HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-01-05, Page 6r
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Dirty woodwork or any other part of the
cleaning can best he cleaned by using
it will remove every particle of dirt and make the whole house
bright and cheery. Absolutely pure, and every bar possesses re-
markable cleansing power.
Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and won't injure the hands.
1211 tit b
house that
Otr Tuesday afterpoon, Deo. 27th, e
pretty and interesting event took place
at the home of Mrs. terahatn Scott of
the 10th con., Cnlross, when her eldest
daughter, Mies Florence L , was united
in marriage to il1r. Alfred W. Russ of
the same place. The ceremony was per-
formed at five o'clock by Rev. Jas.
Malcolm iu the preeezace of a number of
relatives and friends who ha d amber d
to see the young couple start ou the voy-
age of married life.
Kernels from the Sallctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Bishop -elect Williams, of Huron, has
been made a life member of Stratford
Lodge, A. F. and A. M. He will preach
farewell sermon at St. James' Church
on Sunday.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
iseparated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
Final returns of the vote in the Fed-
eral elections show that the Liberals had
majority of 7,826 in the Territories,
and of 2,976 in British Columbia.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
Diarrhoea Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
we,,, ]'and sure cure which should always be
kept in the house.
The heirs of a Frenchman named Thi-
ery who died in Venice in 1676, claim
that Napoleon took $2,000,000 belonging
to their ancestor, says the Paris Matin.
They have unsuccessfully sued the
Trench Government for its return.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gra,el, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
J. H. Elford of Holmesville received
on Saturday last from the Crown Land
Department, papers granting him 160
acres of land,he being a volunteer at Cross -
in the 29th Battalion, county of Water-
loo, during the Fenian Raid of 1860.
Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
A cigar which is 120 years old was
discovered in the walls of the old Parks
mansion at Danville, Pa., by Jo. 1,
Sechier, who is remodeling it. He
found the cigar in a hollow between two
largo stones in the wall. It was wrap-
ped in oiled paper and was well preser-
ved. It still preserves its odour.
Lever's Y-7. (Win: Head] Disinfectant
Soap Powder is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. 34
Ifcount ry snap
the inducements held out, he
a Editor were to all
soon be a millionaire, says an exchange.
If he run a paper according to the popu-
lar notion, be would be in the poor
house. If he published all the items
that are sent in, he would be in jail one-
half the time, and in hospital the other
t. Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
. , Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth,
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
e. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
S. Prevents catmint concretions.
9. Obviates f ndigestion,
xo. A preventative against diseases of the
it. restores all nervous energy and re-
vrives the natural forces.
Harbord .. Toronto, Ont.
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Stom act, Troubles.
A disordered stomach may cense no
end of trouble When the stamaoh fails
to perform its functions the bowels be
come deranged, the liver and kidneys
congested, causing numerous diseases,
the most fatal of which was painless end
theretore the more to be dreaded. The
important thing is torestore the stomach
sad liver to a healthy cot,ditiou, and for
this purpose no better preparatiou call he
used than Chamberlain's Stomaoh and
Liver Tablets. For sale by A. I. McCall
& Co,
Women must have increased greatly
in numbers in Arizona, for an anouy•
mous man in Tombstone has entered the
marriage market in a novel way. He
offers to raffle himself off to women of
his own town at $1 a chance. 'With the
money thus obtained he and the prize-
winner in the raffle are to set up in
housekeeping. The idea is ingenious,
and makes marriage a lottery in the
literal sense of the word. But the
" prize" is a gallant man withal.' It is
a free field and no favor to the other sex.
While the past season was not a good
one for growing sugar beets, Mr. Will
Drysdale's experience, on the Huron
Road. shows that with favorable condi-
tions the crop should be a paying one.
From lee acres he raised 21 tons, 706
pounds of clean beets, which yielded
15.8 per cent. sugar, and netted him
$93.05 clear of everything. This should
encourage others to make a trial of the
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Mr. Alex. McKeath, of Stanley, the
lumber king of this district, this week
shipped from Kippen station two hun-
dred thousand feet of lumber to the
Massey -Harris Co., Toronto. Mr. Me -
Beath gives employment to a lot of men
and distributes among the farmers a
large sum of ready cash every year, all
of which goes to keep the ball rolling.
So Crippled He Could'nt Walk ---
Absolutely Helpless Till He Took
The One Sure Cure,
Dislocated Her Shoulder.
Mrs, Johanna Soderham, of Fergus
Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her
shoulder. She had a surgeon get it baok
in place as soon as possible, but it was
quite sore and pained her very much.
Her son mentioned that he had seen
Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised
for sprains and soreness and she asked
him to buy her a bottle of it, which he
did. It quickly relieved her and enabled
her to sleep which she had not done for
several days. For sale by A. I. McCall
& Co.
Although ailing for some time,
Elchin of Ashfield had been confined to
his bed for only about a fortnight before
his death Tuesday Dec, 27th of heart
trouble. He was a native of Ireland.
born in the county of Down, but came
to this country when only about seven
years of age, with his parents and his
brothers and sisters. The family settled
in Beverley Township, near Hamilton,
where the subject of this notice was
married at the age of twenty-one to
Rebecca Waley, daughter of Robert
Waley. In 1871 they removed to Ash-
For Ov'r Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Relieved At Onee—Cured
ently—Well Ever Since.
Once more has the wily crpid success-
fully strung his bow and by the magic
of his mystic wand welded two hearts
securely into one. We have reference to
the marriage of Miss Nina Carrick to
Mr. Alex. Boyd, which happy event took
place on Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd,
at the home of the bride's father, Lake
View, Kintail. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Miller, in the pres-
ence of about 200 guests.
Mr. John Treleaven, of Pilot Mound,
Manitoba, returned to Lucknow last
week, and will spend the winter with his
daughter, Mrs. E. J. Smith. It is
twenty-three years since Mr. Treleaven
went to the West and although in his
84th year he is still hale and hearty, and
looks just about as young as when he
left Lucknow.
The peculiar cough which indicates
croup, is generally well known to the
mothers of croupy children. No time
should be lost in the treatment of it, and
for this purpose no medicine has received
more universal approval than Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy, For sale by A. L
McCall da Co.
Colonel H. M. Russ, of Edwards, St
Lawrence county, N. Yr, is one of the
fine old heroes of the Civil war.
After being permanently oured by
Ferrozone, the Colonel wrote:
41 couldn't get around without a
cane, and then only with difficulty.
"Rheumatism took complete control
of my limbs,
"The suffering was more intense
than hardship ou the battleship.
"When my doctor had done his best
I got Ferrozone.
"Then some a quick change.
"Ferrozone gave me comfort at once,
eased the pain and took the stiffness
our of nay muscles,
"I am well to day. Ferri zone oured
me completely. I can jump and ruu
like I did forty years ago."
No matter how long you have suffered
Ferrozone will bring you prompt relief
It will increase your strength, reuew
your vitality, drive out every trace of
rheumatic pain. Never known to fail;
50c. per box, or 6 for $2.50, at all medi-
oiue dealers, or Polson & Co., Hartford,
Conti., U. S. A., and Kingston Ont.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This preparation is intended especially
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
and influenza. It has become famous
for its cures of these diseases over a
large part of the civilized world, The
most flattering testimonials have been
received, giving accounts of its good
works; of the aggravating and persistent
coughs it has cured ; of severe colds that
have yielded promptly to its soothing ef-
fects, and of the dangerous attacks of
croup it has cured, often saving the life
of the child. The extensive use of it for
whooping cough, has shown that it robs
that disease of all dangerous results. It
is especially prized by mothers because
it contains nothing injurious and there
is not the least danger in giving it even
to babies. It always cures and cures
quickly. Sold by A. I. McCall & Co.
- A London mechanic, with the inten-
tion of enjoying a practical joke, pasted
the figures of two donkeys on the dead
wall opposite his workshop. Under
these figures he had written in large
letters the words, "When shall we three
meet again?" It was not long until a
man coming by stopped and stood gazing
in perplexity at the two donkeys and the
inscription. The mechanic was elated
at the manner in which his joko had
worked, and burst into a laugh, which
soon stopped when the man turned and
said: "Bead, I was all along
wondherin where the other one was.'
are dhildren that get the
right food to eat whole,
some, nutritious food—easily
digested food.
Cream Sodas
are splendid food for grow-
ing children. Made of Cana-
da s finest wheat, cream and
butter—they are
more nourishing
than bread, and
easier to digest.
Always crisp and
aPPictizing.41 1N
meth rreepnonf
grecera '
There is probably no place on earth
better than a country newspaper office to
learn bow many kinds of people there
are. Some get huffy if a statement is
seat, and others will not pay until thfy
receive a statement. Some will pay
without a statement, and others will not
pay whether a statement is sent or not.
Some thought they owed more and some
thought they didn't owe so much,
Some say they couldn't get along with-
out the paper, and others say it don't
amount to much. But the meanest,
sorubbiest in the list is the man who
takes it until he is shut off for nonpay-
ment and then spends half his time ex-
plaining how he used to take "the
thing," but stopped it because it was no
Escaped an Operation.
"I had itching piles for six years, and
the doctors told me there was no cure for
me unless an operation. Dr. Chase's
Ointment completely cured me in one
week. As that was six months ago, and
there has been no return of the old
trouble 1 believe that the cure is a per-
manent one,"—MR. J. MEIER, Roden,
The Best of Life.
[Spectator.] •
Not till life's heat is cooled,
The headlong rush slowed to a quiet pace,
And every purblind passion that has
Our noisier years, at last
Spurs us in vain, and weary of the race,
We care no morewho loses or who
Ah ! not till all the best of life seems
The best of life begins.
To toil for only fame,
Handclappings and the fickle gusts of
For place or power or gold to gild a
Above the grave whereto
All paths will bring us, where to lose
our days,
We, ou whose ears youth's passing bell
has tolled,
In blowing bubbles, even as children do,
Forgetting we grow old.
Flow Trousers Came to pp Popular..
Trousers came into use for general
weir with the lereuch revolution, ',Che
gentlemeu, the supporters. of royalty
and sound constitutional principles,
wore breeches. Talo "sans culottes,"
who denounced every one w-lic wore
breeches, flually went beyond their op-
poneuts and wore twice as much cloth
around their legs—ln at word, adopted
the modern trousers and made theta
the badge of a party. Napoleon, who
was too thin at one period of his life
and too stout at another to look his
best in small clothes, nevertheless wore
thein on state occasions after he had
been crowned emperor, His army was
tete first that wore trousers, and they
kept progress step by step with the
march of the French legions.
The French trousers were seen in
Egypt, in Spain, in Italy, in Germany,
in Poland and ill Russia, and with
them the neat gaiter. People thought
that the manner In which a great con-
quering nation clad its legs was the
correct model, and when the trousers
wearers marched over the wearers of
pigtails and knee breeches at Jena and
Auerstadt •a decision was given from
which the world did not care to ap-
But the world widens when
Such hope of trivial gam that ruled us
Broken among onr childhood's toys,
We win to self-control!
And mail ourselves in manhood, and
there rise
Upon us from the vast and windless
Those clearer thoughts that are unto the
What stars are to the night.
The lifucous Membrane and the Important
Part it Plays in the Health or Sickness
of the Body.
The Defiant Tomato.
"It has happened to me several
times in my life," says Thomas E.
Watson in Bethany, "to be arrested,
convicted and sentenced to dine with
other well dressed convicts, male and
female, at a swell dinner—one of those
formal functions where solemn flun-
kies bring you one thing only to eat at
n time. When you have pecked awhile
at that one thing, whatever it may be,
solemn flunkies take it away and bring
you another plate and some other thing
to peck at awhile.
"Sometimes it happens that this one
thing is a big, defiant looking tomato.
To sit in one's chair, gazing at the
last course which the flunky has just:
put on; to realize that this entire
course consists of a solitary tomato,
looking fiercely red and raw; to glance
along the table and to realize that all
the convicts, male and female, have
one tomato apiece and are trying to
look cheerfully at the convict boss—
the host—has overwhelmed me every
time it got the chance. The scene is
The Mucous Membrane is the inside
lining of the body, and of all its vessels
and organs. The moment this mucous
membrane becomes out of condition ever
so little, illness follows swiftly, in some
form or other.
In ninety-nine cases of a hundred die -
ease has its beginning in some derange-
ment of this Mucous Membrane.
It is very delicate and extremely sen-
sitive, and consequently very liable to
If you are not feeling well you may be
sure that the Mucous Membrane of
some organ is sick and requires immedi-
ate treatment.
There is one medicine that is intended
to act, and does act, directly and cura-
tively on the Mucous Membrane. It is
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill.
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and Constipa-
tion disappear as soon as Dr, Leonhardt's
Anti -Pill has restored the Mucous Mem-
brane to its natural healthy condition.
50 cents a bottle, at all Druggists, or The
Wilson-Fyle Co,, Limited, Niagara
Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada.
Trustworthy lady or :gentleman to menage
business in this county and adjoining territory
for well and favorably known house of solid
financial standing.$2000 straight cash aalery
and Expensees, paid each Monday by cheek
direct from headquarters. Expenses money
advanced. Position permanent. Address.
Manager, 810 Coni dock, Chicago Illinois
Father and Daughter.
Is there any fairer relationship in tbe
wide world than this between father
and young daughter? Its only rivals
are the ties between mother and son,
mother and daughter and father and
son. To the budding womanhood that
skips and pranks beside him the settled
man of affairs betrays the shy chivalry
that, so long as he retains the inno-
cence of his affections, nestles at his
heart. For her he remembers again
the gallant days of his youth; he quotes
poetry, brings out for her amused and
affectionate inspection dreams and
hopes long laid by in the cedar chests
of memory. For her sake he goes
again into society, consents to dress for
dinner, is careful of his manners and
his speech. The graces of life trail
Into his consciousness with the soft
swish of her lengthening skirts.
A Slave of Prosperity.
Mrs. Porter had married late in life
and married a rich man after years of
prudent scrimping and much care.
"How does Annabel look?" asked one
of Mrs. Porter's old neighbors of an-
other who had been visiting the bride
of a year. "Does she appear satis-
"Oh, yes, she's satisfied and happy
and all that" said the old friend. slow-
ly, "but you know folks can't get
wonted to things all of a sudden, and
so there will come times now and
again when Annabel Iooks as if the
kettle was b'ilin' over and she was
tied hand and foot so she couldn't get
to the stove. It's not for me to say
how she feels."
The True Meaning of “Worry.”
The generie and much covering term
of "worry" is often the name for a
trouble the essential part of which is
the "difficulty of making up the mind."
Those who can read between the lines
discern also in many a case of suicide
the same difficulty as the final cause
which plunged a weak and distracted
intelligence into the ultimate catastro-
phe. Sooner than continue the struggle
with doubts, alternatives and perplexi-
ties the mind that cannot be "made
up" is overthrown altogether.
Do You Realize That a
Neglected Cough May
Result in Consumption.
If you have a Cold, Cough,
' Hoarseness, Bronchitis, or any
affection of the Throat and bungs,
what you want is a harmless and
certain remedy that will cure you
at once.
There is nothing so healing,
soothing, and invigorating to the
lungs as the balsamic properties of
the pine tree.
Contains the potent healing virtues
of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and soothing meth -
eines of recognized worth.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
checks the irritating cough, soothes
and heals the inflamed bungs
and Bronchial tubes, loosens the
Wee', and gives a prompt sense
of relief from that choked -up,
stuffed feeling.
Price 25 cent% per bottle.
Be sure and ask for Dr. Wood's.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for (nen, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fam: tr remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est r�mvdy 'vith a long and successful record, to
c• -r'; 'n:ugestaran, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
,a .,tlpation, c ffensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
• oi' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
i`• latism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
'- .'.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
1 i�wn 'systems, restore pure blood, good appe.'
I ,-.id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
,;ort .t2-nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans
�'.,btales. Your druggist sells them. The five
cent- packet is eft ,gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bott.i, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
1et17r1ur1rV�Yi V.,: J, I.NJ I, II,iC� I n, rl • • •.ui �r .+�i• 1,..,L'"_•aL- :wie
'ri ,; .fe 4 . �.p, ,wN4t icit .[itut..:r�..;.'t...,4
Gregg Short y and.x
Shorthand, like all other inventions and discoveries,
is continually improving.
The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed
system is the Gregg—over goo leading business schools
have adopted this system and discarded the older ones.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
teaches Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. And
every other department is up to the same high standard
of efficiency.
Students may enter any time during term. Booklet free.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal, Y.M.C.A. Building, London.
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