HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-05-06, Page 6A6 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR,.MAY:6, 1987 PHEILAS PLACE SERVICE & REPAIR "Service Is our business' ...So [of us serve you" We service all appliances whether In or out of worranty.,factory trained technicians with ovii. 30 years experience.. Fully stocked parts depart- ment and service vehicles. ' • For parts or torvIca call 393-6180 or 1-800-263-8589 CLOTHING REPAIRS and • ALTERATIONS Coverall Zippers - $8,00. Installed 6 Main St Seatorth 527-0055 HANK VAN -13A -K -E -L -- FUELS PETROCANADA *FURNACE OIL 'GASOLINE *DIESEL 'GREASES *MOTOR OILS 345 2021 (Call ColleCt) P.O. BOX,36 /111=1•••••••11 DUBLIN MAPLEWOOD MANOR Seaforth — - 527-1440 Fran Hook, R.N. Let our Administrator SERVICES AND, FEATURES, help you enjoy an independent retirement lifestyle • AH meals, -snacks • Companionship, 'security • Laundry, housekeeping • Private 4 -piece bath •, 24 -Hour Staff on Puty. • RN on duty • Long term, short term, vacation' & convalescent care • GIFT,OF CONVERSATION - The Seaforth and District Lions Club has made it possible for the McClure family of RR 1 Seaforth to .keep in touch by telephone. Sandra and Mark McClure, students at. the Robaris School for the Deaf .,in London, were recently presented with a SUperprintI200 - a phone for 'the deaf. The presentation was made by Doug Elliott. The phone will not only make it possible for the McClures to talk to one another ,from a distance, but will allow Sandra and Mark to keep track of the words they've already said, since the phone provides them with a printout. Happy with the new phone as well, are, sister Connie and parents Bill and Sharon. • • Mcllwraith photo. MikPI$W000 MANOR Offers A UNIQUE SERVICE Visiting Friends in the Area? Maplewood Manor offers a ser- vice for individuals with health problems — stay at Maplewood while you visit friends or relatives. Long term, short term, vacation & convalescent care. 527-1440 THE NUMBER. CALL TOLL FREE LOCAL CALLS DIAL Invest in • • Ontario's Fisheries • 'guy an Cintario Resident Sport Fishing Licence Today As of January1 0987, anglers aged 18 to 64 are required to purChase a $10 annual licence or a $5 four-day liderice. These can be obtained frOmio0411ice-nce issuers or from Ministry of Natural Resources district Offides. Your licence will support projects like habitat irnprovement, stocking programs and fisheries research to make fishing in oritarib better for evenjOrie. The Ontario Resident Sport Fishing licence — a sound investment in the future of Ontario's fisheries. minist4, of Natural Resources 0 Ontario Minister, Hen. vietent 3 Kerno Premier, Hon. DaVid Petersen . . ' ". ' - „ • . WISE • trom page 2A government subsidies and programs, it will probably never be enough, unless their loans are forgiven and farm operations given to them, free gratis, which should never happen. Farming is a business. Farmers have suf- fered, but so has small business. We just don't hear about it as much. When a businessman heard farm gate defenses could start again, he shook his head as he told me his problems. He also HENSALL • trom page 5A •Coates and the Exeter team consisting of Kim Talbot, Kelly Talbot, Beth Hawley, Kathy, Coates and Kathleen Little. -Rob Steckle and Dianne Steckle favoured the groups with songs accompanied by Ruth Ann Steckle at piano. ' Appreciation night will be at Brucefield School on May 21 for all quizzers. The chicken barbeque will be held on June 13. Ron asked if any quizzers would like to form a team to travel to Delewan N.Y. to "Family Camp" to compete in the finals. Anyone interested can contact Pat Westlake. The October rally will be held the first Saturday night in October. The Rev. Austin Gedke from Orangeville was guest speaker. His theme was "Procrastinate" using scripture and ex- amples of what it meant. . SHUFFLEBOARD Ladies' high scores for Thursday, April 30 were: Mary Buchanan 344, Marg Cpnsitt 286, Gertie Moir 271. Men's high scores were: Dave Kyle, 287, Walter Knowles, 262, Alf Ross 223. After shuffling the Happy Pushers celebrated the birthdays of Dorothy Kipfer and John Pepper with cake and ice cream. SPECIAL COLLECTION The Hensall special household garbage spring collection will be held on May 2t and 27. To facilitate collection on two days the village will be divided in half by King St. with the north half (including east side of No. 4 highway) being collected on Tuesday, May 28 and the south half being collected on Wednesday May 27. "Special household garbage" includes furniture, small appliances, ear tires, brush tied in bundles and waste in containers. Refuse must beplaced at the curb by 12 noon to ensure pick-up. NEW TIME The times for the Wintario draw to be held itt Hensall. this Thursday have been changed to accomniodate'the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The doors will now open at 6:15 with enter- Minment beginning at 630 and the draws to be held live from 8:00 - 8:30. LII3RARY NEWS The Hensall Branch library has com- pleted its quarterly book exchange and there is a variety of new books. don't forget that if you need a particular book that isn't at the branth, it is available through an ex- cellent Interlibrary Loan Serviee. Drop in at 108 King St. on a Tuesday or BEST RATE EINVESTMENTS FINANCIAL CENTRE, GODERICH 524,2773 1,800-265-5503 TROY -BIM' Roto Men AA:rued &wail., • ;Mitt &Oil, pOrifilhid *heath/ e So toy, you gime* with JUSt ONE HANOI' • ifiadols stied for avoty gatthin! TRACTO mumpropt RLYTH EXETER 623-4244, 235-1115 said it appeared farmers are chronic com- plainers, that they'll never be satisfied. • Yes, that's the impression people are star- ting to get. That's why is doubly important . 'that those who must liquidate, with the lif- ting of the moratorium, do so. It's time to ' get on with the business at hand–farming. No matter what governments do, how good prices are, the struggle will continue. That; unfortunately, is part of farming, as with other business. Thursday afternoon. or Friday evenina or Saturday morningand see what's available. BABYSITTING COURSE • The Hensal Kinettes will be conducting a babysitting course for 12-14 year olds. If you are interested in becoming a better babysitter call Bonnie Rewcliffe 'at 262-2191 or Carolyn Knight at 262-3444. PERSONALS Sue and Gary Stephens of Hensall held a grand opening on Saturday of their very own "Stephens Furniture", in Exeter'. Gary and • Sue are both experienced in the business and the community wishes them much success. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Mrs. Alice Tieman and Mrs. Alda Heppler, all of Dashwood, were recent evening guests with Mrs. Laird Mickle of Hensall. Mrs. Mickle and her daughter Betty Mac: Millan, Waterloo, visited on Tuesday with the former's son Charles Mickle at the home of another son and his family, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle at their home near Ayr. Charles has spent the last three months in hospitals in Hamilton and Toronto recover- ing from surgery. The Hensall Cubs, Beavers, Scouts and Venturers spent Saturday morning on a village clean-up. The boys did a great job at picking up a winter's accumulation of trash, broken class and pop cans which were litter- ing our streets. Let's all work extra hard to keep that fresh clean look. On Thursday the Bengali cubs were given a tour of the Nabisco plant in Exeter, better known in this area as "The Canners". The guide for the tour was Ron Hartman, a maintenance mechanic at the plant. The boys enjoyed their visit and learned how the operation Works as illustrated in this report by Hensall cub Richard Kinsman. THE CANNERS We went in a van. We drove to the can- ners. We went in the building and saw a big knife that cuts the corn up which had a big Be Careful sign beside it because it was so sharp. Next we saw the guy put the labels on the cans and put the cans in the boxes and the boxes rolled down to the next guy who stacks the boxes up. He showed us the way they store the cans and there were big stacks of canned food. They had cream corn and.wholakernel corn. They had peas too, and peas and carrots mixed together. • They have two cookers. One cooks 580 cans per minute and the other cooks 400 cans per Minute. We had a lot 'of fun. Thank you for letting 1st Haman Wolf Cubs come visit and go through the canners, Nmesimmisamiesels, May 12 CANADA HEALTH DAY WHEREAS . May 12, Ifd7, hot been dothjtiatod. CANADA HEAVEN DAY to commemorate the birthday 6f Floret -Ito NIgitisttia1a. lHERE-AS the theme tot ti,o CANADA HEALTH DAY coloheotioit ft "Taking ChafgeOf Yore' Hetilfh", WHEREAS tho.. Contidltiti H�iptt�I Association and the detnitiia6PubIlc Health Arit0W.6.16e cite sptieritittrig CANADA HEALTH DAY In order tO promote awareness 0f health Naos by the &natal ifelfile and by the health tote Setter, WHEREAS fhtt town 6f Stitiftiffh falai litho)* tits/ health tare 11'0140'0661 titirOtt the country In Malt difielfiet fti Itieriatite digatelititt of health IfiCiet, ffitittFORE,- 1.amaa ROO, as Maybe 6f tnafaitii, tietehy • tirtitiailei May IL 190, as CANADA 'HEALTH DAV in Sea4in,46,1 ergo fife fiftieth 0f tetifetih - 1i0 pertfitiptife In *h� aradtatas and tie'. *bikini; begetitieil tof Oita vanilakiiilti •. . • ,_„