HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-22, Page 18A18 THE HURON, EXPOSITOR, ARRll, 2Z, 1987
To the staff and clientele of the Seaforth
Veterinary Clinic. My wife Irene and 1 would
like to take this opportunity to thank you, for
the pleasure of learning, Working and Sharing
with you for the past two years, We appreciate
and we'll always remember our experiences
here in Seaforth. Best of Luck. Sincerely, Drs.
Bill and Irene Moore.. • 39-16x1
I would like to express my sincere thanks to
Dr, Rodney and Dr. Malkus, nurses and staff
of Seaforth 'Hospital for their excellent care.
Most of all my farrfily, friends ancrneighbours,
for their visits, all those, flowers, gifts, cards,
feeling to be thought of this way. Thank you all
.so much. plane Heynsbergen. 19-16x1
lst Cromarty Scouts wish to thank all .who
contributed bottles or helped in any way with
their bottle drive. 39-16x1
I.would like lo thank Dr. Rodney and the staff
of Seaforth Hospital for their care and kind-
ness while I was.a patient there. Thank you
too to the Home Care workers, V.O.N. and
Homemaker while I was home. Thanks to,
• Father Caruana and Carrigan for their prayers
• and kindness and to my family and friends for
all their prayers, visits, cards, flowers and gifts
and hope' all will continue to visit me at the
Seaforth Health Care Facility. Mary Ki Ryan.
In loving memory of a dear son and brother,
• Donald A. Dolmage who passed away 11
years ago April 27, 1977.
• Memories are like threads of gold, ,
They never tarnish or grow old,
Today, tomorrow, our whole life through,
. Don, we will always love and remember you.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
. • Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, and their
families, - 40-16-1
In loving memory of a dear father Garnet,
Dalrymple who passed away April 221983.
He was someone we could talk to,
That none can replace, •
He was someone we could laugh with
Till, tears 'ran down our face.
He was someone we could turn to,
When we needed a helping hand,
He was someone we could count on .
To adVise. and understand. •
He was someone we thought more of •
' As each year came to an end...
He was our dearest Father •
And also our dearest friend.
Although we smile and seem carefree, •
Maplewood Manor dressed in Easterfinery
Maplewood Manor was "dressed up" in
its Easter finery this week. The students of
both Seaforth Public School and St. ..larnes'
Separate School provided delightful cen-
trepieces for all the tables. Jeff Wilbee,
decorated the office window with an Easter
On Monday afternoon Pete Tremeer en-
joyed the hour of bowling at Starlight Lanes
•with the usual group.
Euchres was the interest for many
residents on, Tuesday afternoon. Marj
Maloney, Mary Chapple and Betty Hulley
•were the volunteers who helped. Betty
Hulley won the door prize of.a container full
of candy Easter eggs. Lunch was served
following the euchre.
Nancy Denham and returned home by Lyn-
da Feaia. Pete Tremeer •won the
Maplewood prize of chocolate Easter eggs.
Thursday afternoon the Grade 11 students
in Terri Brintnell's class had invited the
residents of Maplewood to the high school. It
proved to be an afternoon of fun. The
students and residents made Easter eggs
and cupcakes and played games of euchre,
crokinole and checkers. The students then
served tea and lunch to the residents. Many
thanks from the residents for an entertain-
ing afternoon.
At 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, Rev.
Barber .conducted an •Easter Communion
Service. He was accompanied by three
elders of the church who helped with com-
bne molg-th-etrwe. Wednesdarmorning7Beh-Melady---and-
Dorothy, Audrey Lila, Mannie and Marlene. Glen Rose ledthe exercises in the coindion . and a group of ladies froin the congregation.
Visitors for Residents
Charles browne was Visited by Pat and
Bruce Schoenhals and Loren and Marg
Ross Scott was visited by Claire Reith,
Gordon Ride and. Isabelle Scott.
Mrs, Sallows was visited by John Wardale
and Pam, Arlette, Laura and Joan Eisen- • •
ihink, Irene Good and Chris Good.
Mr. and Mrs. Johns• had calls from Van-
couver, , Burlington and Toronto, from
relatives. •Eva McCratey, Lillian Pepper
and Rev. James Bechtel. Carol Wood and
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker visited.
Mr., and Mrs. Penman were visited by
Mrs. Gilehist, Coppin from London, Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Wieldleson from Streetsville,
Margaret Bennett, Gord Pullman and
Marion Pullman.
munion Car_oLCarterjunior choir
Thts and staffreciated the
40-16x1 • room. Part of. the exercise program was a e residen•app
game invo ving . Th ro- special effort of the members of the
In memory of. mY loving husband mho passed
away April 22, 1983.
I remember the day I met you, .•
- And the day God made you mine
I remember the day I lost you,
And I will till the end of time •
• But with all my tears and heartache .
This one thing has made me glad,
That you chose me to,thare with you.
The wonderful years we had.
Love never ends,
Always remembered by Marie.
In loving memory of a dear husband and
father Frank Williams who passed away April
23, 1986. Always remembered. The Family.
t Presbyterian Church and enjoyed the in-
vided many laughs for the participan s.
Drucella Leitch was a guest at the exercise • terdenominational service.
time. She will be setting up a program to Afterwards visitors and residents,
compliment the activitieS of the students. gathered in the dining room where Brian
in some of the • and Karen Dillon served a variety of
residents worked on constructing a bird cheeses, biscuits and • cold drinks to..
• house. The craft seemed to be a particularly everyone.
• popular one. No doubt a good number of A special thank you to Lillian Pepper who
these hours • for jenny wrens will be com- donated many books and magazines to
pleted in the coming weeks. Maplewood. Some of•books are primers and,
Wednesday night was bingo time; with are very appropriate in the old. public
40-16x1 volunteers brought in by the Junior Farmer school.
Plant sale at-Nlanor is well
• Advertising
helps -
good things
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Discover the beautiful 88UCE PENINSULA. Resorts,
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5 DAYS OF Spectacular Scenery CRUSING RIDEAU or
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weeicend. -0-16
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test, Toronto. Ont. 665A 182.-646
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• A plant sale held at the Seaforth. Manor tivities the residents enjoyed.
last week was well ,attended by both the • Manor residents had a number of visitors
residents and the staff. The gardening club during the week. -
had a fine showing of house plants. • Carol Geddes was visited by her husband
In other Manor activities Lawrence Charlie and by her aunt Isabel Riehl. Also
Young was the winner in Monday bowling at visiting Mrs. Geddes were her parents Jim
the Starlight' Lanes, and Edith Salo arid and Marie Cameron, Pam and Kevin Ryan
Lucy Bezzo the winners in Tuesday's and family, Shiela Schenk and Kendall and
bowling. grandchildren, Kelly and Sarah , Ryan.
A draw for an Easter basket was won by Helen Cameron also visited and Shirley
Edith Salo. - Dinsmore took her out for a walk in the -
Residents .welcome Mary K. Ryan of • sunshine.
• Helen Morris was visited by her son and
daughter-in-law Bill and Janice Morris.
Also visiting last week was grandson Jim
Nigh of Windsor. Mrs. Morris was out to the
home of Josie and Bob Nigh for Easter din-
ner and also went for a drive with Bill and
Janice Morris.
Mary K. Ryan was visited last week by
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Ryan, Sharon and Arm Wilson, Mr.
and Mrs. Pat Ryan and Children of Dublin,
John and Michelle Wilson, Jack Ryan and
Colleen, John and Mary Margaret Maloney
and grandchildren -Joe and Kevin Ryan.
Also visiting were Mrs. Ryan's daughter
Theresa and• her husband froth London.
Visiting with Dave and Eva Netzke was
Liz BroWn. The Netzkes spent Sunday after-
noon at the -home of Pat and Rose Altman.
Dublin to the Manor. Mrs. Ryan was helped
settle in to her new room by her daughters,
Mary Margaret Maloney and Geraldine
Residents also welcome Wilma Brill back
to the Manor after her stay in University
Hospital, London. •
On Thursday afternoon,Jackie Racho took
five residents to the highschool where they
were entertained for the afternoon by the
students. Egg decorating was one of the ac -
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Mrs. Bernester was visited by John Cum-.
mings, Ronald Hopper and Wesley Hoggert
and his wife.
Anges Hunter was visited by Alva Ellis.
• Anna Sherin was visited by Deb Carter
and Sandi Poland. -
• Edna Lloyd was visited by Deb Carter and
Sandi Poland. ••
Gertie Taylor was visited. by Sandi
Poland, Deb Carter, Donna Smith and Nan-
cy Smith.
• Pete and Willy Tremeer were visited by
Ernie Whitehouse: ••
• Visitors with Lucy Bezzo included; Bill
• Bezzo, Stratford, daughter Evelyn Cook,
granddaughter Gail Graham and great
granddaughter Nadine Graham of St.
Thomas, great grandchildren Judi and Pat
Nigh and son John Bezzo, of Clinton, Mrs.
Bezzo went on a drive to Clinton with grand-
daughter; Laverne Nigh.
Linda Wilson and friend and grand-
daughter -Ann Boshart visited Verda
- Cameron. Mrs. - Cameron was also out to
supper with her daughter-in-law, Audrey,
Cameron. •
Mary Lamont visited Kelly Lamont.
Bill Scott was visited by his wife Isabel.
Harold Maloney was home with his family
on Saturday afternoon, and was visited at
the Manor on Sunday by his wife May, Mr. .
and Mrs. John Maloney and Mr. and Mrs
' Pat Heenan and family.
Tom Handy visited his wife Mabel.
Madge Reme went out for the afternoon
• for tea with son Syd and Anita Scroggs.
Jim Nolan was visited by daughers, Marie •
Nolan, Becky and David Young and family,
and niece Rosemary Culliton.
Cassie Nicholson was out with Ross and
Lillian Nicholson to the • home of her
daugher, Barbara Alexanders.
Gladys Ruston spent Easter Sunday with
her family in.Stratford.
Queensway pick 'good egg'
• Queensway residents were busy last week egg, and for being a good sport. The lucky
-preparing for the Easter holiday, along with lady who guessed right was Wanda 1VIcClin-
keeping up with their daily programs.
Here's a sample of last weeks activities.
On Monday they began their 1987 Good
Egg Contest. The good egg was secretly
chosen by the activity staff;ililleall'Otegk
long clues were given every morning. With
those clues both staff and residents try to
figure out who the good eggyvas for 1987. On
Thursday, April 16, 1987 at 1 p.m. the good
'egg 'was announced. Congratulations go to
Betty McIver for being the mysterious good
• chey. Congratulations to Wanda and Betty,
and to all those who participated in the good
egg contest!
Monday afternoon residents kept with the
Easter theme and made cute little rabbit
faces out of paper plates. Everyone did a
super job, Bug Bunny would be proud.
•Finally, , Monday evening brought
residents to weekly Bingo with the Hensel!.
Presbyterian ladies' who came in to visit and
- help us play the favorite game.
Tuesday afternoon after morning exer-
cises residents had their weekly church ser-
vice. This week Reverend Matheson con-
ducted the service, and Rhoda Rhode ac-
companied him on the piano. •
Wednesday was a very busy day for all at
Queensway. Residents began it by doing ex-
ercises in the morning, which was followed
by Easter Crafts in the afternoon. Some
made Easter center -pieces far the tables on
Sunday morning, while the rest decorated
the traditional Easter egg. All the creations
• turned out terrific - thanks to the Zurich
Mennonite Ladies who came in to help, as
well as to fatten residents with their
delicious baked goods.
Lastly, on Thursday Joyce Pepper came
in to play the piano and lead the Choir Prac-
tice. It was a delightful hour' of singing'
favorite tunes!
Immediately following choir it was time
for the "movie of the week" which was call-
ed "Amish People of Preservation." It was
a good film which was very enlightning to
Huron Centennial School
"Twenty Years and Counting"
• Admission: $3.00
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