HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-29, Page 14M4 = THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL ,29, ,1987 r7R 7,77' Market at Brussels Stockyard demands higher .priee*...' The market at Brussels Stockyards con- tinued to demand .higher prices on all classes of cattle. Pigs sold barely steady. There were 731 cattle and 737 pigs on offer. • Choice Steers - 80,00 to 94.00. with a sale to 104.25. Good Steers - 85.00 to 89.00. A steer consigned by Tom and Roger Moire of RR 4, Goderich weighing 1140 lbs., toppedthe market at' 104.25 with their lot of 10 steers averaging 1199 lbs. selling for 92.03. Nine steers consigned by Glen Haldenby of RR 1, Holyrood averaging 1147 lbs. sold for an overall price of 904 with a sale to 97.75, A fancy steer consigned by Hammond Bros. of RR 1, Monkton weighing 1020 lbs. sold for 102.75. Eight steers consigned by Doug • Shiell of RR 3, Wingham averaging 1233 lbs, sold for 94.20 with his offering of 14 steers selling for an overall price of 93,28, Seven steers consigned by Jack McCarthy of RR 1, Dublin averaging 1260 lbs. sold for 93.20. •Thirteen steers consigned by Wm. Woodburn of RR 3, Parkhill averaging 1232: lbs, sold for 92.10.'Thirty-sevensteers con- signed by Mac. Willits of RR 1, Wingham averaging 1133 lbs, .sold for an overall price• of 92.16 with sales to 94.60. Five steers consigned by Jack Shiell of RR 3, Wingham averaging 1274 lbs: sold for an overall price of 92.24 with sales to 94.50. Twenty-one steers consigned by Glen Johnston of RR.2, Bluevale averaging 1188 lbs. sold for an overall price of 91.16' with a sale at 98.00. Three steers consigned by Steve Jantzi of RR 1, Shakespeare averag- ing 1063 lbs. sold NI. 93.00. Ten steers con- signed • by Lorne Kieswetter of 'RR 1, Mildmay averaging 1220 lbs. sold for an overall price of 91.13 with sales to 95.50. Nine steersconsigned by Donald Curran of RR 1, Dungannon averaging 1136 lbs. sold• for 91.25. Seven steers consigned by Royden Harrison of RR 4, Durham averaging 1177 lbs. sold for an overall price of 91.55 with sales to 93.25. Thirteen steers consigned by Stanley Johns of RR 4,'Seaforth averaging 1178 lbs. sold for an overall price of 90.25 with a sale at 93,00. Nine steers consigned by John Thornton of RR 1, Gorrie sold for an overall' price of 90.91. Twenty-two steers consigned by Jim Hayden of RR 3, Goderich averaging 1356 lbs, sold for an overall price of 89.95 with sales to 96.75. Twenty-four steers con- signed by Dan Pearson Feedlot of Ethel averaging 1232 lbs, sold for an overall price of 91.02 with a sale at 1.00'per lb. Choice Ex- otic Heifers - 87.00 to 92.00 with a sale to 98.75. Choice White-faced Heifers -.83.00 to 87.00.A heifer consigned„by Cecil A and Karl Raszmann of RR 1, Monkton weighing 1130 lbs, sold for 98.75 with their lot of 7 heifers averaging 1090 lbs. selling for 89.00. Eight mixed heifers consigned by Rick Bross of RR 3, Mildmay averaging 1156 lbs. sold for an overall price of 89.40 with a sale at 98.00. Two heifers consigned by Keith Jacklin of RR 2, Bluevale averaging 805 lbs. sold for 93:25,- -- - Three-heifers'consigned-by Glen Haldenby of RR 1, Holyrood averaging 930 lbs. sold for 90.00. Fifteen mixed heifers consigned by Schultz Bros. of RR 3, Blyth averaging 1039 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.67 with sales to 88.00. Four heifers con- signed by Gordon Dougherty of RR 3, Goderich averaging. 1108 .lbs. sold for an overall price of 87.75 with a sale at 93,25. Choice Cows - 61.00to 65.00 with sales to 70.00. Good Cows - 55.00 to 61.00.• Canners and Cutters - 51.00 to 55.00. 33 to 40-1b. pigs traded to a high of $1.35 per lb. 40 to 50-1b. pigs to a high of $1.32. 50 to 60 -lb. •pigs to a high of $1.12, 60 to 70-1b. pigs to ao$1,,01 highper oflb.$1.04. 70 $1.04.70 to 804b. pigs to a high of Please note that Brussels Stockyards will -hold-another-Special-Stocker-and-Feeder Sale this coming Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. with over 1000 head on offer. To consigned cattle, please phone 887-6461. • 1987 AUDITOR'S REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT as at December 31, 1986 AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Supporters of the Huron County Board of Education: We have examined the balance sheet of The Huron County Board of Education as at December 31, 1986 and the revenue fund statement of revenue and expenditures, the capital fund statement of operations, the continuity of reserve funds and the continuity of trust funds for the year then ended. Our examination was made inaccordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Board and the trust funds of the Board as at December 31, 1986 and the results of its operations and the continuity of trust funds for the year then ended in accordance with the accounting principles described In note 1 to the financial statements applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. • ^ �� London, Canada CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS March 9, 1987 License No. 1217 2. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD a EDUCATION BALANCE SHEET. December 31,' 1986 (with comparative amounts at December 31, 1985) ASSETS Revenue Fund Cash end term deposits Accounts receivable: Government of Ontario Local taxation • Supplementary taxes Other school boards Sundry Prepaid expenses STATEMENT 1 LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES • 1906 1985 Revenue Fund S 1.705:130 S 606,312 Accounts payable: Local taxation . over requisition 1.777.756 1.662.337 (statement 2) Trade accounts payable and accrued charges (nota 8) Other school boards 24,622 103.733 60.264 33.255 473.786 53.581 3.671.505 3.029.271 122,711 114,777 • S 3,794,216 S 3,144.048 Capital Fund Accounts receivable Due (rem revenue fund Capital outlay to be recovered in future years (statement 3) 5 225 7,275 287,601 295,101 Reserve Fund Due troth re -Venue fund 5 Trust Funds Cash S I,,Vestmenls-' at cast which' approximates market value On behalf of the Board Dire610r [Metter 5 Due to capital fund Due to reserve fund Reserve for working funds (note 3) Capital Fund 1980 1955 465.645 1.903,830 184,049 s 400,349 '1,537,589 114.814 2,573.524 2,052.751 7,275 168,417 195.692 1,025,000 5 3,794,216 7,276 159,022 166,297 925,000 S 3,144.045 S 225 Holdbacks payable S ' 7,500 S 7,500 7,275 Untnatured debenture debt (note 4) 287.601 495,826 495,826 S 503,326 S 295,101 S '503,328 Reserve Fund 188.417 S 159:022 Equity In reterV9 fund (statement 4) 0 • 180,417 S 159.022 Trutt Funds 20,038 S 11,902 Awards payable 5 9,310 5 5,540 Equity in trust lands (statement 5) z02,tl35 196,269 190.307 183,907 (note 6) 210.345 S 201,809 5 210,345 S 201,809 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF -EDUCATION STATEMENT 2 REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER' 31, 1986 (with comparative amounts for 1985) -' 1986 Expenditures• Bosiness administration General administration .. 0elffeb of 966240es inslnrction Plant operation and maintenance Transportation Tattlon fees Capital expenditure (non -allocable) Other operating expendititre Debt charges any' capital loan interest (nate 5) Non-operating expenditures. excluding transfers to reserves Total expenditure Recovery of expenditures: Other spool boards Government of Canada tndiv1dtral's O'th'er rev' eaue. excluding transfers froth reserves ' . Total recovery 61 expenditures Net expenditure Financed byt Tiansfer from (to) reserve funds (Statement 4) Transfer t0 revenue fund reserve fur working funds ' Govern'nient.of Ontario - general tegTstat)Oe grant Lobar taxation - Talsed in carrent year Previous yea'r's over (under) teginall)'on Elementary Secondary Schools Schools 203,710 9 234,661 26.201 17.156.471 1,634,773 2,089.832 26.505 494,858 31,841 • 88.251 48.228 1985 Elementary Secondary Total Schools Schools 207.826 S 411,535 5 239,401 474,062 20410 40,811 13.549.323 30.675.794 1.895,163 3,329,936 1,630.645 3,700,477 942.535 966.040 25,250 • 519,308 32.484 64,325 148.716 '236.967 214.867 9 225,616 7.959 15.976,184 1,555,492 1,963.060 17,741 61,371 21,625 375,897 35439 7,8,266 ..... 44,788 22,002,531 • . 16,496,990 46,499,521 115.770 t,017,005 1.132,775 10311 18,311 68,620 70,205 56,816 92,965 1,585 36,149 153,504 21,849,027 17,336,230 39.185,265 .1,160, 752 1.314,256 (50.000) 14.342,721 7,497,134 172,823 21,962',678 Under (over) requisition 61 t'altes for year ()tete 7) S (113,651) (29.395) (29,395) ' (50,000) • (100,000). 11,190,670 35,533,391 6,369,432 13,866,566 227,525 400,348 17,708,232 _ 39,670;910 5 _ (331,994) S (465,645) Total 214,868 .S 225,615 7.959 12,465,478 1,636,226 1,604,190 909.014 69,477 21,629 221,537 66.291 429,735 451,231 15,918 28,441,662 3.191,708 3,568,090 926,755 130,848 43,250 597,434 111.079 _.20,465,310 17,442480 37.907,670 126.286 1,057437 1,183,523 25,411 0,411 . 1,445' 53,610 55,255 22,633 .12,751 36,584 150.564 1.150 209 1,300,773 20,314,826 16,292,071 36,606,897 (109,817) (100,0010) 23 822,127 13,085,238 309,697 (46,754) (61,0631 (50,000) (50,080) 13.454,728 10,367,399 6,845.495 6,239,142 286,119 23,518 20,487,648 16,519,596 37,007,245 5 (172,023) S (227,525) 8.. (408.3481 A.W. Clark Chairman of the Board` STATEMENT 3 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1986 (with comparative amounts for 1985) Sources of reCOVery of capital expenditures: Capital expenditures out of revenue fund Debenture principal payments included In revenue fund expenditures Ontario Education Capital Aid Corporation debenture writedown Capital' expenditures: Land and building6 Furniture and equipment 1986 S 1,025,061 208,225 1985 S 485,420 513,120 473,348 1,233,286 1,471,888 484,775 540,285 1,025,061 Net recovery of prior years' capital •• expenditures 208,225 Unrecovered capital expenditures, beginning of ,err 495,826 Unrecovered capital expenditures, end of year 5 287,601 80,641 404,779 485,420 986,468 1,482,294 S 495,826 STATEMENT4 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CONTINUITY OF RESERVE FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1986 (with comparative amounts for 1985) Elementary reserves: Future capital expenditures - Ministry equity Future capital expenditures • Board equity Retirement gratuities Secondary reserves: , Capital improvements Retirement gratuities Total Balance beginning of year 6,022 6,293 48,754 61,069 36,890 61,063 Transfers' from (to) revenue fund 25,395 Balance end of year 6,022 6,293 48,764 61,649 36,890 90,458 97,953 29,395 127,348 $ 159,022 S 29,395 , S 188,417 STATEMENT 5 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ' CONTINUITY OF TRUST FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1986 (with comparative amounts for 1985) Balance, beginning of year 1986 1985 $ 196,269 $ 187,916 Add: Trust funds received in year 16,702 16,554 Investment inc'ome .25,439 23,907 Deduct Awards Balance, end of year 238,410 228,377 36,375 32,108 202,035 5 ' 196,269 "Copies of the audited financial reports from which these statements have been extracted may be examined at the office of the Secreta Treasurer, Huron County .Board of Education, Ids' Albert Street, Clinton; Ontario" RB.Allan Director of Education