wolfgang of Waterford and Uwe
and Angie, both of London; and two
There was no funeral service.
James Leo Slattery, of Jatnes Street,
Seaforth, died Friday, May 8, 1987 at Strat-
ford General Hospital. He was 85.
Born in Sydenham Township on
November 19; 1901, Mr. Slattery was the sen
of the late Jiro Slattery and Ellen Fitz-
patrick. He taught at the Seaforth District
High School until his retirement in the mid
1960s. He was a past member of the Kinights
of Columbus.
Mr. Slattery is survived by his wife, the
Also surviving m
Markdele and Ambrose o brothers, ands e
former Ma eline.Bertra
f Hanover and one
sister Winnifred Healy of St. Joseph's Villa,
Mr. Slattery was predeceased by two
brothers Joseph and Clement.
Friends called at the Whitney Ribey
Funeral f#ome until Monday when Mass of
• the Christian 11111161 was held et SL James
I"toman Catholic Chureh, Seaforth. Inter-
Merit St. Jams fiiernetety. Prayers were
held in the funeral home onSunday at 8 p.m.
Pallbearers Were George Sills; Pat Slat
teryi John Grant, Harry Scott, Don Morton
• and Larry Plunisteel.
The June 4 meeting will be a potluck Din-
ner at 12:30 p.m.' Please bring own dishes,
and cutlery. .
Grace Broadfoot then gave two humorous
readings - 'Grandma" and a "Child's View
of Retirement in a Mobile Park." '
Cards followed and a social hour with
Ladies High - Reka Van' Bakel, Ladies
Low - Isabel Hunt, Ladies Lane Hands -
Marg Bennett.
Men's High - Anona Crozier (as a man),
Men's Low - Marg Lane (as a man), Men's
Lone Hands - Mrs. Driscoll (as a man).
THE HIJRON EXPOSITOR, "M/\Y 13, 1987 -• 13A
(5191 327.7019
H.H. 2. Sralinih, hn,
N11X 19'11
/laird in.
lla I ,pr 1,igh/r Afnrldu
H9,Jieltl, .Ont.'
Coverall Zippers - $8.00 Installed
IMAGE SeaforthSt.
Excellent Prices On'
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• Soffit 8 Fascia • Patio Decks
• Roofing 8 RoofRepalrs
• Fire,8. Barbecue Plts
*Custom Design Fencing
• New Additions •Rec Rooms
• Replacement.Windows 8 Doors
• Storms 8. Shutters • Drywall
Sales Representative: PAUL MARASSE
PHONE 345-2355
Cana Distance Call Collect
CALDWELL - 'Jamie and Barb are very
happy to , announce the birth of their
daughter, Amber Dawn, on May 6, 1987 at
Stratford General Hospital. A wee sister for
Brittany. Proud grandparents are Bob and
Alfie Doig and Shorty and Wilma Caldwell.
SCOTT - Jamie, Elizabeth and Denny are
thrilled to announce the birth of their
daughter and sister Victoria Jeanette.
"Tory" was born May 7, 1987 at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London -weighing 8 lbs., 12 ozs.
Proud grandparents are Jim and Donna.
Scott, Goderich and Frank and Jane
Golding, Seaforth. Great Grandma is Jean
Scott of Blyth; • ' • '
SCHENK - Gary and Audrey welcome with
love their son Joel Thomas born May 3,1987,
at 8:08 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 14 ozs. at Strat-
ford General Hospital. Proud grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. James Nash and Mr. and
Mrs. Aaron Schenk. Great grandfather, Elie
Bury. e •
DROST — Carmen and MaryAnn are very
excited about the arrival of their son Shawn
Tyler. Aided by a very helpful Dr. Salsbury,
Shawn arrived on May 2, 1987 at 4:23 a.m.
weighing 6 lbs. 71/2 ozs. at the Clinton Public
Hospital. A little brother for Tonya. Proud
grandparents are Tony and Mary Van Dorp,
Seaforth and John and Willy Drost,
JOHNSTON + Rex and Mary Ann are thrill-
ed to .announce the safe. arrival of their
beautiful daughter, Amanda Christina, born
on Wednesday, April 15, 1987, weighing 8
lbs., 2 ozs., at St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
A sister for Michael and a'great grandchild
for Albert Leitch, Goderich. Happy grand-
parents are Irene and Ford Johnston and •
Rose and Angelo Phillips.
Ladies' White Stag Sportswear
"Mesin gives us
a better safety
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"We tried'Afesin in 1984,"
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"and felt that if gave a.
better safety margin to the
crop. We treated the whole
acreage in 1985 and plan
to use it again in 1986."
Wim likes Afesin's easy -
handling EC formulation:
"There is no shaking of
jugs and the product mixes
easily in the tank."Afesin
2EC. For kill power plus!
295 Henderson Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan SON 6C2
Wim.Karelse; Farm Manager,
. Great Canadian Bean Co. Ltd.
2 EC
Hoechst El
(:nod things happen when the chemistry h right.
Gas barbecues are
a convenient 'and
economical way to
enjoy outdoor cooking, but they
must be used carefully and kept in
good condition.
Every summer, backyard chefs
are injured and property is dam-
aged in gas barbecue fires. Here
are a few safety tips to ensure your
barbecue parties don't go up in smoke.
1. There's only one way to connect a
propane cylinder to a barbecue — the right
way. Follow the manufacturer's instruc
tions closely and keep the fuel hose away
from any metal parts• which may become hot.
2. Check for leaks regularly: Brush a soap and
water solution over hoses and connectors and
open the cylinder valve. If there's a leak,
bubbles will form in the soap film.
3. Keep your barbecue at least 10 feet from
buildings, overhangs and combustible structures:
�4.. Don't try to light a barbecue with the lid
closed. If it fails to light or goes out, turn the
gas off and wait five minutes before relighting.
5 When finished, close all valves.
6 Never bring propane cylinders indoors.
`-`A small leak
•- can cause
a major
% .If you suspect
your barbecue isn't working properly, have it
checked by a qualified serviceman.
Make sure you don't have to invite.the fire
department to your next barbecue. For a free
copy.of the brochure "Living Safely with
Propane"; contact the Consumer Information
Centre at 555 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2H6—(416) 9634111
or toll free at 1-800-268-1142.
Ontario residents with Ministry of Consumer
an 807 area code may and Commercial Relations
call the 416 number
collect. Minister, Hon. Monte Kwintef
Premier, Hon. David Peterson