The Huron Expositor, 1987-05-06, Page 9V.omen are making mark on Sunday is Mother's Day and it's the GREENS T� r r perfect time to focus on "Women in Golf". ON THE VI i4d..lj El\ S The days of,the ,golf widow are long gone. ' �` After 400 years the interest in golf that was sparked by Mary Queen of Scotshas developed into a roaring fire. Everywhere golf courses and related industries are feel- ing the impact of women golfers. ' , Women have golfed for hundreds of years, ever since the good Scottish Queen hacked her way around the grounds of Edinburgh castle. In 1893 the Ladies' Golf Union of Great Britain was formed while on this side of the Atlantic -the -first -U.S. -ladies' championship', MICiirolanne Doig OIC courses was held in 1895. . . Yes, there were women out there on the courses, but they were few and far between, and considered to be a little "different". Golf was a man's game. Nearly a century later golf courses are feeling the impact of the feminine factor. The boom began around 1960 when the ., economy was excellent and women were fin- ding themselves with more time and money on their hands, than ever before. . ; Modern appliances cut housework time in half while husbands brought in good wages. Working women made enough money to en- joy time off at local clubs. Golf was "in" for -women. • Golfprovided a clf4uice to be outdoors and enjoy exercise, a'chailenge and social outlet all at the same time. Soon courses, and apparel and equipment manufacturers were recognizing the poten- tial market for women.golfers. Clothing was. designed with quality, style, flare and func- tion in mind. The women lapped it up. Golf has always been a fashion parade, even for men, so the ladies golf boom was a bonus for clothing companies. Equipment has come a long .way too. At first the manufactuers concerned themselves with cosmetic changes. Balls, clubs, headcovers and gags came out in pastel shades to attract the women, but the design was not always consistent with the market. Advances in technology as well as more study on women's swings and .physical strengths or weaknesses has resulted in the developmentof equipment bettersuited to the female golfer. Shorter, more flexible shafts with norrowers grips are one noticeable difference between men's and women's clubs,. • • ' Women are out in force on many courses. Contrary to popular deblief, most women play just as quickly as men, even though they may take more shots. There is really no reason a woman can't play good golfTWornen lack=much of -the strengthof their• male counterparts, but. with good technique and plenty of practice, what has been lost in distance can be gained in accuracy especially in chipping and putting, One of the tope Women golfers in Bermuda rarely hits as far as the men she challenges, but she is "deadly" around the greens. Remember, drive for show and putt for dough. Women golfers are generally more supple • than men and therefore accomplish a fuller turn during the, swing. Although this can give more power and distance, it can also cause problems with control. Women must Family skating is new event at arena ry Moms, pops and tots rollerskating will begin at the arena on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00. This will be a new event -and is just on a trial basis. Any children- under 12 accompanied by their parents can come and have some fun, and beginners are very welcome. Admission will be $1 per person which includes rentals. Any senior 55 years of age or over wishing to play tennis or table tennis, please contact the recreation office at 527-0882. Senior games scheduled for this week are as follows:- Wednesday, • May% 6, 1:30 p.m., shuf- fleboard at the arena. . • • Monday, May 11, 10:00 a.m, walking at Victoria Park. • Monday, May 11, 7:30 p.m., cribbage at the arena. Wednesday, May 13, 1:30 p.m., table ten- nis at arena. Wednesday, May 13, 7:30 p.m., crokinole atthe arena. RECREATION PREVIEW by Marty Bedard Bowling leagu BY GEORGE LOVE Six different bowling leagues held a joint banquet and dance at the Seaforth and District Community Centre Saturday. If you are 55 years of age or over, you can participate in any of these events. For more information please call the recreation offige at 527-0882. , 1 • Senior shuffleboard continues every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30' to 4:00 p.m. Last week's winners -were: Ladies, Verda Sinclair, 222; . Peggy Perkins, 215; Ina Scott, 178. Men, Stan Hillen, 236; Chas. Perkins, 197; Theo. Van Bakel, 157. Do you have a craft or hobby? If so, and you would like to display it at the Tri -County District Senior Games held in Seaforth on June 22 and June 23 at the Seaforth and District Community Centres, contact Betty ono= Felker at 527-0689 between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Any lady interested. in playing ball hockey can come to the` arena on Wednesday, May 6 (tonight) at 8 'p.m. If enough interest is shown, a.league will be formed. The 1987 men's fastball league will be starting on Sunday, May 10 at the Lions Park: Games on Sunday will be; 7 p.m., Turf Club versus Creamery; and 8:30 p.m. Topnotch versus Firemen. Come out - an watch your favourite team. Correction: Last week an ad•was put in this paper giving the winners of the door prizes at the Home and Garden Show. One name was missed: Mrs,• Art Varley won a wallet donated by Maplewood Manor, Sorry - for the mistake. ..1 banquet dent, Jerry Fuhr; vice president, Claudette Gordon Murray and Flora Delcour. Elliott; treasurer, Wilhemine Poppe and • Season High Average - ladies, Patti Fuhr secretary, Gwen Harburn. and Wilha Vandenberk tied at 187. and The Season Champs were the Asters with men's, Cor. Dorssers at 228. THE. HURON EXPOSITOR, MAY 0, 1987 -- A9 concentrate on tempo and shortening the back swing much of the time. The banquet .heal was catered' by the 113 points. Members of the team. were Cor Season High Triple - ladies, Carol Arena Booster Club and after trophy presen- • Dorssers, Wilha Vandenberk, Bill Holmes, Johnston - 726 and men's, Cor DeCorte 786. tations leagues, the evening was spent danc- ing to the band "Bustin Loose." Participating in the evening were the St. James, Egmondville, Mixed Ddlibleg, Twin and Country, Thursday Nighters and the Commercial Bowling leagues. The winning bowlers for the 1987 season included; ST. JAMES LEAGUE Season Champs -George Love, Lorraine Arts, Ruth Feeney, Karen Hoegy and Rose Feeney. Season Low Team - Jim Dalrymple, San- dy Broadfoot, Louise Dick, Pat Ryan and Johanna Goodman. Playoff Champs - Reg Chappel, Ken Moran, Janice Murray, Jack Price and Gloria Love. Season High Average ladies, Cathy Broome - 204 and men's, Murray Bennewies -250. Season high triple - ladies, Laverne Nigh - 736 and teen's, George Love - 931. Seasonhigh single - ladies, Lorraine Arts - 313 and men's, Jack Price - 315: Season most improved - ladies, Dawn Rathwell and Gloria Love tied - plus 30 and men's Rob Th 1 36 The executive of the St. ames Leaguu for 1986-87 was; president, George Love; secretary, Laverne. Nigh and treasurer, Ruth Feeney. EGMONDVILLE BOWLINti LEAGUE Season Champs - Ken Murray, Rick Van Derveen, Doug Fraiser, Elaine Fraiser and Jeff Knights. Season low team - George Johnston, Mark Johnston, Patty Ann Gridzak, Cathy Mur- ray and Chris Bourne. Playoff winners - "A's" - Paul Baillie, Carol Johnston, Marilyn Den Haan, Willie Fraiser and Steve Scott. "B's" - Randy Gridzak, Sue Stokes, Brian Bourne, Jeff Dick and Carl Baillie. • Season High Average - ladies, Betty Johnston - 190 and men's, Randy Gridzak - 212. Season High Triple - ladies, Betty Taylor - 759 and men's, Harry. Den Haan - 826. Season High Single - ladies,' Carol Johnston - 304 and men's, Willie Fraiser - 370. Season Most Improved - ladies, Chris Bourne and men's Carl Baillie: • • The executive of Egmondville, Bowling League for 1986-'87 was; president, Terry Morey; vice •president, Ralph Johnston; secretary, Marilyn Den Haan and treasurer, Sue Stokea.. _ • , > TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWLING LEAGUE Season Chanips, Murray Kelly, Debbie Baillie, Judy Searrow, Lavern Hoegy, Ron Harris and Ed Sorenson. Season Loiv Team - Reg Dick, Alma Hugill, Ted Van Dyke and Neil Rapien. Top Playoff Team - John Staffers, Colleen Glousher, Carol Johnston, Deb Baillie, Bruce Clark and Judy Scarrow. .. Ladies High Average:- Sharon Forrest- 201, ladies High Triple - Carol Johnston - 639, Ladies, High Single- Diana Rapiers - 260 and ladies Most I.nproved - Deb Baillie plus 21. Men's High Average Eton Harris - 227, men's High Triple - Reg Dick - 874, men's High Single - Jelin Steffen - 375 and men's Moat Improved - Terry E aillie -phis 26. The Town and Country executive for the past bowling season was; President, John Steffen; treasurer, Carol Johnston and , secretary, Ed Sorenson. CO1dMbitaci L BOWLING LEActtJE The Commercial Bowling League ex- eeutive' for the 19864Season was; press= Joanne Dorssers, Terry Dorssers and . Season High Single - ladies, Claudette Kieven Bennewies. Elliott - 258 and men's, Jerry Fuhr,- 357. The low team for the season was the Season Most Improved - ladies, Mary Van Rosebuds with 58 points. Team members Valkengoed - plus 30, and men's, Gordon. were Hank Dorssers, Anne Van Dooren, Murray - plus 13. Hugo MenHeere, Nellie Arts; Danny THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE O'Rourke and Sandra Bennewies. The executive of the Thursday Nighters Playoff Champs were the Orchids with Bowling League was; president, Dan Ben - 16,049 total pins. The bowlers were Jerry newies; vice president, Mike Meidinger; Fuhr, Claudette Elliott, Joe VanDooren, Turn to page 12A • F0RmE LOVE OF GOD. GIVE. If you'd like to give to the•Red Shield, but yoi.i weren't canvassed, just send your donation along with the coupon. Your gift—whether large or small ---will help us meet the challenges of each new day, r _, i FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE Enclosed please find $ I would like someone to call 0. Phone If you'd simply like more information about us 0. Name: Address City: Prov.: Postal Code:. THE NATIONAL RED SHIELD APPEAL RED SHIELD HEADQUARTERS lab ' QUEENS AVE.. LONDON i-434.9161 J Women have an advantage when they begin golf because they don't' often presume that they, know what to do. Most women will take a few lessons or attend a couple of in- structional clinics n-structional.clinics before heading out on the, course. This is an excellent idea since it prevents bad habits from forming. The Ladies. Professional Golf Association (LPGA) has certainly' drawn attention • to ladies' golf as a professional, Nancy Lopez, Joanne Career, Sandra Post and Jan Stephenson have perked up interest in the game. More Canadians are -on the -LP -GA tour -- than ever before, including Barb Bunkowsky, Judy Ellis -Sams, Lisa Young. and Nancy White Brewer. Women are now working in golf circles as teaching 'pros, club managers and even green superintendents. Oh yes, there are still a few clubs where women are persona non grata; but in general terms the golf widow is dead. Join the ranks of such notables as Rose Kennedy, Ruby Keeler, Dinah Shore; Susan Hayward and more, who knew how much fun golf could be. We begin our ladies' golf season Monday night with nine holes of golf followed by a potluck supper. Rain or shine! The menget started Thursday, May 14. Bob Riehl RACQUET STRINGING & SALES iT'S TIME!.. Time to deworm your whole litprd et . turnout' with Banninth Ii* Daliy`Cet• fie Dewormer pelle?sl.Gret the most out.: of your herd with Banminth fl! (1) No Milk Withdrawal) (2) Economical) (3)' Convenient) 'Trademark/Authorized u.or . ESTCA ESTUSA RACQUETS JICTOR'RACQUETS Clinton 482-7865 Tennis Squash. Raquetball Badminton Tam � WcIadtt/11. Rawd in Nurhoir 1.1nhlr Marina Barfield. Pet.. (•,ulnen (5191 527-2017 R: R. 2, Sraforth, On, MK 11P0 Sun 'Life 'Assurance • Company of Canada • LIFE & MORTGAGE INSU'RANCB PLANS DEFERRED ANNUITIES, INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FLEXIBLE NO LOAD R.R,S,P, NON-SMOKERS RATES AVAILABLE -Rep, ARNOLD STINNISSEN 117 Goderich St, East; Seaforth Tel. 527-0410 • BERGSales -'Service Installation Free Estimates • Barn Cleaners • Stabling • Bunk Feeders Donald G. Ives •R.R.-N2-Blyth Brussels 887-9024 •�y Mr. Bruce Henderson TYNDALL'S KARATE SCHOOL After many years of dedicated training, passed his grading May 2nd, 1987 In Lon- don, Ont., to First Degree' Black belt, Presentation will be at HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL, Saturday, May 9th, 1987. Ceremony begins at 8:00 P.M. "SPECTATORS WELCOME" FITNESS AT THE STUDIO EARLY BIRD 7:30 - 8:00 A.M., Tuesday and Thursday TRIM -AND -TONE 12:15 -12:45 Noon, Monday. Wednesday, Friday AEROBICS 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. Monday and Thursday Start Anytime. You'll like us. and you'll like the new you! 530.00 Per Month. $4.00 Single Classes PHONE BARB ALKEMADE 527-0365 for more information IG"51► Ontario Ontario Municipal Board - Commission des affaires municipales de ('Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF appeals by Nellie Arts, Herman and Christine Host°, F.C.J. Sills. L.C. and Betty Leonhardt and others. against Zon- ing 8y -law 52-19840f the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth O.M.B. File Ne. R 850321 AND IN THE MATTER OF Section 22(1) of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Honourable Bernard Grandmaitro, Minister of Municipal Affairs, on a request by the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for consideration of an application to amend the Official Plan for the Town of Seaforth to change front "Highway Commercial . C3" to "Residential • R2" the designated use of lands located at the nor- theast earner of Coleman Street and Goderich Street, In the Town of Seaforth Minister's File No. 404P -0181-A01 O.M.B. File No. 0 860023 Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Thursday, the 11th day of June, 1987, at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in the forenoon at the Council Chonibers, Town Hall.- Seaforth. for the hearing of these matters. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing. the Board may proceed in your absents, and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons wishing o copy of the written deilsion .may ask the presiding Board Member at the hearing or contact the Board's Offices. The decision will be mailed when available. DATED at Toronto, this 1st day of April, 1987. MAP AND EXPLANATORY NOTE: 1....1 1 .1 .., . • GOOERICkt STREET 1 ti 03'111 a. Ya3 e3 133 is J. S. Malcolm Secretary ' Hwv, a. GOUMLOCK 1121 Sesseete Schon tl property subject to zoning eppsels. end Ofiitlel Piene6tandmenl Forth CBLnty Rosnen Cetholtt tiiProperty ownedbyHuroh Peri perteli WHEREAS the OffidalpPen of the statoSelindi otavited n of Soaferth. 1981 designated the sub(ett party es HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL; and WHEREAS the Town of Seaforth Zoning Bylaw; By.lavi 52 64 1.304 zoned the sub)dtt property HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL (C3) and THEREFORE the nature of the appeals are in opposition to this' designation and zoning of the tub, too property:. the" appellants request that the property be designated and Zoned RESlDft TIAL.