HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-05-13, Page 4A4 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 13, 1987, jeatfort.0 ! uaztcin1 ` eivuic.ED t527-0810 Harry DenHaan 96 Main St S Seaforth 9?;.L in. `' ,z,',, .a, s1NWO r�;,�'#::!:3 COMPARE BEFORE YOU. INVEST . Guaranteed Investment Certificate 3 YEAR. T 5 YEARS% A 0 CHECK, OUT OUR.RRSP's TOO AT ATTRACTIVE RATES • CALL US Other rates available on request: Alldepositsinsured within limits, RATES EFFECTIVE MAY_ 11, 1987 WINDOWS 81 DOORS SHOW ROOM 58 Union St. Dublin A Division of W.J. Feeney Construction Ltd. 345-2405 0 Cl1 OCL Ca/errsz (aneheons • .c11izRer parrfeS - • nieef, z s' J spe a.xc1S on-- ��trvre ,d/tp,•soa 5274090 .510. rnaitie Sz7-/438 TRIANGLE DISCOUNT. 172 The Square, Goderich; Main Corner, Clinton; Main Corner; Seaforth SPECIALS! 2 79 • .99 3?9 219 . 3r 139 349 .99 Noxzema Tropic Tan, Sure Tan, 110 ml Lotion or 00 Bactine 60 mi. First Aid Spray Raid House & Garden, 350 g. Insect Spray Right Guard Spray, 300 ml. Bonus Size Deodorant t Head and'Slidulders, 350 ml: Shampoo Cover Girl Nail Polish Efferdent 84's Cleaning Tablets Jergens Lotion, 4 bars Mild Soap only only only only only only Only only TOWN OF SEAFORTH Public' Meeting concerning a Proposed Zoning By -Law' Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Carperefian of the Town of Seaforth will hold o public meeting on MONDAY, JUNE 15. 1987 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall. to consider a proposed zoning bylaw amendment Under Section 34 of the Plann- ing ann=ing Act, 1983. The proposed zoning by -low amendment will add o permitted use to the tight Industrial (M1) Zone: on sof 154. Lot 155, Plan 399, Town of Seaforth, County of Huron. The sub -- property will be rezoned from Light Industrial M1 to Light industrial Special M1-1 one permitting a motor vehicle repair shop as an additional permitted' use for the subject property only. The subject property is shown an the mop below. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal represen- tefion either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed toning bylaw amendment is available for inspection between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office. Doted at the Town of Seaforth this 13th day of May, 1987. Subject area Lot 154, Lot 155 Plan 399, Toon of Seaforth 0 it nk 145 JAMES CROCKER Clerk. Town of Seaforth P.O. Box 610 Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1w0 OAKSTREET _s 510.521-0160. 1.st.3 MI BIRCH STREET GEORGE St -Rte : W_.4 TOWN LIMA • • SCALE' METNCs sn rte to toot M2 LocaiK. of C has 25 year. history The Father Stephen Eckert Council of the Seaforth Knights of Columbus marked a milestone last' week -it celebrated a quarter century of service to the community. Council 5289 was formed in 1962 after the Stratford council became too big,• said Leo Hagan, .a 'charter member and council historian, Before the. formation of the Seaforth council, Seaforth, Zurich, and area members'belonged to the Stratford council. But because more new members were join- ing each year, Mr. Hagan said the Supreme Board of the Knights of Columbus (K of C), and eventually the Ontario State Board, started the wheels in motion to form a coun- _ciLin_Seaforth The:new council was named after Father Stephen Eckert, a former resident of. McKillop Township. The late Father -Eckert was well known as a missionary who worked with the Negroes in Milwaukee. He was a Capuchin• Monk. He died in 1923, The council was named after the priest, said Mr. Hagan, because he was' raised in the Seaforth area. "Each' council takes the • name of a deceased bishop or priest." • Mr. Hagan himself has been a K of C member since 1955. He's one of, several charter members who still belong to the Seaforth council, having served in a variety of capacities, including Grand Knight. CHARTER NIGHT The .new .• ouncil first met in the ' Royal Canadian Legion rooms at the old •Seaforth. • arena. Charter night in October -1962 was also held in the Legion. The Knights met for their monthly executive and general meetings in that location until it purchased the former separate school. ip St. Columban. The school was vacated upon the completion of a new school beside the church. The Knights of Columbus is a Roman Catholic organization for men. Its motto is, unity„ patriotism and charity, with charity being the main goal of the local council, said Mr. Hagan. • , It's a secret society to a point - "the only thing secret being the workings• of the degrees," said Mr, Hagan. The local council has some 4th degree members, but. many are 3rd degree. The 4th degree members are the ones who form honor guards when' special guests, such as the bishop, visit the area. "Our main objective is the Arthritis Socie- ty. But we also make donations in the Seaforth-St. Columban area in the case of Cub Cadet One rlbugh Rider 1512 TRACTOR MONTHLY (24 Month Term) 527-01 20 , SEAFORTH FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED barn or house fires. We sponsorhockey tour- naments for separate school children, and hold our own family picnic," he said. BROTHERHOOD NIGHT The Seaforth councl'I' was'instrumental in organizing, Brotherhood Night "in 1963, It's held the last 'Thursday .of February every year and is meant as a get-together for men: it's an evening of fellowship that includes entertainment, such as euchre, and a guest speaker. • . .. "It (Brotherhood' Night) has evolved to, the point where other groups and organiza- tions take turns hosting it. It's held at the Legion and we take up a collection to pay for the meal, said Mr, Hagan • There's also a Corporate Communion Breakfast, "a family affair" where people can enjoybreakfast and listen to a guest speaker. The K of C also initiated a Police Appreciation Night .five years ago. Mr. Hagan said it's one way the K of C can thank police officers for the job they do: A major fundraiser each year is the $1,000 draw held by the local council at the Zurich Bean Festival. Money raised goes to charity. • • • CHARTER OFFICERS John L. Malone was the first Grand Knight of the Seaforth Knights of Columbus. Other officers installed were: Dr. Martin Stapleton, Deputy Grand -Knight; Lloyd Bedard, Chancellor; Leo Hagan, Recorder; Clayton Looby, Treasurer; Frank Sills, Ad vocate; D'Orlean Sills, Jr; Warden; John Schoonderwoerd, Inside Guard; Antoine Garon;' Outside Guard; Charles Rau, W. -J. Burns and Raymond Murray, trustees. The charter members are as follows Samuel Bates, Frank Cronin,Frank Sills, Wilfred Denomme, Antoine Garon, Albert Hoffman, Donald MacRae, J. E. Morel, Roger Powers, Jack Schoonderwoerd, William Smith, Raymond Anstett, John Coyne, Maurice Etue,.Leo Hagan, William Burns, Alfred Denomme, Thomas Feeney, Mozart Gelinas, Peter Huyben, Peter Mc- Cauley, Donald Moylan, Alvin Rau, John Segeron, John Van Geffen, Leon Bannon, Joseph Cronin, Wilfred Feeney, Maurice Hallahan, George Coville, Gerard Denomme, John Flanagan, George Goet- tler; • Maxim LeBeau, Kenneth Mittelholtz, Daniel Murphy, John Schoonderwoerd, D'Orlean Sills, Victor Walden, Lloyd Bedard, Phillip Durand, Thomas Frericks, Clarence Geoffrey; and Clayton Looby.. A story on the formation of the new coun- cil, printed in the June 2, 1962 issue of the Canadian Register, noted the new council "will be composed of members from Seaforth, Goderich, Clinton, Zurick, Dublin and St. Columban, Prior to the nominations. and election of officers, a degree team from. Kilroy Council, Stratford, 'exemplified the first degree on a class of 18." The nevus article also mentioned that Rev. Thomas McQuaid of St. Mary and Father Mlzzi of St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, spoke,briefly, congratulating the new coun- cil and wishing it every success.. "In charge of the meeting were District Deputy D. J. Creighton, London; Grand Knight Cecil Tufts, Kilroy Copncil, Strat- ford. Also in attendance was Clifford J. McLelland, Supreme Council represen- tative, Guelph.'• Though the new executive was in place in May, a Charter Night celebration wasn't held until October 1962. The event was held at the Seaforth Community -Centre with ban • - quet and dance tickets costing $2.50 per. plate, or dance only, $1, • FATHER ECKERT The priest, after whom the Seaforth K of C council was named, Father Stephen Eckert, was born in McKillop Township on April 28, 1869. He finished his classicalstudies at St. J'erome's' College, Kitchener and entered the Capuchin Order at Detroit, May 21, 1591. He was ordained July 2, 1896. Father Eckert. spent the first years of his priesthood in ,New York. He soon won esteem as a zealous rrtissionary and able retreat -master, but this did not satisfy his zeal. He longed to do missionary work •for neglected.Negroes. This led to his appointment to Si. Benedict's Mission ,for the Colored in Milwaukee. Here Father Eckert found his life's work -and his death. He devoted his health, abilities, and time ,unreservedly to the welfare of the mission. He also continued preaching missions and conducting retreats, which gave him the op= portunity to make known the cause of the Negro and to collect funds for the institu- tions he had planned for them. While giving a mission in Iowa, Father Eckert contracted pneumonia, which prov- ed fatal February 16, 1923. One of his last utterances was: "Here Hie • idle, while thousands of souls perish." Or. February, 16, 1948, his body was transferred to the mission grounds in Milwaukee, where it now rests beneath a large monument bearing the inscription Apostle and Champion of the Colored Race. Women Today receive grant Women Today of Huron County will receive a $13,500 grant from the Ontario Ministry of Health to produce a video and support material for a project dealing with health promotion for rural women, Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron -Middlesex an- nounced on May 11. Making the announcement on behalf of Health Minister Murray Elston, Mr. Riddell said the grant will help the group to design, produce and distribute a video and package of material for its Women Being Well project. Earlier this year another provincial government agency, the Women's Direc- torate, agreed to provide $15,000 towards the $28,500 project. "The provincial govermnent is very sup - HURON -PERTH BRANCH VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES von ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, May 27 Stratford Country Club, 53 Romeo St. N., Stratford Reception - 6:00 p.m. Dinner - 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker - ROSEMARY ARMSTRONG Program Co-ordinator, Huronview Day Centre "A DECADE IN DAY CARE" Cost of Dinner: '11.75 per person Arrangements may be made by phoning 482-3937 no later than Fri- day, May 15th, .' DAVE MOORE FUELS LTD, Exeter Would like to announce that BOB DINSMORE, Seaforth, formerly of Bosman Fuels has joined our staff • and will serve the Seaforth and Clinton area. Please feel free to call Bob at 527-1224 after 5 p.m, or the office located north of Huron Tractor in Exeter at 235-0853 or Toll Free PrEMIKKANADA 1-800b265-2931 portive of this project as it will increase community awareness of women's health issues and encourage women to take respoh- sibility for their own health," Mr. Riddell said. The video and accompanying material will allow groups of individuals to explore the profile of self-help groups for women in Huron County, as well as the health promo- tional protential of such groups. It will also allow examination of the way that Women Today co-ordinates and assists the forma- tion of these groups. Mr. Riddell said Women Today is a well recognized group that helps rural women to learn to help themselves. The organization works closely with other health service pro- viders in Huron and Perth Counties. • BACHERT MEATS Can us for your custom slaughlenng needs SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY 'For your freezer. sides of Beet, Pork. Lamb, a• Veal N0.* specialize in heron 'Cured meals and old fashioned Country style pork sausage. no fillers added NI moat Gov't. Inspected t mile east 887-9328 d Walton McLaughlin Chev-Olds Ltd. 13 Main 5t. Seaforth 527-1140 -• Service • Selection 4 Savings • Satisfaction • Leaiing ' • Complete BODY SHOP Servloe HERBALIFE Millions have •and you can too. Shed those unwanted pounds the easy way with Hetballfe. Nutritional and Self -Satisfying all Barr 527-0373 Western Canadian Will Take Jail Term if AH the Following Claims can be Proved False Steven Truuoll 1eneretiun T}o aalltaltV WANT to ..tad. CAPfAt WnfSHMTTITa 5*. **Ata d,.yaW costre.red to JW .. zre.,a w'ea rat r=,.. er re*tn.l ea. 'en 3n,nt ,eeor,e.w', a "e. beer, de,.onitiate.• aaataia. 1•k 1Saar naw Yn .cit tadWal 4l Y,4o.4 ,1w, tai.Y'bb*4d to • Try Tee.. ,.aro:,' 55 row.. 5%a boas aha ee,,e1'4 ,a.va158 Mr.we" utast« creak w11ri 1*a irorj of a Carptnl.r'-ha *fiat **Tak to 155,500 "wort% of lime a55.ao...y ',eri'be b *55,55..8 eu.e. ha4 ia*,Y,prvilt hNtata5,na*aid aha,fe.ia5`enti..,0,8.o 65.14 a.,lv.t*8 et 55.e eta. bat Oita iyake 16,1:e usao.7eiti They mini l ed ,beer bed e.,,*abalpleu 10 year eta am trey te:iir itat <Watt.A6'Oatetatai .**8o *leak' a ia.. ,eomed..Sala, aainaisad8.4o'M.r•odalalb,tlPrat8,5 .tat.. *'a tad lied. *1.8. 1Me. .don, *mu T..58d 'ease *nave. 1'! o.. a a mi.r*M wed iN.'tai.5td ,e Mnk'. Mazda+. ly',lht65efa5niK .Yr *8 ai Ter.harta *am teat. *55..ard. iota awl' L 5*ela 088.S any batt 4u4Yen,ee that -Mit Salk/ COUR 1000*, w'll. 5ya.a hazy dial* rn5r•a* few Yd tatita:.'s e,S5,.a,d84ajta Irteaptamlt 85any, *sat e1i, "a8,,, wwn*ta,nap ,• ntit a elMr.ra.*.B Op.. ubn5y*4ea :e,w,altaa. GUARANTEED! .., MAKE YOU HAPPY? iattaaa,atiertttatatai:el r"a.'rkaiti reti.yail'te•fa"[tilety Y mow Minis #blitnuit, .itaunkioinkY,..ewe.4 %uve. pedal . *door s'A*,s MArt0061* ON , ell,*31y*ate5a tndada8) yna*tr'r"ot NORAM, tie* 104/, LAMBEtH, ON1ARIO NOL 150 Order now = Have a Good Read and get'iltvoltred toed. 411140H a low wc•hr da<l:ydly ddt•y),